all the way to fairy

Chapter 434 Life

Chapter 434 Life
After explaining everything, Ling Su immediately sacrificed the spirit boat, took Lin Chen and others to fly to the Xishan area, Zhenjun Fushu also hurriedly sacrificed the spirit boat, and took Yunli and others to the Taiyi sect at high speed, as if there were ghosts chasing after them generally.

As a result, Yunli didn't even have a chance to notify Wei Lin. In desperation, she could only let Duoduo teleport back to Purple Light City to inform Wei Lin of their whereabouts after flying out for a while, taking advantage of Fushu not paying attention.

Halfway through the walk, Yunli suddenly felt her palms burning. She hurried back to the room to check, only to see a pale golden rune appearing in her palm, and a spot of blood in the center of the rune was beating rapidly, revealing the aura of the Xuanshuang Yanhu cub!

Her heart skipped a beat, no, something happened to her cousin!
Xuanshuangyan's tiger cub is now his cousin's spiritual pet, and it is secretly owned. It will not be easily shown to others, and the tiger's mother and father are secretly protecting it. If something happened to it, Fuyu must have done something to his cousin.

She was very anxious, even if Zhenjun Fushu was in a hurry and had already increased the speed of the spirit boat to the extreme, it would take at least seven days to return to the sect.

For seven days, the day lily is cold!
How to do how to do?
She tugged at her hair, her mind blank.

"Calm down, calm down, you must be calm!" She kept taking deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down, speed, teleportation, Duo Duo!

Her eyes lit up, then quickly dimmed. Duoduo's speed is very fast, but she doesn't know any spells, and her mind is ignorant.

The last time I was able to drag Lin Chen, firstly, Lin Chen was at the Golden Core stage, and Duo Duo was also at the Golden Core stage; secondly, the senior brother rushed over quickly, but in the current situation, the enemy is Fuyu in the late Yuanying stage, cousin He is also not good at fighting, and if Duoduo goes, he can't stop anything, and he may lose his life in vain.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the panic on the ground, she opened the door and called Mu Yan to discuss it. She couldn't help but rejoice that Fushu Zhenjun, as the master of the peak, had a very extravagant car.

Not only is the appearance exquisite and the defense is solid, but the interior layout is also extremely luxurious. There are five or six small rooms separately, and the corresponding formations are provided. Once the formations are closed, it becomes an independent space with excellent privacy.

After Mu Yan entered the room, she activated the matching formations in the room, and then took out the isolation formations that Wei Lin had obtained from the Gray Shadow Treasure. Thinking about it, she didn't feel relieved, so she simply set up two more sets.

This move stunned Mu Yan, she quickly asked: "What happened?"

"It's my cousin, Fuyu might have done something to her!" Yunli clasped her fingers tightly, looking at the butterfly hairpin in her hair, "Duoduo, you might teleport with someone?"

Without waiting for Duo Duo to speak, Mu Yan cried out: "You are crazy!"

Teleportation needs to travel through the void, without the protection of the power of space, entering is death.

Duoduo is young, and her cultivation is only at the Golden Core stage. Let alone whether she has enough cultivation to protect a person through such a long void, if she does, she doesn't know what to do. If there is any negligence, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yunli shook her head, "My physical strength is no less than hers, even if I was exposed to the void for a short time, I only suffered some skin trauma, it's not a problem."

She fixedly looked at Duo Duo who flew out from Mu Yan's hair, "The key is, can you teleport me there?"

Duoduo blinked her clear purple pupils, thought for a while, and said, "It's a bit difficult."

"That's fine." Yunli turned to Mu Yan and said, "I'll leave this place to you. Before we come back, don't let people find out that I'm not here."

Mu Yan stomped her feet anxiously, Douduo is a child, what do you know, she can only trust her words, she said it is a bit difficult, that is, something will happen!
"Cousin's life is the most important thing. I will only get hurt a little at most. It's okay."

In the Wanqing Palace, the alchemy room, the Xuanshuang Yanhu cub was lying in a pool of blood, and the blood stained An Ran's eyes red.

She called out tremblingly, "Ayou!"

The little tiger cub always ran to her happily when she heard her call, but now, it was lying in a pool of blood, motionless.

"Hmph, you actually took a spiritual pet. I really underestimated you." The tall figure slowly approached, and the flickering lights stretched his shadow to a long distance, twisting like a hellish ghost, completely covering An Ran.

Not wanting the enemy to see her weakness, An Ran held back the tears in her eyes, struggled to stand up, and asked coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Appreciation flashed in Fu Yu's eyes, "That's right, you have a bit of my style back then, if are indeed a good candidate for disciple."

