Chapter 423
Lin Chen was in a hurry, he didn't know where Shaohaoluo went after being stopped by him like this.

Although with Shaohao Luo around, they may not be able to get the spirit beast egg, but they have to try, who can say for sure about chance, they will get it just in case.

With a sullen face, he sternly shouted: "Devil, do you really want to be an enemy of all of us?"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, "We are enemies from the beginning."

Chu Feng took a step forward: "Shaohao Luo is a divine beast, and the spirit beast egg he also values ​​must be extraordinary, even the divine beast eggs are possible."

"Why do we need to consume each other here, why not let everyone temporarily put aside their grievances and rely on their own abilities as before."

His words were recognized by everyone, and they all spoke out to persuade them.

"Yes, no matter what, we are all Canglan monks. The spirit beast eggs are in the hands of our Canglan people. Even if we didn't get them for a while, there may be chances in the future."

"Quickly get out of the way, if it's too late, the eggs will all go into his stomach!"

With a solemn face, Wei Lin unconsciously clenched Mo Lijian. His heart was extremely contradictory. On the one hand, this group of people must be stopped, and they must not be allowed to know that the egg was transformed by Ah Li; on the other hand, Shaohao Luo would How to act, he has no idea at all.

It can be seen from the behavior of his evil swamp monster that this is by no means a kind-hearted master, and he is also a full-fledged foodie. When he has a little spare time, he will eat non-stop, and it is completely delicious to cook Ali possible.

But his familiar and sincere tone did not seem to be fake, as if he really wanted to help them.

Although he was conflicted in his heart, he knew very well what to do at this moment, and he had to stop this group of people. As for Shaohao Luo, no one knew better about the protection of eggshells than he.

Even if he wanted to be unfavorable to Ah Li, he couldn't do anything for a while, and he also wanted to be cool.

He frowned, glanced at the crowd, and his eyes fell on Lin Chen, his eyes flickered, and then turned his head to look at Chu Feng, pursing his lips unconsciously, as if he was very entangled.

Zheng Rui was furious, "Oh, don't hesitate, if you delay, there will be no eggshells left!"

"Same as before?" Wei Lin sneered, "When Qijue was inside the formation, everyone was safe and sound. Once the formation is broken, what about the other killers in Canye Pavilion besides me?"

Zheng Rui choked for a moment, and said: "In the secret realm, not to mention the enemy, it is the same camp, and there are not no people who stabbed knives in the back. We just put aside the grievances between good and evil for the time being, and do not work together to surround and kill you, but the competition for spiritual pets is naturally based on each other ability."

The two formations of Four Seasons Formation and Qijue Formation have halved the number of personnel, and they have two years of observation. They have already found out who are the killers of Canye Pavilion pretending to be. shot.

But the group of killers were very vigilant, especially the leaders, who ran faster than rabbits. As for where they went after, it was unknown.

Wei Lin didn't really want to fight against Wen Ming and the others, he was just delaying time, Wen Ming and the others didn't go to Infernal Prison, presumably there were other arrangements.

They brought Mo You in, and uncharacteristically vowed to protect her to the death. Combined with Xue Ming Gong, Xingye Jingzhe, etc., they had also been to Jiuliyuan. It is not difficult to guess that they came in this time with a special mission.

He continued to sneer: "You two Golden Core Stages, tell me that each depends on its own ability? After the goal is achieved, you will definitely kill me, but Shaohao Luo will not."

Glancing at Lin Chen and Chufeng, he analyzed seriously: "Since I'm destined not to get the spirit beast eggs, it's not bad for Shaohao Luo to get them. At least he treats me as a friend, so the fat will not go to outsiders."

"He's stalling for time!" Mo Huai yelled, with Zijin sword in hand, he attacked Wei Lin like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Judging from the past fights, he never talked nonsense. After meeting, he would either run away immediately or attack with thunder. This was the first time he babbled like this.

"Oh, I was discovered." Wei Lin smiled lightly, holding his sword to deflect his attack, with regret floating on his face, "Unfortunately, it's too late."

There was a brisk banter in the words, which made some people blushed and furious. They grasped the magic weapon and wanted to fight for [-] rounds.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to stop them, "Don't fall for his tricks, you all rush."

In the middle stage of foundation establishment, the foundation establishment disciples of the four major factions were not his opponents, not to mention that now he is in the late stage of foundation establishment, even if he is up against himself and Lin Chen, he has the power to fight. When others step forward, it is no different from death .

