all the way to fairy

Chapter 429 Beast Tide

Chapter 429 Beast Tide
After traveling less than a thousand meters, Yunli found the southeast direction, Ji Ruochen was running wildly in front, and a group of fourth- and fifth-level monsters were chasing behind.

After finishing the calf, he will be delayed again.

Sure enough, Chu Feng soon found Ji Ruochen's trace, frowned and said, "He still has great uses, we can't let him die."

As he spoke, he flew towards him like lightning.

Yunli bit her lip, she couldn't go on like this, Mo Huai and Zheng Rui were still alive, no matter where they landed, everyone's reaction was the same, get out of Tianwu Forest as soon as possible.

In this way, the possibility of bumping into each other is extremely high, and every time someone encounters one to explain her disappearance, the time will have to be delayed until the year of the monkey.

In addition, when everyone gathered together, it was even more inconvenient for them to get rid of everyone and act alone, otherwise, killing Lin Chen would also arouse suspicion.

She took a deep breath, a little orange glow appeared in the depths of her pupils, and her consciousness spread like a tide.

The sleeping Iron Bone Flying Tiger suddenly woke up, howled in the sky, spread its huge bone wings, and flew to the north of the forest;
On the other side, a screaming snake and a hawk were fighting fiercely, with blood splattering everywhere. Suddenly, as if the pause button was pressed, the snake and the hawk stopped at the same time, turning their heads to look north. The next moment, the two monsters separated and stood side by side. Rush to the north.

This kind of situation happened in many places outside Tianwu Forest, and almost all the monsters were running towards the north.

The beast tide has begun.

"Thank you for saving your life." Panting, Ji Ruochen cupped his hands towards the crowd, and slid on the ground with his back against a tree.

As soon as he sat down, he felt the ground shaking. He quickly raised his head, only to see Chu Feng and Chu Nan's expressions were dignified.

"No, it's a wave of beasts! Let's go!" After all, Chu Feng was at the Golden Core Stage, and his range of consciousness far surpassed that of Chu Nan. He soon noticed the rushing beasts, and with a cry of surprise, he slid Ji Ruochen onto the flying sword.

Chu Nan followed closely behind, and while increasing his speed to the extreme, he asked in a deep voice, "Did the big monster discover us?"

"It should be." Chu Feng said, turning sideways and slipping Yunli onto his flying sword.

Caught off guard, a hand came over, Yunli almost jumped up, she turned her head, same as Mu Yan on the opposite flying sword, and smiled helplessly.

Originally, I was thinking of waiting for the beast horde to come over for a while, so that they would be captured by monsters and get away from them logically.

Now that Chu Feng is behind the Golden Core stage, it is a bit difficult for an accident to happen, not to mention that she and Mu Yan must not be too far away.

But she can't blame Chu Feng for being troubled, and he also has good intentions.

Chu Nan carried two people during the foundation building period, and it was hard to keep up with Chu Feng's speed. Now that the weight of one person is missing, his speed has increased significantly.


As the sword shadows fluttered, the two figures intertwined, the spiritual light surged, the sword intent surged, and the sound of "clank clank clang clang" long swords colliding could be heard endlessly.

Both Wei Lin and Lin Chen are geniuses who comprehend the meaning of swordsmanship. Their swordsmanship is superb. They quickly make moves, receive moves, and change moves.

Any flaws will be caught by the other party, and they have to tighten their minds, not daring to relax in the slightest.

During the fierce battle, Wei Lin suddenly felt heart palpitations, he quickly blocked with his sword, and left the place with the help of Lin Chen's attack.

When he searched intently, he found nothing. Lin Chen's attack was already at his side, so he had to put it down temporarily and continue to concentrate on responding to the enemy.

Not long after, that trembling heart palpitation came again, this time it lasted longer, and in just a moment, another ethereal world revealed a small corner.

Suddenly, he remembered, it was void!
When Ah Li transformed into form, the endless fire of Nirvana fell from the void, and he also felt this shuddering breath at that time.

Since it is the power of the void, it is related to the little butterfly spirit.

During the ensuing battle, he glanced at the little butterfly spirit from time to time.Although she is ignorant, she is very obedient. During the fierce battle, she has been working very hard to stay behind Lin Chen, like his shadow, following each step.

After a few more rounds, Wei Lin finally saw the clues. When Lin Chen moved at high speed in a small area, the little butterfly spirit also teleported, frequently entering and leaving the void in the same area, causing the space to be unstable, with short gaps .

Wei Lin's expression remained the same, but Mo Lijian's offensive changed, and Lin Chen was forced to move at high speed in a small area.

After a cup of tea, Lin Chen frowned. He stared at Wei Lin, feeling uneasy.

But he didn't see any abnormality on his face. Every move, every move, and even the changes in his eyes were in line with the current situation, but the uneasiness in Lin Chen's heart became more and more intense.

Can't sit still!

