Chapter 428

As a Jindan stage, Lin Chen's speed is many times faster than Mo Huai's, and there is absolutely no problem of not being able to catch up.

Then there is only one explanation, he is listening to the corner!
Recalling the conversation that day, Yunli was so startled that her heart almost went into cardiac arrest. Although they didn't say anything directly that day, the meaning inside and outside the words directly revealed that she was the killer of Canye Pavilion.

The identity of An Yue from Liang Guo was not directly stated, but since Lin Chen already knew that she was the killer of Canye Pavilion, he couldn't help but think about it.

Especially through his relationship with his senior brother, it is still easy to guess that he is that girl back then.

Liang Guoren, the killer of the Canye Pavilion, and even entered the Misty Swamp. Based on these, Lin Chen can definitely confirm that he is the one who broke the seal.

But why didn't he expose it?
She thought back carefully, Lin Chen's attitude had hardly changed before and after Youming Guize, only occasionally looked over with bottomless eyes, she thought it was her openly showing affection for her senior brother, which caused dissatisfaction with Lin Chen, the heir of the Taiyi sect.

Thinking about it now, there was another explanation. She stabilized her mind, and she whispered: "Brother, did you hear that?"

Wei Lin was also shocked by this unexpected news, and broke into a cold sweat. Hearing the words, he subconsciously nodded slightly, and thought that she couldn't see it, so he hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "You can't go back to the Taiyi School again."

His eyes were as deep as a deep pool, and he buried all the turbulent fluctuations deeply. He tried his best to calm down and analyze the current situation.

"When he recognized me at the beginning, he screamed out, but now he is silent. Presumably, he planned to wait for you to return to the Taiyi Sect to catch a turtle in a urn."

"There's also that hidden secret, maybe we won't reveal that you have something to do with it..." He pursed his lips. If this is the case, the situation will be even worse.

"Tai Yizong must never go back! Not only you, but Mu Yan and An Ran had better leave too!"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, if Xinmi's temptation was strong enough, the four major parties would surely win her, and if she ran away, they would definitely do everything possible to force her to submit, and Ayan and her cousin were the primary candidates for coercion.

It's just that now that I have left the Taiyi Sect, I have seen a lot of bloody storms with my senior brothers, and I am not afraid of the pursuit of the four major sects.

Ah Yan and her cousin are in danger. With their current strength, it is somewhat difficult to keep them safe under the pursuit of the Four Great Factions and Can Ye Pavilion.

Her brain turned sharply, she said: "No, there is still a chance to redeem!"

Yunli stared at the front with firm eyes: "Now there are only five members left in the four major sects. I guess Lin Chen won't tell any of them. Just tell him to shut up before the sect comes."

From Lin Chen's point of view, Mo Huai needless to say, helping himself to hide it for so long is just a white-eyed wolf who eats inside and out;
He has the grace to save Chu Nan's life, and Chu Feng's attitude is also ambiguous. Under such circumstances, Lin Chen will not risk telling them;
The remaining one, Zheng Rui, trusted him wholeheartedly, but he was not strong enough, telling him was not only useless, but also risked leaking.

Therefore, 90.00% of Lin Chen will not tell anyone!
Wei Lin thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

Next, the two quickly discussed several sets of plans, finally finalized, and borrowed a knife to kill someone.

Tianwu Forest can be regarded as half of Yunli's home field. If Lin Chen can't be left here, don't think about other places.

"Ayan, Dodo will lend me a loan and ask her to find Lin Chen." After making up the plan, she immediately sent a voice transmission to Mu Yan. The first step is to find Lin Chen. Who else is better than a little butterfly who can teleport in space? Fine is more suitable.

Although Mu Yan was puzzled, she didn't ask any further questions. According to her words, she asked Duo Duo to help her find Lin Chen, and then she heard Yunli's voice transmission explain: "Lin Chen knows my identity, and if you want to deal with it, just pretend you don't know."

Hearing the first sentence, Mu Yan's heart beat wildly, and she was worrying about what to do. When she heard the second sentence, she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, deal with it, and said it as lightly as eating noodles tonight, that's too unreasonable The first genius!

Soon, Yunli's hair sank, and Duoduo's words resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"That man is almost out of the woods, Brother Wei has already chased him, he asked me to come back and tell you."

Yunli was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Which direction?"


"Hurry up and hold him back, don't let him walk out of the Tianwu Forest." If you let him walk out of the Tianwu Forest, how can you kill someone with a knife.

Yunli couldn't help being thankful that when Dodo set off, his senior brother also left at the same time, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't match the teleportation. He probably hadn't caught up with Lin Chen at the moment, and hoped that Dodo would work harder until the senior brother rushed over.

Now, I have to find a way to get rid of Chu Nan, what should I do?

Knock him out and walk away?

