Chapter 421
Gray Shadow blew himself up under the noses of everyone, and the mountain collapsed, so it can be seen that the blew up cannot be faked.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he didn't blew himself up, with the phoenix fire raging in his body, and being forced to this point by them, how could he survive.

However, there may be some who are still alive. After a brief silence, everyone decided to search the place thoroughly.

They still have more than four years to go out, enough time.

If such a terrifying formation mage is still alive, wouldn't it be dangerous for the group of people who drove him into a desperate situation to go to the upper realm in the future.

And with their aptitude, as long as they don't die halfway, ascension is a sure thing.

So, everyone took the place where the gray shadow blew himself up as the center, and searched round and round, even digging three feet into the ground.

This mountain is located on the edge of the swamp, the isolated peak is independent, and the lowest point is only a thousand miles away. For monks, it is not difficult to search for it.

It was already March in a blink of an eye, and everyone even carefully checked every inch of soil on the lonely peak before, and they did not find Gray Shadow's treasure house, nor did they find any sign that he was still alive.

Shaohao Luo's eyes swept away, and he casually pointed to a person next to him and said, "You, go find a monster and ask."


The unlucky Zheng Rui who was pointed at by him was stunned. Only the seventh-level monster cultivator can melt away the throat bone, and he spit out people's words. He is a late-stage foundation establishment. If he catches any seventh-level monster, he will almost die.

"You have eaten all the high-level monsters." Yunli reminded angrily, if not for this, they would have caught the monsters and asked them.

Gray Shadow has been imprisoned here for many years, and his neighbors always know some information.

"Any one around."

Just any one?Zheng Rui doubted, and then thought that Shaohao Luo was a phoenix, and there might be their unique way of dialogue among beasts.

After receiving another look from Lin Chen, he went to catch a third-order horned snake and came back.

"What's wrong with you grabbing, why are you grabbing this thing?" Yunli's heart trembled, and she quickly ran behind Wei Lin to hide.

As soon as she saw the winding snake body and the ferocious snake head, she immediately returned to her nightmare, as if there was something slippery and cold crawling around her body, and the stench from the tip of her nose made her dizzy...

"There are the most snakes in the swamp, and there are only worms. I can't catch a worm and bring it back."

"Well, well, I see, I can throw it away." Shaohao Luo suddenly said, interrupting their gossip.

"So fast!" Yunli was shocked, she poked her head out from behind Wei Lin, and saw the struggling horned snake in Zheng Rui's hand quickly retracted.

"How do you guys communicate?" Although she had communicated with low-level monsters a few times, she was always in a hurry and succeeded by accident, and she really didn't know the specific method.

Although she is a demon cultivator, she feels from the bottom of her heart that she is a human being, and she acts completely according to a human being, and has only a half-knowledge about demon cultivators.

"Why do you ask so many questions alone?" Shaohao Luo gave her a white look and walked away.

Yunli choked, dead child, one day, this fairy will beat you hard.

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, hiding the emotions in his eyes, can't even the divine beast Phoenix see through her identity? In this way, as long as she doesn't use Scarlet Flame in front of the big monster to reveal the aura of the monster, she won't be discovered, right? .

Walking all the way to the southernmost part of the isolated peak, they removed a pile of rocks, revealing a small hill.

The hill is only four or five meters high, and it looks even smaller in front of the solitary peak that plunges into the sky. For monks who move and fly to the sky and escape from the ground, this is a slightly higher flat bottom.

So at first they didn't pay attention to it at all, and threw the collapsed mountain rubble on the hill.

With a sweep of consciousness, Yunli discovered that this so-called hill was actually a huge boulder with a height of four or five meters. It was only because it was covered with mud and rocks and overgrown with weeds that it became a hill.

After removing the attachments on it and cleaning it with dust removal, the boulder revealed its true colors.

It is off-white, with a few shallow scratches on it, the lines are very random, as if it was accidentally scratched by something sharp, the stone surface is uneven, and there are many traces of natural erosion.

"This is just an ordinary stone." Someone said puzzledly, under the divine consciousness, everything was clear.

Wei Lin frowned and looked at the ground, then at the big stone, and said, "A Li, come closer and listen."

Yunli didn't ask why, obediently put her ear against the boulder, held her breath, and after a short period of adaptation, there seemed to be a faint rustling sound.

Seeing her frowning, Shaohao Luo also listened, "What is this sound?"

"I got it! It's the sound of water hitting rocks!" Yunli clapped her hands, looking at everyone in shock, "It's empty inside!"

