Chapter 422

This is an ink painting, with a few strokes and light ink color, it outlines a vast and distant environment.

Amidst the misty clouds, a man in white clothes and black hair stood with his hands behind his back. His clothes and hair were blown to one side by the wind. With only his back, he was indescribably elegant and peerless.

Yunli's gaze was focused on the red seal on the lower right. The seal's font was mysterious, and it seemed to have the same origin as the runes used in Hongchen's martial arts.

And she could understand the content of the seal at a glance, Jiuxi seal.

There was a short circuit in her brain, and the word Jiuxi was like a giant hammer, hitting her heart hard.

There is such a person!
Back then, she didn't want to be apprentice to Mingsan, so she just talked nonsense, but there really was such a person.

What was even more frightening was that when she saw this figure that was so pale that it almost melted into the clouds, she unconsciously looked up, feeling respect from the bottom of her heart, as if this person was really her master.

Next to the portrait, there is a box floating. The box is opened, and a cluster of green and golden flames are burning slowly inside. It is a strange fire.

A piano and a flute are placed on the lower plan table, both of which are made of gray and white, delicate and crystal clear, and the whole body is lingering with the aura of celestial purple, obviously the materials are the same.

Hearing the sound behind him, Shaohao Luo didn't care to look up at the portrait, and quickly reached out to take the painting. As soon as his fingertips touched the painting, a hand stretched out to grab the other side of the painting.

"It's you?" It wasn't until this moment that he saw the person coming. He was a little surprised at first, and then glared at Yunli's hand grabbing the painting, "Let me go!"

"It's you who should let go!" Yunli yelled back unceremoniously, "I caught it first!"

Shaohao Luo's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her righteousness, "I came in first!"

Yunli's momentum was like a rainbow: "If there is no owner, whoever gets it first counts!"

"In this world, it is difficult for a dead person to become a living person, but it is very easy for a living person to become a dead person." Shaohao Luo sneered again and again, and the threat was beyond words.

Yunli raised her head, "Hmph, then each depends on his ability!"

The two grabbed one side of the painting and shook their fists at each other at the same time.

Like bumping into a wild bull, Yunli was pushed vigorously back all the way, and barely stopped until she hit a wall.

The back of the white and tender hand was swollen like a steamed bun, and it was still a bright red bun.

Her knuckles seemed to be crushed, causing her to grin her teeth in pain.

No, strength alone is no match for this brute, but what if the painting is destroyed by using spiritual power?
Shaohao Luo obviously also had this concern, seeing that this punch was actually withstood by her, she was surprised and became interested, there are not many human cultivators with this physique.

He couldn't help increasing his strength. He only used [-]% of his strength for that punch just now, but now he used [-]% of his strength.

Feeling the strong force coming from the fist, Yunli's face changed, and she moved aside, and the painting was also folded by her.

She avoided it, and Shaohao Luo, who had no time to recover, punched the wall, and the wall was instantly pierced.

While his hands were embedded in the wall, Yunli flew up and stomped hard on his back.

Shaohao Luo stabilized his lower body, arched his back, and Yunli flew backwards.

To prevent damage, she immediately let go of the portrait, only to find that Shaohao Luo had also let go, presumably because she was worried about damaging the painting.

The portrait fluttered and fell to the ground, Huanshi Ling flew out, rolled up the painting and flew towards her, but was stopped by Shaohao Luo turning around halfway, and the two immediately fought together.

This time, she didn't choose to confront Shaohao Luo head-on, but used her body skills to deal with him flexibly, move away with one touch, change shape and position, use strength and transform strength to the extreme, and finally managed to cope with him. s attack.

The two were fighting fiercely, and someone came in again, the only surviving monk in the Mirage Palace.

Seeing the two of them, his heart skipped a beat, not to mention him, even Lin Chen and Chufeng are no match for Shaohao Luo, not to mention there is Yun Li, who is not low in combat power, it is difficult to snatch food from the two tigers!
However, the treasures in this house are obviously the best. The quality of the piano and flute is extraordinary, and he can't see the value with his eyesight, but the preciousness of the strange fire is well known. One can imagine.

With so many treasures in front of him, how can he be willing to let him give up.

He quickly glanced at the two of them, gritted his teeth, rushed to the desk like lightning, put away the piano and the flute, closed the strange fire box, and put it away too.

No, after he finished all this, Yunli and Yunli still fought fiercely around the painting, and they didn't have the slightest intention to stop him.

He put his heart in his stomach, and was not in a hurry to run for his life. While the two were fighting, he quickly searched the house, making sure that there was nothing else but these few items, and then he prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the painting that the two were fighting for. He thought it was something more precious than doubts, but he didn't want to, but it was very common.

