Chapter 432 Reincarnation
It was night, the silver moon hung high, and the cold moonlight passed through the window and sprinkled on the smooth floor, sparkling and beautiful.

Wei Lin made a formula, opened the Soul Sealing Orb, and a faint figure slowly emerged.

After several years of nurturing, Zhu Ge's spirit finally solidified a lot, he cupped his hands and bowed: "Thank you, Brother Wei, for saving me."

After the farewell back then, the goodbye was already separated by life and death, Wei Lin sighed and asked: "What happened back then, how did you fall into the hands of Mo You?"

When I first met Zhu Ge, I was already at the fourth level of Qi training. Mo You was just an ordinary person. After the Mo family was wiped out, she had no relatives. How could she be Zhu Ge's opponent?
Zhu Ge's soul was distorted, almost shapeless, and it took him a while to regain his composure. He was arrested into the Canye Pavilion, and he didn't know where it was at first, only that there were many monks who were arrested like him around.

They were soaked in a poisonous pool, with unknown bugs burrowing into their bodies, their consciousness gradually blurred, and they were groggy all day long.

Then one day, without knowing why, he woke up, struggled to climb out of the poisonous pond, and groped to find the exit.

Out of the secret path, there are many people outside, there are as many people in the Qi training period, and there are not a few monks in the foundation building period, and one of them can't find the way out. He is a small Qi training fourth-level monk, so he can only hide.

One day, he suddenly found an acquaintance, even though the person was tightly wrapped in a light pink cloak, he still recognized her, it was Mo You.

I saw her with her head bowed, followed by a little girl, walking in a hurry.

Because she is the little girl next door who has played since she was a child, she is smart and well-behaved, seeing her in this place of tigers and wolves, Zhu Ge couldn't help worrying about her, and thinking about it afterwards was extremely ridiculous.

To him, it was a tiger's den and a wolf's den, but to Mo You, it was a harbor sheltered from wind and rain. At that time, he really wanted to save her and escape together.

As a mortal, in the bloody killer organization's brocade clothes, he calls his slaves and maids, and the servants he serves are monks. It's not that he has never been suspicious.

However, she spoke eloquently, not only revealing her true identity as Mo Qishan's biological daughter, but also said that Can Yege wanted to use her to blackmail her father because of the exercises left by her father.

The little maid was actually her guard, who tricked himself into helping her kill the little maid, and then followed her to her residence pretending to be a maid.

Hearing this, Wei Lin almost understood that Mo You was just a mortal, and also the little sister who grew up with Zhu Ge, this careless person was completely defenseless against others.

The world is tricky, Mo You dared to take Zhu Ge to the residence, Lan Shu and they had to be absent, so it should be when they went to Jueying Peak to practice.

Back then, after coming out of Juying Peak, the little girl next to Mo You disappeared.

It's a pity, who would pay attention to the handmaid of a mortal girl.

While talking, Zhu Ge's shadow faded more and more, Wei Lin sighed: "The past is over, brother Zhu is pure and kind, and in the next life, he will surely join a good family and be safe and successful."

Zhu Ge also knew that the time had come, he smiled, bowed to the end, and opened his mouth to say something, but unfortunately he was already as thin as a thin smoke, the words dissipated as soon as he uttered them.

The cold wind hit outside the window, his shadow swayed, and his soul dissipated in the wind like green smoke.


The fiery red manjusawa bloomed in full swing, the Wangchuan River was silent, and a strange fragrance floated around. The sluggish undead found its way and unconsciously drifted towards the source of the fragrance.

It was a pond about ten feet in diameter, and the surface of the pond was shrouded in mist, making it hard to see clearly.

The sluggish undead arrived here, scrambling to jump down, but there was no wave in the pond.

Not far away, there stood a big rock, on which was a beautiful and bored girl.

The girl is also a soul body, unlike the undead, her soul body is condensed, no different from a real person, her eyes are clear, and she is not attracted by the strange fragrance from the pool of rebirth.

She sat quietly on the rock, her expression neither sad nor happy, she turned a blind eye to all kinds of undead coming in, her indifferent eyes passed them, and fell on the fervently blooming manjusawa on the bank of Wangchuan River.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally got tired of looking at it, and slowly withdrew her gaze, moved to another place, and continued to sit silently.

She just stared at it boredly, one place after another, sometimes it was the Manjusawa on the bank, sometimes it was the silent river of Wangchuan, and sometimes it was the yellow sand on the bank...

Suddenly, the tip of her nose moved, as if she smelled something, she sat up straight, her eyes quickly swept over the undead, and finally landed on a fat young undead.

"This breath is..."

She murmured, and the next moment she floated to the side of the fat boy, her pale fingers pointed at the forehead of the undead, and the past of the undead was displayed in front of her eyes, from birth to death, without missing a single thing.

The girl Gujing Wubo's face was broken, and a layer of surprise appeared, "He is... still..."

While muttering to herself, she let go of her hand, and the undead didn't notice it, and continued to float forward, plunging headlong into the misty pool of death.


After Zhenjun Suxi went to Fenshui City to inform the witches about the information, he brought the news of Lin Chen's serious injury along the way.

His beloved student was injured, and the Supreme Elder immediately rushed from the front line to the Tianwu Forest, just in time to meet Mo Huai who was going to report the letter; Zhenjun Fushu finished wrangling with the demon cultivator, searched for the information they left all the way, and rushed to Ziguang City.

Therefore, at night, the two true kings found Yunli and the others.

"Uncle, how is it?" Zhenjun Fushu swallowed unconsciously as he watched the elder Taishang's increasingly dignified expression.

Zhenjun Ling Su slowly withdrew his hand, a pensive look appeared on his face, and after a long time, he shook his head lightly.

The light in Zhenjun Fushu's eyes went out, "Master, you can't do anything, what should I do?"

"I heard that you were right next to Qianjiu when he started." Ling Su turned around, and glanced at Yunli and the others with sharp eyes, "Let me see the photo stone, I want to see what this Qianjiu can do against the sky degree!"

"True Lord, forgive me, my photo stone was destroyed in the secret realm." Yunli gasped, holding back the pain and said.

Zhenjun Ling Su glanced at her, said nothing, and turned his gaze to the others, not wanting them to shake their heads, and finally Mo Huai became the spokesperson.

"When the phoenix took shape, we took out the photo stone to record it, but it exploded as soon as we took it out."

Yunli was surprised for a second, then she flung it away. The Nirvana Heavenly Fire is so powerful that it can burn the whole world, and the little photo stone also tried to record it.

The role of the photo stone is mainly to record the undiscovered locations in Jiuliyuan, as well as the growth of spiritual plant monster minerals.

We spent a lot of time together along the way, in case someone records any special details, it’s okay to blow up.

"Exploded?" Zhenjun Fushu frowned even deeper, glanced at several people, and asked persistently: "No one?"

Zheng Rui was dejected: "Mine is still there, but when Qian Jiu started, we were far away, and we had to deal with monsters, so we didn't record it."

He moved slowly. At that time, he was only focused on watching the spectacle of the phoenix transformation. When he realized it, the photo stones of the others exploded one after another. Since it was useless, he didn't take it out.

 One more chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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