Everyone also went forward to listen, but they heard nothing. Their spiritual sense swept over again, and there was flat land behind the boulder.

There was a sound of water in the nearby swamp, but the sound of water hitting the stones was not heard.

"It's indeed the sound of water hitting a rock." Shaohao Luo hammered the huge boulder several times, his eyes were shining brightly, "It seems that this stone has the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness."

He turned to look at Wei Lin, "How did you find out the difference?"

The sound is extremely far away, unless someone with excellent hearing sticks to the boulder, they cannot hear it.

Wei Lin lowered his eyes and looked at the ground: "There is a depression here, no accident, the inside of the depression is more humid, but you see, the edge of the boulder is wetter than the depression."

Everyone saw that the surrounding area where the boulder was attached to the ground was so wet that it almost turned into mud. Although the depression next to it was also wet, it was far from it.

Lin Chen has a complex expression, this is the devil of the Remnant Night Pavilion, he is extremely talented and careful, if he grows up, he will be the number one problem.

It's okay for Yunli to be vaguely towards him, Phoenix Shaohao Luo is also quite close to him, among the people present, only he and Yunli can be called his fellow Taoists.

If he were to attack him at this time, Shaohao Luo would definitely not follow him, and Chu Feng was not in harmony with him, and he was quite considerate of Yunli, so it would be inappropriate to act hastily.

"It's a formation." After carefully observing the boulder, Chu Nan pointed to the shallow scratches on the boulder, excited: "This isolation formation is formed naturally! The gray shadow has only been changed a little, no wonder it has such an effect !"

Yunli walked around the boulder. The lines on the boulder were very natural. At first glance, anyone would think that it was formed by natural erosion.

If this stone is placed in front of his wooden house, it will be perfect as a cover.

"Come on, let me move it away!"

She enthusiastically pushed the crowd away, sank into her dantian, and unleashed her spiritual power to push down the boulder from the deep buried soil, then took out the blank storage bag she had prepared earlier, and put the boulder in.

The people who were looking into the exposed hole: ...

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "What do you want it for?"

"Isn't there an isolation formation? It's perfect for placing in front of my wooden house."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, isn't the ordinary isolation formation good? It's the size of a palm and doesn't take up much space. Every time it takes out the wooden house, it takes a lot of effort like a huge boulder. What do you think?

The others also looked at her speechlessly.

Yunli spoke eloquently, "This is a naturally formed isolation formation, can it be the same as ordinary ones, and besides, it is so safe to place such a large stone in front of the house."

Everyone was speechless again, and the naturally formed isolation formation was just an isolation formation.

Chu Nan silently took out a few sets of formations and gave her: "If you don't have the formations, just say so, the formations are enough, and you won't be charged with spirit stones."

Yunli: ...

After walking along the entrance of the cave for about three or four hours, there was gurgling water flowing in the corner, and the air was filled with moisture. This place is also a karst cave landform.

Everyone was delighted, all these things showed that this place was also Huiying's lair, maybe it was his secret backhand.

The further you go, the higher the terrain, the clearer the sound of rushing water, everyone looked at each other, and speeded up tacitly.

After going back for a while, we finally reached the end of the cave.

Right in front of it, a waterfall flew down from a height of a thousand meters, smashing fiercely on the protruding rocks of the stone wall below.

After a lot of hard work, the formation on the waterfall was broken, and the consciousness swung out, and there was a cave behind the waterfall!

After walking quickly to the waterfall, the level of Youlantan is slow and quiet, and circles of fine waves flow out slowly, entering under the steaming mist of the waterfall.

In the center of the pool is a raised rock. On the rock are rows of small pools. I don’t know what is put in it. They emit pink or green, blue or purple auras of different colors. The whole is like a low and small terraced field.

Everyone stepped forward together, and were about to study and discuss it, when they suddenly felt a blur in front of their eyes, and their bodies were sucked into the pool uncontrollably.

Regaining consciousness again, Wei Lin found himself in a stone room surrounded by black-armored soldiers, his heart tightened, and he stood up, Mo Lijian was already in his hand.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it was not a black armored sergeant, but a room full of black armors.

He walked a few steps vigilantly, without touching any mechanisms, and tried to put the next set of black armor into his bag, but there was still no movement, he was slightly relieved, he quickly took away the black armor in the house, pushed out the door.

In the long corridor, there are large and small stone houses on the left and right sides. When you open the opposite door, there are rows of shelves made of white jade, filled with jade boxes.

