all the way to fairy

Chapter 438 The Oath

Chapter 438 The Oath
"Really?" Yunli was still a little skeptical, but she was an evil cultivator, her thoughts were different from normal people, she couldn't rest assured unless she saw the two of them with her own eyes.

Wei Lin waved his hand weakly: "Forget it, you go back and negotiate with him first, don't do anything easily."

"how about you?"

"I'm in Tianyun City, let Duo Duo notify you in time if there is something to do."

After thinking for a while, he analyzed and exhorted: "He doesn't want to die now. There are two reasons. First, his spirit is unstable, which can be seen from his wanton purchase of Yangshen Pills; If he dies after giving up, will he get a chance of reincarnation, don't push him into a hurry."

Seizing the house is against the sky, what will happen is completely uncertain, the monk who re-entered the reincarnation in the devil's mouth did not seize the house.

Hui Ying only had such a chance, so naturally he had to be careful and careful.

Yunli complied, and hurried back. As soon as he arrived at the mountain gate, a disciple came up to him, "Junior Sister Yun, Zhenjun Fuyu ordered you to meet him in the Hall of Supreme Purity."

She felt a little relieved, it seemed that she was really planning to negotiate with her as what the senior brother said.

"I'm sorry Senior Brother Xu to inform you."

She rushed to the Hall of Supreme Purity non-stop, and saw the gate of the Hall of Supreme Purity open from a distance, and there was no one around. When she entered the hall, the gray figure sat high on the main seat with a dignified expression, and below stood the unbelievable An Ran and Mu Yan. .

Upon seeing her, Hui Ying said bluntly: "Now you can agree."

Although it was a question, he used a declarative tone, apparently sure that Yunli would agree.

Yunli clenched her fists, looked at An Ran, and said, "I can agree, but the conditions have to be changed. With today as the boundary, the previous grievances will be written off. I won't do anything to you after the rebirth because of all the previous things. But if there is a new grievance, I will not be soft!"

The others are fine, but Su Xu also died in the hands of Hui Ying, but she had to promise him not to pursue it, how should she tell her cousin about this matter.


The gray shadow was very angry, and he glanced at An Ran Mu Yan meaningfully, "Young man, don't be so angry, think carefully before speaking."

Yunli was depressed, and when she heard the threat, she became even more furious, and said firmly: "This is my bottom line, there is no room for negotiation, if you don't agree, the net will be broken."

"It's not that there are no monks in the Zongmen Yuanhou. I don't mind taking a gamble. Do they value you more, a lonely ghost who invades other people's bodies, or me, a murderer."

Huiying couldn't get through in one breath, he only had this chance, and what he wanted was to be safe, not to gamble.

He clenched his back molars and said bitterly, "Okay! You swear in the name of the Suzaku God."

Yunli narrowed her eyes slightly, and made an oath in the name of the Suzaku God, which is the highest oath of the Bird Clan, and it must not be violated once it is made.

Ordinary monks are vowed by the heart demon, he came up in the name of the God of Suzaku, it seems that he knows her identity of the Feng clan.

When she transformed, he only had a remnant soul hiding in XZ, and he didn't have the courage to go beyond the Nirvana Skyfire to investigate, so it could only be Crimson Flame who recognized her before, when was it?

The Blood Prison, or the previous Scarecrow Grass Demon?
Taking a deep look at him, Yunli slowly swore word by word, "God of Suzaku is above me, this disciple swears that I will never treat the reborn..."

She paused, and Hui Ying quickly said, "Ning Wujue."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, the name was good, she swears as she said.

Ning Wujue breathed a sigh of relief, and his face softened a lot, and said: "For the sake of fairness, this seat has also made an oath to demons."

Yunli curled her lips: "Come on, an oath made by an evil cultivator, only a fool would believe it."

As soon as the air pressure in the hall dropped, Ning Wujue clasped his fingers tightly on the armrest, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and his eyes were even sharper like a ghost, staring at her fiercely.

Yunli was taken aback by his big reaction, she couldn't be so stingy, she just taunted her a few words, so she was pushed into a hurry?

Thinking of Wei Lin's instructions, she hesitated to say a few soft words to ease the atmosphere, but when she thought of Su Xu and so many people who died under his hands or schemes, she was furious and wished she could kill him with a knife He really can't say anything good.

Before she could come to a conclusion, Ning Wujue quickly collected her emotions, let go of her hand and regained her composure, a faint hope appeared on her face.

Yunli snorted coldly, and continued to tug: "You don't need to be bound by an illusory oath, if you dare to leak it, I will solve it myself!"

After finishing speaking, she said to An Ran Mu Yan: "Let's go!"

Back at Wanqing Hall, An Ran couldn't wait to ask: "What's going on? Who is he?"

