Chapter 425
Awakened by his loud voice, the girl slowly opened her eyes, looked past him and landed on Wei Lin behind, and immediately shrunk her mouth: "It hurts to death!"

Wei Lin put aside the complexities in his heart, strode forward, squeezed Shaohao Luo away, pulled her from above the magma to the flying sword, and patted her on the back: "It's okay, it's all over."

"No, it still hurts now, please knock me out." Yunli was limp, with no strength in the whole body, and lack of energy in speaking.

Unfamiliar face and voice, but Yunli's usual expression and small movements, Wei Lin was a little uncomfortable, and then looked at Shaohaoluo for a moment, "Your phoenix form is so painful?"


Shaohao Luo raised his hand to catch a flying rock particle, and his low voice was full of palpitations: "Not only is it a transformation, but every step is a smelting of life and death. It's just ashes."

Gently crushing the rock grains in his hand, spreading his fingers, and allowing it to be swept away by the hot wind, Shaohao Luo slowly let out a mouthful of foul air, and said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, why would you become an immortal bird?"

Wei Lin hurriedly comforted Yunli: "You heard, it's all like this, bear with it and pass."

"By the way, is Ah Yan okay?"

Wei Lin curled his lips: "Don't worry, it's okay, now Ji Ruochen is with them too."

Yunli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "You'd better knock me out first, and I'll wake up when the pain stops."

Her whole body was on fire, and she felt that her hair was in pain. If she was in this pain all the time, she would not be able to survive this day.

"What nonsense are you talking about? At this time, it is important to take the time to recover your physical strength, sort out your spiritual power, and stabilize your realm."

Shaohao Luo's friendly attitude and sincere words made Yunli sigh, is this the attitude towards her own people? It has changed a lot.

When she broke out of the shell and rushed to the sky, she knew her breed. To be honest, she was also taken aback at that time. This awesome breed really exceeded their expectations.

She was still feeling emotionally, and suddenly heard him say: "Yaoyao is obedient, I know you are afraid of pain..."

An inexplicable irritability rose from the bottom of his heart, and before he could finish speaking, Yunli angrily interrupted: "You've got the wrong person!"

"No, you are Yaoyao..." Immediately, Shaohao Luo explained the matter of the twin contract again, and said softly; "We will talk about this after you have stabilized your cultivation..."

Enduring the scorching pain and patiently listening to his explanation, the irritability in Yunli's heart not only did not go away, but went straight to her forehead, and she could no longer suppress it, she said firmly: "Say it again, you have admitted the wrong person!"

The blunt tone and impatient attitude were like a basin of cold water, pouring cold into Shaohao Luo's fiery heart.

He was a little confused, and said blankly: "Yaoyao, you..."

"Don't call me Yaoyao, you have to say it several times!" Yunli was furious and glared at him viciously. If she didn't have the strength, she would definitely jump up and fight him.

Wei Lin was also stunned, it was rare to see her with such a bad attitude, but it was just a name, if it was a mistake, just say it.

Besides, it is true that the twin contract cannot be faked, so why is she so sure that Shaohao Luo has admitted the wrong person?

He cleared his throat: "Ahem, the twin contract is real, even if you are not Shaohao Yao, you are also his sister."

After finishing speaking, he switched to voice transmission again: "According to the role of the twin contract, he even saved your life, be more polite."

Yunli bit her lip, the pain in her body was causing her to die, and she was repeatedly confessed, or someone who was most likely to be her brother, her heart was manic and wronged.

This emotion came inexplicably, without reason, and out of control.

She took a deep breath, and as the air entered her lungs, the inexplicable emotion was finally suppressed, she looked up at Wei Lin, and begged pitifully: "Brother, knock me out quickly, it hurts too much."

Wei Lin frowned: "It really hurts so much?"

"It hurts like it did when I was stepping up." Yunli took a breath, and tears rolled out unconsciously. If she hadn't lost strength, she would have rolled on the ground long ago.

Wei Lin sighed and knocked her unconscious, he couldn't help but feel distressed, it's not easy for a divine beast.

On her forehead, there were layers of fine and dense beads of sweat, which emerged soon after drying off, and the back that was leaning against his arms was also wet, as if she had been fished out of the water. .

He let out a deep breath and said, "Fellow Daoist Shaohao, it's not suitable to stay here for long, let's leave first."

Maybe because he was hurt by Yunli's words, Shaohao Luo followed without saying a word, with a puzzled and hurt look on his face.

Wei Lin couldn't bear it, waited for more than four years, and finally waited for the girl he had been thinking about to wake up.