Spirit gangs sprang up all over his body, and after Wei Lin retreated, the golden glow on Qingyuan sword swept across, trying to suppress him completely, when a black crack suddenly appeared on his side, and the madly rolling golden dragon was cut off in the middle, Ling Ran's aura Crashed.

Lin Chen felt cold all over his body, so he immediately gave up the attack, raised his energy and used his body skills, trying to get away, but unexpectedly Wei Lin turned over, and pieces of green leaf sword intent sealed his surroundings, Lin Chen could only stop, and defuse the fierce sword intent.

After the crisis, he was in a cold sweat. Being well-informed, he quickly understood the origin of the crack.

His eyes fell on Qian Jiu, who was a foot away, he was slightly stunned, for such a good opportunity just now, Qian Jiu didn't step forward and took advantage of the situation to attack.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, something was wrong, Qianjiu's swordsmanship is exquisite, and his actual combat experience is extremely rich, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized that Qianjiu hadn't fought him in close quarters for a long time, and kept a close distance, and then he thought about it, under his attack, he unconsciously Stay in the same place all the time!
Associating the sudden appearance of space cracks, he felt terrified. All of this meant that Qian Jiu had first thought that frequently entering and leaving the void would lead to space instability, so he laid a trap quietly.

He also has to admire this keen insight and adaptability, and being in the hostile camp in time.

Without more time to sigh, Qingyuan sword waved, the sword light was like an unfolded folding fan, and the whole piece was drawn, protecting the whole body airtight.

Wei Lin held his hand tightly, and amid the flashes of spiritual light, pieces of green leaves flowed out, meeting Lin Chen's sharp sword intent.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chen knew that he wanted to break through the siege, but he couldn't do it in a short time, so he simply stood still and only turned his body left and right.

After some fighting, he also noticed that this little butterfly Jingkong has the attribute of space, but it doesn't know how to use it, and can only escape into the void by instinct.

He stood still, and simply showed his back to her. As long as the little butterfly spirit no longer frequently enters and exits the void, space cracks will not be created casually.

No, he didn't move, but the breath of the little butterfly spirit behind him still appeared and disappeared, apparently constantly entering and leaving the void.

Lin Chen was helpless, he didn't need to think about it, it must be Qianjiu's voice transmission order.

Also, he can naturally think of problems that he can think of.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and poured all the spiritual energy in his dantian and meridians into the Qingyuan sword, "Cheng", the sword body turned into a dazzling golden color.

The spiritual energy around him continuously gathered towards him, and even the spiritual energy in Wei Lin's body was faintly affected and leaked out through his body.

Wei Lin performed the exercises, and the restless spiritual power in his body returned to calm. He raised the long sword horizontally and poured all the spiritual power into Li Lijian.

Mo Lijian in his hand seemed to feel the Xiaoxiao sword intent of Qingyuanjian, and the sword trembled slightly.

It is excited and looking forward to it!

Wei Lin was also infected, with a fighting spirit in his chest, centered on Mo Lijian, the aura drawn by Lin Chen stopped and rushed towards this side.

There was a gleam of enlightenment in his heart, and the aura around him seemed to become intimate, and the meridians throughout his body were warm, as if soaked in spiritual fluid.

Suddenly, the lost spiritual power in the body seems to be replenished, and the spiritual power seems to be endless, let it be used.

Seeing Wei Lin's mysterious state, Lin Chen's face suddenly changed, did he enter enlightenment?
The aura around him was passing away, and the rising momentum of the golden dragon froze. Lin Chen decisively stopped gaining momentum, and the golden dragon rushed out with a low growl.

Wei Lin's eyes were bright, and he swung his sword, and the billowing green leaves rushed towards him like a giant green dragon.

Gold and green collided fiercely, and neither of them would give in. The sword intent surged, smashing everything around the two of them, and the little butterfly spirit behind Lin Chen screamed in fright.

As an obedient and good child, even at this time, she did not forget Wei Lin's order to appear behind Lin Chen, but she was really afraid.

Under the contradiction, she is like a pendulum swinging at high speed, jumping repeatedly in the void and the world of the sea.

The speed at which she came in and out, coupled with the shocking sword intent collision between the two, made the space even more unstable. Behind Lin Chen, a piece of black appeared and disappeared.

Lin Chen's hair was numb and his soul was trembling. It was as if a giant beast opened its mouth behind him, just waiting for him to fall into it.

He exhaled and made a sound, using the remaining spiritual power in his limbs and bones to perform body skills, and left the place regardless.

Without his continuous spiritual support, the golden dragon was crushed by the green dragon, and the roaring green dragon crashed straight into Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen spat out a mouthful of bright red blood, and used his last strength to change the direction in which his body fell, avoiding falling into the void, and passed out.

Wei Lin took a few steps back, half-kneeled on the ground, and withdrew from his comprehension, this sword drained all the spiritual power in his body.

