all the way to fairy

Chapter 435 Female Soul

Chapter 435 Female Soul
Being so despised by a foundation-building period, Fuyu, who regarded himself as a genius, was furious. When he raised his hand, a bronze-colored alchemy furnace suddenly appeared, spinning and hitting Yunli.

With the Mengzhan Saber in hand, Yunli exhaled loudly, and rushed over, the Mengzhan Saber collided fiercely with the pill furnace, and the pill furnace, which was spinning at high speed, stopped for a moment, then immediately turned in the opposite direction.

Being able to move the Meng Zhan Dao, Fuyu knew that her strength was extraordinary, so she didn't dare to be careless, mainly because of his current sick body, he didn't dare to force it.

He turned around to avoid it, let the pill furnace hit the wall, and slashed at Yunli with his backhand.

It was obvious that An Ran's voice transmission earlier had some backhand, so Yunli didn't take it hard, and avoided An Ran who was hugging the tiger cub. She just needed to lure Fuyu to keep attacking.

Seeing her like this, Fuyu didn't have any doubts. No matter how strong she is, no matter how secretive she is, she is only at the foundation building stage right now, so how dare she take the moves of Yuan Empress True Monarch, even though he is already very weak.

After her spiritual power is exhausted, she will not be able to use any weird methods, and it will not be a threat to him.

The monk Yuanying was still so cautious about the foundation building period, Fuyu was a little ashamed, but there was nothing he could do.

In other foundation building periods, once the domain comes out, it is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but she is not an ordinary foundation building period.On that day, Lanshu brought a golden core and a Nascent Soul to ambush her. According to several brothers, she broke free from the realm of the Nascent Soul Killer for a short time.

Now he can't stand any accidents, it's better to be careful.

The two fought back and forth, very lively, not even touching the corner of each other's clothes, all thunder attacks without exception, landed on the wall of Wanqing Hall.

Fortunately, Fuyu activated the secret formation, otherwise the Wanqing Palace would have collapsed if they continued to fight like this.

While beating and hitting, Fuyu suddenly felt a heat in his nostrils, and something flowed out, he raised his hand to wipe it, blood came from his hand.

He froze for a moment, and the blood in his body began to churn, his meridians twisted, and his spiritual power became disordered.

How is this going?

The sword intent of the killer in the Canye Pavilion that day did damage his meridians, but it has been slowly cultivated over the years, and it has recovered.

He was full of doubts, so he heard a sneer: "You look down on mortals, how do you feel now because of mortals' methods?"

Zhenjun Fuyu looked over, the woman in the arms of the tiger cub was dressed in red like blood, her long and beautiful eyes were curved into half crescents, and she smiled.

"It's you?" Fuyu was suspicious, and quickly rummaged through her memory. Except for catching her to suck blood, neither she nor the tiger cub had ever touched her. When did she get caught?What are the means of mortals?
There was a smile on An Ran's almost transparent white face, and against the bloody red dress, there was a thrilling beauty.

"Over the years, I have cared the most for you. I have studied all the medicines you take one by one. Although the medicines may increase or decrease from time to time, there are bound to be some that do not return to your beauty."

Yunli's eyes flickered, and she immediately understood that she was delaying time. Looking at Fuyu's gloomy face opposite, she sighed in her heart, maybe it won't be long.

It's fine if I didn't find it before, but for an old monster like Fuyu, now that he's found it, it's absolutely impossible for him to fall into the same pit twice.

Sure enough, Fuyu only listened halfway, and quickly understood her intentions. At a critical moment, he calmed down to the extreme, forcibly suppressing the chaos in his body. The palm came out, straight to Yunli's heart.

Yunli was slightly stunned, only the natal magic weapon can be stored in the dantian, this is his natal magic weapon?

For an alchemist, the magic weapon of his life turned out to be a sword!
Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she avoided it as usual. What Fuyu wanted was a quick solution, but she only needed to delay it. The longer the delay, the better it would be for them.

Fuyu's face was condensed, she made a feint, and turned to attack An Ran who was in the corner. Before reaching her, the energy behind her burst through the air, and the terrifying heat made her back ache.

However, Fuyu didn't care at this time, her body was in chaos, if she couldn't make a quick fix and go back to deal with the toxins in her body, she might really fall into the hands of this little girl An Ran.

Besides, the strange fire is terrifying, he can't bear it, and An Ran can't bear it even more, he is willing to take a gamble!
When it was about to touch it, the scorching heat receded like a tide, Fuyu's heart relaxed slightly, the bet won!

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to An Ran, Yun Li could only withdraw the Nirvana Sky Fire, but Huan Shi Ling didn't stop, and continued to move forward, finally entangled Fu Yu when he was in front of An Ran.

