all the way to fairy

Chapter 424 Changeling

Chapter 424 Changeling
After being dazed for a while, Wei Lin suddenly realized something was wrong, "You said Ali is your sister Shaohaoyao?"


"Impossible! We have been friends since we were young. I knew her the day after she was born. How could she be your sister?"

What Wei Lin said was categorical. Awakening the blood of the monster clan made sense. After all, who knows about the ancestors, but the princess of the Feng clan, she became another person directly.

"It's just an injury, and it's just using the mortal body to nourish her soul. Her soul is indeed Yaoyao."

Shaohao Luo looked at the circular fire pit, saw the golden-red giant egg in the flames directly through the flames, and finally understood why the clan took so much trouble to send the source blood.

She needs to reshape her body.

What happened 3 years ago, why did the body disappear?
"Divine soul." Wei Lin murmured thoughtfully. He had thought about this possibility when he knew her identity as a demon cultivator.

It's just that Ah Li insisted that someone from her ancestors marry the demon cultivator. She accidentally inspired the blood of the demon clan, and he was more inclined to this possibility. He never thought that she was the reincarnation of the Phoenix!

Seeing his complex expression, still unbelievable, Shaohao Luo spread his hands, and a rune slowly emerged, "This is a twin contract, a unique life-saving means of our Feng Clan."

"It's a bond formed in pairs. As long as it's not the unlucky two who are in danger at the same time, when one of them is dying, the contract will be activated to help share the damage."

"I've verified it, our twin contract is a pair, and she is Yaoyao." He shook his palm, "This can't be faked."

Although it was still unbelievable, there was no need for Shaohaoluo to lie to them about this kind of thing, Wei Lin slowly digested this fact.After pondering for a while, he asked: "Since she is a phoenix, why did she end up in our Canglan Continent?"

Shaohao Luo rolled his eyes. He also wanted to know this question. The problem was that he had been trapped in the lower realm for 4 years and had never contacted the clan.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling sour. He had been missing for 4 years, and the clan didn't send anyone to look for him.

Glancing at Wei Lin, he cleared his throat and waved his hands impatiently: "Go, go, you can inquire about Shaohao's affairs, you have to practice hard."

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, daring to understand the things that were not from the Shaohao family, he pursed his lips, suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, and tried to ask: "Does your Shaohao family have a girl with the word Yue in their name?"

He still felt that something was wrong, whether it was the name disturbance at the time of Ah Li's birth, or the divination by Zhenjun Fujian later, it all showed that she and Yue's name had a deep connection. Is Shaohaoyao really her?

"Which month? The moon's month?"

Wei Lin shook his head, "Wang Yue."

"Yue." Shaohao Luo whispered softly, from the side of the king, he seemed to be of their generation, he tried hard to recall, but his mind was blurred, only a few clansmen sporadically remembered.

He raised his hands and rubbed his temples, fell directly from the fairy tomb to the lower plane, and passed through several layers of interface barriers in a row, his soul was already seriously damaged.

Just recovered a little, the Twin Life Deed was activated again, and almost died. Although he worked hard to recuperate, it still hindered his mind and memory after all.

After a long time, he shook his head, "I don't remember."

After saying this, he kept his mouth shut and didn't talk about anything else, and Wei Lin didn't want to make fun of himself, he found a place with plenty of spiritual power to practice, and waited for Yunli to break out of his shell.

This wait is four years.

Seeing the temperature drop in the lava field, the ground fire stopped erupting, and even the upper layer of magma had solidified, Wei Lin became worried, "How long will she last?"

It used to be seven days, how could it be so long this time?
In the past four years, they occasionally chatted. According to Shaohao Luo, the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm was originally a small world that existed independently, and was used to imprison the evil cultivators exiled in the Qingxuan Star Region.

Later, someone discovered that it has a special feature. Every 3000 years, it will move to a special position. In this position, it is very close to a dozen or so low-level planes around it.

Several top forces worked together to make a space teleportation arrangement, using this place as a place to test the experience and experience of monks from the lower realm. Those who can leave here alive will have a silver streak on their palms, and they can fly to the upper realm in the future. Several top forces.

3 years ago, the demon was imprisoned, and the gray shadow tampered with the formation, and the dangers in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan followed, which should be related to this.

Now, it's only a few months away from the ten-year period, and if you don't come out, you can only wait for the secret realm to open after 3000 years.

"That might be it." Shaohao Luo spread her hands, reshaping the body is very important, it could be a few years or hundreds of years, it depends on herself.

Seeing Wei Lin's anxious face, he said: "Don't worry, if the time is up and she doesn't succeed, you can take her to Canglan Continent, find a place with strong fire spirit power, and continue to hatch."