An Ran snorted coldly, "Master and apprentice, I must die to understand if I die."

Fuyu coughed lightly and laughed, "It's really like me. Back then, I tried my best to delay the time, so I escaped. It's just that you are different from me, no one will come to rescue you."

"I activated a secret formation known only to the Peak Lord, and the entire Wanqing Hall became another realm. Even if the entire hall is torn down, no one will notice the abnormality here."

"Of course," he smiled slightly, "Actually, it's nothing to be found out, I give you everything, and no one will disobey me because of you."

"That's not right." He cast a sideways glance casually, pretending to be regretful and said, "If that child Su Xu was here, he would probably disobey me for you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity that good people don't live long, he's dead, he's dead! Hahaha..." He laughed, first in a low voice, then burst out laughing, a strange blush appeared on his pale face, and he would Bedridden under dead pressure.

An Ran felt a pain in her heart, and wondered at his attitude. Not only was she not sad at all, but she seemed to be very happy. She was suspecting that she had heard wrong, when she saw Fuyu's face contorted, and she almost squeezed out from between her teeth: "The Su family, everyone Damn it!"

She was stunned, Fuyu hated the Su family?

How can this be?

The thoughts in her head were messy, and before she could sort it out, Fuyu grasped it with five fingers, and her body flew towards him uncontrollably.

As soon as she was about to fall into his hands, a red glow suddenly appeared on her body, resisting the suction force, the red glow appeared for a very short time, only a blink of an eye, and then disappeared with the shattering of the bracelet on her wrist.

However, this short moment bought her a little time, she quickly sacrificed a shield-like magic weapon to block in front of her, then quickly backed away, sacrificed one defensive magic weapon after another.

Compassion flashed in Fuyu's eyes, "It's ants who have never seen the world, how can these broken copper and rotten iron block me."

He raised his hand and waved it casually, and a palm print flew out, destroying many defenses like rotten ones, until the last one, the energy of the palm print was almost exhausted.

Even so, the final aftermath still fell on An Ran, and she was slapped hard on the wall like a piece of rag.

Regardless of the pain, she quickly got up and sacrificed several defensive magic weapons. Some were passively triggered like bracelets, and some were actively activated, including ornaments, shields, and bells.

Fuyu didn't continue to attack, he admired her embarrassment with great interest, just like a cat teasing a mouse.

An Ran wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth and stood up, raised her chin, and a flash of determination flashed across her face: "I, An Ran, as the Princess of Liang, am proud. Even if I die, I will never make a furnace for others."

"The cauldron?" Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, "So you think so."

He sneered, with deep disdain in his eyes: "Ordinary people really have short-sightedness. Those who are not talented and can't improve their cultivation base need furnace cauldrons. Geniuses like us rely on furnace cauldron pills to increase their cultivation base , is a disgrace."

An Ran's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her eyes to glance at him, as if thinking about the truth of what he said.

Fuyu took two steps forward, straightened the crooked glazed vase on the case, then tore off a petal of the flower, and sighed leisurely: "For us old guys, life is the most important thing." The most important thing."

"You want to take me away?" An Ran almost blurted out, and as soon as the words came out, she quickly realized, "No, the ban on the mainland will be lifted, and in your situation, you can still afford to delay it for more than fifty years. This takeover, No need."

Another point is that if Fuyu's goal is to seize the body, his body will become his body, and he will definitely ask himself to lay a good foundation instead of constantly urging himself to cultivate and advance.

Since you don't want your own cultivation, what's the point of urging yourself to cultivate?

An Ran frowned, staring fixedly at the opposite Fuyu, who was resting on her feet. His words just now flashed through his mind, and his lifespan was the most important thing, "What you want is my lifespan?"

As soon as the words came out, she herself was surprised. The Kun Yuan Zengshou Pill can be used to prolong life. Counting the time, the cousin and the others will be back soon.

This time, Jindan stage entered Jiuliyuan, and there were much more sleeping grasses to pick than before. Fuyu, as the head of Taiqing Peak, must be the first batch of people assigned to it.

Even if there is no sleeping grass, for more than fifty years, other life-prolonging pills and spiritual fruits can also survive, so why do you have to take your own life?

She thought it was ridiculous, but Fuyu's expression told her that this guess was correct, and what he wanted was her longevity.

I don't care about her foundation, and keep urging her to advance, because as her cultivation base increases, her lifespan will also increase.

However, cultivating the Tao is not a myth or a legend. How can such an illusory thing as lifespan be taken away?
"Now that your doubts have been resolved, let's begin."

