all the way to fairy

Chapter 437 Xiaoqiang's Physique

Chapter 437 Xiaoqiang's Physique
However, she was just here to talk, so she was surprised: "What kind of spiritual plant, Zhenjun Fuyu doesn't have any?"

Buying Lingzhi, fake Fuyu is to detoxify?

Today is not the day for the auction of Jinye Pavilion, so I am very anxious to buy it at this time, because the two kinds of toxins in Fuyu's body are mixed, if he can't detoxify in time, he will die sooner or later.

Ye Tiancheng moved closer, and said in a low voice: "My little friend and I, Jin Ye Pavilion, have a very deep relationship, and they can be regarded as our own family members, so I will make an exception."

Yunli pretended to decline, then sat and waited for news. After a while, a waiter came to report that Fuyu had bought Qingwanlan, Baiyuelianxin and other spiritual plants.

Yunli was silent, she didn't know what the other spiritual plants would do, but she knew that Sanyue Lianxin needed to use the panacea to detoxify.

It seems that she is really preparing to refine the detoxification pill. She was thinking like this, and the waiter added: "In the end, I bought more than a dozen bottles of Yangshen Pill. It is said that the cost should be rounded up."

Ye Tiancheng smiled, "The True Monarch of your sect is really rich and powerful, and he is very particular about it."

However, Yunli's eyes flashed. Is the Nourishing Pill really just to make up the numbers? After experiencing the seizure, the soul of the person who seized it must have also been damaged.

She even faintly felt that the detoxified Lingzhi was a cover, and what he really needed was actually the Yangshen Pill.

Fuyu has a high position and authority, and has her own private medicine garden. The sect's spiritual plants and elixirs are also available to anyone, and detoxification does not necessarily have to come out to buy spiritual plants to refine.

"Little friend Yun, there is one more thing I want to ask." Ye Tiancheng got up, personally set up the isolation formation, bowed deeply to her, and asked solemnly: "Please tell me, what happened in the secret realm? Why did my nephew Ye Chuning disappear?"

I knew it was not that simple to make an exception, so forget it, just treat it as an exchange for him to tell 'Fu Yu'.

Logically speaking, after the four major sects consolidated the news, they would tell the various sects of the aristocratic families that Ye Tiancheng did this because he suspected that Ye Chuning's death was something tricky.

That's right, Ye Chuning's strength can be seen by being able to be called the three sons together with Lin Chen and Chufeng. In addition, these foundation-building stage monks have all come out alive, no wonder the Ye family is suspicious.

"I was not there when Ye Zhenren's accident happened. At that time..."

She will take out the battle with the gray shadow array master and explain it in detail, and finally said: "All the items of Master Ye have been blown up, only the natal magic weapon, the light flower bard, has been preserved, but now Master Lin is also You are still in a coma, you are afraid to wait."

She always tells the truth, as for what the Ye family thinks, she doesn't care about her business. In this situation, she is more than happy to find more work for Lin Chen and Tai Yizong.

Ye Tiancheng digested silently for a long time, without any expression on his face, he only asked, "Master Lin fainted?"

"This happened after I came out, and I don't know the details."

Regarding Lin Chen's subsequent matters, she spoke vaguely, and Ye Tiancheng also asked further questions.

She pursed her lips and instructed: "Senior Ye, the sect has not yet reached a conclusion on these matters. I only told you because I believed you. Please don't let anyone know that I told you."

Sooner or later, the face will be torn apart. There are too many lice and it doesn't itch. In fact, she doesn't care that Tai Yizong knows about it, but she has to pretend.

Ye Tiancheng's expression was heavy, "Don't worry, little friend Yun, my Ye family is by no means an ungrateful person. If you can use the Ye family's place in the future, just ask."

"Senior Ye is too polite."

Saying goodbye to Ye Tiancheng, after coming out of Jinye Pavilion, Wei Lin was no longer in the restaurant opposite, Yunli found him near the city gate.

"After coming out of Jinye Pavilion, he went to several other shops." Wei Lin said.

With a thought in her mind, Yunli asked, "Have you gone to the alchemy hall?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, without denying it, he just said: "What did you find?"

"He's buying Yangshen Pill." Fuyu originally injured his body, but he has been staying in the sect in recent years and couldn't find a reason for his soul to be injured, so now this Fuyu had to go out and buy it by himself.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin said, "Let's go out of the city and wait for him."

In today's Taiyi Sect, half of Yuanying Zhenjun is out, and the sect respects Fuyu, and there is a reason for the previous injury. For the "Fuyu" who is eager to cultivate the soul, what better place is there than the current Taiyi Sect more suitable.

He will definitely return to the Taiyi School, just wait at the place where he must pass.