He apologized softly: "Fellow Daoist Shaohao forgive me, I think fellow Daoist has a deep understanding of the burning pain of the transformation, and she is in pain right now, and there are some bad moods, it's not aimed at you, so don't take it to heart."

Shaohao Luo looked at the girl curled up in his arms, her body twitched slightly from time to time, she was in a coma, her beautiful eyebrows were still knotted, and she didn't let go for a moment.

He sighed faintly: "I am only [-] years older than her. Among the brothers and sisters, the two of us play best. The age gap between the brothers and sisters is too large. I protect her for various assessments and experiences, and she is responsible for providing them. Elixir."

Long live!

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, he could still enter the same secret realm with a difference of [-] years. Does your divine beast count as [-] years old as one year of human beings?

Calculated in this way, the 3 years that the demons have been imprisoned here would have been only three years in exchange for them.

Shaohao Luo didn't know that his thoughts were herding sheep, and she was still rambling: "She, the talent for alchemy is very good, any elixir of any grade can be easily refined after just one look, and the rate of alchemy will rise in a straight line if you refine it a few times."

"After mastering it well, I started to improve the pill formula. If it wasn't for the limitation of her cultivation, her phoenix fire wouldn't have enough heat. There would be no pills she didn't know how to do in this world. She looks cold and unapproachable at first glance, but in fact she couldn't be more kind. ..."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows. At this time, he was sure that she was really not Shaohaoyao. He had seen all kinds of her, lively, mischievous, coquettish, righteous, and violent...

Only she who has never seen the cold and dusty, not only has she never seen it, she can't even imagine it.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "You are really mistaken, she is indeed not Shaohaoyao, she does not know how to make alchemy."

Alchemy needs to adjust the firepower according to the situation in the furnace at any time. If it is simply to control the fire, it is like they refine the panacea, without any brains. It is no problem for An Ran Mu Yan to say what she does, but she has to do it according to According to the situation of the elixir, adjust the firepower and fry the furnace every minute.

Shaohao Luo hesitated, her temperament was indeed far from that of Yaoyao, but how to explain the twin contract?

After recovering the real Phoenix, her appearance also recovered, no different from the appearance of Yaoyao in memory.

Wei Lin reminded: "Do you have any other sisters? For example, the one named Shaohaoyue?"

"I don't know either." Shaohao Luo smiled wryly, "My soul is damaged, and I don't remember many things."

A cold snort sounded, "Hmph, I can't remember clearly, what are you blindly recognizing?"

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, looked at Yunli who was full of displeasure, and was shocked: "Why did you wake up?"

Yunli pursed her mouth: "It hurts."

With the pervasive burning pain in her heart and the rippling coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, she was tossed awake just after fainting for a while.

Next she asked Wei Lin to stun her again, but within a quarter of an hour, she woke up again, stunned, and then woke up again, what was even more frightening was that the time of fainting became shorter and shorter, from the first three quarters of an hour to a quarter of an hour, and then to a lamp. Tea, and finally woke up after shaking his head.

She panicked, and an ominous premonition rose in her heart. As time passed, the burning pain did not weaken at all.

"This pain won't go away, right?" She looked at Shaohao Luo anxiously, secretly annoyed, she should suppress her temper a little.

As a phoenix, I am still a novice. Except for those who are inherited by blood, many of them have black eyes. How can they compare with Shaohao Luo, a veteran.

It's really sour to feel sour when you just finish chasing someone with your front foot, and then you have something to ask for on your back foot.

"No." Shaohao Luo shook his head immediately, "You are reshaping your body this time, which is not an advanced step than usual, so the pain will naturally last longer."

Seeing that Shaohaoluo was broad-minded and didn't care about her, Yunli felt guilty and embarrassed, but in order not to hurt, she continued to ask cheekily: "Is there a special way to relieve the pain?"

"No." After finishing speaking, he comforted softly, "Our Phoenix family, every time we advance, we have to go through the phoenix fire smelting, from weak to strong, adapt slowly, and temper our will step by step, so that we can survive in nirvana. greater hope."

Yunli sighed helplessly, the phoenix nirvana, narrowly escaped death, only the phoenix that has passed the nirvana can have the immortal body.

"Then eat something, I'm tired and hungry." There was no way to relieve the pain, so she decided to eat to divert her attention.

In addition, after recovering the spiritual power, the body will have more resistance, and the pain may not be so painful.

She struggled to get up, raised her hand to receive the spiritual fruit that Wei Lin handed over, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, her white and tender hands were covered with fine down feathers.

Yunli: ...

Wei Lin: ...

