all the way to fairy

Chapter 427 Suspicious Clouds

Chapter 427 Suspicious Clouds
Thinking of Fenghuo's power, Ji Ruochen couldn't help crying for her.

Seeing that her sadness didn't seem to be fake, Mu Yan said in surprise: "It's all gone?"

In fact, what she wanted to ask was 'really gone', and she swallowed the words.

"Except for Huanshiling and Zhanmengdao, it's all gone! I'm not hot on Huiying's Yi Xingzhishi yet." Yunli was about to cry, and the end of the sound was dragged on for a long time.

Mu Yanren was also numb, and was about to speak to comfort, when Shaohao Luo beside him interrupted: "Huan Shiling?"

He slowly turned his head, staring blankly at Yunli: "Your orange silk is called Huanshi Ling?"

Yunli nodded, what's wrong?
She glanced at Ji Ruochen next to her, and was just about to send a voice transmission to remind him that there was an outsider, when she heard him muttering to himself: "Impossible, how powerful Huanshi Ling is, is it yours..."

Speaking of this, he was shocked suddenly, his pupils dilated, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly.

"You, don't you..."

Before he finished speaking, a dozen black holes suddenly appeared in the sky, and an indescribable suction came, and they flew towards the black holes uncontrollably.

When the time is up, the secret realm is opened.

Yunli and the others were sucked into a black hole, while Shaohao Luo had a separate hole. After a few counts, you will find that each continent corresponds to a teleportation black hole, but the monks on other continents are all dead, and the entrance of the hole is deserted and empty.

The teleportation black hole to which the Canglan Continent belongs is particularly lively. The lone ranger Wen Xueluo, the killer duo of Canye Pavilion, the Tianwu Yaoxiu team of three, the ordinary inspirational team of four, Tai Tianxin's team of five, and Yilong One butterfly and two Jiuliyuan natives.

Yunli resisted the pain, raised her neck and glanced, Huanshiling flew out and pulled Mu Yan to her side, Huanshiling wrapped one end around Mu Yan's waist and the other around her hand.

As soon as all this was done, Shaohao Luo, who was flying far away, shouted at the top of his voice: "Eat more, sleep more and fight less—"

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, she was not a pig.

Looking up, Shaohaoluo put away the shock on his face and sank into the black hole. Immediately, they also entered the space tunnel, and the familiar dizziness came.

After an unknown period of time, the dizziness disappeared, and the consciousness was clear again. Under the towering giant tree, a tiger demon of the seventh and sixth ranks was staring at them.

Yunli glanced around quickly, and immediately changed color. The dense canopy was layered on top of each other, and in the dark forest, the roots and vines were intertwined.

This is Tianwu Forest!
"Brother, I'll leave this to you, and I'll go find Ayan." She stood up while supporting the tree trunk, and said hastily.

With Huanshi Ling tied, they are not far away, if it is in other places, it will be fine. Tianwu Forest is the territory of demon cultivators, and there are many monsters. According to perception, there are two fifth-order red-eyed spiders around Mu Yan, A litter of wind-chasing rabbits.

Wei Lin disagreed: "The road is not stable, what can I do! I have dealt with this tiger monster and it will be the same if I go again."

A sixth-level monster is not a difficult task for him, and he can solve it quickly.

No, as soon as he finished speaking, he supported Yunli, who was standing up tremblingly on the tree trunk, jumped up and down, and disappeared into the lush greenery after a few ups and downs.

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, was it really her who was convulsed with pain?This nimble figure, this wind-like speed, doesn't look like it hurts at all.

He shook his head, his sword light was like snow, he quickly dealt with the tiger demon and went to join them.

After walking a few steps, he found Chu Nan falling from the sky. He stopped, quickly hid himself and held his breath, and vigilantly searched the surroundings. He found no trace of other people, so he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly leaned over.

Yunli shook the Huanshi Ling, and beheaded two fifth-order red-eyed spiders. The Wind Rabbit's family was frightened and ran away in fright.

After the danger was lifted, she slid on the ground leaning against the tree trunk, and before she could say a word to Mu Yan, Chu Nan fell from the sky.

Yunli squeezed out a weak smile, "Senior Brother Chu, it's you."

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Nan jumped off the flying sword and came to her side. Before the teleportation space passage, he found her pale and breathless, but she had already been sucked into the passage at that time, so he didn't have time to ask.

"Something happened, an accident, poisoning, asking, it's not a big problem."

In a word, she spoke intermittently, and Mu Yan took over the conversation: "Friend Shaohao has helped to suppress the poison, and now the antidote is only the 3000-year-old Nine Youvine."

Yunli felt that Wei Lin stopped not far away, looked at Chu Nan, and her heart skipped a beat. This place is the outskirts of Tianwu Forest, and there are no powerful monsters.

The exit of Jiuliyuan was random, and it would take time for the four major sects to find out their exact locations. At this time, there was only Chu Nan alone, and there was senior watchman, so it was a good time to inquire.