Fuyu coughed twice, collected his expression, and flew out with a long sword in his hand. The defensive magic weapons An Ran sacrificed seemed so powerless in front of this sword, and they didn't have the slightest blocking effect. Shatter like glass.

The long sword stopped in front of her eyes, and then a sticky feeling appeared all over her body, and it was very difficult to move even slightly. What was even more frightening was that the spiritual power in her body was blocked like an ice spring.

is the field.

Fuyu walked up to her in a few steps, grabbed her fair and slender wrist, raised it to his lips, and bit down hard.

An Ran was startled, can sucking blood take away lifespan?

Suddenly, she came back to her senses for a moment, now is not the time to think about these things, she tried her best to mobilize the spiritual power in her body, trying to break free, but under the domain, not to mention spiritual power, even strength was imprisoned, the whole person seemed to be waiting There is nothing to do with the slaughtered lamb.

Feeling the continuous flow of blood in her body, she secretly prayed in her heart, it will take effect soon, it will take effect soon...

When she was in a daze and was about to lose consciousness, there was a soft sound in her ear, followed by a bright light flashing in front of her eyes.

Just as Yunli came out of the void, what she saw was the scene that made her tremble, Fuyu was actually sucking her cousin's blood!

Without thinking too much, Huanshiling flew past An Ran and approached Fuyu.

The fresh blood entered the body, and it turned into vitality through the refining of the blood meditation. When Fuyu was feeling happy, he suddenly felt the spatial fluctuation.

He looked up subconsciously, and saw a black hole behind An Ran at some point. As soon as the blood-stained girl Fu showed her head, she suddenly became furious, and a piece of orange silk flew out of her hand.

Cloud pear?

He was surprised at the identity of the visitor, felt the terrifying heat floating on the silk, and immediately changed his color. He stepped on his feet, and was about to grab An Ran and retreat, but he saw the silk unfolding vertically in front of An Ran, part of which was like Snakes generally wrap around their wrists.

He immediately made a decision, let go of An Ran, and retreated together, looking at the red and swollen arm covered with blisters with lingering fear, and feared that the arm would be useless later.

Spiritual power flowed through his arm, washing away all traces left on it, and then he raised his head, "Heavenly fire? Who are you?"

Whether it is walking out of the void, or this fire, it is extraordinary.

Yunli didn't answer, but just pulled An Ran away, quickly checked her condition, and saw that she was just comatose due to excessive blood loss, and there was no danger of her life, so her tense heart relaxed.

Leaving Fuyu's domain, An Ran's spiritual power circulated all over her body, and she soon woke up. Seeing Yunli, she was both surprised and happy, "You are back."

After saying that, her eye sockets were already wet, she quickly got up, lowered her eyes to cover the water in her eyes, and changed to sound transmission: "Let him use more spiritual power to delay time."

Yunli nodded slightly, "With me here, I won't let him hurt you!"

She took a few steps forward and blocked An Ran behind her. Her eyes glistened over the blood at the corner of Fuyu's mouth, and she asked in surprise, "Blood Dark Art?"

She was guessing, but the surprise floating in Fu Yu's eyes confirmed her guess, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, "So, you took away the blood magic of the Mo family?!"

Yunli was shocked, the previous tiny clues became a thread.

When Fuyu went to Four Seasons Valley to pick up Ayan and others, he took Mo Huai with him. That is to say, when the Fang family was destroyed, he was also near Jincheng. It couldn't be easier to take away things for the Mo family who were not in the foundation building period.

After Fang's family was wiped out, Remnant Ye Pavilion did not find Xue Ming Gong in Fang's family, nor did Mo Huai, the only one who escaped.

After Mo You practiced against the sky, they thought that the Mo family's Blood Dark Art was taken away by Mo You, but there are a few things that don't make sense.

Mo Qishan specially found the Blood Darkness Art for Mo You. It is normal for her to have it. The lost copy of the Blood Darkness Art is kept by the head of the Mo family. Normally, there should be two copies.

She pursed her lips. The Canye Pavilion destroyed the whole family of Fang's family because of the loss of Xueming Gong. If Fu Yu took away Xueming Gong, wouldn't it mean that Fang's family was the fuse to destroy the family?

Then what kind of mood did he have to save Mo Huai?
She was shocked, and Fuyu was also shocked, and asked again: "Who are you?"

The matter of Xueming Gong was extremely secretive. It was only said that the Fang family was exterminated by the Remnant Ye Pavilion because of a certain kung fu, but did not say what specific kung fu was.

Yunli regained her composure, Huan Shiling waved, "The dead don't need to know!"

(End of this chapter)

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