The two of them waited until the sunset, when the sunset covered the sky, 'Fuyu' flew over slowly.

After Wei Lin hid, Yunli jumped out and shouted sharply, "Who are you?"

'Fuyu' came to a sudden stop, glanced at Yunli lightly, and said, "It's you."

Yunli's heart trembled slightly, this clear look was as they expected, he did see it, at least he knew that Fuyu's death had something to do with her.

She took a deep breath, summoned Huanshiling, and was about to make a move, when he glanced at a place behind her again: "Tell your senior brother not to hide."

Yunli's eyes froze, and she asked sharply again: "Who the hell are you?"

It's not unusual to know that there are other people, but it's very unusual to know the relationship between the two of them.

Wei Lin walked out slowly, and said in a deep voice, "You are that gray shadow formation mage."

"Grey Shadow?" Yun Li was stunned, seeing that he didn't deny it, but just looked at Wei Lin with a little surprise, she couldn't believe it, "You are actually Gray Shadow!"

Is this guy a Xiaoqiang physique!
'Fuyu' stood up with a smile, and asked, "How did you find out?"

Yunli also looked at Wei Lin, she was also very curious, how he guessed that Huiying was on the head of a dead man.

Wei Lin remained silent, not many people knew about their relationship, except for the people in Canye Pavilion, only those who came out of Jiuli Yuan knew about it.

If the people from Remnant Night Pavilion could infiltrate into the Taiyi Sect, and still hold on to Ah Li, there would be only one explanation, that the person who resurrected the dead body came from Jiuliyuan.

He said: "The devil wants to come to us to take advantage of the loopholes of reincarnation, and you have contributed a lot to it. It is easy to guess that your purpose is the same as that of the devil, to take advantage of the loopholes of reincarnation."

"Since you want to take advantage of the loopholes, the most urgent thing is to find someone who is powerful in the late stage of the Nascent Soul to seize the house. It just so happens that Fuyu died, and the opportunity presented to you, how could you not seize it?"

"It's really smart." Hui Ying sincerely admired it. It is really not easy to deduce the truth based on a little detail.

Yunli straightened out her thoughts, and those weird points before had been explained, Hui Ying died in their hands on purpose.

Unlike the devil, he didn't intend to seize the house in Jiuli Yuan, but decided to find a monk who was near the end of his life to take the house after he came out.

This idea seems bold, but in fact it is more operable than the devil's approach. First, he only needs to die in front of everyone in a reasonable way, lower everyone's vigilance, and come to Canglan smoothly.

Secondly, the monks who come out of Jiuliyuan alive will definitely receive key training from the sect, and they will have many opportunities to contact the monks of the Empress Yuan. With the two conditions of low cultivation level and confidants, the True Monarch of the Empress Yuan has nothing to do with the monks he attaches to Be wary, even if there is no ready opportunity to pick it up, he can still take advantage of it by taking advantage of it and seriously injuring it.

It seems easy to directly seize the foundation building cultivator, but in fact there is a greater risk. After the success of seizing the house, you must practice as soon as possible to ascend to the Yuan Empress. The body goes to the tough thunder robbery.

In addition, in the process of cultivation, you may encounter something, such as the family and friends of the robbed person seeking revenge, and various accidents.

Wei Lin's eyes were heavy: "You are not bad, you are much smarter than the devil, and you have successfully come to Canglan by stepping on him."

Using magic as a target to attract everyone's attention, if Shaohao Luo Muyan hadn't discovered his existence, he would not have spent a lot of time designing a death scene, and directly hid the soul in the magic weapon, which was obtained by Brother Cang Lan. The goal was achieved without a sound.

"Of course, how can that idiot compare to me." When Hui Ying said this, his face was not proud, but a little self-deprecating.

As if remembering something, the pain on his face flashed away, and the five fingers placed by his side opened and closed unconsciously, and his tone was faint: "This person, you have to keep a low profile."

After a while, he let out a foul breath, looked at Shang Yunli, and became more sincere, "Why don't we make a deal, I will die on my own, and I won't leave any suspicion for your friend; as a reward, if someday You have recognized my reincarnation, no matter what, you cannot kill me."

"Hmph!" Yunli sneered, with Zhanmengdao in one hand and Huanshiling in the other, "If we kill you now, no one will doubt her."

Who knows what his reincarnation will do, she has no habit of leaving constraints on the future.

As if he didn't expect her to refuse, Hui Ying was stunned, and he spoke after a while: "Why bother, in the billions of worlds, it is very unlikely to meet again after reincarnation, I just want to be safe."