After Mu Yan finished talking about her disappearance, she asked via voice transmission: "Senior Brother Chu, I have a question to ask."

Seeing her being so cautious, Chu Nan was a little surprised. She had always trusted Fellow Daoist Mu, so why should she avoid her?
"You ask."

Yunli considered the words and said slowly: "It's about the seal of the Misty Swamp. All kinds of evidence back then point to Lan Shu and the killer who has the Mist Bee pet."

"After Lan Shu's death, Master Uncle Lin Chen learned that Qian Jiu was from the Kingdom of Liang, and immediately overturned all the evidence and decided that he was the one who broke the seal. Why?"

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes, "Did Qian Jiu ask you to ask?"

"No." Yunli quickly vetoed, "I'm just a little curious, Liang Guo is just a small mortal country, what does it have to do with the seal?"

Chu Nan gave her a sideways look with a half-smile, obviously not believing her words, just when she thought the way was blocked and was hesitating whether to confuse her, he suddenly said again: "I don't know about this matter either. .”

Yunli was startled: "You don't even know!"

Chu Nan is to Tianxin Pavilion what Su Xu is to Taiyizong. He is the leader of the foundation-building disciples, and he is also the main person in charge of Tianxin Pavilion during the Misty Swamp mission. He doesn't even know it!

Thinking of Su Xu, her heart inevitably sank.

"This secret is probably only known to the four Patriarchs of Lin, Yu, Bu, and Nangong and their heirs."

Chu Nan's words brought her back to her thoughts. Needless to say, the Lin family was in charge of the Taiyi sect, and the head of the Taiyi sect was originally held in rotation by the Lin and Su families.

But since ten thousand years ago, the elite disciples who entered Jiuliyuan from the Canglan Continent, except for the Supreme Elder Ling Su who came out alive, the rest of the army was wiped out.

The children were broken, and the Su family fell into a slump, and the power of Taiyizong was firmly in the hands of the Lin family.

The No. 1 alchemist in Tianxin Pavilion today is Zhenjun Ningjun, who is known as the Alchemy Master; the one with the highest force value is Zhenjun Rongqiu, the master of Chu Feng; , Tianwu Forest Demon Cultivator supports.

The girls from the Nangong family are quite talented in alchemy. The Lingchu Zhenjun of Yaowang Valley was amazingly talented, and the current pavilion master Jinqing Zhenjun is second only to Ningjun Zhenjun in alchemy.

Jinfang Zhenjun in the last alchemy assessment also came from the Nangong family, and there are countless alchemists in the golden alchemy and foundation stage, including Jin Lan who is divination and Jin Shu who is good at arrays, and the alchemy talent is not bad.

Ling Chu violated the contract, Tianwu Yaoxiu joined forces with Qijuemen to teach him a lesson, but he still chose to support the Nangong family.

The positions of these two families are stable, and it is reasonable to know the secrets that others do not know. The strange thing is the Yu family and the Bu family.

The position of the master of the Phantom Palace has been changed several times over the past ten thousand years, but there has never been a problem with the Yu family. In fact, only 3000 years ago, someone from the Yu family successfully conceived a baby, and there were a few Jindan stage monks.

Not to mention the Bu family, the Yu family is also a small family that has lasted for a thousand years, and the Bu family's family is not enough. Although it has been passed down for a thousand years, the descendants are really not good enough, and they can't live up to the old ancestors.

Zhenjun Buyuan came from the mundane world, and gave birth to a son with a Taoist couple who also came from the mundane world. The son's talent was not good, his cultivation could not improve, and he died soon after his life was exhausted. The son simply married a wife early and gave birth to a grandson.

However, the grandson's talent is not good, not only the grandson, great-grandson, great-great-grandson and other younger generations are not satisfactory, there is not a single person who has formed an alchemy, without the support of Buyuan Zhenjun's elixir, there are not many foundation-builders.

But it is such a family who actually surpassed all the well-established families in Four Seasons Valley and shared a great secret with the Lin family and Nangong family.

She was full of doubts: "The Bu family, the Yu family? Did you make a mistake?"

"I also inadvertently heard from Master that about 3000 years ago, at that time, Zhenjun Fuyue, Zhenjun Jinqing, Zhenjun Buyuan, and Zhuoru of the Yu family were all cultivating foundations. The four of them once lived together in Nanni It is also where they found the lost place."

"So early?" Yunli was surprised, "Didn't you find the lost place when the sea fog dissipated a hundred years ago?"

"This is just a public statement. It is said that at that time, the sea fog rolled over, and a strange treasure was born out of nowhere, causing the fog to dissipate for a short time. The four pavilion masters hurried to check."

"Unfortunately, the fog quickly recovered, and they only saw the strange treasure landed on a piece of land in the distance, which is the land where it was lost."

Yunli was still puzzled, children in the Lost Lands don't need to be controlled to find secret treasures, and they searched Liang Guoren all over, as if they were looking for someone.

