all the way to fairy

Chapter 439 You Advanced, Come and I Form Alchemy

Chapter 439 You Advanced, Come and I Form Alchemy

"Are there enough spirit stones, are there enough demon pills?" Wei Lin looked nervous.

The aura is still continuously gathering towards her, and the face-to-face distance makes it impossible to see the face of the other party clearly.
"Enough, last time I intercepted all of Fuyu's spirit stones." Yunli smiled dimpledly, "Don't worry, it's only a seventh level, and it will be soon."

Jiu Liyuan took shape, she had already reached the threshold of the seventh step, but she pressed back because it was close to the opening of the secret realm. Now that she is fully prepared, there are a lot of spirit stone demon pills, and the seventh step will come naturally.

After finishing speaking, she immediately sat down, circulated the world of mortals, and combed the violent spiritual energy in her body. In the dantian, the five-color spiritual liquid lakes had reached a state of overflowing, and the combed spiritual power was still pouring in continuously.

Lingye Lake is just like a lake, not a real lake. It is full and does not overflow, but is constantly squeezed, little by little. After reaching a critical point, a vortex is naturally formed in the middle.

Once the vortex is formed, it spins at an incredible speed, and the rest of the spiritual power is involuntarily sucked into the vortex.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, everything is difficult at the beginning, with this point of guidance, the next step is to control the spiritual vortex to rotate in one direction, and the innermost spiritual liquid will be compressed into a fixed point as it flies, and then fixed The more and more dots converge, the bigger and bigger, and finally form the golden pill, which is the pill formation.

To put it bluntly, cultivation is the process of tossing and tossing aura all the time, from gaseous state to liquid state to solid state, and finally to metamorphosis.

Just when she was relaxing, her heart beat inexplicably and strongly. She subconsciously looked inside, and a bright white bead the size of a corn kernel flew out, and rushed into the dantian with lightning speed, and flew into the soul. center of the liquid vortex.

She was stunned, oh, it's that bead.

At the beginning, when she tossed Meng Zhan Dao to recognize its owner, she penetrated her heart and found the bead. Later, she also paid attention to it for a while, but the bead has been dormant quietly, without any reaction, so she slowly put it behind her.

However, what is it doing in the spiritual fluid vortex at this critical moment?Do you want to be a demon pill?

It really made her guess right. As soon as the bead entered, it immediately swallowed the point that had been compressed into a solid in the vortex, and then replaced the fixed point.

When the spiritual liquid behind it touched it, a chemical reaction took place immediately, producing five-color flocculent deposits that stuck tightly to the beads, circle after circle, and as the spiritual liquid gathered, a ball-sized ball quickly formed in the dantian. , Stuff covered with loose flocs.

If it wasn't for this lump being condensed by spiritual power, if it wasn't in the dantian, Yunli would have almost thought that she had a stone, and it was the late stage one.

Slowly, the psychic liquid that gathered in the dantian gradually decreased, but the big lump was still spinning at a high speed. As it rotated, the volume was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the effect was comparable to the waist of the UP master in the fitness video.

Wei Lin watched as more and more spiritual energy gathered around him, and finally a rain of spiritual liquid dripped down, which was very similar to the scene in his dantian when the foundation was established that day.

Suddenly, the warm and cool spiritual liquid rain changed. There was no coolness, only warmness. He looked at the position of Yunli in the center of the formation, and he didn't know when the dripping rain of spiritual liquid stopped, replaced by fine and dense spiritual power water vapor.

After feeling it again, he realized that Yunli was slowly heating up. In the blink of an eye, she changed from a piece of extinguished charcoal to a piece of hot lava. The misty water vapor disappeared instantly, and he also felt dry mouth.

After foundation building, such an obvious physical feeling is really rare.

Wiping the hot sweat from his forehead and pulling his dry clothes, he stepped back unconsciously, it was too hot.

Suddenly, he felt that the sound under his feet was wrong, and when he looked down, there was no green grass, only a piece of withered yellow. Because of his trampling, the withered yellow was crisply shattered into ashes.

The withered yellow is still spreading outwards, and in just a few breaths, it has extended to the end of the field of vision.

His feet were a little hot, as if the fire was burning, Wei Lin ended up in a daze, and lowered his eyes to look, isn't the fire burning!
He quickly condensed out the spiritual shield, thought for a while, and took out the Mo Li sword. The golden thread on it flickered, as if he was breathing. I don't know if it was his illusion, but the golden thread seemed to be thinner. some.

He looked at the sky, wouldn't there be another Nirvana sky fire falling?
This place is no different from the uninhabited Jiuliyuan, with Taiyi Sect on one side and Tianyun City on the other, no matter which direction the Nirvana Sky Fire spreads, it will cause a sensation.

