Chapter 436

After doing all this, she slipped out of the Taiyi School again, took off the butterfly hairpin on her head and called out: "Duo Duo."

It takes a lot of cultivation to lead a person through the void. When Duo Duo said it was a bit difficult, she meant that it was a bit difficult for a one-way trip. Almost as soon as she came out of the void, she immediately turned into a hairpin.

In a short time, I want Little Butterfly to bring her back, no


The hairpin flashed with light, and she changed back to the appearance of a little girl. She looked up at Yunli listlessly, and said weakly, "Tired."

Yunli gave her the nourishing pill, and took out a bunch of spiritual fruit, "I won't be tired if I'm full."

There is no other way, she has to rush back as soon as possible, Ah Yan can't wait for long, if people find that she is missing, let alone whether Fuyu's death will be found to be related to her, if Duo Duo's teleportation ability is exposed, Ah Yan Yan is in danger, and everyone wants to replace her.

Although Duoduo is ignorant, fortunately she is very obedient, she doesn't even need to explain anything, she does what Yunli says, which saves a lot of effort.

Taking advantage of her rest and recovery time, Yunli also hurriedly treated her injuries, which were basically scratched by the power of the void.

Duoduo acts entirely on instinct, the power of space is as comfortable as air to her, and she has no scruples about Yunli, a newcomer in the void, when she travels through it.

According to her own speed, she passed by with a whimper, and the spiritual power shield that she was temporarily taught to condense was also very stiff. The people on this side had already passed, and the spiritual power shield on the other side was still behind, half of her body was exposed in the void , I don’t know how to mend a hole if it is broken.

She couldn't help but be thankful that the body of the phoenix transformed by the source blood was not as strong as before, and had an extremely powerful recovery ability. Although the injuries caused by the power of the void were serious, they were not fatal.

The next day when the sky was twilight, Yunli woke up the sleeping Duo Duo, and teleported back to the spirit boat. The wound that had just started to heal opened again, and many new injuries were added.

"You're finally back." Mu Yan exhaled, her eyes fell on Yunli, and she couldn't help but be terrified.

A light yellow shirt was dyed red, and after standing there for a while, blood dripped all over the floor.

Was she going to face Fuyu in this state? Mu Yan couldn't even think about it. Looking at Duo Duo beside her, she was also sluggish. As soon as she came out, she collapsed on the bed from exhaustion.

Yunli glanced at Duoduo, and said, "Don't worry, she's just tired, just rest and rest, it's been too hard for her these days, there should be nothing else going on, let her take care of herself."

"Void is like home to her, I'm not worried, it's mainly you, are you okay?" Looking at Yunli's nonchalant look, Mu Yan asked worriedly, if it wasn't for the blood still dripping, it would be impossible to tell that she was injured.

"I'm fine, Fuyu is dead, you can rest assured to heal your injuries." Yunli smiled at her, after getting used to the burning pain in her body, other injuries can be ignored for her.

This is also good news, she is completely insensitive to ordinary pain, and when life and death are in crisis, exchanging injuries for injuries will have a miraculous effect.

For the next few days, she nestled in the house to recover from her injuries. She was covered by poisoning, but she didn't attract attention. On the contrary, her listless state when she disembarked made the statement of poisoning a bit more believable.

Zhenjun Fushu was very busy, after letting them go in front of the mountain gate, he rushed to Fenshui City in a hurry, really passing through the house and not entering.

Yunli leaned weakly in Mu Yan's arms, and secretly gathered her energy to observe the expressions of the disciples around her, only to find that they greeted them happily, while blowing rainbow farts at them, while asking this and that, asking about Jiu Liyuan's affairs, there was nothing at all. The gloom over the death of a peak master is bleak.

She couldn't help but wonder, hasn't anyone found out yet?
After thinking about it, since Fuyu wanted to do something to his cousin, he couldn't say that there was no arrangement. Wait, what did he want when he used the Xueming Kung Fu on his cousin?
"Brother Huai!"

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice pulled back Yunli's thoughts. Looking up, the young woman in blue clothes was elegant, her skin was as white as jade, her eyes filled with mist instantly, and she said with a choked voice, "You are finally back."

Lin Xi threw herself into Mo Huai's arms, crying uncontrollably.

Yunli took a look, seeing her for many years, Lin Xi was already at the early stage of foundation establishment, and her demeanor had become gentle and elegant.

I don't know if she felt something in her heart, but under the consolation of everyone, Lin Xi managed to hold back her tears, raised her eyes, and when she saw Yunli, she immediately raised her eyebrows: "You even came out alive."

Tsk tsk, talking is still so unpleasant, Yunli smiled, "Thank you, Junior Sister Lin, for your concern."