With a wave of his hand, he opened a whole row of jade boxes, some of which were pills and some were spiritual plants.

Could it be that this place is really a treasure trove of gray shadows?
After confirming again and again that there was no danger, he quickly put away the jade box in the house, and immediately ran to the next room, this time it was the room where the magical artifacts were stored.

Satisfied, Chu Nan put a room full of ore into storage bags, Mo Huai put away a room full of formations, Lin Chen...

Everyone was like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl, and they were so happy that they couldn't find the north. They really found Huiying's treasure house, and Huiying was rich and powerful at first glance. All kinds of items were classified into categories, and every room was full. Look at this long The corridors are endless at a glance, and there are hundreds of rooms at least.

At this time, they only hated that there were not enough storage utensils, and the speed was not fast enough, so that others took them away.

Everyone turned into hardworking bees, frantically moving them into their storage bags, but some were furious.

In Chu Nan's storage bag, the silver-gray chess piece in the middle was flying around in the ore pile, rushing to the exit of the storage bag several times, and he endured it again.

Huiying was about to go mad with anger, and actually let this group of ants find his private treasury!

This is the resource he prepared for himself to rebuild his path after his rebirth, and he will only come to Jiuliyuan to get it when he is reborn in the future.

For this day, he started preparations early on. From the foundation-building period to the tribulation-crossing period, he needed all the spiritual plant pills, talisman artifacts, etc., and the rare treasures he had collected in his life were also placed here.

Now, all gone!

His heart was bleeding, his mind was insane, and he wished he could rush out and crush all the little thieves to death.

The remaining sliver of reason stopped him, and even when Chu Nan opened the storage bag again, he quietly hid in the ore.

He kept admonishing himself that the overall situation is the most important thing, as long as he goes to the Canglan Continent to re-enter reincarnation, he will be able to find these things outside of him sooner or later!
However, forget about the magic weapon, as it is temporarily lent to them, but the spirit stone pill is gone when it is used, and it will not help even if the group of ants are crushed to death.

What's even more frightening is that this group of ants have pretty good talents. When he finds a suitable Nascent Soul, he dies and re-enters reincarnation, and then grows to the age where he can practice. Most of these ants have cultivated to Nascent Soul. Hurry up. Ascension is possible.

Thinking of this, his heart began to feel cold again.

Damn Phoenix!
If it wasn't for those two dead phoenixes, why would he be here!

Hui Ying hated his teeth so much, if he didn't care about them, he would go out and kill all these people now, leaving only one person to take him to Canglan is feasible.

At the time of introduction, everything belonged to that person, and he personally watched it, so it was enough to do a little trick later.

God beast is really troublesome!

The most hateful thing is that he tried his best, tried his best, dragged him with mechas and trapped him with formations, just didn't want Yi Xing Zhishi to fall into the hands of the two phoenixes.

Unexpectedly, it finally returned to Yunli!
Thinking that after going out, he still had to find a way to leave her quietly and find the person who was about to ascend to seize the house, he would have a headache. The phoenix fire is too destructive, and it can extremely restrain the soul body. If the group of phoenix fires goes down, all calculations will be in vain.

He sighed straight away, simply closed his senses, and racked his brains to think of a way to escape.

Yunli, who was missed by him, was cheerfully putting away a room full of sky crystals and spirit stones at this time, and sighed sincerely, what a good person, not only storing them in different categories, but also labeling them thoughtfully.

What she was fighting for now was the speed of her hands. She swung her consciousness, saw the room where the things she needed most were located, and went straight to her destination.

What is most important to them, of course, is Lingshi!

With spirit stones, you can buy anything, and among spirit stones, the sky crystal Yun spirit stone is naturally better.

After collecting the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi, she quickly found the room where the spirit stones and demon pills were stored. The three most needed things were put away, and she planned to pick them up, but suddenly noticed that in the room at the end of the corridor, There is no label.

And the other rooms are on both sides of the corridor, but that room is on the corridor.

Biting her lip and thinking for a moment, she resolutely gave up the room that was close at hand, and flew in like smoke.

As soon as he entered the room, his eyes suddenly lit up, a dozen bright moon beads hung high on the roof, illuminating the room as if it were daytime, and there was already a person inside, it was Shaohao Luo.

At this moment, he was looking up blankly at a painting on the opposite side, seeing the contents of the painting clearly, Yunli was also stunned.

 Thanks to Yume Saki Hoshino, Yang Yang has to know the monthly tickets of the two cuties! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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