He jumped up, and was about to go forward to make up the knife, when there was a startling momentum from the direction of Linxi Town, it was the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Go back to your sister, go!"

He hurriedly sent a sound transmission to the teary-eyed little butterfly spirit, and at the same time, poured out a bottle of tonic pill and took it to recover a little spiritual power, then quickly cast the dust removal technique to wipe out the breath of him and Duo Duo in the air.

After doing all this, he jumped on the flying sword and fled away at lightning speed.

"Nephew Lin!"

He had just walked for a while before several startled rainbows fell to the ground. Seeing the unknown Lin Chen on the ground, Zhenjun Fushu was frightened and furious.

With a sweep of his consciousness, a monk in blue and white slid towards the southeast like the wind, and within a short breath, he was out of the range of his consciousness.

"Straight up!"

Although it was only a flash and he never saw his face, but the cultivation base of the late foundation establishment stage was shining brightly, which made Zhenjun Fushu startled and angry.

Lin Chen was seriously injured during the mere foundation building period!

Lin Chen is no ordinary Golden Core Stage, he is a genius sword cultivator of Taiyi Sect, an invincible existence of Golden Core Stage.

Fushu's figure flickered, and he wanted to chase after him.


After the roar, an eighth-tier iron-bone flying tiger appeared in front of his eyes, blocking his way.

Fu Shu was furious, he flicked his wide sleeves, and the eighth-level Iron-Bone Flying Tiger was slapped on the ground, blood and spittle spilled all over the ground.

After clearing the roadblock, another eighth-rank snake came to bite him while hissing and spitting snake letters.

Before, his mind was all on the comatose Lin Chen and the escaped thief, only now did he realize that a large number of monsters in Tianwu Forest were coming here.

"Beast tide?" Zhenjun Jinshu, Buyuan, and Suxi next to him were surprised.

After pondering for a moment, Zhenjun Buyuan said to Fushu: "Fellow Daoist, calm down, since the big monsters have launched the beast tide, the most urgent thing is to get the juniors out."

Fushu was filled with anger, it was the genius of their Taiyi sect who had the accident, these people were naturally calm, maybe secretly happy.

This is the grandson of the elder brother in charge, the beloved disciple of the elder Taishang. He didn't die in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, but something happened here. How can he explain it?

Suxi Zhenjun let out a soft voice and said, "Saving people is the most important thing."

After finishing speaking, Bu Yuan secretly rolled his eyes, whether he can speak or not, don't speak if he can't speak.

Fu Shu was startled, and quickly squatted down to check Lin Chen's situation. This check made his eyes turn red again, and he almost squeezed out his teeth: "Qianjiu!"

In Lin Chen's body, the fierce sword intent raged, his internal organs were shattered, his meridians were broken inch by inch, some of his bones were crushed, and there was even a crack on his golden core.

No longer caring about chasing and killing, he quickly sat down and used his skills to help Lin Chen eliminate the raging sword intent.

Zhenjun Buyuan curled his lips, feeling that a few disciples were surrounded by beasts not far away, he flicked his sleeves and said, "The old man is going to pick up people."

As he spoke, he walked calmly, but his figure quickly disappeared into the forest.

Master Jinshu glanced at the direction he was leaving, and said to Master Suxi who was beside him, "I saw my ineffective disciple, and I'll go pick him up too, so I'm going to trouble brother Suxi here."

Master Suxi waved his hand and smiled warmly: "Sister Jinshu is being polite."

While speaking, he waved his hand and forced the surrounding monsters back.

After Yunli in the herd felt the breath of Zhenjun Yuanying, her little heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Seeing a tiger and a snake stop Zhenjun Fushu, she was slightly relieved, she couldn't help but rejoice that the beast horde started in time.

Almost all high-level monsters are in the forest, and it will take time to drive them out. If they hadn't been activated in advance, Fu Shu would have chased after his senior brother.

Zhenjun Jinshu arrived and quickly took the five of them out of the herd.

"What's wrong with Miss Yun?" Seeing Yunli's distorted face and dripping with cold sweat, Master Jinshu was very surprised.

Yunli pulled out a weak smile: "Thank you, Zhenjun, for your concern. There was an accident in the secret realm and I was poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Zhenjun Jinshu frowned, put his round and white fingers lightly on her wrist, and asked, "What kind of poison? Can you find a way to detoxify it?"

Yunli's eyebrows twitched, resisting the urge to pull her hand out, clenched her fists tightly, the veins on her forehead bulged, and after holding back a wave of pain, she said with difficulty: "No, I don't know what the poison is."

"Master, let me tell you, Junior Sister Yun is not convenient for her to talk." Chu Nan took the conversation.

While talking, they arrived at the place where Zhenjun Fushu and others were, and Zhenjun Suxi naturally asked a question curiously with her appearance.

 Thanks to raingirl00, book friend 20190905122932177, and Purple Lotus for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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