Although the artistic conception of the painting is extraordinary, the drawing paper is the paper commonly used by monks, and the frame of the painting is also very ordinary, and the whole painting has no inspiration.

"What's there to grab for a broken painting?" He muttered for a while, shaking his head, and was about to leave, but he was surprised to find that the two people who were fighting fiercely came in front of him in an instant.

He was so frightened that his soul would go out of his body, and was about to sacrifice the magic weapon, a strong force came from his stomach, and the next moment he was slapped on the roof.

Kicking the disrespectful lunatic to the sky, Yunli viciously said, "Broken painting? I think you are a bad person!"

After staying on the roof for a while, the monk fell down with a snap, and before he could get up, Shaohao Luo stepped on his chest heavily, "If you dare to insult the gods of our clan, you will die!"

The god of the Phoenix clan?

Yunli was surprised, the monk's ribs collapsed, his internal organs were shattered, and a mouthful of bright red blood spewed out.

She raised her hand without thinking, trying to condense a spiritual barrier to block the splashing blood, but Shaohao Luo also shot at the same time.

As soon as the two streams of spiritual power rushed, the air flow surged, and with a sizzling sound, the painting was torn in half.

The two were stunned together, and looked at each other at the same time.



As soon as she uttered a word, Yunli was surprised to find that half of Shaohao Luo's hand was shining, twinkling.

Shaohao Luo also noticed the strangeness, and brought the portrait to his eyes, and took a closer look. It turned out that in the portrait, there was a little gold on the flower-silver gilt hairpin in the hair of the Jiuxi God, which was emitting a soft light.

The light became brighter and brighter, and a drop of golden liquid actually flowed out from the hairpin.

"It's coming out!" Yunli couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear in shock, "Are you sure it's a painting?"

If it is a magic weapon, it is possible to have this effect, but this painting is not a magic weapon, it is really just a painting, how can there be gold liquid flowing out?

After identifying what it was, Shaohao Luo couldn't believe his eyes, how could the original blood in the salary pool appear here?

Could it be that the clan knew that he was injured, and deliberately sent it here?Will it be a bit overkill?
Seeing his expression, Yunli asked curiously: "Do you know what this is?"

Shaohao Luo rolled his eyes, "What do you care..."

Before the last word was uttered, the golden liquid flew up with lightning speed, and slapped Yunli's forehead, instantly submerging into the skin and disappearing.

She raised her hand to cover her forehead, dumbfounded, could it be that the remnant soul wants to take her away?
As soon as this thought flashed in her mind, the magma in her body rushed, and the familiar burning pain surged, drowning her in an instant.

Before she even had time to move, she was enveloped by a golden-red film, and the golden-red light continued to entwine, and in the blink of an eye, it was dark in front of her eyes. She knew without thinking, and now she was another egg.

However, Shaohao Luo is still there, he is the phoenix, the king of birds, if nothing else happens, his blood should be birds too, under his control.

Senior brother is not here, what if he throws himself into the pot and cooks?
Soon, she couldn't think about things anymore, this time the pain was a hundred times stronger than before, every inch of skin, every drop of blood, every muscle and bone was burning all over her body.

When advanced before, it was the animal blood and the scarlet flame that moved in the body, toning the muscles and bones. The most intense place was where the beast blood and scarlet flame passed, and there was a slight chance to breathe in other places.

But now, her whole body is in the same violent sea of ​​flames, every place is the same, the pain caused her three souls to leave her body, and her seven souls to ascend to heaven.

Outside, as if Shaohao Luo was struck by lightning, he stared blankly at the golden-red giant egg standing in front of him.

Mu Yan's words flashed in his mind, "Ali is the only girl related to Mr. Wei", so she is the same clan who sent Wei Linfengling away!

No, it was the Canglan Continent that was banned, and she was Yaoyao.

Shaohao Luo was ecstatic, but then became puzzled, why didn't she recognize him?

The breath is also a bit wrong, the personality is quite different from before, and it is still a personal body. What happened in the past 3 years? How could she change so much?
Shaohao Luo couldn't figure it out, he caught a glimpse of the Phantom Palace monk under his feet who looked like he saw a ghost, he kicked his feet hard, and the Phantom Palace monk took the lunch box.

He spread his palms, and a contract rune slowly emerged. At the same time, the same rune also appeared on the golden-red giant egg next to him.

There is nothing wrong with the feeling of the twin contract, she is indeed Yaoyao.

With a slight flick of his fingertips, the monk's storage bag on the ground flew to his hand.

Seeing the familiar golden-red light emitting from the end of the corridor from a distance, Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried over, ignoring the treasure.

