Chapter 430
Soon, Zhenjun Buyuan brought Mo Huai and Zheng Rui out of the Tianwu Forest. He frowned and said, "How many of you are there?"

Ever since she found out about him and Fuyue and the others, Yunli has been very concerned about this true king. Knowing such an important secret and being able to live in peace and stability is enough to show how powerful he is.

Hearing this, her eyes flickered, and when she found Mo Huai, he didn't ask immediately. It seemed that he didn't care about the Four Seasons Valley affairs.

A gloomy look flashed across Chu Feng's eyes, and he said, "There is also a female cultivator from Taiyi Sect, three killers from Canye Pavilion, and three demon cultivators."

"There is also Tai Yizong?"

Master Suxi was slightly surprised. Counting Lin Chen, there were six people from the Taiyi sect alive, which was something that had never happened before.

Surprised, he couldn't help feeling pantothenic, the Mirage Palace was completely wiped out.

Chu Feng nodded: "Jiuliyuan had an accident this time, and it was extremely dangerous. In the end, except for a Phoenix from another continent, the only ones who came out alive were those from the Canglan Continent."

"Phoenix?" Several True Monarchs couldn't believe their ears, what did they hear?The divine beast Phoenix, the legendary monster!
Immediately, Chu Feng raised the importance of the matter in the secret realm, and the four true monarchs were stunned by the huge information.

It's a divine beast, a phoenix, a demon, and an immortal mansion, any one of which is considered to be a great event, and they all encountered it all at once.

Whether it was intentional or not, Chu Feng didn't mention Yunli's advance and retreat with Wei Lin in the secret realm.

Yunli couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, her eyes gliding over Lin Chen, secretly praying that he wouldn't wake up.

As if God had heard her wish, Lin Chen's complexion suddenly turned an abnormal blush, and then he fell down limply, and Zhenjun Fushu couldn't breathe steadily, so he gave up.

"How is it?" Seeing him stop, Suxi Zhenjun resisted the shock in his heart and stepped forward to ask.

Fu Shu's face was as gloomy as water, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said solemnly: "It's not right, the sword intent has been completely wiped out, but the injury hasn't improved, and it's still getting worse, what's going on?"

"How is this possible?" The other three True Monarchs were also amazed, Su Xi squatted down: "Let me see."

Zhenjun Fushu hesitated for a moment before stepping aside.

After the inspection, Suxi Zhenjun's brows also began to knit, "It seems that there is some kind of power in his body, what kind of power is it?"

He frowned and thought carefully, but still found nothing.

Now, Zhenjun Jinshu and Zhenjun Buyuan were also curious, and they also checked, but they still didn't figure it out.

Yunli put her heart back into her stomach, finally she had some hope, as long as Lin Chen is not awake now, and she is away from a few true kings, she will always find a chance to make up for it.

Zhenjun Jinshu frowned and was very puzzled: "How can there be such a method in the foundation building period of Qianjiu?"

Chu Feng who was beside him suddenly said, "His sword is extremely unusual, as if it has a profound truth, and like an antelope's horns, there is no trace to be found, as if..."

He paused, and finally found a suitable word to describe it, "a sword of understanding in enlightenment."

Thinking of the power of that sword, Chu Feng was shocked and envious. Although they were far away at the time and did not know the specific situation of the battle between the two, the sword intent of the two behind fiercely collided soared into the sky. They all saw that sword, It is also difficult for Chu Feng to catch himself.

"Enlightenment?" Several True Monarchs frowned, astonishment flashed in their eyes, this is rare, many monks will never have enlightenment in their lifetime.

Looking at Lin Chen's injury, what he realized is still very rare, and the Nascent Soul Stage is also helpless, and several true kings can't help being afraid, secretly determined to get rid of him!

This child is too monstrous, if allowed to grow up, it will become a serious disaster.

As a spiritual doctor, seeing Zhenjun Fushu only focusing on discussing enlightenment, Ji Ruochen couldn't help but say, "Treat Zhenren Lin's injuries first, protect his heart and save his life."

It can't be cured just because it's still getting worse. At least the key injuries to the internal organs should be treated first to save life.

After being reminded by him, Zhenjun Fushu hurriedly took action, wrapped Lin Chen's heart with his own spiritual power, and took out the rejuvenation pill and the spirit-replenishing pill, broke it up and gave it to Lin Chen to help dissipate the medicine's power.

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes at Ji Ruochen, what's the matter.

Master Suxi glanced at Ji Ruochen, "Who is this junior?"

The monk had a good memory, but when he searched his memory, there was not such a person among the monks who entered Jiuliyuan.

Ji Ruochen shrank his neck, secretly annoyed that he was talking too much, and didn't know what Tai Yizong would do to him.

What if they killed him in a fit of anger to save Zhenjun Fujian?
He was expecting Ai Ai: "Junior..."

