all the way to fairy

Chapter 431 Chu Feng Returns

Chapter 431 Chu Feng Returns
The autumn rain kept falling, and the window was completely white.

Zheng Rui glanced at Chu Nan who was sitting dumbly under the eaves outside the house, and said, "If he's like this, he'll be fine, right?"

Yunli pursed her lips. Since waking up, Chu Nan has maintained such a state of silence. After staying in Ziguang City yesterday, he has been sitting under the eaves waiting for Chu Feng to find him.

That expression, that appearance, weak and helpless, made Yunli feel guilty, "It should be all right?"

She felt a little guilty, Chu Feng was Chu Nan's only relative, but she forcibly took him away for her own selfishness.

Thinking in another way, if one day senior brother, Ah Yan or cousin were in danger and she was forcibly taken away, she would definitely be furious.

She twisted her fingers, "Brother Zheng, do you find it strange?"

"What's so strange?" Zheng Rui was confused.

"Killer of Canye Pavilion, that middle-aged man is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and he brought two juniors with him, and we haven't changed our appearance. They must be able to recognize us, why didn't they attack immediately? If Senior Brother Chu didn't tell them to kill them From the looks of it, he doesn't seem to plan to do anything at all."

"Hush!" Zheng Rui winked at her vigorously, then pointed to Chu Nan outside the room.

Only then did Yunli realize that what she said sounded like she was blaming Chu Nan for causing trouble, she covered her mouth, annoyed, "That's not what I meant."

She really just finds it strange that Lin Chen and Chu Feng are rare geniuses of the four major sects, and will be the pillars of the future, while Mo Huai, Chu Nan, and Zheng Rui are also rising stars.

No matter who among them died, it would be a heavy blow to Tai Yizong and Tianxin Pavilion, just to prevent her from being suspected by the four major sects, it would be fine if they were all killed, and there is no need to miss such a good opportunity, right?

Especially in the current situation, why doesn't Bai Lu want to touch them?

As soon as they entered Ziguang City yesterday, they learned the shocking news that the good and the evil factions were at war.

About two years ago, the four major factions found out Canye Pavilion's old lair, and they are now encircling and suppressing Canye Pavilion with all their strength. If it wasn't for the strong defense formation of Canye Pavilion, and the defense of Jing Zhe, Bailu and other top masters, it would be impossible to say that there would be no Canye Pavilion at this time. It's night time.

Of course, this was just an initial thought, with the witches as the hole card, how could Canye Pavilion be defeated so easily.

This point can be seen from the fact that the pavilion did not expose her identity. They are very confident in the future situation and still have a calm and unbreakable layout.

Looking at Chu Nan outside the house, and Lin Chen in the room who was still unconscious, Zheng Rui felt gloomy, "I hope Junior Brother Mo will come back soon."

Lin Chen was seriously injured, not only his internal organs were broken, but also his meridians were damaged in many places, and due to the existence of that strange force, it was still expanding.

Fortunately, Ji Ruochen managed to stabilize the injury, but it was only temporary. If the strange force could not be eliminated, the injury would continue to worsen until death.

After everyone discussed, Mo Huai went to Fenshui City alone to find the Supreme Elder Zhenjun Lingsu. He is the number one master in the world and has experience in dealing with the Sword Intent of Awakening Zhezhe. Maybe he knows what this strange power is.

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, she sat up straight, blocking Zheng Rui's sight, behind her was a cubicle, where Mu Yan set up a small stove to decoct medicine, there was no reason not to seize the opportunity when it came to her door .

Zheng Rui sighed, lowered his voice suddenly, and asked: "Junior Sister Yun, you have a good relationship with that devil, do you know what happened to his sword?"

"How can I know that." Yunli raised her eyebrows, "Isn't it a sign of enlightenment, I guess he doesn't know it himself."

In fact, she vaguely knew that on that sword, she felt the mysterious feeling of Shaohao Luo's attack.

Shaohao Luo was able to crush a group of Jindan stage monks to death with a sixth-level cultivation base, and even seriously injured the soul of a demon without spiritual power, all because he had comprehended that special power.

It's a pity that she has never been able to grasp what that power is. She never thought that her brother would be the first to understand it. She is also very envious of this understanding.

"That's right, the power that even Zhenjun Yuanying can't do anything about. If I were Qianjiu, I wouldn't tell you about this righteous person."

Speaking of this, Zheng Rui couldn't help persuading Yun Li, "Junior Sister Yun, our Four Great Sects and Canye Pavilion are already immortal, and he hurt Uncle Lin again. There was no possibility between you and him, and now it's even more difficult." Life and death blood feud, you can't be willful."

Yunli lowered her eyes, pretending to be hurt, and said in a low voice, "I know."

Heart: Lin Chen's life and death are related to this fairy, why is there a blood feud between life and death.