Wei Lin secretly regretted that Chu Feng and Lin Chen were formidable enemies, and there were other foundation-building elites interfering, so he might not be easy to deal with. He didn't know if Shaohao Luo had found a suitable hiding place at this moment.

After stopping everyone, Chu Feng's long sword was in his hand, and he was breathing cold air. Everyone felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees, and the chill went straight to their bones.

At the same time, frost and snow formed under Wei Lin's feet. He reacted extremely quickly and jumped up. A golden wave swept over him with a huge momentum, drowning him in an instant.

In the gorgeous golden color, a touch of greenness suddenly appeared, and the greenness was more and more intense, tearing apart the golden light's encirclement...

Wei Lin didn't fight them head-on, and fought and retreated, using the narrow and long corridor to pin them down here.

The incident happened suddenly, some rooms had not been visited by anyone yet, seeing that they could not be pursued, some people simply took the opportunity to go in and search for it.

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth curled up in a meaningful way, and he said slowly: "The famous and decent families are really united, if you want to get the spoils, you should gather them up and share them equally."

Embarrassment flashed across the faces of those cultivators who took the opportunity to take away the magic weapon, and they were a little wary. In front of the two geniuses Jin Danqi, they had no strength to fight back.

If such a request is true, they have neither reason nor the power to resist. They have no choice but to obey. But how many people are willing to take out the things that have been put into their pockets?

Some people who followed Lin Chen and Chufeng Luezhen began to hesitate. It is unlikely that Lin Chen and Chufeng would bring it up to the public for such an offending matter.

It's better to hold the baby in your own hands, even if it is divided equally, you can still hold some of it privately.

Some people are still struggling, while others have turned around and rushed into the next room.

"You are well versed in human nature." Chu Nan's expression was complicated, and he couldn't help panicking with embarrassment when he saw Shang Weilin's sarcastic eyes.

Dayi speaks awe-inspiring words about eliminating demons and defending Dao, but he always puts his own interests first, and stabbing a knife in the back happens from time to time.

But the so-called devil in their mouths put himself in danger for a friend he had known not long ago.

He was a little shaken in his heart, except for the fact that he had a different standpoint, Qian Jiu's style was no different from the core disciples of these sects, and he should also be a disciple of the four major sects.

When he was full of emotions, he suddenly felt his waist tighten, he secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to react, a sharp force entered his body, like water dripping from a frying pan, the inside of his body exploded in an instant, and his spiritual power kept churning.

And his dazed effort, he was dragged over, and when he came back to his senses, the cold blade had already reached his throat.

Everyone was also stunned by this sudden change. Under the attack of two masters, Lin Chen and Chu Feng, he actually took a hostage.

After the shock, he was afraid. What if he didn't want a hostage, but killed someone instead?

"Second brother!" Chu Feng was about to burst into tears, "Let him go!"

Wei Lin smiled slightly, pressed Moli lightly with his fingertips, a bright red oozes from Chu Nan's neck, and said softly, "Don't move."

Everyone threw their hands at each other and looked at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's complexion was ashen, with veins popping out of his forehead, but he didn't hesitate at all, not only stopped himself, but also reached out to stop others.

Lin Chen frowned and shouted sharply: "Do you really think threats are useful?"

"It's useless to hold other people hostage, but he..." Wei Lin chuckled, his eyes gliding over everyone's ugly faces, and he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Didn't you guys stop?"

Lin Chen's face became more and more ugly, his lips moved a few times, but he didn't say anything in the end, he could only watch Wei Lin holding Chu Nan back slowly.

"If something happens to him, I will pay you in blood!" Chu Feng's eyes were stern, and his tone was as cold as a hell Shura.

Wei Lin slightly hooked his lips, and without blinking his eyes, suddenly raised his hand and sprinkled a stack of talismans, everyone's expression changed, and they scattered like birds and beasts.

There was a rumbling sound, the ground in the tunnel shook, and the smoke filled the air. Fortunately, the material of the gray shadow's treasure house was solid and did not collapse.

When the smoke lightened slightly, there were no shadows of the two of them in place.

Chu Feng chased after him impatiently, but bumped into an invisible spiritual membrane.

After seeing the surroundings clearly, Lin Chen's expression changed again. Unknowingly, they had already reached the exit position, and here, there is only one exit.

He punched the wall next to him angrily, and fell for it again!

He finally understood that even without Chu Feng's relationship, Wei Lin would choose to hold Chu Nan hostage, because his main purpose was not to hold Chu Nan hostage, but the formation.

If you can't kill them, if you are trapped in a group of people, the best way is of course a formation. This is Huiying's private treasure house, with top-notch secrecy and robustness. Formation can trap them here.

