all the way to fairy

Chapter 420 Attribution

Chapter 420 Attribution
Chu Feng choked, and didn't know how to answer for a while, he wanted to say that Su Xu and Kui Yu combined were not as important as Ye Chuning.

It's a pity that there is no one in the Ye family, so naturally they have no right to speak.

Besides, everyone knows who contributed the most to the death of Gray Shadow, but it's hard to mention it.

Yun Li curled her lips, although she was saddened by Su Xu's death, she couldn't attribute the greatest credit to him, without Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire, it would have been them who died.

Thinking of Shaohao Luo, who hadn't seen him since the mountain collapsed, she couldn't help being surprised. She stretched her neck and scanned around, but still couldn't see him, so she asked, "Where is Shaohao Luo? He didn't go in with you guys." ?"

Lin Chen suddenly turned his head and stared at her fiercely, Chu Feng also looked a little embarrassed, and the others also looked like they were fools.

It was only then that Yunli realized that she suddenly mentioned Shaohao Luo at this moment, it was a blatant sarcasm.

She rubbed her forehead, although she really thought so in her heart, but she really didn't mean to be blatantly sarcastic, she was just weird.

Turning her eyes, she pretended not to see their reaction, frowned and continued: "It's strange, as for his rough skin and thick flesh, he should have come out earlier, where is he?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen's face turned from black to purple, and his lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he only gouged out her eyes, and then looked away.

Wei Lin raised his hand to cover his eyes, he couldn't see it, this pretended not to know, the effect of ridicule was further enhanced.

Yunli tilted her head slightly, blinking her eyes, with just the right amount of doubt on her face.

She doesn't care, anyway, she just said that, if others hear any sarcasm, it can only show that they are guilty.

Chu Nan cleared his throat and explained: "He separated from us after he entered, and we don't know where he went."

"Ah?" Yunli felt really strange now, "Didn't you go in together, why did you separate?"

If she remembered correctly, Shaohao Luo was the second person to go in after Lin Chen, so it didn't make sense that a bunch of people behind him didn't follow him, but the one who followed him got lost instead?

Zheng Rui next to him interjected: "Junior Sister Yun doesn't know something. There are countless passages behind the cave wall. We were lucky enough to meet in one place. Apart from Shaohao Luo, three other people also got lost."

"That's it." Yunli nodded, but couldn't help but mutter to herself, only four people didn't keep up with the large army, it seems that the countless corridors are not too difficult.

"Let's go together, look for it."

As Wei Lin said, he got up and came to the collapsed mountain. While probing with his spiritual sense, he used the object control technique to remove the rock, and Yunli followed naturally.

"Could it be that she really only cares about Shaohao Luo's whereabouts?" Zheng Rui scratched his head in doubt.

With nothing in the way, Lin Chen and Chu Feng discussed again on the ownership of the chessboard.

Chu Feng has always been concerned about Chu Nan's affairs. Everyone has seen the magic of the chessboard, and it is so suitable for the formation master, as well as Hui Ying's life experience, he is naturally unwilling to give in.

"Brother Lin, Tianxin Pavilion and Taiyi Sect have always been in the same spirit. This time, my younger brother's attainments in the formation are obvious to all."

"Among all of you present, who can form better than him, the chessboard can be used to the best of his ability, and Brother Lin's loss will be compensated with all my strength."

Although Lin Chen himself is not outstanding in the formation process, he has no reason to hand over good things to others. Besides, Su Xu's death is of great importance, and there must be enough compensation to stop the rumors of the Su family and the sect. .

"Brother Chu's words are wrong. The belongings of monks' artifacts belong to whoever agrees with them. If it is like what Brother Chu said, Canglan has a formation master who is more powerful than younger brother Chu in the future. Is it possible that younger brother Chu is willing to give it to him?" The natal magic weapon is handed over?"

Chu Feng exuded a cold air all over his body, and raised his voice: "Since Shedi is its owner, if anyone wants to fight with him, it will be the king and the loser, and we have nothing to say."

Lin Chen choked, this is what his brother said, encouraging others to kill his brother and snatch his magic weapon.

Other people around couldn't help but be speechless, what a strange brain circuit.

Lin Chen turned his eyes slightly, glanced at Yunli who was searching in the distance, and thought carefully, "Hui Ying's fatal injury is the phoenix fire, and if it wasn't for our nephew Yun who entangled him, and took the risk to attract Hui Ying His attention gave Shaohao Luo a chance to attack, do you recognize this?"

Chu Feng was dumbfounded, these were all things under the watchful eyes of everyone, there was no reason not to deny it, he nodded.

