all the way to fairy

Chapter 433 The Power of the Law

Chapter 433 The Power of the Law
Ling Su's eyes were fixed on a certain place in the air, as if he was caught in a difficult decision, his thin fingers unconsciously rubbed the ring on his thumb.

Yunli's heart tightened, he probably wanted to search for the soul, right?
The few people nearby at that time, Chu Feng and Chu Nan were from Tianxin Pavilion and couldn't move; Ji Ruochen wanted to help Lin Chen stabilize his injury, but he couldn't move either, only himself and Ayan were left.

Of the two of them, who would he choose?

As a registered disciple of the head teacher, and having been recognized by Zhanmengdao, he will probably choose himself and use this opportunity to find out about himself.

But it is not ruled out that he will choose Ah Yan.

Yunli clenched her fists tightly. She is not afraid of searching for her soul. The last Zhenjun Shenshen who wanted to search for her soul was strangled by the seal on the spot. Before the seal, there is no difference.

However, if he died by searching for his soul in front of everyone, she would have to run for her life.

She clenched her fists tightly and raised her eyes slowly, just in time to meet Ling Su's deep eyes. He didn't look away until she saw that her scalp was numb.

Ling Su squeezed her forehead and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, how did you feel when you saw it."

Yunli slowly let go of her fist, she guessed right, Ling Su really thought about soul searching, but after all they claim to be righteous, and such things would never be brought up in the open, especially in front of a crowd of juniors.

If he still can't figure out the power in Lin Chen's body, he can't care about anything.

However, as long as he doesn't attack openly, she won't be afraid!

Among the few, Mu Yanji Ruochen was not good at fighting, and only described the great momentum of the sword-intent hedging and its external performance; Chu Nanyunli's description was also quite satisfactory.

It's not that she doesn't want to say more, it's just that she was in a poisoned state at the time, and she still had so many insights when she was too busy to take care of herself, which attracted attention.

Although Chu Feng is not a sword cultivator, he has been working hard to become a sword cultivator. However, when Tiandao opened the door of spiritual root for him, he closed the window of sword cultivator.

Although he has not become a swordsman, he has studied swordsmanship a lot, but he feels something different.

After listening to his words, Ling Su sat in front of Lin Chen's bed and thought hard all night. When the sky turned blue, he finally thought of a possibility.


These two simple words not only deceived Yunli and other juniors, but Master Fushu also looked bewildered, as if he had never heard of it before.

Ling Su said in a deep voice: "More than [-] years ago, in the catastrophe in the mainland, the female cultivator who was possessed by demons was as talented as Qianjiu now. After she formed the alchemy, she realized a special power. She Call it the law."

"After comprehending it, not only is she invincible within the golden core period, but she also has no pressure against the Nascent Soul cultivator. It is precisely because she comprehended the law and later became a demon, and no one is her opponent. The Canglan Continent is almost extinct."

"Hey, it's a pity, it's been 10,000+ years, and no one in the entire Canglan Continent understands it anymore, and everyone gradually forgets it." He sighed, his eyes were filled with indescribable loneliness. Compared with genius, it is still far behind.

In this world, there are always some people whose existence makes you despair.

The law, Yunli said softly in her heart, something vaguely floated up in her mind, and it disappeared quickly before she could catch it.

Speaking of the catastrophe more than [-] years ago, several people couldn't help but think of the demon in the secret realm. Master Huijue and the demon have a lot of grievances. Judging from what they said, it seems that the grievance also involves a third person, which will be the Canglan Continent. Is that witch?
Although Master Huijue's Dharma is exquisite and boundless, he is not the strongest in the mainland. It is still unknown what method he used to defeat the demon back then.

If he had something to do with the female demon, and even the reason why the female cultivator became a demon, it might be possible to explain the matter.

Outside the Tianwu Forest, everyone just briefly mentioned the important events that happened in Jiuliyuan, but the matter about Master Huijue has not been mentioned yet, so they will tell the two Zhenjun in detail at this time.

The two true monarchs couldn't help but feel that the matter of fate is really unpredictable.

After pondering for a while, Fushu Zhenjun said: "In this way, maybe the Xishan Fenyin Temple has a solution."

Master Huijue restrained the demon, and perhaps left a few words for Fenyin Temple.

Zhenjun Ling Su nodded slightly: "Not only the Fenyin Temple, but the Xu family may also have a way to crack it."

"The Xu family?" Master Fushu was puzzled. Is there such a family in the Xishan family?

"It is said that the female devil's surname is Xu, and it was a very prosperous family back then. After this incident, although everyone wanted to let the Xu family pay for their lives, but the Fenyin Temple would protect them and let it go."

Yunli pursed her lips. Compared with Fenyin Temple, this Xu family is more likely to know the way. After all, it is the female devil's family. She has a feeling that the first ones to benefit must be her own family.

In this way, it is really possible for them to release the power of the law, she clenched her fist unconsciously, Lin Chen woke up, and they should be the unlucky ones.

Under the noses of the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs, she couldn't act rashly, but Ling Su sighed again: "It's been 10,000+ years, and I don't know if the Xu family still exists."

Yunli's tense heart loosened, that's right, there was a female devil in the Xu family who caused trouble for Canglan, even with the protection of Fenyin Temple, other forces in Canglan would not wait to see her.

What's more, the Fenyin Temple is also gone, and it's hard to protect himself, so how can he protect the Xu family? There is little hope for this trip.

But for Zhenjun Ling Su, even if there is only a glimmer of life, he must seize it and give orders immediately.

Ji Ruochen had to stabilize Lin Chen's injury, so naturally he had to go to Fenyin Temple with him. Tianxin Pavilion was also in the Xishan area, and Brother Chu Feng also sent him back along the way;
As for Yunli and the others, Zhenjun Fushu sent them back to the sect to recuperate. In Ling Su's words, "I have been in the secret realm for ten years, and I have been worrying about it all day. I think you are exhausted physically and mentally. Go back and have a good rest and enlightenment."

In the end, he sent a voice transmission to tell Fu Shu: "The matter of the disciples surnamed Wen should also be paid close attention to. There is absolutely no disciple of my Taiyi sect who is living outside."

Zhenjun Fushu smiled wryly, with the Yunshu Immortal Mansion hiding, and the black flood dragon who has reached the cultivation level to protect him, the female cultivators surnamed Wen can do whatever they want.

Seeming to see what he was thinking, Ling Su said: "Heijiao is not willing to be a spiritual pet for the little foundation builder, as long as it doesn't hurt her life, it's fine;"

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, because of her cultivation, Heijiao is only at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Even if her cultivation goes up, he will be imprisoned by the laws of heaven and earth. His highest cultivation is also in the late Yuanying period. , nothing to worry about."

"After all, he is a demon cultivator of the upper realm, and he is familiar with the upper realm, so instead of making friends with him, in the future we will ascend to the upper realm, and it will not be because of a blind eye."

They stood still suddenly, Yunli and the others naturally knew that it was a voice transmission, and hurriedly took advantage of this time to say goodbye.

Chu Nan returned the silver-gray chess piece to Yunli, thanked him again and again, and took over Yunli's formation for the rest of his life, which moved Yunli very much.

(End of this chapter)

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