Chapter 426
"I know." Shaohao Luo raised his chin, "Our Feng clan has always been united, let alone such a small thing, even if the artifact is by the side, there is no reason to fight for it."

"I'm really not your Yaoyao." Yunli pursed her lips and emphasized again.

Shaohao Luo was silent for a moment, and then he didn't care about it: "The tribe is the same, just treat it as an apology gift for not recognizing you."

To be able to conclude a twin contract with her, her identity and talent are not bad, so she must be a direct descendant.

Even if there is a reason for not being able to recognize the sisters of his own race, it's not justified, not to mention that he doesn't remember anything, he remembers Yaoyao, he also remembers his elder brother and the others, but he can't remember her alone.

"Then I won't be polite to you." Yunli frowned, because she was bankrupt and urgently needed to supplement her family fortune.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Forget about the strange fire, I'll leave it to you."

Shaohao Luo waved his hands: "Although a piano and a flute are good, they are not as precious as the different fires. Moreover, for our Feng clan, the different fires are very nourishing."

Yunli shook her head: "We each have one of the three treasures, it's fair!"

If there is no accident, these three items should be the best items for Hui Ying except Yi Xing Zhishi, and Shaohao Luo was the first person to enter that room, so it's hard to leave him empty-handed.

After thinking about it for a while, Shaohao Luo didn't refuse any more, now he is short of different fire to strengthen Fenghuo.

Yunli cheerfully took a piano and a flute, handed the flute to Wei Lin, and happily checked the piano by herself.

Clear purple, lingering seven strings, the body of the piano is wrapped with light purple cloud vines, and the silver-gray vines bend into a crescent moon on the head of the piano.

She nodded in satisfaction, dripping blood and imprinting the spiritual consciousness in one go. After recognizing the master, the information of the zither came. The specific effect depends on the sheet music.

Unfortunately, this piano does not come with its own sheet music, so you have to find it elsewhere.

After a second of regret, she turned her head and asked, "What's the name of the flute?"

The flute is also very beautiful, the body of the flute is as delicate as jade, with a slight curvature, and the head of the flute is in the shape of a water chestnut, with a piece of light purple jade inlaid inside, shining purple, flowing like water, soaking the whole flute from the head .

"Shu Yuming." Wei Lin slightly pursed his lips. At the later stage of his cultivation, the role of spiritual consciousness should not be underestimated. He had long been deliberately looking for a weapon that he wanted, and this set of qin flutes came at the right time.

After receiving the gift, the grief in Yunli's heart subsided a little, and without the support of that energy, she was overwhelmed by overwhelming burning pain again, curled up on the ground, grinning her teeth in pain.

However, the experience just now gave her a new understanding of herself, even though it was heart-piercing and heart-piercing, she could bear it and move about normally.

Human potential is huge. Over time, the body gradually adapts to it. Now we have to take it step by step.

She struggled to sit up, hugged her legs tightly with her hands, curled up into a ball, turned her head and said slowly: "Let's go find Ayan, it's almost time."

Wei Lin nodded and knelt down: "I'll give you a disguise first."

"Yi, Yi Rong?" Yunli took a breath, "Yi, what Rong?"

After the transformation, she was tortured to death by the fire of Nirvana, she rolled on the ground every day, screamed, and her strength and spiritual power were exhausted, she waited for Wei Lin to feed her food and mend her spirit pills, she was completely unaware of the change in her appearance, and her voice was also affected by it. Shouting hoarsely, did not notice.

Girls care about their appearance, and she is extraordinarily smug, Wei Lin saw her thoughts at a glance, and raised his hand to freeze his face.

Regarding her appearance, Yunli tried her best to hold back the pain, relaxed her expression, and saw her face in the mirror, she was stunned.

This face is [-]% similar to the girl in Jiaolong's mouth in the nightmare, but she is older and has no peach blossom marks at the corners of her eyes.

Wei Lin smiled lightly, "You are so beautiful by yourself?"

Her face before was cute and naive, but now her face is crystal clear like jade, like a crescent moon halo, flowers and trees piled up with snow, she looks like a moon, a pair of light orange eyes are like cosmic nebula, mysterious and bright, and the waves of her eyes are flowing It is even more breathtaking.

Yunli pursed her lips, she suddenly recalled that her appearance had changed a lot since she practiced, and she was getting closer to her current face.

If this is her original appearance, is the girl in the dream Shaohao Yao?Would a dragon dare to eat the honorable little prince of the Phoenix clan?
Glancing at Shaohao Luo, she lowered her eyes: "Let's change your face first."

Yi Wanrong, the three of them rushed to meet Mu Yan, Yunli was in severe pain, so she dragged them to chat, distracted, practiced ignoring the burning pain, and moved about normally.