Simply put, his worries did not come true. Although there was a big fire, it was not the fire of Nirvana, and it only burned within a hundred miles of Yunli. There is time to escape.

Wei Lin himself also has fire spirit roots, and the surrounding fire spirit energy is very strong, and it involuntarily entered into his body, and the kung fu began to operate uncontrollably, so he quickly suppressed it.

The fire aura became more and more intense and pure, and a large amount of pure aura entered his body with every breath. He was so comfortable that he wanted to sit down and start practicing immediately.

Wei Lin reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment one step earlier than Yunli, and he was diligent. For more than ten years, he practiced whenever he had free time, and he himself was on the verge of breaking through.

In such a rich aura environment, the barrier between the foundation establishment stage and the golden core stage is on the verge of breaking.

He held his breath, tightly suppressed the exercise, and tried not to inhale any spiritual energy.

While he was suffering, someone came, someone from the Taiyi sect.

"over there!"

"Senior Sister Yun, have you bought the golden pill yet?"

"It should be, how can you form a pill without forming a golden pill?"

"Junior Sister Yun really never takes the usual path, and the formation of pills is also vigorous!"

"What junior sister, I have to change my name to uncle later..."

Seeing a group of people approaching slowly amidst chatter, Wei Lin clenched his sword tightly, thinking about how to deal with it for a while.

On the face of it, Ah Li is a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, and a strange monk from the same sect is beside him. No one will believe that he has no malicious intentions.

He could have stopped him without saying a word, but how should Ah Li explain it afterwards?
While struggling, Yunli in the firelight opened her eyes. The light orange eyes were indifferent and lonely. In front of those eyes, everything in the world and the cycle of time were not worth seeing.

The orange glow only appeared for a short moment, and soon disappeared with Yunli's blink, and the bright smiling eyes he was familiar with regained, "Brother, I succeeded! Now I am your uncle."

In the words, the little sneering and slyness was still familiar to him, Wei Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and this kind of speaking, smiling, bright and lively was suitable for her.

He raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Do you need me to call and listen?"

Yunli stuck out her tongue, of course she wanted to hear it, but she didn't dare, every time he showed this expression, he was holding back bad ideas.

As soon as Wei Lin relaxed, the exercises in his body began to operate unconsciously again. With the inhalation of spiritual energy, the barrier between the foundation establishment stage and the golden core stage was broken.

Yunli blinked, and looked at the aura surging around him in disbelief, it was about to form a pill!

She was dumbfounded, how could advanced people still line up!

She regretted, "Instead I will protect you."

It's a pity that the uncle can only be such a short while, and then quickly added some wood attribute spirit stones.

Wei Lin was not polite, and sat down on the spot to focus on practicing the exercises.

At this time, Yunli also found a group of people from the Taiyi Sect outside the formation. She didn't go out. After all, this is the territory of the Taiyi Sect and it is close to Tianyun City. If people know that the senior brother is here, it will be a lot of trouble.

If she doesn't go out, people outside will only think that it is caused by her alchemy. Everyone's alchemy time is not fixed, and it doesn't matter if it is longer.

Above the head, the sky has changed. Just now it was still burning clouds, but now it is surging, and large clouds are rushing from all directions.

Thick clouds hung low in the sky, and the ground was raging with violent winds. The grass and trees that had been burned yellow by the fire were smashed under the sweeping wind, and the sky was covered with smoke and dust.

Under the thick clouds and strong winds, the scorching temperature is slowly dropping. This scene is completely different from just now. The onlookers are not too surprised. The success of the alchemy will bring thunder disaster.

Someone outside sighed: "Look at this posture, Junior Sister Yun's thunder disaster is not small!"

Right now, only the wind and cloud gather, and the momentum is so huge, and the catastrophe cloud will be completely formed in the future, and I don't know what kind of power it will be.

Daoist Dan Yin sighed: "With this power, the phenomenon of alchemy should also be extraordinary."

Now Fuyu is the only one among the nine masters of the sect, and he is naturally in charge of all the affairs. Fuyu needs to recuperate, but Daoist Danyin actually handles the affairs.

He was so busy that he didn't touch the ground, and if it was an ordinary disciple who formed alchemy, he wouldn't have time to talk to him, but Yunli came out of Jiuliyuan alive, there was no accident, and he would also be the key training object of the sect in the future, so he naturally had to pay more attention.

What's more, when she entered the secret realm, her cultivation base was only higher than Mu Yan's, and her spirit root aptitude was also the bottom of the four, but now she surpassed Mo Huai and Zheng Rui's first alchemy, which meant something self-evident.