There was a familiar coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, she got up, and said dejectedly: "I'm going back to rest."

Zheng Rui waved his hand, "Go, go."

Back in her room, she quickly set up a formation, and slipped out of the inn after hiding her breath.

This way of trying to escape for her life made her gradually adapt to the burning pain in her body. Now she can practice normally, and after a while, she should be able to ignore it.

Looking for coolness, she quickly found Wei Lin, and after the two had exchanged information, Yunli asked, "Is it your arrangement for the four factions to find the headquarters of Canye Pavilion?"

Wei Lin was depressed: "No, if they find out the clues I left behind, they should break into the Remnant Ye Pavilion."

Before entering the secret realm, he buried the headquarters of Canye Pavilion, the locations of several important strongholds, and the defensive formation diagrams of several key locations on the outskirts of Qingque Mountain, and then released rumors of secret treasures.

Qingque Mountain is next to the Taiyi Sect, and most of the monks who come and go are Taiyi Sect monks. After receiving the information, they will report it to the sect as soon as possible.

With the relationship between the Four Great Factions and Canye Pavilion, no matter whether the information is true or not, they will definitely verify it.

With a specific location and a general formation layout, with the abilities of the four major factions, they can be controlled properly, and it is no problem to raze the Qinghe Valley to the ground.

But they don't know the information of the witches, and they will be counterattacked by the witches after they conquer the Canye Pavilion.

The four factions have profound backgrounds, and the Canye Pavilion can't resist for long. In this way, the four factions can not only use the hands of the four factions to eradicate the Canye Pavilion, but also consume the strength of the four major factions. At the same time, it can also eliminate the hidden danger of the witches. .

According to his plan, at this time, the four major factions should wipe out the remnants of Canye Pavilion across the continent, instead of being frozen in Qinghe Valley.

Yunli frowned: "Could it be that the news you released was not attractive enough? No one went?"

"It's not attractive enough for the foundation building period, but for the Qi training period, no one is attracted to such a big Taiyi sect?" Wei Lin asked back.

The matter has come to this point, so I can only put the matter aside for the time being, and leave it for later investigation. After thinking about it, Yunli asked him again: "Do you think Bai Lu's behavior is strange?"

After thinking about it, she still couldn't figure out why Bai Lu didn't do it immediately. According to past experience, the monks who came out of Jiuliyuan alive had the lowest achievement and cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage.

Just don't look at the long-term, but they have the special spiritual plant secret treasure brought out by Jiuliyuan, the other Bailu is not moved, what about the sleeping grass?That is one of the materials for refining Kunyuan Zengshou Pill.

Wei Lin tilted his head slightly, his eyes fell on the street outside the window, "It's quite strange, look out the window."

Yunli turned her head to look, and in the rain curtain, a person was wearing a blue cloak after the rain, walking slowly and leisurely.

It was Chu Feng.

"I'll go! He's still alive!" Yunli was stunned. Of course he should be happy that Chu Feng is not dead, but this is too weird!
Although he is extremely talented, Bai Lu is not an ordinary person. He was able to enter Tianxin Pavilion silently under the heavy arrangement of Tianxin Pavilion. Strength is not weak.

But Chu Feng managed to escape from his hands, and it seemed that he hadn't suffered any serious injuries!
"Could it be that Fushu and the others rushed over to save him?" After thinking about it, it was still wrong. If Fushu and others rushed over, they should come to them directly and take Lin Chen to find the Supreme Elder.

They didn't dare to take Lin Chen to Fenshui City directly because they were afraid of danger on the way, and Master Fushu didn't have such worries.

Mumbling to herself for a long time, but did not hear any response, Yunli couldn't help but look up, only to see Wei Lin's eyes were gloomy and his brows were knotted.

She raised her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "What did you think of?"

Wei Lin came back to his senses and asked back: "Do you still remember what happened when we came out?"

Yunli nodded, how could she not remember, it's only been a few days.

"In the secret realm, Wen Xueluo hid deeply, and Wen Ming and Yue Yi hid tightly. When the secret realm was opened, they were still picked up by the teleportation array. The big lala was exposed under everyone's noses. Why didn't Ling Su find Xing Ye and Yue Yi back then? What about Jingzhe?"

Yun Li was stunned for a moment, for all these years, if it wasn't for the sword intent left by Jing Zhe in Fu Yu's body, Ling Su still firmly believed that he was the only one who survived back then.

"Xingye is the spiritual root of space, maybe he did something to the transmission channel." She guessed like this, and once she said it, she felt that it was not appropriate.

Back then, Xingye was just a small foundation-building monk, so he could change the space transmission channel built by the great powers of the upper realm.

Facing Shang Wei Lin's deep gaze, she was stunned for a while, then she sighed: "The Can Ye Pavilion is really mysterious."