After that night, she had been retreating under the pretext of stabilizing her cultivation base, but Fuyu broke in suddenly and took her and Mu Yan to the Taiqing Hall without saying a word, which really gave them a fright.

Yunli: "That gray shadow formation mage in Jiuliyuan."

"It's him!"

An Ran stood up abruptly, her eyes flushed, "He was the one who killed..."

Although she tried her best to control it, her voice was still trembling.

Yunli looked at Mu Yan: "You told her."

Mu Yan nodded helplessly. As soon as she came back and made sure that Ah Li was fine, Uncle An followed up to ask Senior Brother Su about it, and had no choice but to talk about it.

"Senior Brother Su, he..." After typing out the manuscript for a long time, Yunli still couldn't open his mouth when talking about this matter. Although she was a little cruel, she still told the cause and effect of Su Xu's death, as well as his state when he died.

An Ran could only feel her heart trembling in her chest, and her limbs and bones were soaked in the bone marrow. Mu Yan didn't see it with her own eyes, so she spoke vaguely.

Affected by the self-detonation energy of the Nascent Soul stage, she guessed that the situation would be very bad, but she didn't expect him to die so painfully.

The elder brother of the sect who put the interests of the sect in the first place, died; the boy who followed her died, and the person who said he would protect her forever died.

Her boy, dead.

"Lin Chen, it's Lin Chen again!" Her eyes were red, "It's extremely stupid, it's extremely stupid! Does Lin Chen need him to save him at the Jindan Stage?"

She raised her head and kept her tears from falling down. She actually knew that, even if she did it all over again, even if she knew that the end result would be death, he would do the same.

Because in his heart, Lin Chen's talent is better than him, he will have higher achievements in the future, and he will have a greater impact on the sect.

Yunli sighed softly, Su Xu's initial appreciation for her cousin was her consideration of the overall situation, completely different from the selfish monks in the Canglan Continent who treat everyone for themselves.

It is what a giant of the righteous way should look like in the heart of a young man. He admires and studies hard to become that kind of person, and becomes the monk of the right way in his mind.

It is precisely because of this that he will turn back to save Lin Chen without hesitation.

She stepped forward and gave An Ran a hug: "Cry if you want to cry. After crying, practice hard and live well. The only thing he can't let go of is you in the end. He hopes you will be well, and even begged Lin Chen."

An Ran bit her lower lip tightly to prevent herself from crying, she gritted her teeth fiercely: "I won't cry! What's the use of crying, murder pays for life, since Ning Wujue killed him, then I will Kill Ning Wujue and avenge him!"

Yunli didn't speak, but just patted her on the back, while Mu Yan silently stepped forward and held her hand, "Yes, we want to take revenge. Ah Li made an oath not to do anything to him, and we didn't."

Yunli exhaled, "Don't worry, senior brother can also make a move."

Her oath only promised that she would not make a move, but she didn't say that senior brothers and the others couldn't.

As she said that, she looked at An Ran again: "You can learn attacking techniques openly and aboveboard, and on that day, you can take revenge with your own hands!"

After thinking about it, he changed his mind again: "No, it's better to avoid people, the origin of the female soul has not been clarified yet, so it's better to be cautious."

An Ran took a deep breath, and replied hoarsely, "Okay."

Not wanting her to indulge in sadness, Yunli changed the topic: "Who is the female soul, we must find out as soon as possible."

The majestic master of the Taiyi sect and one peak has been taken away by others for many years, and there are so many powerful infancy in the sect, but he didn't even notice it. No matter how you think about it, this is unusual.

An Ran: "I tried to find out about Fuyu's life. If it's such a big thing, it's still a male-to-female transformation. There will always be traces."

Yunli nodded, this is a direction, as long as you find out when the house was seized, and then check what happened during that time, the scope will be narrowed down a lot.

She suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, how did the sect find the location of Canye Pavilion?"

"Because don't worry."

After buffering, An Ran calmed down, and said softly: "Do you still remember what happened in Hengyue City? That day, Zhenjun Fuguang imprisoned Moyou's space transmission. The original purpose was not to imprison, but to track, follow the space channel past."

Yunli was surprised that in the battle between Hengyue City and Tianxin Pavilion, the four major sects still had their backs.

"There was an accident at the time, which caused True Monarch Fuguang to stop ahead of time. He only traced to a vague location, and after several years of unannounced visits, he finally determined the specific location of the Remnant Night Pavilion three years ago."

After talking about this, An Ran simply told them about the major events in mainland China in the past ten years.

As the three of them were talking, there was a soft sound of restraints outside the hall. When they checked their spiritual sense, a middle-aged man in the foundation period stood outside, and said respectfully: "Jia Hao, Zong Wufeng, begged to see Uncle An."