"You don't need to do anything, I can even die in full view, or do you have someone you want to set the blame on, such as the Remnant Night Pavilion?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "In just ten days or so, you know quite a lot. It seems that you have spent a lot of time!"

"Since we are destined to meet each other, we must do our homework early." He looked at Yunli expectantly again, "How about it, promise?"

"Are you afraid of dying in our hands?"

Yunli frowned. She used to be a great power in the upper realm, but now Huluopingyang is also the Yuanying Zhenjun. His cultivation base is much higher than theirs. This gentle and seductive appearance really makes people have to doubt that he has What conspiracy.

After a moment of silence, Gray Shadow raised his hand, and the afterglow of the setting sun passed through his thin fingers, and his voice was also tinged with sadness, "After rebirth, I want to live under the sun, and I don't want to be your enemy."

Wei Lin was surprised, did he want to correct evil?
The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, as if she could represent justice, she curled her lips: "I don't believe you, it's more reliable to be dead."

After finishing speaking, Huanshiling shook, and rushed towards the gray shadow like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Gray Shadow dodged sideways, a little helpless: "If I don't want to cooperate with you, in my current capacity, just saying anything will be enough for you to keep busy. More than ten days have passed, have you heard any bad news? Isn't that enough to show my sincerity?"

Yunli is still reticent: "Don't talk sweet words to me. If you are sincere, it is better to kill yourself. Anyway, you came to be reborn. Now that you have taken Fuyu, you will die early and reincarnate early."

If she missed a hit, she didn't stop, and all kinds of attacks rained down on Huiying.

Hui Ying was extremely helpless, he calculated the situation mentally, and believed that they would not refuse this deal, and if he was in such a situation, he would agree without hesitation.

However, when I met such a stubborn person who believed in death, all calculations were useless. The hateful thing is that my goal is the fairy world, and I can't offend her, let alone kill her. The main reason is that I don't have the confidence to succeed.

Gray Shadow let out a long sigh, since it doesn't make sense, he can only hold the bargaining chip in his hand and discuss it again.

With a flash of spirits all over him, Yunli was shaken away, and flew away like a cloud of blue smoke.

Yunli wanted to go after him, but was held back by Wei Lin, she remembered that Wei Lin hadn't made a move just now, she couldn't help muttering: "Brother, why didn't you make a move just now?"

Wei Linfu's forehead, that was the Nascent Soul stage, even if the spirit is unstable now, it is also the Nascent Soul stage, or a Nascent Soul stage that fell from the upper realm.

They don't know what tricks he has. What's more, Hui Ying, who carefully designed everything, finally overcame the demons and deceived them, and successfully came here, has a meticulous mind that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

Since he dared to appear here as Fuyu without any concealment, he must have something to rely on, and it would be difficult to kill him just like that!

"He's right. If he wants to harm the princess, he doesn't have to wait until now. This deal is feasible."

Yunli disagreed: "But if he backs out, or reveals something unintentionally, my cousin will be in danger, kill him and it will be over!"

"Kill, kill, kill," Wei Lin poked her forehead, "What kind of cultivation do you have, what are you capable of in the face of Zhenjun Yuanying, you are only at the foundation stage, and you sent people to two full realms!"

"It's the same as last time, you dare to flow into the void, can we enter now!" Thinking of this, he was terrified, the void, even for Nascent Soul monks, is also a restricted area of ​​life .

Yunli was a little dumbfounded by the training, and said in a daze: "The situation is urgent. If I arrive late, he will suck my cousin dry."

Her words reminded Wei Lin that not only would he travel through the void, but he would also have to face Fuyu, a Nascent Soul cultivator, if he was a little negligent, the final result would be another life in vain.

I was even more afraid at the moment, and I sternly said: "No matter how urgent it is, you can't risk your life! Don't be rash in the future."

Yunli touched the tip of her nose. She had weighed it. There was a possibility of serious injury, but the possibility of her life being in danger was very small, so she acted. Seeing how angry he was, she didn't dare to defend herself. gone."

"Oh, hurry up! He might have to go back and expose my cousin!" Seeing that Huiying was no longer in the sky, Yunli became anxious and failed to achieve his goal. If Huiying became angry from embarrassment, with his current status, he would have to deal with his cousin and Ayan. Do not be too convenient.

She took out her plantain fan and said in a hurry: "I'll go back to the sect first, you'll meet me outside, play by ear!"

"Don't worry," Wei Lin grabbed her again, "He's afraid of you, he won't touch the princess."

Yunli was still worried, "If he gets angry, he has to vent it."

He is not you, a muscle.

Wei Lin helped his forehead helplessly, "If you care about it, you will be confused. I promise, when you go back, both of them will be fine."

 Thank you Riyue Yushan for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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