After a pause, Chu Nan continued: "After the fog on the sea dissipated a hundred years ago, we immediately sent people to search the lost places, but found no strange treasures, not to mention strange treasures, low-level utensils containing aura No."

"But what happened back then can't be faked. Not only the four of them saw it, but many mortals in Nanniwan also saw the fog dissipate. We have no choice but to keep searching, and at the same time, bring all those who have a fairy fate into the door. "

"If the secret treasure is really obtained by them, it can be regarded as a good relationship."

Yunli curled her lips secretly, making a good relationship with a ghost, she clearly suspected that the strange treasure had a spirit, and had already recognized its owner, controlling all the people with spiritual roots was controlling the strange treasure.

However, this has nothing to do with believing that the senior brother is the one who broke the seal, she frowned: "So they concealed something back then."

The fog dissipated for a short time, and many mortals saw it, and they couldn't fake it. The four of them had ventured to fly to the sea area, and although they had no choice but to retreat, at close range, they might have discovered something else.

If there is no accident, the concealed part is the reason why Lin Chen believes that his brother is the one who revealed the seal.

"It looks like this now." Chu Nan stood up, "This matter has nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it."

He looked around again, and said: "Can you persist? We have to get out as soon as possible. There are many demon cultivators here, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time."

Yunli nodded, the Nascent Soul cultivator was greedy for the things in Jiuliyuan, if the big monsters arrived, it would be a bloodbath.

Sitting on Chu Nan's flying sword, she told Wei Lin the news just now, and then asked: "What do you think they are hiding, could it be a strange treasure that can open the seal?"

Wei Lin denied: "This guess has a premise. They have to be sure that I got the strange treasure. It is possible for Liang people to get the strange treasure, and the monks who have entered Liang are also possible."

"What's more, demon cultivators living in the sea are also possible. Compared with ordinary people, they are the most convenient."

Yunli frowned, and wondered if the sea fog had such a strong effect on demon cultivators. They lived in the water, and before the sea fog cleared, they might have gone ashore to search Liang Guo all over.

With a mess in her mind, Yunli plucked her hair for a while, then she simply gave up thinking about it, and the boat would naturally go straight when it reached the bridge, so let it go.

After she calmed down, she suddenly remembered something, sleeping grass!
He promised Ye Tiancheng to pick sleeping grass to repay the debt, how could he forget it!This is great, I'm really in debt!

She was very annoyed, she glanced at Mu Yan from the corner of the eye, she was immediately excited, and asked expectantly: "Ayan, have you picked the sleeping grass?"

Mu Yan was speechless, and only remembered at this time.

"Don't worry, I asked fellow Daoist Shaohao to take a detour to pick it up." The guardian monster of Sleeping Grass, Ghost Needle Luying, had little meat, and Shaohao Luo was not happy anymore. She spent a lot of time researching the dishes, coaxing her He was happy to help.

After being reminded by them, Chu Nan remembered that Mu Yan and Shaohao Luo had stayed in the Netherworld for more than three years, and the spirit plants must have been picked frequently, so he couldn't help thinking, and asked: "How many spirit plants does Fellow Daoist Mu have?" Can you sell some to our Tianxin Pavilion?"

"This..." Mu Yan was in a dilemma. If Chu Nan bought it, she would naturally have no second choice, but if Tianxin Pavilion bought it, she is an insignificant little monk, and she has no confidence in Tianxin Pavilion. She is afraid that she will be bought and sold by force.

Yunli answered: "We can't be the master of this matter. When we entered, Zongmen bought a portable medicine garden as a gift. The only requirement is that if he comes back alive, Lingzhi must hand in part of it. The rest is the same. Next, give priority to selling to Zongmen."

"That's it." Chu Nan sighed, it seemed that he could only go to Tai Yizong to buy it.

This time the situation is really special, after breaking the formation, he was busy chasing and killing the killer of Canye Pavilion, followed by Heijiao Hualong, Mo, chasing and killing Huiying, and then he was trapped in the formation by Qian Jiu for four full years.

Coming out was Shaohao Luo's transformed form again. After the fire was extinguished, the secret realm was opened before he could be found.

Thinking of Qianjiu, Chu Nan thought of something again. After struggling for a while, he decided to ask.

"Junior Sister Yun, are you angry with Junior Brother Mo?"

"What?" Yunli was puzzled, "Why am I angry with him?"

"That's good, I thought you would hold grudges for him chasing and killing Qianjiu." Chu Nan heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this girl would betray the sect and become an enemy of the four major sects because of Qianjiu.

"Although he is taciturn, he treats you well. You blatantly left with Qian Jiu. We all thought he was chasing after him for revenge. You Master Lin Chen was worried and immediately chased after him. Unexpectedly, he went to persuade you of……"

Yunli's scalp exploded, and he couldn't hear what he said next, only the phrase "Uncle Lin Chen chased after him" was all he could think of.

Did Lin Chen chase after him? They didn't see it!
 Thanks book friend 20190305125841783. Monthly tickets for the three cuties! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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