How to explain later, there are security issues, inappropriate!

Big demon blocking the way?

With their friendship and Chu Nan's character, it is impossible to leave them alone and run away.

Yunli racked her brains, but couldn't think of a feasible solution. What's worse, she sensed a familiar aura coming towards her, which was Chu Feng.

It's going to die, this one hasn't been shaken off yet, another one will come.

Chu Feng's speed was very fast, almost as soon as she found his trace, he reached Chu Nan's spiritual consciousness in the blink of an eye.

"My brother!" Chu Nan exclaimed and stopped altogether.

Yunli was so anxious that it was all right now, even if he was knocked out, now he could only hope that Duoduo would be reliable and stop Lin Chen.

The little butterfly Jing Duoduo who was missed by her was stopping one meter away from Lin Chen at this time, staring at him.

Lin Chen was taken aback by her sudden appearance on the road ahead, almost stopped the car and hit him.

"It's you!"

He frowned, opened his mind, and found no trace of other people, "Where's Mu Yan?"

"Sister, she..." Xiao Diejing swallowed her saliva, and was about to cry from his serious expression.

After two breaths, she still hadn't uttered the fourth word. Lin Chen ran out of patience, bypassed her, and continued to fly forward.

The next second, the little girl in light purple clothes flapped her big wings and stopped in front of him again, faltering: "That... I, I'm here..."

Lin Chen was startled, looked at her in horror, and appeared out of thin air!

"You know space teleportation?"

The first time he appeared, he thought she had used the earth escape talisman, Lin Chen's eyes were burning hot, and Mu Yan, a monster of space attribute, was a favorite.

At this time, Dodo is also very distressed, he looks so fierce, she doesn't want to go up and hold him back.

Thinking of Yunli's order, she pursed her mouth, her figure flickered, and she appeared next to Lin Chen, tremblingly stretched out her hand, holding Lin Chen's sleeve.

Lin Chen was taken aback, but was overjoyed in an instant, "Do you want to be my spiritual pet?"

Surprised, his movements became wider, and Dodo immediately screamed in fright and fled into the void.

Lin Chen was stunned, so timid?
He looked at the place where Dodo disappeared, wanted to explain a few words, but worried that she would not be able to hear him, and just as he was struggling, Dodo appeared next to him again.

With his eyes closed and his head turned away, with a look of resignation to death, he stretched out his white and tender claws tremblingly, and grabbed the corner of his clothes again.

Now, Lin Chen saw that something was wrong, this appearance, no matter how you looked at it, was not an expression of intimacy.

He frowned, and his sharp eyes seemed to have substance: "Say, what do you want to do?"

The little girl's long eyelashes trembled, her bright eyes instantly filled with water vapor, and the big teardrops fell down like money, but this time, she didn't let go of Lin Chen's clothes, but curled up into a ball, only Stretched out two fingers to hold Lin Chen.

Lin Chen did not soften his heart, and continued to question sharply: "It should be said, what does your master want to do?"

Dodo burst into tears, crying and shouting: "Bad guy woooo... sister, I'm so scared... I don't want to hold him back..."

"Hold me?"

Lin Chen was astonished, his eyes fell on the corner of the clothes held by Dodo, and he realized that Dodo had misunderstood.

Soon, he figured out what was going on, his face flushed red, and he was extremely annoyed: "The mere foundation building period also tried to kill me! Rampant!"

The spiritual power surged all over his body, and immediately shook Duo Duo away.

Seeing that he was about to step out of the Tianwu Forest, Dodo cried louder. She closed her eyes, teleported over, hugged Lin Chen's waist, and dragged him back with all her strength.

It's a pity that as a little butterfly spirit, his strength is really limited. Not only did he not drag it, but he was cut with scars and blood dripping from the surging sword energy.

Lin Chen looked down at the arm with bones on his waist, and there was a heart-piercing cry in his ears, and he was shocked. He didn't expect that the soft and weak little crying bag would have such perseverance, and he would not let go after being hurt like this.

He opened the little girl's blood-stained arm, and said coldly: "Since you are young, it is not easy to cultivate, so let me let you go."

After finishing speaking, he walked with the sword again with a dark face.

"Wuwu, you can't go, go back..." Just after flying a certain distance, a bloody little hand grabbed his shirt again.

Lin Chen's face was so dark that it was the bottom of the pot, and regardless of the scarcity of space monsters, spiritual light surged on the sword, and the sword energy spread across the field.

Kacha Kacha, the big trees behind him broke down in response, and the little butterfly spirit let out a short scream and disappeared in place in an instant.

Lin Chen's complexion also changed suddenly, he left the place abruptly, and raised his hand with a face full of palpitations. A little above his wrist, a slanted blood groove was bubbling.