But with Chu Nan, a talented formation master, the effectiveness of the formation would be greatly reduced, so his purpose from the beginning was to take Chu Nan away.

After discovering the formation, Chu Feng also felt bad, and he quickly broke it, but as expected, there was another formation blocking it outside.

Due to the rush of time, the first formation had many loopholes, but the second formation was very tight. Thinking of Wei Lin's performance in the Qijue formation, Chu Feng felt more and more uneasy.

Outside, Wei Lin finished deploying formations one after another, a total of [-] layers of formations, ranging from small trapped formations to ground-sinking formations, green wood formations and other five-element trapped formations.

Glancing at the motionless Chu Nan who was sealed off by the Lingmai acupoints, he stepped forward, forced out the sword intent in his body, and said, "Don't worry, the acupoints will resolve themselves when the time is up."

After finishing speaking, he took out another set of sky-changing formations that he had obtained in the gray shadow treasure house just now, trapped Chu Nan in it, and then turned around and set up several sets of formations produced by gray shadows for the exit.

Produced by Gray Shadow, it must be a high-quality product, and it should be stuck for a long time now.

He couldn't help lamenting his luck. As a formation master, Huiying didn't have too many formation disks in the treasure house, and he was lucky enough to collect the whole house.

After doing all these well, he chased after the traces left by Shaohao Luo, and cleaned up the traces along the way.

The traces left by Feng Huo were really obvious, if he hadn't trapped them in the treasure house, he really didn't know how to stop them after they came out.

After searching all the way, he finally came to the inside of the mountain where the heat waves hit people and the magma surged. Although he had never been here, he had heard Yunli mention that it was the place where they encountered the evil spirit before.

"Didn't you catch up?" Shaohao Luo asked immediately upon seeing him.

"No." Wei Lin said while looking around, "What about her?"

The fire in the cave was fierce and extremely hot. Next to the place where the ground fire spurted out, a few stone sticks that were cut evenly in thickness made a simple grill, and a piece of meat was roasting until it was full of oily fragrance.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, if it wasn't for the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, he couldn't help but want to face each other with swords.

"Here, let's go down."

Shaohao Luo pointed to the largest circular crater in the center, where blazing flames laughed and spewed red magma particles from time to time.

All the fire crystals here were taken away by Yunli, but the temperature of the ground fire accumulated over tens of thousands of years could not be weakened for a while.

"Inside?" Wei Lin's brows twitched wildly again, she was unconscious at such a high temperature, wouldn't she be cooked?

Feeling the refreshing response again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he walked to Shaohao Luo and sat down, pondered over his words, and asked, "You..."

"You..." Shaohao Luo also spoke at the same time.

"Let me talk first." Shaohaoluo showed no humility at all, he looked up and down Wei Lin with squinted eyes, and made a nasal sound.

After a while, he squinted his eyes and said angrily, "Tell me, how did you know each other?"

"What?" Wei Lin was a little dazed, "Ah Li and I?"

Shaohao Luo suddenly stopped again, and muttered softly: "Forget it, it's not certain whether we can make it to the end."

After muttering, he put on a serious face and raised his voice, "You just need to remember one thing, never let her down, otherwise," he paused, made a hideous expression, and said threateningly: "Shangqiongbi falls Huang Quan, hunt him down to the end!"

Wei Lin was a little puzzled, and saw him sigh again, "Although you are pretty good among this group of people, but if you want to marry Yaoyao, these are not enough."

"If she is just an ordinary Feng Clan, who she wants to marry will naturally depend on her will. But she is the little princess of my Feng Clan who is loved by thousands of people. She has a noble status. She has to consider all aspects of her marriage. kind of."

What's more, it's a long journey, he's only in the foundation building stage now, and it's out of reach if he wants to ascend to the Ninefold Star Tower.

Wei Lin was at a loss at first, but when he heard the latter, he slowly savored it, unbelievable: "Yaoyao you're talking about is, Ali?"

Shaohao Luo nodded.

Wei Lin's jaw dropped in shock: "Is she Phoenix?"

"You don't know?" Now Shaohao Luo was surprised, wasn't she surprised when she saw the giant egg, could it be that Yaoyao didn't fully tell him?
There was a bang in Wei Lin's mind, and it went blank. They guessed that her blood was not low, but they never dared to guess at the mythical beast Phoenix.

It was a divine beast, and it had always been a legendary species before meeting Shaohao Luo.

 Thank you Xinrong, sumo4, and raingirl00 for their lovely months.

  PS: Tomorrow's update may also be later.

(End of this chapter)

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