The thin orange gauze coiled lightly and flew around Fuyu, Yunli quickly tightened Huanshiling, and at the same time pulled him back with force.

His hands were tied to his sides, and Fuyu didn't try to break free. His previous experience told him that it was futile to struggle with this brute force girl.

With spiritual power accumulated in his leg, he whipped his leg and kicked Anran hard. Since Yunli valued her so much, if she was in danger, Yunli would protect her, and he had to let him go.

Yunli thought exactly the same, but saw An Ran holding the tiger cub with one hand, avoiding the fatal blow with a low body.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and instead of letting go of Huanshiling, she pulled it even tighter. She wanted to take the opportunity to pull Fuyu away, but An Ran didn't run away immediately after dodging, but raised her sleeves backhanded, A mass of dark color flew out from her sleeve.

It's Ming Qi's ink needle!

Fuyu was already very close to An Ran. After avoiding the attack, she came to Fuyu's side. Regarding the canary he raised, Fuyu thought he knew her very well and didn't take too much precaution. The needle went deep into Fuyu's arm.

Yunli shook the Huanshiling, and pushed Fuyu away, while she flew over, holding An Ran and quickly away to avoid Fuyu's counterattack.

Fuyu froze on the spot, his eyes filled with disbelief, the cold numbness quickly spread from his arms to his whole body, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground.

Losing the suppression, the toxins in his body erupted again, and his face became colorful all of a sudden.

Yunli was also stunned. When I gave the ink needle to her, because I had to practice using it, I deliberately cleaned up the poison on the needle, and considering that Fuyu was too taller than her, I also gave the jar of poison to her. Her, just in case.

She knew that the poison was very powerful, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Slowing down, An Ran said to Yunli: "Don't worry, the fragrance of the cherry blossoms is incompatible with the face of non-return. For the past ten years, I have been carrying the cherry blossom sachet with me. Every time he takes medicine, I must be there. After coming down, the toxin has accumulated deeply, even without the last injection, he would not be able to live."

Yunli couldn't believe it, ten years, a whole ten years, it took such a long time to find out!This poison is too secretive!
"Aren't you superior, don't you look down on ordinary people, how does it feel to be defeated by ordinary means?" An Ran asked again with a cold face.

"You..." Fuyu raised his head with difficulty, his face was in a daze.

"You told me the truth, as an apprentice, I will let you know." An Ran approached and stopped a foot in front of him. Yunli quickly followed her and listened to her speak slowly.

"The toxins produced by Lingying Blossom and Buguiyan Xiangke are very weak and can be easily overlooked, but over the years, the accumulated toxins are quite considerable."

"This kind of toxin is still very secretive. If you don't use your spiritual power, there will be no abnormalities. You have been recovering from your illness these years, and because you cherish your life, you refuse to use half of your spiritual power. You leave everything to the people below to do, not only I didn’t notice it myself, and neither did the spiritual doctor who has been treating you.”

"" Fuyu's eyes were horrified, the use of spiritual power by a monk was as common as eating and drinking, that is to say, even if he didn't come to kill her, as long as he recovered from his illness and started using spiritual power, he would be poisoned.

A wave of anger rushed straight to the top of his head, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but only made intermittent ho ho sounds.

Under the action of the two toxins, he couldn't hold on any longer, fell to the ground and twitched non-stop, and finally fell silent in frustration.

Looking at this old and ferocious face, with eyes that refused to close until death, An Ran's heart was complicated. He was once her proud teacher, handsome, kind, and personable.

"Master, farewell." She said softly, her whole body relaxed, and she felt a kind of relaxation from inside to outside. After all these years, the knife hanging above her head was finally gone.

Yunli stood in front of her vigilantly, and the Huanshiling was shining brightly, surrounding Fuyu's body tightly.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Fuyu has stayed in Canglan for many years, and his spirit is far stronger than ordinary people. Even if he dies, his spirit will not dissipate in an instant. At this time, we must prevent him from seizing his body.

Although it is not possible to seize the body casually, it is a test of the strength of the soul. The soul of an ordinary monk, not to mention seizing the body, even dissipates before leaving the body.

Unless there is a treasure that absorbs the soul, or someone attracts the soul like Zhu Ge, it will not be revealed.

Therefore, seizing the house generally needs to be arranged in advance, with the help of various means such as formations and magic weapons, and the help of others when necessary.

As she expected, Fuyu's soul was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary monks, it was not only revealed, but also had a faint outline.

Although it only appeared for less than a second and then disappeared without a trace, it still shocked Yunli and Anran.