An Ran straightened her face, put a restraint on her face, and said softly, "Come in."

Jia Hao walked in without looking sideways, saluted again, and said, "Uncle An, a letter from the head teacher."

Opening the letter, An Ran blinked quickly, and nodded to Jia Hao, "Got it."

When Jia Hao withdrew, Yunli hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

An Ran's expression was solemn: "A monk in Qinghe Valley was poisoned, and he was suspected of being injured by a witch. The head teacher asked me to ask my second senior brother to leave the customs and develop an antidote with the seniors of Tianxin Pavilion. In addition, the ordinary pills are handed over to us These people are refining, and some will be busy next time."

After she finished speaking, she said to Yunli: "You are also ready to prepare, maybe you will be recruited to the front line later."

Yun Li was silent. There are still more than 50 years before the opening of Donglu. The four major factions are determined to completely eliminate Canye Pavilion and firmly control Donglu in their hands. Canye Pavilion will not be tied down. The witches are about to be exposed.

"We just came back, the sect should give us a period of rest and comprehension, and take advantage of this time to rush to the Golden Core stage." Facing the witch and Gu who caused the disaster thousands of years ago, the Golden Core cultivation base is more secure.

The golden elixir stage is a natural moat for monks. In the foundation building stage, you can still rely on resources to pile hard, but the golden elixir cannot. This is also the reason why none of Buyuan Zhenjun's descendants have cultivated to the golden elixir.

After the cultivation base reaches the Golden Core, there is not much difference in the spiritual root, and there are more differences between the monks in the understanding of Tao and the use of power.

An Ran took out two jade boxes and gave them to her: "I thought it was time for you to form alchemy, this is the golden alchemy prepared for you."

Yunli sniffed and said in surprise, "You practiced it yourself?"

"You are a dog, you can smell this."

Next, Yunli went to Tianyun City again, talked to Wei Lin about the follow-up of the matter, and gave him the golden pill, and then took a large number of spirit stone demon pills from Wei Lin. here.

Next, Wei Lin rented a cave in Tianyun City to practice, and Yunli went back to Taiyi Peak to retreat. Not only them, but everyone who came back from Jiuliyuan was practicing hard in retreat, summarizing their gains.

Wen Xueluo is still missing. She has the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and presumably she is also practicing in seclusion.

Cultivation does not know the years, and it has been three years in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Yunli, who was cultivating, suddenly felt that the spiritual power in her body had reached a critical point, and she could advance to the seventh level.

Like the golden core period, the seventh level is also a special stage in the demon cultivation. Only when ordinary monsters reach the seventh level can they lose their throat bones and speak human words. This is the starting point for transcendence and holiness.

She didn't continue to practice, but quickly took out the note and sent it to Mu Yan: "Quickly, let Dodo inform senior brother that I'm about to form a pill."

After the sound transmission talisman was sent out, she didn't wait, and rushed out the door stepping on the plantain fan and flew out of the sect.

Just kidding, she is a demon cultivator, who knows what will happen when she advances to the seventh level, if the people in the sect can see that she is a demon cultivator, it will be fine.

On the other side, upon hearing the content of the sound transmission talisman, An Ran raised her eyebrows: "What did she tell Wei Xiaosan to do when she formed an alchemy? Could it be that he can still come to the sect to watch it?"

Mu Yan thought of the pain she suffered when she advanced in the secret realm, so she hurriedly asked Dodo to go to Tianyun City to inform Wei Lin, and then said: "The formation of alchemy is dangerous, she must be someone who is worried about the sect, and ask Mr. Wei to protect the law."

A disciple suddenly sensed the changes in the aura around him. He raised his eyes and saw a group of extremely rich aura flying over his head. He was surprised and said, "Huh? What flew over? Baby with long legs?"

"What a treasure, it's clearly a person." The round-faced male cultivator next to him was leaning against the tree, his brows were almost twisted into twists: "The spiritual energy is surging all over the body, and the spiritual platform is unstable. This is to advance!"

After he finished speaking, he himself found it inconceivable that when someone advances, he doesn't find a safe place and concentrate on advancing, so he runs around all over the sky. From ancient times to the present, he has never heard of it!

This kind of conversation took place on the way from Taiyi Peak to the mountain gate. In the end, even the golden core monks were alarmed, so Yunli could only shout: "I'm going to buy a knot golden core!"

Crowd: ...

This is dandelion, not cooking and cooking. I only go to buy salt when the pot is ready!

Who is this person, which peak disciple is so unreliable in doing things!

Duo Duo's speed, I really have nothing to say, Yunli just came out of Qingque Mountain, Wei Lin was already waiting on the mountain road, and found a good place and set up a formation.

 Thank you Huanxi 202082545 for the big monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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