Think about Zhanmeng Dao again, for tens of thousands of years, no one has been able to get its recognition, but it just recognized her as the master, and her fairy fate can be imagined.

The other people's hearts moved when they heard that the alchemy vision was of no use to Jindan Daoist and Yuanying Zhenjun, but it was of great benefit to the foundation-building monks who were about to face alchemy and the qi-training monks who had just entered the path.

As small as the improvement of xinxing, as large as epiphany, it all depends on personal affinity.

Of course, these are a minority. As for those who have neither improved their xinxing nor enlightened, it doesn't matter. There is a lot of aura around them, and taking the opportunity to practice will also greatly improve their cultivation base.

Thinking of the many benefits, an old man who spent many years in the late stage of foundation establishment couldn't sit still, and quickly suggested: "Uncle Dan Yin, why don't we go forward and protect Junior Sister Yun?"

The old man's words were unanimously approved by the others, and they all eagerly looked at Daoist Dan Yin. An Ran Mu Yan was not happy, but he couldn't find a reason to refuse.

On the surface, everyone is from the same family, so she can't say that she doesn't trust them, and is afraid that they will take the opportunity to do something wrong, although this is indeed their concern.

Daoist Dan Yin was also aware of their intentions, so he took them away after a few words of advice.

When they got close, they found that Yunli had not only set up a defensive formation, but also an isolation formation. Apart from being able to feel the power at close range, they didn't know what was going on inside.

Wei Lin's alchemy was naturally not as fast as Yunli's. Yunli had already completed the meridian tempering in Jiuliyuan, and only needed the final link of condensing the alchemy. With the bead at the heart as the foundation, the advancement is twice the result with half the effort.

Yunli glanced at the crowd outside, under the eyes of Daoist Dan Yin, this group of people was fairly well-behaved, they either practiced quietly, or pondered hard, and did not make any attempt to spy.

With this group of people around, monks from other forces would not dare to provoke them easily. She relaxed and began to look inside her dantian.

At the dantian at this time, the ball-sized demon pill has shrunk to the size of a marble, delicate and concise, smooth and round.

Yunli didn't know what to say anymore. With the beads the size of corn kernels as the bottom, the five-color spiritual liquid lake in the dantian was originally full and the large amount of spiritual energy pouring in from outside, but the beads were only expanded from the size of corn kernels to the size of marbles.

This exchange ratio is no one else, she can already predict that the spiritual power required for future advancement must be massive.

Time passed by, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye. After continuous absorption, transformation, and compression, a cyan mellow golden pill finally condensed successfully.

Wei Lin was slightly stunned, this golden elixir was not of fire wood attribute, but of wind attribute, recalling that when Jing Zhe accepted him as his apprentice, he once said that fire and wood become wind, if he cultivates it well, it may evolve into a mutated wind spirit root.

When he comprehended the sword intent in Jiuliyuan, he had a vague understanding. After these years of continuous comprehension, although he failed to transform the fire and wood spiritual root into the wind spiritual root, he could transform the spiritual power attribute into the speed of wind. , but continued to speed up, until later it was basically the same as using fire and wood attribute spiritual power.

I didn't expect that once the alchemy was formed, it would become a wind attribute.

Before he could feel any more emotion, the freshly baked golden elixir shook slightly, and Wei Lin's heart trembled too. The legendary inner demon tribulation had arrived.

The scene in front of me swayed, and when it was clear again, it was bright red, and the strong color forced itself into the eyes with an irresistible gesture, as if it was about to burn something.

Looking away, except for the flowers in full swing by the river, the world is gray and white, like a faded picture scroll, and the fiery red flowers are the only bright colors in the painting.

Countless dull and empty souls floated by, Wei Lin was a little puzzled, is this the test of his demons?But what is the test?Also, where is this?

Wei Lin grasped the sword of Mo Li tightly, observing the world carefully and vigilantly, the river water that is calm and not even flowing, the flowers blooming enthusiastically, the boundless yellow sand, and the endless stream of dull souls, besides Other than that, nothing else.

He frowned, and when he came to a cluster of fiery flowers, he slashed with his sword, and the sharp blade passed through the flowers, as if he was slashing in the empty air, without any hindrance.


Wei Lin was silent, turned around and slashed at the river with his sword again. It was still a phantom and did not affect the river in any way.

He experimented with the only things in this monotonous world one by one, and finally came to a conclusion that either the world was illusory or he was illusory.

A quarter of an hour, an hour, a day, two days...

Time passed, he was not in any danger, and the world remained the same.

 Thank you nanalyqa for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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