Because although the outline is vague, it is not Fuyu, but a heroic woman.

Yunli rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe what she saw, it took her a long time to find her voice.

"Did I read it wrong? How did I see it was a woman's soul?"

"I saw it too." An Ran frowned, "This woman has a kind face."

"Have you seen it?" Yunli was surprised.

Searching through the memory, but did not find any clues, An Ran shook her head, "I don't know."

Yunli was silent, and said, "We'll talk about this later, let's deal with the funeral first."

"Give me the tiger cub."

An Ran was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, "It can still be saved?"

When Fuyu suddenly entered the Wanqing Hall, Ayou was the first to spot him, and immediately rushed over, but was shot dead by Fuyu at will.

"If I don't tell it to die, it won't die!" While speaking, Yunli wiped the tiger cub's forehead, and a golden mysterious rune emerged.

Under her full urging, the rune became brighter and brighter, and the rich vitality flowed through the rune, from Yunli to the tiger cub. After a while, it whimpered, barely opened its eyelids to look at it, and fell into a deep sleep again.

"I'm alive!" An Ran almost cried with joy. In the past ten years, the tiger cub has been by her side, listening to her tell her unspeakable thoughts, and spending her lonely years with her.

"I didn't die at all." When the contract was concluded, the slave party handed over a drop of heart blood and a touch of consciousness. This blood consciousness was not only a shackle to restrain them, but also a hope to save their lives.

When encountering serious danger, the rune will seal it and fall into a state of suspended animation. At the same time, the owner will also feel that as long as the body is not destroyed, it can be rescued.

Not only that, this contract is also a status symbol, representing the master's absolute trust in the slave, and it is the treatment only a personal guard can have.

With a mutter, Yunli quickly frozen the body and pasted an invisibility talisman, "I will move him back to the Taiqing Palace, remember, this matter has nothing to do with you, you have been practicing in the Wanqing Palace... huh? You have formed a pill! When did it happen?"

Yunli was dumbfounded, only then did she realize that An Ran was already at the golden elixir stage!
"Three days ago." An Ran was depressed. After entering the late stage of Foundation Establishment, she had been procrastinating. She had found all kinds of reasons. Until recently, there was nothing to procrastinate, so she chose to form a pill.

He didn't want Fuyu to be so impatient, he did it before her realm was consolidated.

"That's a good thing, the reason is good, you have been stabilizing your cultivation, and you don't know anything else." Yunli said, and quickly took another invisibility talisman for herself.

"Array, there is an array." An Ran quickly reminded.

Yunli stopped, rummaged through Fuyu's body for a while, found a small array tablet, took the array away, and went to the nearby Taiqing Hall while it was dark.

Back then, in order to better monitor An Ran, Fuyu arranged her residence next to him, and the two halls were very close to each other.

I don't know if Fuyu did something for the convenience of movement. From Wanqing Hall to Taiyi Hall, Yunli didn't meet a single person and completed the transfer of the corpse smoothly.

She put Fuyu's body on the bed, worried that his items would have tracking marks, so she only took the Lingshi, and dug out an isolation formation from his storage bag to clothe it, and then went to Baishou Mountain without stopping , caught a Xuelingxiang rabbit, took some spiritual consciousness, and rushed to the back mountain of Taiyi Hall.

There is a big hall there, which is the place where the soul lamps of the elites of the Taiyi Sect are stored. As the master of Yifeng, Fuyu must light the soul lamps.

As for whether his soul lamp is kept in the Su family or the Taiyi sect, I don't want to mention whether there is someone to take care of it. The most important thing is that no one can find out that his death is related to his cousin. Although there is little hope, we still have to try our luck.

This place sounds solemn and solemn, but it is not that important. If Jiuliyuan hadn't been opened and the elites of the sect's foundation-building period had entered the secret realm, it would have been unguarded.

At this time, there was only one disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage who was practicing in the house with the array.

Yunli sneaked in very smoothly, searched around, and actually found Fuyu's soul lamp, which was naturally extinguished at this time.

She put Xuelingxiangtu's divine sense into Fuyu's soul lamp, and the extinguished soul lamp was rekindled, but the breath became Xuelingxiangtu's, and she used another blindfold.

Naturally, such a method can't be hidden for long, but it can be delayed for as long as possible.

Right now, Taiqing Peak is almost empty except for my cousin and Fuyu. If people find out that Fuyu died at this time, my cousin will be seriously suspected.

After a few days and more people, the cousin's suspicion will be reduced. Besides, she is still a weak woman who has never learned attacking techniques. Under the same conditions, no one will doubt her.

(End of this chapter)

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