all the way to fairy

Chapter 440 The Devil's Test

Chapter 440 The Devil's Test
Time flies, spring and autumn have passed through the years, I can't remember how many years have passed, Wei Lin was bored and bored.

In this world, you can't practice, you can't sleep, you can't be hungry or cold, except for the souls that come one after another, everything is still, and even time seems to have stopped.

At first, he tried to find a loophole, but he almost searched the world and found no solution.

Gradually, he stopped searching, and just stood quietly by the riverside, watching the souls pouring in. Year after year, he almost became a sculpture, so long that he forgot who he was and his purpose. .

Suddenly one day, a thought arose in his heart that he was waiting for someone.

But who are you waiting for?
A figure flashed in his mind, but his face was too blurry to see who it was, but he was extremely sure that as long as that person appeared, he would be able to recognize her.

He waited and waited, but that person never came, endless tiredness and despair arose in his heart.

He wanted to leave, but worried that the person would come after he left.

"Wait a little longer." He said to himself, maybe that person will come in the next moment.

Years passed, and it was several springs and autumns, and the man was still in the future. He raised his foot and took a few steps forward, paused, then went back, or waited.

But, there is no end to waiting, that person is always in the future.

He began to think back, racking his brains and trying his best to outline the figure of that person, and to recall everything related to that person.

One is to find something for myself to do, and the other is to analyze whether that person will come or not.

But no matter what he thought, the shadow in his mind became weaker and weaker, so weak that he couldn't see the outline clearly, and couldn't distinguish the age and gender.

He panicked, fearing that one day he would even forget to wait, the only thing he remembered.

At this moment, in the faded and broken memory, he finally found the words of that person, she said: "If you had never appeared in my life, my heart would always be dusty, thousands of worlds, life after life , I only like you alone."

At first, the words seemed to come from the end of time, intermittent and vague, slowly, the voice became louder and closer, as if she was whispering in the ear, over and over again, non-stop tell.

His heart started beating, his fatigue receded like a tide, and his memory began to flow back. Wei Lin remembered that this was his inner demon.

Wei Lin smiled softly, Ah Li also said this sentence, although the details are different, the general idea is the same.

So his inner demon is not waiting, but hopelessness.

Others may be hopeless, but if it is Ah Li, that stupid girl who accepts death, she will definitely not be unable to do what she says.

If you don't do it for a while, it can only be a delay!
From nowhere, a gust of wind blows, the gray and dense world in front of my eyes is erased like a sand painting, and a bright smile like a summer flower comes into view.

"Congratulations to the younger brother for successfully forming the alchemy."

With a smile in his eyes, Wei Lin raised his hand to her forehead, "Naughty again."

Yunli giggled, thought for a while and asked, "Why are you sitting behind?"

She had already made a pill an hour ago, but she had been sitting still. She was worried for a long time, but she didn't dare to call him.

"The demon test." Wei Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Didn't you also experience it?"

Yunli was at a loss: "The demon test? What demon test?"

"When forming a pill, there will be a demon test." Having experienced the test of the demon, the Dao heart is more determined, and it also paves the way for Yuanying to choose to realize his own Tao.

Yunli's eyes widened: "I forgot."

Wei Lin: ...

Can this thing be forgotten if you want to!
Yunli thought about it carefully, and after the Yaodan was polished to perfection, she quit the cultivation directly, and there were no hallucinations or illusions.

"Hey, but I don't have the demon test."

The two stared wide-eyed, but in the end it could only be blamed on the fact that the mortal cultivation technique is immune to illusion, or that demon cultivators don't need the test of inner demons.

A thunderbolt struck, drawing back the attention of the two of them.

Yunli summoned Huanshiling to cover Wei Lin's head, "Hurry up and take out your money!"

All her defensive formations and magic weapons have been laid out, and she should be able to survive the first one, but it's hard to say about the latter ones, and the senior brother's Thunder Tribulation is stronger than that of ordinary monks.

Looking at the orange gauze on his body, the corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched. Why did he have the illusion of covering his head?

He shook his head slightly, shook off the messy thoughts in his head, took out the formation and began to arrange it, and he was thankful again that he entered the treasury of gray shadow formations.

When the first tribulation thunder fell, the defensive formations and magic weapons arranged by Yunli dissipated like ice and snow in an instant, and the isolation formations outside were naturally broken.

Yunli hurriedly controlled the Huanshi Ling and stacked layers, while Wei Lin quickly laid another isolation formation around the two of them.

It wasn't until Wei Linxin's defensive formation was also shattered that the power of the first tribulation thunder was barely exhausted.