"By the way, how could Ji Ruochen be with Ayan? How did you find Ayan?"

For the sake of safety, Ji Ruochen did not enter the gray shadow treasure house, but was left outside to watch the wind. A Yan had no idea where the old lady teleported him to. How did they meet in one place?

Wei Lin: "She was the one who found me..."

Combining the words of Wei Lin and Shaohao Luo, Yunli pieced together the process of the incident, and Shaohao Luo rushed out holding the giant egg he had transformed into, and bumped into Ji Ruochen who was watching the wind.

Considering his relationship with them, Shaohao Luo didn't kill him, but kicked him unconscious.

Lin Chen and others chased him out, Wei Wei laid out a formation for him, and hurriedly searched for him.

Knowing that he is also a phoenix and that Shaohao Luo will not hurt him, he went back to find another safe place for Ji Ruochen, but met Mu Yan and Xiaodiejing on the way.

It turned out that when they saw the collapse of the lonely peak, they decided to check the situation, and then Wei Lin took them and Ji Ruochen thousands of miles away to settle down, and he claimed that he wanted to find the missing Yunli.

Speaking of this, the three of them talked about it again. She entered the gray shadow treasury under the watchful eyes of everyone, but she disappeared after making a fuss.

Two days later, on the quaint bluestone square, the exquisite Danding was suspended on the fire, and the broth in the tripod was gurgling and rolling.

Little Butterfly lay eagerly by the side of the tripod, swallowing her saliva from time to time, Mu Yan secretly cursed that since she learned how to cook, she has almost become a professional spiritual chef.

"I don't know if he found Fellow Daoist Yun." Ji Ruochen beside him sighed quietly, this sentence has become his mantra for the past four years.

Of course he didn't care about Yunli, but the dangerous Jiuliyuan. They had a psychic doctor and an alchemist, plus the little butterfly who only knew how to eat and eat. They had no power to resist when encountering danger.

In the past four years, God knows how he got here. He was in fear all day long, and whenever there was any trouble outside, he would be extremely nervous.

As if she hadn't heard of it, Mu Yan turned off the fire, and neatly poured a bowl of meatball soup for Little Butterfly, and motioned for Little Butterfly to eat at the table next to her.

Little Butterfly nodded excitedly, not afraid of the heat, hurriedly stuffed a ball into his mouth, before he could swallow it, he stood up suddenly, looking at the sky in doubt.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Ji Ruochen, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, hurriedly asked. In four years, he had already discovered that this little butterfly's five senses were extremely sensitive.

Little Butterfly Jing stared at Yueyuan more and more, her pure purple pupils shone with awe, "He's coming!"

"Who?" Ji Ruochen was so nervous that his palms were sweating, while Mu Yan silently sacrificed two defensive magic weapons.

Two startling rainbows flew from far to near, and when they saw who was coming, Mu Yan and Ji Ruochen were greatly relieved, while the little butterfly squatted under the table.

While putting away the formation, Mu Yan pulled her up from the table, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, he just looks fierce. In fact, he is a nice person and won't hit you."

When Wei Lin and the others arrived, Ji Ruochen let go of his worries, and said with a smile: "Your consolation is useless. It's not a question of being fierce or not. The level of monsters is strict. He is the divine beast Phoenix, and he is absolutely right against other monsters." Suppression, which monster will not be weak when it sees him."

Mu Yan sighed softly, and suddenly felt that her hair sank. It turned out that the little butterfly couldn't bear it, and turned into a butterfly hairpin, hiding it in her hair.

At this time, Feijian landed and simply followed her.

She stepped forward with a smile, her eyes passed Shaohao Luo, and landed on Yunli in Wei Lin's arms, she was shocked all of a sudden: "Ali!"

Xiao ran forward and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

Seeing that her complexion was pale and dripping with cold sweat, which was very similar to the situation after the advanced stage before, she quickly sent a voice transmission: "You advanced again?"

The last time was at the late stage of foundation establishment, but this time it was alchemy!There are very few alchemists at her age!
"No." Yunli replied feebly.

"What's wrong, Fellow Daoist Yun?" Ji Ruochen looked surprised, "Do you need my help?"

"Thank you fellow daoist Ji for your concern." Wei Lin secretly gave Mu Yan a look, and said: "She is poisoned, and fellow daoist Shaohao has already helped curb the spread of the poison. Fellow daoist Mu has cured the poison before, so I will hand it over to her." Bar."

Ji Ruochen raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't angry. It's one thing for them to protect him, but it's another for them to trust him or not.

A monk has many secrets, and there is an alchemist he has made friends with, and he happens to be able to detoxify the poison, so what should I ask him to do.

"Poisoned?" Mu Yan was surprised, "How could you be poisoned? Where is your Yueying Mingxin Umbrella?"