"Ji Ruochen!" Before he could finish speaking, Zhenjun Fushu, who was protecting Lin Chen's heart, fell on him and recognized him immediately, his mouth shut from ear to ear in shock, "You are still alive! No, you also entered the Nine Li Yuan?"

"He is Ji Ruochen?" Suxi Zhenjun looked at Ji Ruochen in surprise, "Didn't you say that he died?"

They knew that Fu Jian was killed by Qian Jiu because of a spiritual doctor named Ji Ruochen from Xuan Yu Sect.

But a foundation building period is still a dead foundation building period, there is really no need for them to recognize it, and it is flattering him to be able to remember this name.

But never expected that he was still alive and followed him to Jiuliyuan!

Ji Ruochen collected himself, and said the set of rhetoric that he had rehearsed hundreds of times in his heart.

"What? There are witches in the Remnant Ye Pavilion?!" Several True Monarchs turned pale with shock.

After looking at each other for a while, Zhenjun Fushu put Lin Chen down, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure there are witches in Canye Pavilion?"

How could Ji Ruochen be sure about this, facing Fu Shu's knife-like eyes, he swallowed his saliva, his eyes drifted to Yunli unconsciously, but he didn't even get a response from the corner of his eyes.

He could only bite the bullet and say: "Indeed, sure, the corpses of those witches are gray-green, their eyes are lifeless, their bodies are weak, they walk crookedly, and their bodies are full of toxins. If they are unfortunate enough to be injured by them..."

He shivered, "It will also slowly lose consciousness and become a walking dead."


Several True Monarchs gasped, this description is indeed the method of the Wugu sect.

"Not good!" Fushu exclaimed, "We must inform the head teacher as soon as possible!"

Yunli blinked her eyes, feeling strange in her heart, why does this sentence sound like the headmaster and they are already attacking Canye Pavilion?

Have they found the lair of Canye Pavilion?
Also, why did the True Monarchs from the four major sects arrive together?Could it be that the people who responded formed a team in advance, and divided into several waves, and each wave consisted of one person from each of the four major factions?
Suxi Zhenjun hurriedly got up, left the sentence "I leave it to you", and disappeared into the sky.

Zhenjun Jinshu also said: "Get out of here first."

More and more monsters gathered, although for them, it was a matter of raising their hands, but with the dignity of Nascent Soul, massacring low-level monsters outside Tianwu Forest, fearing to anger the Demon King.

Besides, this is the site of demon cultivators, there are many big monsters, if you don't leave, when the big monsters arrive, it will be difficult to leave with all the disciples.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a cold snort sounded from the depths of the forest, "Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, the four great sects are so powerful!"

The faces of Fushu and the others became serious, and the surrounding monsters automatically separated to make way for a path. A young man with short red hair walked out of the dark forest slowly with a murderous look on his face.

Followed by two demon cultivators, one with horns on his head, and the other with a pair of fox ears, they should have been transformed not long ago.

"Hong Yu." Master Fushu whispered, handed Lin Chen to Mo Huai, took a step forward, and stood side by side with Master Jin Shu and Bu Yuan.

"Hmph, I would like to ask, what are you trying to do by launching the beast horde rashly, are you trying to tear up the agreement?"

Hong Yu said carelessly: "This is the Tianwu Forest, the territory of our demon cultivators, you don't care if we activate it or not."

Zhenjun Fushu was so angry that he blew his beard, and the two sides exchanged words with each other, Yunli was secretly happy, and said that this group of demon cultivators came at just the right time.

Just when she was listening with enthusiasm, Chu Nan raised her hand and lifted her onto the flying sword, and then several people drove the flying sword away without looking back.

Yunli was even happier, she really fell asleep and handed over the pillow, whatever she wanted, she was worried that she would not be able to get rid of the real kings who were doing evil things.

Leaving the scope of the spiritual consciousness of several true monarchs, she immediately asked Mu Yan through voice transmission: "How is Duo Duo?"

"It's okay, it's all skin trauma, and it has begun to heal."

Mu Yan was very envious of Dodo's resilience. When Dodo went back, she cried with her for a long time through the contract, and she was very distressed.

After taking the elixir, she took out a lot of snacks to comfort her. It had only been a while, and the injury had already begun to heal. If she hadn't prepared the elixir and food by herself, she would have doubted what kind of magic elixir she was giving Duo Duo.

Yunli was all in comfort: "That's good, this time she is a great hero, so I have to reward her well, and take her to Tianxianglou for a big meal later, I'll treat her."

Mu Yan: "Do you have a spirit stone?"

"Uh," Yunli got stuck.

In just a second, she was full of pride: "It's okay, brother, there are still more, let Duo Duo open up and eat."

After chatting for a while, she collected her expression and asked, "Is there any way to keep Lin Chen from waking up forever?"

In the current situation, although it is easy to kill him, it will reveal flaws. It is better to let him never wake up without anyone noticing.