Yunli was not in a good mood, she still underestimated, you must know that the few formations she set up were also refined by Ning Wujue, they are the powerful formations of Qingxuan Continent, and the materials used are also things from the upper realm, all of which need Five formations can block one.

The first sky thunder is the weakest, and only one after that will be stronger than the next one. She looked at Wei Lin who kept setting up the formation, and swallowed: "Brother, you didn't sell the formation, did you?"

Because spiritual stones are needed for advanced cultivation, most of their belongings were reduced to ashes in the fire of Nirvana because of her. After arriving in Tianyun City, Wei Lin exchanged some artifacts obtained from Jiuliyuan through Ye Chuchen for Lingshi pills medicine.

"Keep all the defensive formations and utensils." Normally, Heavenly Dao wanted to kill him, and this kind of opportunity had to be done with all his strength, so Wei Lin naturally had to be fully prepared.

"That's good." Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, and began to arrange the formation.

Outside, the monks who practiced spiritual energy retreated far away early, and Jun looked at Yunli's position with lingering fear.

It took a long time for the first tribulation thunder to pass, and only the people around the audience closed their mouths. Lin Xi rolled her eyes and said, "What kind of unreasonable thing did this do? The thunder calamity is so huge."

As soon as the words fell, she felt a few sharp eyes on her body. Facing An Ran's vigilant eyes, she raised her eyebrows: "Why, did I say something wrong? I'm afraid a thunder calamity of this level would be difficult for a baby to bear." But that's all."

"Absurdly talk about the Jindan master of the sect, Nephew Lin is a good tutor." An Ran's eyes were as cold as frost and snow.

Lin Xi was stung by that gaze. In the past, An Ran was the one who defended her, and they were friends, but at some point, her heart turned to Yunli.

After Xiaobi, they hardly had any contact with each other for ten years, and they met indifferently, and brother Huai, who came out this time, was even more indifferent and alienated to himself, and said a few polite words before retreating, a word of concern and greeting nothing.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi hated her even more, blaming this bitch Yunli, if she hadn't come to the sect, brother Huai would still treat her as usual, and An Ran was still her best friend.

It was her, she stole brother Huai's attention and An Ran's protection!

She stared at the direction where the tribulation thunder fell, and said with a sarcasm, "Jindan Daoist? Heh, she has to survive this thunder calamity."

"Tsk tsk, this is the first one, it's so powerful, how good are the last two, maybe you will die under the tribulation thunder."

This gloating tone already clearly cursed Yunli, not to mention An Ran, Mu Yan was also very angry, and immediately retorted: "Junior Sister Lin is afraid that she will never encounter robbery in this life, it is really congratulations."


Lin Xi pointed at Mu Yan and was so angry that she couldn't speak. Although the thunder calamity is terrible, not everyone can cause it. It's like magic medicine.

Generally speaking, apart from Ascension Thunder Tribulation, monks have a higher chance of triggering Thunder Tribulation when they form alchemy or babies. What Mu Yan said is implying that she will never form alchemy in this life.

Lin Xi was so angry that it was fine for An Ran to run on her, after all, she was Zhenjun Fuyu's closed disciple, so Mu Yan dared to mock her!
She stepped forward, raised her hand, and wanted to teach this ignorant wild girl a lesson, but Daoist Dan Yin said, "What's the trouble!"

"Uncle Master..." Lin Xi froze on the spot, looking at Daoist Dan Yin in disbelief, and Lin Miaotong beside him burst out laughing.

Lin Xi immediately turned her head and directed her anger at Lin Miaotong: "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Miaotong is a member of the side branch of the Lin family. At first, Lin Xi, the direct branch of the direct branch, disdained to associate with her. Later, when the spiritual root was tested, she skyrocketed. Shu Zhenjun accepted it as a personal biography.

The difference in status is small, and they are of the same race. Lin Xi also thought about making friends with her, but Lin Miaotong has a villainous face, and once he flies to the branch, he ignores her. , gradually drifted away.

Speaking of which, one of the reasons why she will get closer to An Ran in the future is to be angry with Lin Miaotong. An Ran is not only the disciple of Taiqing Peak, but also has a faster cultivation speed than Lin Miaotong, and her alchemy talent is also better than Lin Miaotong. Lin Miaotong's prestige was frustrated.

Lin Miaotong rolled her eyes: "I thought he was the little transparent back then, but now he is the proud son of heaven who came out of Jiuliyuan, and he doesn't care about himself."

This is what Lin Miaotong hates Lin Xi the most. If you want talent but no talent, you want cultivation but no cultivation, relying on the favor of the head teacher, you will feel superior to others.