There was a cool smile on the corner of Wei Lin's lips, "It's not Can Ye Pavilion that is unpredictable, but the Pavilion Master and lore."

After a pause, he added: "Two lore."

Yunli was about to nod her head when she suddenly realized and asked, "Hey, why two?"

"Among the several killers, who does the pavilion master trust the most?" Wei Lin asked again.

Yunli supported her jaw with one hand, and slowly analyzed: "Mangzhong is responsible for all affairs in the pavilion. To the pavilion owner, he is a great housekeeper, but he is not really taken seriously;"

This point can be seen from the ownership of the Zhaoying sword. Back then, the pavilion master passed Wen Ming and gave the Zhaoying sword to Yue Yi, which was a slap in the face.

"Jing Zhe is the number one expert in the Canye Pavilion. His force value is beyond the charts, and he is also loyal. Yunshu Immortal Mansion, the counterattack against the four major factions, and other important matters are all led by him. Although the pavilion master relies heavily on him, he is also afraid."

There are rumors that Jingzhe and Mangzhong are at odds, but they can't say what kind of grievance they have. Moreover, Jingzhe's strength is too much higher than Mangzhong, and the two are not in the same weight class at all. In her opinion, this is more like Xingye A means of balancing forces in the pavilion.

"As for Bai Lu, she has a calm temper. She doesn't take the lead in everything, and doesn't back down when encountering troubles. She looks like a little transparent among the lore, but..."

She scratched her head: "Although I can't tell the reason, my intuition tells me that the pavilion master seems to trust Bai Lu the most."

"That's right, it's Bai Lu."

Wei Lin got up, stood by the window, and said softly: "Back when Wen Xueluo took the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, Jing Zhe immediately searched for it. After finding it, the Pavilion Master sent Bai Lu there to take charge with him."

"Later, Xiaobi in the pavilion, Jing Zhe returned to the pavilion, and Bai Lu stayed behind to guard him. On the surface, it seemed that Xingye respected Jing Zhe, but in reality, he trusted Bai Lu more, and he was worried about leaving the Yunshu Immortal Mansion to Jing Zhe alone. .”

"There are many other things like this. On the surface, Jing Zhe is in charge and Bai Lu is assisted, but in fact Bai Lu is Xing Ye's eyes, and he sent them to monitor."

Yunli sighed lightly: "People's hearts are unpredictable."

According to what Ling Su said, back then he met a master and a servant in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan. The geniuses suffered unspeakably.

If there are no accidents, this master and servant will undoubtedly be Xing Ye and Jing Zhe.

Xing Ye and Jing Zhe also had a life-to-life relationship, fought side by side, and had a master-servant relationship, and finally became famous, but they still came to the stage of suspicion.

Wei Lin frowned, and murmured in a low voice: "Accordingly, Jing Zhe is a servant and has a life-threatening friendship. Why did Bai Lu surpass him and win Xingye's trust?"

Xingye, Jingzhe, Bailu, the relationship between these three people is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface.

He couldn't figure it out for a while, so he simply stopped thinking about it, turned around and said to Yunli: "Chu Feng is back, you should go back to the inn first, don't let anyone find out."

"Okay." Yunli nodded slightly, and said again: "You also leave the Nanshan Department as soon as possible, and let the little butterfly tell you something."

The space teleportation of Little Butterfly Essence is really easy to use. The distance of thousands of miles is only a short moment for her. As a spiritual pet, almost no one pays attention to her whereabouts, so it is perfect for transmitting information.

Wei Lin disagreed, he said: "Tai Yizong's attitude towards you has not yet been determined, how can I leave with peace of mind."

"It will be fine. There are so many major events in the secret realm this time. They don't have time to pay attention to my trivial matter. At most, they will reprimand them."

Yunli quickly dispelled his thoughts. Those who want to catch him are not only the righteous people headed by the four major sects, but also the Canye Pavilion. Now the senior brother is the enemy of everyone, and it is too dangerous to stay in the Nanshan Department.

As if seeing what she was thinking, Wei Lin chuckled, "You can't believe my disguise technique."

After a pause, he said again: "Now everyone knows that we came out of Jiuliyuan. At this time, we hurriedly left the Nanshan Department, which made them even more suspicious."

Yunli thought for a while, the most dangerous place is the safest place, at this time there are many mistakes, so it's better to find a place to hang out.

She gave a few more instructions, then hid herself again and quietly went back to the inn room.

Pushing the door open, Chu Nan's eyes were red, and his voice was nervous: "Brother, are you alright?"

Chu Feng smiled helplessly, "It's okay, there is a shape-changing demon cultivator looking for him, so there is no time to deal with me, an ant."

Zheng Rui sighed, "Chu Daoyou is an auspicious person and auspicious person."

Transformation demon cultivator looking for Bailu?Is it because of this?

Yunli suppressed the doubts in her heart and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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