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were light, and there was a slight smile on his lips: "Since that's the case, apart from that person, the one who contributed the most to dealing with the gray shadow is our Taiyi Sect's nephew Yun, and this chessboard should belong to our Taiyi Sect." .”

His eyes fell on the floating chessboard. Under the sun, the palm-sized chessboard was coated with light, and the silver-gray chess piece in the lower right corner was even more dazzling.

Chu Feng clenched his fist tightly, struggled for a long time, and finally let it go slowly.

Lin Chen's smile deepened, he was about to admit it, and was about to raise his hand to put away the chessboard, when he heard him say: "Since it is the credit of Junior Sister Yun, this chessboard should belong to her."

The smile on Lin Chen's face froze, but Chu Feng was suddenly in a good mood, "Brother Lin is right, Junior Sister Yun really contributed a lot to this battle."

"Not only did he entangle him, but also gave Shaohao Luo a chance to strike a fatal blow. Later, he took the initiative to stop the mutant sergeant, so we had the opportunity to chase Huiying. Give her the chessboard. I, Tianxin Pavilion, have no objection."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Lin Chen jokingly. Since they couldn't get it, it would be good for Junior Sister Yun to get it. She even saved her brother's lifesaver.

Looking at Lin Chen's stiff face, his whole body is comfortable, and even looking at the chessboard, he feels that it is more spiritual than before.

Lin Chen held back for a long time, but couldn't find any other excuses. He was the first to mention Yunli's great contribution, so naturally he couldn't refute it.

She didn't die, so since she contributed the most, it should belong to her.

Thus, Yunli, who was trying to search, was called over.

"give me?"

She was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth for a long time. The two of them were blushing, how could they give it to her?

Turning his eyes, it must be a crooked idea to give it to her first, and then try to grab it from her?

As soon as this thought flashed into her mind, she shook her head vigorously, secretly despising herself for staying in the dark for a long time, seeing that everyone is black.

The two heaven's favored sons are both masters with the same name, so they shouldn't be so bad, and besides, Chu Feng looks pretty good after getting in touch with him.

Of course, even if they really came to rob her, she would not be afraid. She was not sure if they could fight or not, but she would definitely be able to escape.

She touched the tip of her nose, and said modestly: "This is not good, everyone has done their best to deal with Huiying, so just leave me alone..."

Chu Nan smiled and said, "If you hadn't entangled him, not to mention defeating him, we wouldn't be sure whether we would have survived or not. I'll be convinced if I give it to you."

Yunli thought to herself, where to put Shaohao Luo in this way, but it is also understandable, the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

Everyone present is from the Canglan Continent, between me and Shaohao Luo, they naturally favor me.

After the usual modesty, she smiled brightly at everyone: "If that's the case, then I won't be polite, thank you for your concession."

She quickly imprinted the imprint of her spiritual consciousness, and also got the information of this chessboard.

The chessboard is awesome, but to fully play its role, at least the Nascent Soul stage cultivation is required.

It won't be used in a short time, but it's good to use it as a defensive magic weapon when it's dangerous. Besides, its biggest benefit is the inheritance of formations. Yunli happily put it away, and thanked everyone politely again.

Wei Lin couldn't help laughing, Lin Chu and Lin fought, but they didn't expect to get the best of them in the end. With the armor and the knife, they gained the most this time.

He glanced at Qin Fei, who was very grateful and didn't say that they got the armor and knife.

Losing the treasure, Lin Chen was in a bad mood. He took people to find the remains of Kuiyu and Ye Chuning, which was an explanation to their families. Although most of them had no remains, the Qinghua Youyinqin could not be left in the secret realm inside.

After Yunli was polite, she was ready to continue looking for Shaohao Luo, but Chu Nan came up to meet her, expecting Ai Ai: "Junior Sister Yun, can you give me a part of the inheritance of the formation?"

"You don't need all of them, just the previous Four Seasons Formation and Seven Jue Formation."

Having personally experienced the difficulty of those two formations, he admired the gray shadow formation mage, and at the same time, yearned for these two sets of formations.

"Hey, it's a small matter." Yunli didn't care, and took out the chessboard and handed it to him, "You study it carefully, learn all his formations, and then return it to me."

Chu Nan was shocked, and pushed the chessboard back, "How is this possible?"

"It's okay, I don't learn formations anyway." Yunli said proudly, if it wasn't for her senior brother who also studied formations quite well, she would have said, sell it to you.

"No, no, no..."

Chu Nan was moved, but he couldn't help but sigh that she was too innocent, she borrowed the treasure with just a few words, what would she do if she met someone with a dark heart and was ignorant.