As soon as he entered the door, the familiar golden-red giant egg stood upright, and Shaohaoluo's palms were jumping with phoenix fire, and he was about to fall on the giant egg.

His heart trembled, his body turned into an afterimage, and he swooped forward with his sword.

"You come..." Shaohao Luo just started to feel the sharp sword intent rushing towards him.

He immediately called out the spear to block it, "What are you doing..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a surprised voice, "Spirit beast eggs!"

"It's really a spirit beast egg, why is it so big?"

"Such a big egg must be a beast!"


Everyone chattered and talked lively, Wei Lin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The giant egg has its own protection, so there is no need to worry about it now, but if they see Ah Li breaking out of the shell, it will be troublesome.

In the current situation, they would never leave, and the egg could not move by itself, so there was only one battle left.

The problem is, for Lin Chen and Chufeng, it is still possible for him to consciously work hard, but Shaohao Luo is unfathomable, and he has no confidence.

While racking his brains to find a way, he suddenly received a voice transmission from Shaohao Luo, "You stop them, I'll take her away first."

Wei Lin was stunned, turned his head to look at Shaohao Luo, and sent a voice transmission: "What do you mean?"

This familiar tone, why does it mean that they are still partners? Did he not see Ali become a living person, or because he is also a monster, so he decided to protect him for a while?
"If you don't take her away, how can you ensure that her identity is not revealed, or do you want to kill them all?"

Shaohao Luo shrugged, he didn't care to keep his mouth shut, but he didn't know the situation of Canglan, and Yaoyao was so weak, he was afraid that killing them all would cause trouble for Yaoyao.

Moreover, she has a good relationship with some of them, and she may not want to keep her mouth shut.

During the sound transmission between the two, someone couldn't sit still anymore, bit his finger blood and threw it towards the giant egg. He wanted to have a raw rice cooked and made a bond with 'it' while it was still in the egg.

The others followed suit, fearing that if they were too slow to be caught first, they threw finger blood one after another, and those who were impatient simply forced blood from their hearts.

Wei Lin took a step forward to block in front of the giant egg, and swung his long sword, protecting the surrounding airtightly, stopping all flying blood.


Someone screamed in pain, rolled on the ground with his head in his arms, and after a while lay on the ground sprawled, lifeless.

This scene calmed down the hot-headed people, and those who also had the same idea and acted a step too late were even more frightened.

Wei Lin sneered, this is more impatient, he wanted to imprint the imprint of spiritual consciousness when he came up, but he didn't know that the eggshell swallowed the spiritual consciousness, and he suffered many crimes when the blue book was just scanned by the spiritual consciousness, let alone wanting to imprint the imprint of the spiritual consciousness .

"What kind of egg is this? It can devour the consciousness?" Someone shouted in surprise.

"You'll know when it hatches." A monk next to him said, choosing a tricky angle to throw the blood over.

Wei Lin seemed to have eyes all over his body, and the drop of blood was quickly stopped.

Lin Chen stepped forward without saying a word, pointing straight at the long sword in his hand, the sword light was like a sword, and the golden light rolled wildly, like a golden dragon, roaring and rushing towards Wei Lin.

Wei Lin tightened his grip on Mo Lijian, his face was cold and serious, his body was like a dragonfly on water, and he held his sword to meet him.

While the sword shadows were flying, the two were entangled and intertwined, their momentum was like lightning, and their sword intent spread across the sky. The blood thrown by the others was strangled and shredded by the turbulent and sharp sword intent...

Chu Feng frowned, the giant egg was scorching hot, coupled with Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire, the room was baked like an oven, and the power of his spells was greatly reduced.

"Just hold them back." Shaohaoluo poured out the phoenix fire in his hands, wrapped the giant egg in one layer, picked it up and rushed towards the door like lightning.

Lin Chen and Chu Feng were stunned. Is he planning to bake eggs in another place?

It's all about eating. For him, there's no need to change places, right?

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, the movements of the two hands were not slow, and they came to the door like lightning, blocking the way.

Shaohao Luo didn't dodge or dodge, the giant egg wrapped in phoenix fire was in front, and rushed up directly,

As the distance got closer and closer, they felt their bodies were on fire, the moisture in their bodies seemed to be evaporated in an instant, and their mouths were dry.

The two had no choice but to make concessions, and when Shaohaoluo completely bumped into each other, they moved away from both sides.

After Shaohao Luo passed, they immediately chased after him, and a shocking sword intent rushed out and exploded at the door.

Everyone dodged in unison, and when they looked again after dodging, Wei Lin, dressed in blue and white, was holding a blue long sword across the doorway, and the spiritual power on the sword surged with great momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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