He looked at the little girl who reappeared in the front left, and was filled with apprehension. The power of space should not be underestimated, but he was touched by the space fluctuation when she teleported. In just a moment, the spirit gang was broken, leaving this scar.

If the spatial fluctuations were longer, the entire hand might be cut off.

Dingding looked at the little butterfly spirit who was out of breath from crying for a while, and he asked: "I have to go, what are you going to do?"

"No, Sister Yun said that she will hold you back and not let you go out of the woods." Dodo shook her head vigorously, and saw that he was already standing outside the woods, feeling anxious and afraid.

"Sister Yun?" Lin Chen sneered, "It really is her."

Since she was destined to be an enemy, keeping her would be a disaster instead.

He clenched the Qingyuan sword tightly, and slowly unsheathed the sword body, dots of golden light emerged, converging into a golden dragon, with surging momentum.

Just at this time, a Lingran sword intent approached from behind, his scalp exploded, and cold sweat ran down his back instantly, he turned around like lightning, with a shake of the long sword in his hand, the golden dragon swept out, blocking the approaching Qingye sword intent.

"I'm not going to look for you, but you came here to die by yourself, that's good!" Lin Chen gritted his teeth, being chased and killed by a person whose cultivation level is not as good as his is simply humiliating him.

He held the sword and went up with the momentum of thunder, and he was going to cut this madman under the sword in the shortest time, and avenge the shame of the four sects.

Wei Lin was not afraid, and his body was like a dragonfly on the water, picking, stabbing, and chopping, calmly defusing Lin Chen's thunderous attack.

His face was full of sarcasm: "As the proud son of Taiyi, Lin Zhenren deserves to be a decent person from a famous family for such a cruel attack on an ignorant child."

Hearing this, the tearful little Butterfly cried even worse, "Brother Wei, why did you come here, he is bad, he bullies Duo Duo, it hurts so much..."

"Your sister gave you the Rejuvenation Pill, just eat one." Wei Lin sighed, the injuries all over her body looked scary, but they were actually skin wounds caused by sword energy, and they were not fatal.

His gaze caught sight of the scar on Lin Chen's arm, and he paused for a moment. The little butterfly spirit does not know any attacking techniques other than space teleportation, and this neat wound will not be bitten.

Then, it is the power of space.

His eyes flickered, and he transmitted the sound to Little Butterfly: "Duoduo, do you want to go back and find your sister soon."

Before she could answer, she immediately said, "Go behind him..."

Before finishing speaking, the little butterfly spirit immediately cried out: "I don't, I'm afraid!"

She didn't transmit these words, which immediately aroused Lin Chen's vigilance.

Wei Lin's face was full of black lines, this silly boy.

Forget it, let's teach it later, although I'm already at the seventh level of cultivation, I'm just a brat, but now time is running out, so I can only wrong her.

He said coldly: "If you don't go, you won't be allowed to eat for a month."

"Brother Wei is bad!" Dodo was extremely wronged.

Wei Lin softened his voice and coaxed softly: "It's good that you stay behind him all the time, you don't need to 'hold' him, don't worry, brother Wei will stop him and prevent him from beating you."

Relying on the sharpness of Qingye's sword intent, he can deal with it calmly now, but after all, Lin Chen is at the golden core stage, a whole realm higher than him, it is impossible to kill him in one fell swoop, and he has no time to grind slowly.

If there are no accidents, the first thing the others do when they land is to send sound transmission symbols to the sect. Maybe the Four Seasons Valley support team that is close by at this time is already on the way.

Mo Huai once said that a net has been laid outside to arrest him, and it is possible that the coalition forces of the four major factions have already reached the surrounding area.

"Despicable!" Lin Chen's face was as cold as ice, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Qianjiu's sword intent was already tricky, and if another force of space restrained him, if one was not good, the ship might capsize in the gutter.

Wei Lin ignored his words and continued to persuade Little Butterfly Spirit, "You don't need to touch him, just teleport with him, just stay behind him."

"Really?" Little Butterfly sucked her nose.

Wei Lin replied without hesitation: "Of course!"

The figure of the little butterfly spirit disappeared, and the next moment it was behind Lin Chen, still crying, as if he hadn't recovered.

Lin Chen's back felt cold, he moved around, and quickly moved away. Before he could stand still, there was another sobbing sound from behind...

In this way, although he was not touched by the power of space, his own rhythm was messed up, and he was hit twice by Wei Lin.

In the forest, Yunli leaned weakly in Mu Yan's arms, listening to her and Chu Nan talking to each other, and explaining to Chu Feng what happened after her disappearance.

She bit her lip: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's talk as we walk."

If you don't leave, she will go berserk!

"Junior Sister Yun is right!" Chu Nan nodded, and once again sacrificed the flying sword, and flew them out.

 Thank you Sheng Qianlan for the cute monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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