Speaking of this, Yunli felt another pain in her heart, her umbrella, her spirit stone, her babies.

"I didn't have time to take it out." After she finished speaking, she immediately sent a voice transmission, "It's fake."

But then, she didn't know what to say. It wasn't that she didn't trust her, but that there were many dangers now. After going out from here, they would all come into the sight of the four major sects.

"Don't talk about the complicated things." She was still struggling, and Mu Yan's telephony sounded, "You just need to tell me, are you okay?"

"I am fine."

Feeling warm in Yunli's heart, she took a deep breath, and changed to speaking: "Slow down the poison first, and make up the spirit pill."

Wei Lin hurriedly took the words, "Recover your spiritual power first, the poison has been suppressed, there is no danger for now, it is important to recover your spiritual power."

After hearing this, Mu Yan let go of the anxiety in her heart, and hurriedly took out the elixir.

After she took the Buling Pill, Mu Yan pretended to check her poison, and after a while she said in a deep voice: "The poison has been poisoned for too long, and the antidote has to be changed, but I don't have one of them."

She turned her head and asked, "Does Fellow Daoist Ji have the 3000-year-old Jiuyou Vine?"

"The 3000-year-old Nine You Vine?" Ji Ruochen was astonished, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Wei Lin anxiously asked: "What's so difficult?"

"The Jiuyou vine grows secretly. At the beginning, it is no different from ordinary grass vines. After it grows for ten thousand years, it will emit a unique medicinal fragrance. Ten thousand years ago, even in front of your eyes, you might not be able to recognize it."

Wei Lin was sweating profusely: "What should I do?"

Shaohao Luo: ...

If he didn't know the truth, he would have almost believed it. He couldn't help but look at Mu Yan seriously, looking at the honest girl who made up a set of lies, thanks to her coming up with such a tricky medicine.

Mu Yanliu frowned lightly: "How did you get poisoned? How long have you suffered?"

Yunli took a breath, and the veins on her forehead popped up, "This matter..."

"Let me tell the story." Wei Lin filled a bowl of broth and stuffed it for her, "This matter has to start with Yi Xing Zhishi."

"In the past four years, Daoyou Ji must have told you what happened later. I'll start with the private vault where we found Huiying."

The key to the explanation is how Ali disappeared from the treasure house, and why she became what she is now, the rest is not important.

"You also know that she got Huiying's natal weapon, Yi Xing Zhishi... When the blank storage bag was full, she stuffed it into other storage bags, and Yi Xing Zhishi fell out by accident. Time was running out, and she I grabbed it randomly, but I didn't know where I touched it, and a teleportation formation suddenly appeared under my feet."

He turned around and filled Yunli with broth, and then said: "When I come back to my senses, I arrived in a cave. What's more unfortunate is that there is a burly craftsman imprisoned in the cave."

Ji Ruochen took a deep breath, evil cultivators from the upper realms!He asked nervously, "What cultivation base?"

After eating a bowl of broth, Yunli seemed to be getting better at last, and said weakly: "Beyond Yuanying, I can't see the specific cultivation level."

Ji Ruochen was in palpitations, he was poisoned together, and he had a vague guess about what happened next, and sure enough, Wei Lin's story was pretty much in line with his guess.

The craftsman felt that Yunli had good health and was a good material for crafting, so he soaked her in the venom for four years.

Seeing that he was about to die, Shaohao Luo ate the spirit beast eggs next door, his cultivation increased greatly, and the phoenix fire raged, melting the whole mountain.

The power of the phoenix fire was so powerful that even the evil cultivators from the upper realm couldn't bear it, and died in the fire. The fire spread, and Shaohaoluo found Yunli, and was saved.

Ji Ruochen was even more frightened, "You are really lucky, if he finds out too late, you will probably be burned to death."

Hundreds of birds facing the phoenix a month ago were really shocking. At that time, they couldn't help but go to the edge of the sea of ​​fire to join in the excitement for a while, and feel the power of a phoenix fire up close.

Mu Yan pursed her lips, thinking about the loopholes in the story, when she suddenly felt the butterfly hairpin in her hair tremble.

She looked up and saw that Yunli's third bowl of broth had been finished. Shaohao Luo threw the empty bowl on the table and rubbed his stomach, looking like he was not full, but the pot was already empty.

The little butterfly who ate only one meatball was about to cry.

After he digested it for a while, Yunli lamented quietly: "What's more unfortunate is that my spirit stone and my magic weapon are gone, and there is no storage bag left."

Every time she thinks about this matter, she can't help but feel sad. Not only did Li Yuan work for nothing for ten years, but also her savings from the first half of her life were destroyed.

 Thanks to Leisiyan, Yizhixiang, and book friends 20191229234649299 for the cute monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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