This is the realm of cultivating immortals, not ordinary people, and cultivation base and strength are everything.

Lin Xi was stunned, and then realized that Mu Yan called her Junior Sister Lin. The little girl who was not as good as her back then is now in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she only succeeded in foundation establishment a few years ago.

When she was in a daze, Lin Miaotong said softly, "The second lightning calamity blocked it."

Lin Xi's face was even more colorful. She said earlier that she couldn't stop her, and the next moment she slapped her in the face.

Someone nearby shouted: "It seems that Junior Sister Yun has gained quite a lot in the secret realm."

After consuming a large amount of defensive formations, the three thunders were finally overcome, the clouds subsided, and the sun reappeared.

"Senior brother, you go first." Yunli said, looking at the crowd of Taiyi Sect who gathered outside.

Wei Lin nodded slightly, quickly disappeared to catch his breath, and before he left, he couldn't help but send a voice transmission: "Remember to stabilize the realm when you go back, let Duo Duo inform me if there is anything."

Yunli nodded vigorously, walked towards Taiyi and the others, and stopped them on the way.

"Uncle Dan Yin, I'm sorry." Yunli looked at the scorched earth for thousands of miles, feeling guilty. This place is next to Qingque Mountain. First the fire raged, and then the thunder and lightning bombarded it. The green forest was destroyed once, and the mountain was quiet and elegant. Shuying Xiaozhu is no exception.

Master Dan Yin pinched his beard and pondered: "It's nothing else, Shuying Xiaozhu is the property of the Lin family, and there are many rare objects in it."

Yunli cried with a sad face: "I will pay."

Why has she been losing money all the time, no matter how powerful she is at making money, she can't keep up with the speed at which she is losing money.

Immediately after the alchemy was formed, such a thing happened, Dan Yin couldn't help feeling sympathetic, and couldn't help feeling: "You girl is really unlucky, the open space on the other side is intact, and you just want to destroy it in the direction of Qingque Mountain." .”

Yun Lixin said, it's not bad luck. At that time, I didn't know how far the fire would spread. After all, Tianyun City is a densely populated city. If the disaster happened to Tianyun City, she could afford it. , she chose to go in the direction of Qingque Mountain.

After sighing, Daoist Dan Yin said again: "It's time to change the name to Senior Brother."

As he said that, he couldn't help but feel melancholy. It was embarrassing to be called Senior Brother by a little girl at such a young age.

Not only him, but Yunli also finds it weird. Daoist Dan Yin has gray hair, an inch-long beard, looks like a kind elder, and is nearly a thousand years old. She really can't call such an old man senior brother. Export.

However, as a monk, she naturally had to abide by the monk's rules, and she and Dan Yin were not related, so she embarrassedly called Dan Yin's senior brother.

After Master Dan Yin, other people came forward to congratulate him one after another. Listening to Master Yun and Master Yun who were chattering, Yunli inexplicably felt that he was getting old all of a sudden.

Although Dan Yin had a serious face, he was really nice to low-ranking disciples. After he and Yunli finished congratulating and establishing friendship, Fang continued to talk: "Now that the war is tight, the alchemy ceremony may not be able to be completed. As for I will leave the Dao name to your master."

Yunli was stunned for a while before realizing that the master he was talking about was Fu Yue, she waved her hand: "It's okay, it's all small things, the overall situation is the most important."

A group of people were talking about a sound transmission talisman flying straight towards Dan Yin. After hearing this, Dan Yin frowned and said in a deep voice: "The situation has changed, I'm afraid we can't wait for you to stabilize your realm."

"News came from Fenshui City that evolved Witch Gu people appeared in Qinghe Valley recently. Caught off guard, a large number of monks were recruited, and there is not enough manpower now."

Yunli was stunned: "An evolved witch?"

"That's right. Although the previous witches were difficult to penetrate with swords and guns, they didn't have any senses. After all, they were very stiff. Not only did they move slowly, but their balance was also poor. Except for the fact that they hurt people unexpectedly at the beginning and the toxins were troublesome, they were very stiff. It’s also easy to deal with.”

"Recently, the new batch of witches released by Canye Pavilion have the characteristics of monsters. Whether it is flexibility, strength, or poison, they are more than [-]% stronger than before."

Yunli frowned, after all, witches were forged by living people, so why did they involve monsters again.

"There is something in the sect, the disciples should obey." She said politely, and entrusted Shuying Xiaozhu to An Ran and Mu Yan for compensation.

The situation was urgent, Daoist Dan Yin immediately arranged manpower resources when he returned to the sect, and sent them away without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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