"It's okay, formation. It's not like we can't learn it after you learn it. It's a costless thing. It's a good thing for one more person to learn it."

Chu Nan was moved, and muttered: "You are not afraid that I will take it away and not return it to you."

"Senior Brother Chu's character, I naturally believe in it." Yunli smiled, thinking to herself, if you dare to pay back, this fairy will beat you to the ground.

Chu Nan took the silver-gray chess piece in the center, returned the board and other chess pieces to her, held up the silver-gray chess piece, and smiled: "This is enough."

"Are you sure you don't need to take them all?"

"No need, we have seen with our own eyes that Huiying condensed his whole life's experience into this chess piece, just holding it is enough."

Hearing that he saw it with his own eyes, Yunli didn't give in and put away the chessboard.

Seeing him in the distance, Chu Feng liked her even more, and sighed that it was right to give her the chessboard. Not only did it disgust Lin Chen, but his younger brother could also learn the gray shadow formation.

He was happy, Lin Chen's mood was not beautiful, and he snorted coldly, as a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, but handed over the gray shadow inheritance to the person in Tianxin Pavilion, he was indeed an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Yunli didn't care what his mood was, she walked briskly and continued to look for Shaohaoluo cheerfully.

There are many people and strong strength, a dozen or so monks acted together, and quickly moved the collapsed mountain away.

Ye Chuning and Kui Yu were caught by Huiying, and they were at the center of the explosion. Naturally, there were no corpses of the two, not even the storage bags. Survive the blast.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but lamented how fast they ran, the self-destruction in the Nascent Soul stage was really extremely dangerous.

"Huh? Why is there still a formation? It's still a maze!"

Not far from the gray shadow's self-explosion, Chu Nan suddenly noticed the fluctuation of the formation, and couldn't help being very surprised.

After they entered the cave wall, they didn't encounter any formations. Even the formations on the cave wall before died because of the gray shadow, and Yi Xing Zhishi failed, and they couldn't understand it.

He never expected that the formation was safe and sound so close to the self-detonation point, and Chu Nan admired Huiying's formation skills even more.

After some research, he found that although this labyrinth is very solidly arranged and can resist the self-explosion of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is considered complicated for them, but it is far inferior to the previous Qijue Formation and Four Seasons Formation.

Two hours later, the maze was broken, and Shaohao Luo was sitting on the ground in the dancing flames, gnawing a piece of charred and raw barbecue with great interest.

"Finally someone is here!" Hearing the noise, he immediately jumped up, raised his eyes and saw everyone, and was stunned: "Why are you all here?"

Everyone was speechless, so when they were running for their lives, he was eating barbecue in the maze!
Yunli looked disgusted, "It's this kind of barbecue again."

Her previous suggestion was in vain.

"I don't like tasteless, watery meat." Shaohao Luo said casually, he quickly put away the barbecue, wiped his mouth, "Go, continue chasing gray shadows!"

Crowd: ...

So he still doesn't know that Gray Shadow is dead, did he not feel the slightest movement of self-explosion?

Wei Lin quickly told him about the development of the matter. He really didn't have the consciousness of working for nothing, and he didn't ask who owns Yi Xing Zhishi at all, so he just nodded.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he turned his head to stare at Yunli and the two, "I guessed before that maybe he is in charge of everything outside?"

Wei Lin nodded, and quickly understood what he meant, the sky crystal contains the spirit stone!
Since Hui Ying is in charge of all the affairs outside, he should also be the one who released the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi that attracted everyone to fight. In this way, he should have a lot of talents.

"But he blew himself up, and the storage device was gone."

"No more?" Doubt flashed in Shaohao Luo's eyes. He was in the late stage of the tribulation, and the storage device was definitely not a low-level storage bag. He blew himself up at the Nascent Soul stage, how could it be destroyed?
Everyone also recalled that, yes, the Nascent Soul Stage of the Canglan Continent blew itself up, and the low-level storage bags might be destroyed, but the rings would not. the power of the world.

Zheng Rui's heart tightened, "Don't tell me you didn't die?"

"No, I've stamped his divine consciousness on all his natal artifacts." Yunli spread her hands, the natal artifacts can't be easily stamped.

After thinking about it, she guessed: "Could it be hidden by him? Or he is a prisoner, and he may have been searched before he was sent in, but he was not brought in."

Wei Lin frowned: "How to explain the magic weapon pill before?"

Yunli scratched her head, "He's been in there for so many years, it's unknown if he got it from other prisoners."

(End of this chapter)

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