"Sleeping grass."

Yunli's eyes lit up. The sleeping grass has no other disadvantages other than making people fall asleep. On the contrary, it is one of the ingredients for refining Kunyuan Zengshou Pill, which has the effect of prolonging life, so it will not be easily noticed.

Tianwu Forest Center.

Bai Yu looked anxiously at the man on the throne: "My lord, are you going to let her go like this?"

The demon king rested his jaw with one hand, as if he was thinking about something, he heard that he didn't even lift his eyelids, he just said indifferently: "Why, you want to keep her for dinner?"

Bai Yu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xuan Chen who was at the side pulled his sleeves, so he reluctantly shut up.

For a while, the hall was silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

After a while, the demon king slowly raised his head, and the figure of a man in green shirt was clearly reflected in his deep blue eyes like the sea.

"How about Bai Lu?"

His voice is soft and pleasant, with an indescribable magnetism.

Lvjian lowered her head slightly, and replied respectfully: "It has been confirmed that he hid in Canye Pavilion. The attack on Jinlan in Tianxin Pavilion more than ten years ago was his handwriting."

"It's quite deep." The demon king's white and slender index finger tapped on the armrest intermittently, and said after a long while: "Since we found it, let's meet for a while."


Lin Chen needs a lot of rejuvenation pills to constantly repair the endless injuries in his body.

After ten years in the Liyuan Secret Realm, their elixirs had already been used up. Although Mu Yan had refined a lot, the Rejuvenating Pill was brought to Wei Lin by the Little Butterfly Essence, and the remaining elixir was not enough for Yunli to consume.

Therefore, several people decided to go to Linxi Town to replenish the elixir.

Coming out of the alchemy hall, three people walked towards them, a middle-aged man in white clothes, and two handsome teenagers.

Yunli froze suddenly, and the blood all over her body froze for a moment, Bailu!

The muzzle of the gun is on, and this is the end of the calf!
She panicked inside, but fortunately her expression was already distorted due to the burning pain, and she didn't show anything unusual.

Bai Lu glanced at them lightly, then withdrew her gaze, passing by calmly, like ordinary passers-by.

Yunli exhaled uncontrollably, it seems that Geli really doesn't want to give up his chess piece.

When the crisis was resolved, her mind turned. Bai Lu appeared here at this time, and she should have come to pick him up, so the two teenagers next to him, needless to say, were Wen Ming and Yue Yi.

Chu Nan who was next to him suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at the back of one of the young men, frowned and thought for a while, then jumped up suddenly: "The Killer of Canye Pavilion!"

Yunli followed his gaze, and there was a green jade buckle with arabesque patterns on the waist of a young man on the left, which was Yueyi's jade.

She couldn't help touching her forehead, wondering if Yi Rong could be more thorough.

The sparse streets were silent for a second, and the few passing passers-by scattered in a panic and fled as if flying.

Bai Lu stopped in her tracks, turned around and sighed softly, "Hey, I wanted to let you go, but I decided to come to die."

He no longer restrained his momentum, the coercion of the Nascent Soul stage made several people look pale, and Yunli even pulled Mu Yan to move aside step by step.

Chu Nan also knew that he had caused a catastrophe, his face was as white as paper, and under the pressure of Yuan Yingqi, his hands were shaking so much that he could hardly hold the Dharma sword.

Chu Feng took a step forward, his whole body surged with spiritual power, and the spirit gang flashed, blocking in front of several people, and said in a low voice, "You guys go first."

"Brother!" Chu Nan cried out.

"Come on!"

Yunli glanced at Chu Feng, Bai Lu was not an ordinary Nascent Soul Stage, Chu Feng faced him, it would be bad luck!

But in the current situation, even if they stayed, they would only add a few more lives.

She tugged Chu Nan, "Let's go."

"Brother, let's go together!" Chu Nan broke away from her hand, his voice trembling, obviously he also knew that under such circumstances, if Chu Feng stayed, he would die.

"Let's go, if we don't leave, none of us will be able to leave." Chu Feng growled without turning back, staring at Bai Lu and the others.

Yunli gritted her teeth, slashed Chu Nan unconscious with a knife in her hand, and said "Brother Chu, take care", and drove the banana fan, carrying Chu Nan and Mu Yan away without looking back.

Bai Lu would not take her life, but for the sake of authenticity and to prevent the four major sects from suspecting, she would definitely not let Ayan go.

She said silently in her heart: Brother Chu, I'm sorry.

Mo Huai and Zheng Rui also hurriedly controlled the sword, leading Lin Chen and Ji Ruochen to fly wildly.

The spiritual power in the rear was surging, and the aftermath of the battle almost overturned the entire Linxi Town.

Yunli didn't dare to look back, and frantically ran the kung fu, driving the plantain fan faster, and faster.

 Thanks scaylett for the big monthly pass! ! 1
(End of this chapter)

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