She purposely bit down on the three characters "Junior Sister Lin". As expected, seeing Lin Xi's face change, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, it seemed that the changes were all superficial, and she still had no strength.

"Senior Sister Yun is injured?" someone asked with concern, "I just came back from Tianwu Forest a few days ago, and I was lucky enough to pick a few blue dock lotuses. If Senior Sister needs it, just ask."

Yunli, who came back alive from Jiuliyuan, suddenly became very popular. Thinking back to her crushing state during the competition, in the hearts of everyone, her status was as close as that of Mo Huai.

"I also have..."

A group of people rushed to express their concern to Yunli, which made Lin Xi so angry that they gave her a bitter look, and unconvincedly looked for her biggest trump card, Lin Chen.

She didn't want to, but she didn't see him. She searched again and again, but still couldn't find her brother. She wasn't worried. After all, her brother was in the Golden Core Stage, and even the Foundation Establishment Stage came out alive, let alone the Golden Core Stage.

There is also the soul lamp. Ever since Senior Brother Su's accident, Grandpa has carried his elder brother's soul lamp with him and paid close attention to it all the time.

"Where's my brother?" she asked.

Mo Huai pursed his lips, looking into the cheerful eyes, he didn't know how to speak for a while, "Senior Brother Lin..."

"Didn't Master Lin go directly to Fenshui City?" Before he could finish speaking, a boy in the Qi refining period interrupted him, "Haha, you are indeed a role model for my generation. After I build my foundation, I will definitely go to Fenshui City to eliminate demons." Yang Shan!"

As soon as he finished his words, he was immediately recognized by the others, and a tall and thin boy next to him who was also on the ninth floor of Qi Refining nodded, "Senior Brother Lin is right, when we build our foundation, we must follow the example of Master Lin to fight against demons." Do your best."

Facing Mo Huai, the apprentice in charge, he showed no timidity, and even dared to cut off the conversation directly. It turned out to be the Lin family, no wonder he was so confident.

A disharmonious cold snort was added to the pile of compliments to Lin Chen. The boy from the Lin family looked cold and asked provocatively, "Does Junior Brother Su disagree with us?"

The tall and thin boy also chimed in, digging a hole in a strange way: "Do you disagree with eliminating demons and defending Taoism, or do you disagree that Master Lin is a role model for my generation?"

The boy surnamed Su has a lower level of cultivation, he only practiced the eighth level of Qi, but his temper is very tough, "The two senior brothers are really good at turning black and white. I didn't say anything, and I let you convict."

Both sides have red eyes and thick necks. If you talk to each other, they will soon be satisfied with talking and ready to copy guys.

Seeing this, Yunli was dumbfounded. Are all children so hot-tempered these days, regardless of the occasion? This is a welcome party, is it time for a fight?

However, are the juniors of the Lin family and the juniors of the Su family so discordant in private?
But she remembered that in Tianyun City, the Linsu family lived next to each other, and logically the children of the two families should have been friends since they were young.

"Su Ziming, Lin Yuanzhou, both of you shut up!" Lin Xi with one hand on her hip, stopped politely, "If you say any more, shut your doors and think about it!"

"Sister Thirteen." Lin Yuanzhou muttered in dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything more, he just stared at Su Ziming secretly, and Su Ziming returned the same stare.

Under such circumstances, Mo Huai realized that it was not appropriate to challenge Lin Chen's serious injury in public, so he brushed away the crowd silently, rose with his sword, and flew straight towards Qifeng.

"Brother Huai!" Lin Xi hurriedly pushed aside the crowd and chased after him.

The joyous atmosphere stopped, and all the disciples looked at me and you, all with blank faces, and finally they looked at Yunli and the three of them.

"Ahem, cough, it's too late, Ayan, let's go." Yunli made a weak appearance, and dragged Mu Yan away from the fellow disciples who were welcoming her. She was far away, and someone asked.

"Senior Brother Zheng, what happened? Senior Brother Mo..."

Time flies, and seven days pass by in a flash.

Sky Cloud City Restaurant.

"Brother, what do you think about this?" Yunli asked.

These days, through Duoduo's message, she has figured out Fuyu's original purpose, and what An Ran has done these years, combined with some of her conjectures, and told Wei Lin all of them.

Wei Lin took a sip of tea, slowly digested her words, and calmed down his thoughts, he gently placed the teacup on the table.

"It's obvious that the female soul seized Fuyu. After Fuyu took the princess into his family, she never let her learn attack methods. The seizure should have been done before she was accepted, perhaps very early. happened."