Wei Lin put his heart down a little, and then began to worry again. Neither the storage bag nor the storage ring can store living things. what.

It’s better to break the shell in Jiuliyuan. Firstly, Shaohao Luo, the phoenix, stands in front of her, so no one will discover her identity. Second, she is still a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. She is not among the people who go out, so she can only change her name later. I changed my last name.

In his anxiety, after three months, there was finally a movement.

The center of the place where the magma was already almost extinguished, the bright red flames rose again, and the solidified magma also boiled and sprayed again. There was a dense gurgling sound, and the torrential flames rushed out of the pit and spread to the surroundings.

"Let's go!" Shaohao Luo yelled, turned around and stepped on the flying sword and flew out quickly.

Wei Lin looked back frequently as he flew outwards. In the vast lava cave, fire and heat penetrated everywhere, turning the cave into a sea of ​​red.

As soon as he got out of the cave, he found that the cave was melting from bottom to top at a speed visible to the naked eye, like summer ice and snow. When most of the mountain below melted, the mountain began to collapse.

The collapsed mountain did not cause any rumble and vibration. When the mudstone was very close to the ground, it was instantly swallowed by the bright red flames, leaving no trace.

The raging flames only burned the sky and the earth to a blood red, and all the clouds in the sky as far as the eye could see were dyed with gorgeous rays of light.

The sea of ​​flames spread quickly, and Shaohao Luo raised his hand to form a scarlet film, and the sea of ​​flames that spread naturally made a detour, went around where they were, and continued to spread into the distance.

"What's going on here?" Suddenly someone came with a sword, standing in the air, with a cold expression, but undisguised greed in his eyes.

The visitor had a burly figure, with a thick back and a bear waist, his upper body was naked, his buttocks were solid, and his skin was dark. The sweat dripping from his firm chest reflected a metallic luster in the firelight.

Wei Lin's eyes froze, and he slowly clenched the Mo Li sword in his hand, another imprisoned evil cultivator.

"Don't worry about it." Shaohao Luo didn't even give him a corner of his eyes, and sneered, "My Shaohao family's bargains are not so easy to pick up."

The sea of ​​flames quickly spread to the feet of the big man. Like Shaohao Luo, he also condensed into a spiritual shield to protect his body, strolling in the air, "Who are you? Why are you here? Did you destroy the lava field?"

After walking a few steps, he suddenly froze, and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky. Above the sky, in the void, it seemed that a mysterious door had been opened, and an indescribable ancient, desolate, and sacred pressure poured down.

The flames on the ground turned crimson gold, the big man's complexion changed drastically, spiritual light surged all over his body, and the spirit gangster came out through his body, adding another layer of defense inside the spiritual power cover, and at the same time, he sacrificed a piece of defensive Taoist weapon .

However, it was too late.

Fei Jin's sea of ​​flames set off a turbulent wave, pouring down on his pockets, with a sizzling sound, but his protection didn't work at all, and after a short exclamation, no sound was heard again.

"What is this?" Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, he could feel that it was the thing after the powerful coercion that turned the sea of ​​fire on the ground into a sea of ​​embarrassment, and that's why it was so powerful.

"Nirvana Skyfire, hold your sword in your hand."

Shaohao Luo's voice was dignified, and out of the corner of his eye, he raised his hand and pointed, and Zhu Mingfenghuo shot out from his hand, forming a circle along the spiritual power shield.

The raging golden flame came here, paused for a moment, seemed to be sensing something, and then bypassed it.

The Mo Li sword hummed softly in Wei Lin's hand, and the golden liquid on it seemed to come to life, flickering and flickering, just like breathing.

Shaohao Luo raised his head, "Under the fire of Nirvana, anyone who is not a creature of my Phoenix clan and has no Phoenix feathers will be burned."

Wei Lin's heart moved, "What's so special about Feng Ling?"

Under the fire of Nirvana, Shaohao Luo's expression was indescribably solemn, "The so-called phoenix feather refers to only one of the tail feathers of the phoenix. This feather is very special. Even if it is removed, it will grow and become stronger with the improvement of the body. , It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a Phoenix clone."

"With it in your hand, in the eyes of Tianhuo, you are also of the Phoenix family, so you are safe." Also because of Feng Ling's special nature, she has always only given it to her significant other, and over time, it has evolved into a marriage token.

Shaohao Luo didn't say the following words, the immortal journey is long and there are too many changes, everything will be discussed when he arrives at Jiuchong Xingque.

Wei Lin nodded. Over the lava field, the clouds moved in all directions, and the mountains roared like a tsunami. The center had turned into a huge vortex, and the spiritual energy from all directions converged from slow to fast.