Feather is very unstable, appearing and disappearing from time to time, and she has changed several times in just the moment when she raised her hand in a daze.

Shaohao Luo incarnated and chattered to his elder brother, "Hey, hurry up and recover your spiritual power. Look, you can hardly maintain your body. Fortunately, there is no one else around. When you go to Canglan, Brother Fifteen is not by your side, so you must be more careful. Remember, humans are the most cunning..."

The cunning human Weilin: ...

The spiritual fruit and flesh not only filled the stomach, but also the spiritual power contained in it restored some of the dried up spiritual power in the body.

I don't want to, with the nourishment of spiritual power, not only did it not relieve, but it hurt even more. Yunli looked inside a few times, and was immediately startled.

The golden liquid that only appeared during advanced stages before, that is, the blood of the phoenix, is now flowing regularly in the body together with other blood.

Not only that, but the amount has also changed, half of the blood in the body has turned into golden phoenix blood, half red and half golden, it looks really weird.

But the pain was no longer caused by the phoenix blood. The phoenix blood at the beginning caused her to die of pain. It was because the body was human, and the high temperature of the phoenix blood itself was enough to melt a mortal body.

Now that her body is reshaped by the source blood, her body is already the body of a phoenix, and the phoenix blood is just blood in terms of the body.

The culprit of the burning pain now is Fei Yan!
It no longer stays in the dantian, but turns into little scarlet glows, spreading all over the body, burning her body all the time.

After this transformation, she unlocked more inheritance knowledge of the Phoenix Clan. Feiyan is actually Nirvana Skyfire, and her rank is still above Fenghuo.

Nirvana Skyfire is the original power of the Phoenix Clan. Generally speaking, except for the Suzaku Mountain, only the Phoenix after Nirvana can have it.

In the entire Feng Clan, there are very few people who have truly passed through Nirvana and become immortal gods.

As for why she has the fire of Nirvana, it is not known.

The fire of Nirvana is extremely spiritual. When her spiritual power was exhausted earlier, it would be merciful in the fire and did not shine with all its strength.

When the body was nourished with spiritual power, it had fun in Yunli's body, but it burned so hard that she groaned in pain.

The uneasiness in her heart was even worse, the fire of Nirvana was in her body, this pain might not last for a short time.

Three days later, Yunli was in despair.

Not only did the burning pain not diminish in the slightest, but with the abundance of spiritual power, the Nirvana Heavenly Fire raged more violently, and it hurt even more!
She didn't want to accept this cruel fact, and wished she could use up her spiritual energy to relieve her pain.

Reason stopped her. As a monk, she had to keep her body full of spiritual power at all times to avoid danger.

It is impossible to practice at this time, she can only take the nourishing pill, slowly cut it open, and then rely on eating to replenish her physical strength and spiritual strength at the same time.

After more than ten days like this, she ate up all of Wei Lin's tonic pills, and said, "My tonic pills are gone, so you still have some."

While rolling on the ground, Yunli tremblingly stretched out her hand to take it, but found nothing, curled up and searched all over her body, but couldn't find a storage bag.

Thinking of something, her body shook and stopped rolling. The next moment, she jumped up from the ground in a rare way, screaming: "Ah—"

The sharp sound waves pierced through the eardrums, Wei Lin's soul shook, and he immediately sealed his ears, Shaohao Luo covered his ears and leaned back.

After screaming, Yunli fell to the ground, as if mourning, "It's gone, it's gone."

"What's gone?" Wei Lin rubbed his ears, his screams were so powerful.

"The storage bags, spirit stones, and magic weapons are all gone!" Yunli's heart was bleeding, and she was on the verge of crying. The spiritual stones, cabins, and all kinds of magic treasures, talismans and pills are gone!
Overnight, her entire family went bankrupt, she felt her eyes darkened, and she even temporarily forgot the fiery pain in her body, mainly because her heart ached even more.

Seeing her expression and thinking of the power of the Nirvana Fire, Wei Lin's eyebrows twitched, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Because he was unlucky, most of their family property was placed with her. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Where is that ring?"

The rank of Najie is much higher than the storage bag, so it might still exist, right?

Yunli cried and said, "It's gone."

The rings contained their best things, Wei Lin staggered, clutching his chest: "I want to slow down too."

"Hey, what a big deal, next time remember to put your valuables in advance." Shaohao Luo said, took out the flute and the box containing the strange fire and handed them to her, "These are for you."

Yunli's face is hot, good man!

She waved her hand and explained: "I fought you at the time because I was worried that you would tarnish the painting, not because I wanted to take these away."

 Thank you book friend 20190905122932177 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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