"As the master of one peak, Fuyu is also a member of the Su family. His actual status is higher than that of other peak masters. In terms of status, he is only below Ling Su and Fu Yue. He is worthy of the name as the third person with authority in the Taiyi sect. Such a high-ranking and powerful person, If the female soul dares to take him away, she must rely on her."

"You mean, there is someone behind her, and it is very likely that she is in the Taiyi sect!" Yunli took a breath, "No, Fuyu is dead, but her cousin is fine. The people behind her will definitely My cousin is suspicious!"

She stood up abruptly, "I'm going back to the sect now!"

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, "Before Fuyu was about to strike, he announced his retreat. No one has found out that he is dead yet, so we must quickly transfer my cousin out of the sect, and it is best to disappear in full view."

After leaving the Taiyi Sect, I still have to find a secret and safe place. My cousin is an alchemist after all, so the environment is very important...

There were thousands of thoughts in her mind, but when Wei Lin let out a sigh, she raised her eyes and followed his line of sight to look out the window, only to see a startling rainbow in the sky from far to near, and soon landed in front of the Jinye Pavilion on the opposite side.

Yunli rushed over, scratching at the edge of the window, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets, it was hell, who did she see?


How is this possible, she clearly saw his fascination dissipate with her own eyes!
Who will tell her who the person below is!
"Are you sure Fuyu is dead?" Wei Lin asked.

"Of course, the soul has dissipated, and it's completely dead."

Yunli was very sure that after the female soul dissipated, she checked the body to make sure that there was no remnant soul left, so she gave up.Besides, Fuyu's soul lamp was also off.

"It's rare that after I left, someone borrowed his corpse to revive him?"

In this way, the soul in Fuyu's body has seen them act!

Thinking of this, she straightened her clothes quickly, and said, "I'll go to Jinye Pavilion to see what he's doing, and play by ear."

After finishing speaking, he went downstairs and went straight to the opposite side.

As soon as she appeared at the entrance of Jinye Pavilion, the guards' eyes lit up immediately, and they hurriedly greeted her: "Fairy Yun, you are here! Please come inside, please come inside!"

The other guard ran in excitedly, shouting as he ran, "Master Ye, Fairy Yun is here! Fairy Yun is here!"

That enthusiastic posture gave Yunli the illusion that a concubine in the harem saw the emperor.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Steward Ye trotting over and praised with a smile: "The fairy is indeed extremely talented and has a deep relationship with immortals. This trip to Jiuliyuan must have yielded a lot."

Yunli's face froze, others had gained a lot, she was bankrupt, she said with a smile on her face, "I'm here to find Senior Ye."

Hearing this, Steward Ye's face became more warm, and he clapped his hands and smiled: "The Fourteenth Master said that you are the most trustworthy, and it is true, please hurry up! The Fourteenth Master is waiting for you, and the spirit stone has already been prepared. It will make you suffer!"

Yunli's heart trembled slightly, the Ye family's news was too well informed.

The original agreement was that as long as they agreed to help find the sleeping grass, no matter whether it was successful or not, the debt would be forgiven. If successful, the sleeping grass would be sold to the Ye family.

The spirit stone has been prepared. It seems that they know that their group has picked the sleeping grass. Who leaked it from?

Now, the only ones who know about this matter are the senior leaders of the Four Great Sects, apart from a few of them who came out of Jiuliyuan.

Seeing Ye Tiancheng, it was inevitable to exchange pleasantries. Yunli was anxious about 'Fuyu', so she didn't take Qiao. After the greetings, she directly took out the sleeping grass and handed it to Ye Tiancheng.

After checking, Ye Tiancheng was also very happy, he raised his sleeves, and there were two boxy boxes in the room, about one cubic meter.

Opening it, there were neatly stacked high-grade spirit stones inside, Yunli was stunned, and asked in a daze for a while, "Is this too much?"

"Not much, not much." Ye Tiancheng smiled slightly, "If there are any more, my friend, just send them over, the price is negotiable."

The Ye family really has a way of doing business, and Yunli said, "Hey, although we picked the sleeping grass, there are only a few that we can control, and most of them have to be handed over to the sect."

As she spoke, she tilted her head and glanced outside, then quickly withdrew her gaze, and lowered her voice: "It's so hard to catch up with Zhenjun Fuyu and come to Jinye Pavilion, I almost turned back, if he finds me...after that... ..."

Seeing that she was vague and frightened, Ye Tiancheng hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, your True Monarch just came to buy some spiritual plants, and didn't intend to arrest you. You know this matter, and I will never let a third person Know."

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, I believed in your ghost, with the posture in front like that, who would believe that the Ye family didn't get the sleeping grass.

 Thanks to Happy Xiaoxiao and water2011 for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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