"I don't know if the aura is enough?" Seeing the surging aura, Shaohao Luo frowned, a huge box suddenly appeared in his hand, and he was about to open it when he saw a dense aura suddenly surged from the center.

He put away the box and sighed in his heart, alchemy is really a good way to get rich, and in the lower plane, she has earned so many spirit stones.

The edge of the Nether Ghost Swamp.

After four years, everyone in Canglan finally broke through the formation and walked out of the gray shadow treasure house.

Everyone's heart was heavy. For four years, the hopelessness of being trapped in the formation, and the catalysis of the gray shadow treasure house, fighting for skills happened from time to time. In the end, only five people survived, the three of Taiyizong and the Chu brothers of Tianxin Pavilion.

Lin Chen hated him so much that he wanted to seek Wei Lin's revenge angrily, but as soon as the clinker came out, he saw blood red in the distant sky, which burned their eyes.

Looking at each other, the five of them knew each other, and flew towards the sky, but they had to stop after a thousand miles, and could not go any further.

The sky roared, the flames blazed, and the road ahead was filled with a sea of ​​crimson golden flames.

Everyone was annoyed, it was still too late!

This sea of ​​crimson gold and flames is somewhat similar to Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire aura, but its power is even more terrifying, not to mention going in, even daring not to probe.

Suddenly there was a strange sound in the surroundings, and everyone turned their heads to look quickly, only to see black lines coming towards this side from the back, left, and right sides. At first glance, it seemed to be a large black cloud.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he realized that it was a flock of birds. Countless birds, regardless of cultivation level and race, from strong to weak, lined up neatly and flew towards this side in unison.

Soon, they flew to the edge of the sea of ​​flames, circled and danced in the sky for a while, and landed one after another.

As the distance got closer, everyone realized that behind this group of monsters, there were still mortal birds constantly coming, but they had no cultivation base and their speed was relatively slow.

On the branches, on the ground, and on the boulders, there were densely packed birds everywhere, even at their feet. Even a delicate oriole bird couldn't find a place, so it simply stood on Chu Nan's shoulder.

During the whole process, except for the flapping sound of wings, there was no noise. The scenes of hostile groups standing shoulder to shoulder can be seen everywhere, and all the birds are quietly looking at the center of the sea of ​​fire.

Birds face the phoenix.

These four words appeared in the hearts of all five people. They had a glimmer of hope before, but now they knew it was completely hopeless.

Zheng Rui sighed softly: "I don't know what kind of spirit beast egg it is. It looks like this, and it has a great effect on Shaohao Luo."

As soon as the words fell, he felt countless sharp eyes like steel needles falling on him, especially the angry eyes of several seventh-level monsters beside him made his heart tremble.

Only then did he realize that he had broken the silence, and he laughed dryly. He wanted to apologize, but when he met the angry eyes of the demons, she closed her mouth wisely.

Finally, there was a cry from the depths of the magma, and a huge orange-gold phoenix flew out of it, and the turbulent sea of ​​flames churned endlessly, as if celebrating.

Flying high into the sky, the orange-gold phoenix spread its wings suddenly, the wind gushed and the fire danced, and the sun was shining!

She flapped her huge wings, hovering and dancing in the sky, and the chirping sound continued for a long time.

Nine days of phoenix dance!

Wei Lin looked up at the gorgeous and sacred phoenix in the sky, his eyes were inexplicably sour, and he relaxed.

After a long time, the invisible mysterious door above the nine heavens was closed, and the cold and powerful coercion disappeared. Wei Lin exhaled lightly. Although the coercion was not aimed at him, he still shuddered under it, as if Mount on the back.

With a glance at the end of his eyes, the crimson gold slowly faded in the tumbling sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire turned into an ordinary spiritual fire. The phoenix flying in the air swooped down and plunged headlong into the lava field before.

"Let's go, now she is weak." Shaohao Luo put away the spiritual power mask, and rushed towards the place where Yunli landed.

The central area is still full of fire, and a girl in a light gold dress hangs quietly in the blaze.

A young girl with cardamom years, oval face, crescent eyebrows, skin as white as jade, her eyes are lightly closed, crow eyelashes tremble like butterfly wings, her delicate eyebrows are twisted into a ball, it seems very painful.

Wei Lin froze in place, the person in front of him, no matter his appearance or aura, was completely different from before, if it wasn't for the coolness in his sea of ​​consciousness, he wouldn't have believed it was Yunli.

Contrary to his blankness, Shaohao Luo was very excited and rushed over cheering: "Yaoyao!"

 Thanks to Yan, 941 Dessert, Zilianhua, Sunyue Yushan for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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