Chapter 442
"Uncle Yun."

Wang Zhenzhen swallowed nervously as she watched a row of a dozen mutant witches with giant legs or thick hands in front of her.

"Everyone get on the spirit boat, Zhu Hu, send them to Fenshui City as soon as possible." Yunli ordered in a cold voice, this place is only one city away from Fenshui City, if you fly in the air, you will meet witches, there is a spirit boat The defensive formation can also protect them to the greatest extent.

"Then you..." Wang Zhenzhen hesitated, and just said a few words, she was dragged by Zhen Yuchen next to her, and she silently closed her mouth.

Mutated witches and Gu people not only have Gu worms in their bodies, they can also control Gu worms, and they often throw one or two over when people are not prepared, it is hard to guard against.

They don't have pill fire, so if they want to cause harm to Wugu people, they can only fight in close combat.

The possibility of melee being possessed by Gu insects is as high as [-]%, this probability is equivalent to death for these foundation-building monks.

"Yes, Uncle Yun, we will bring the situation here to Fenshui City as soon as possible." Zhen Yuchen replied loudly.

After what he said, their departure turned into sending information and moving rescuers. Yunli admired this adaptability very much.

Back then, they became elite disciples by chance. Wang Zhenzhen was simple, and Guan Jun was a wretched and playful dude.

Only Zhen Yuchen looked melancholy and lonely on the outside, but in fact he was well-versed in human nature, and he knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and I heard that he did well among the elite disciples.

The most important thing is that they know how to protect themselves best. Most of the elite disciples went to clear Canye Pavilion this time, but he escaped the first batch. go.

However, Yun Li didn't bother to care about his small thoughts. Facing the mutant witches, it would be a burden for them to stay here.

Seeing the spirit boat take off, a witch with huge legs jumped up, trying to stop the spirit boat, Yunli shook the Huanshi Ling and entangled his giant legs.

The shaman immediately gave up blocking the spirit boat and quickly avoided Huanshiling.

Yunli frowned, and asked Wei Lin via sound transmission: "Can they communicate with each other?"

This look of avoiding snakes and scorpions seemed to know Huan Shiling's power against the witches, but none of the witches they met was spared. Where did they get the information?

Wei Lin shook his head lightly, feeling heavy in his heart, the other party's posture seemed to be purposely coming to surround and kill them.

The thick-handed Witch Gu who looked fair and refined took a step forward, first looked at Yunli, and then at Wei Lin, "You are Qianshi, then you are Qianjiu."

Yunli took a serious look at the Wugu people on the opposite side, and said softly: "I'm sure I haven't seen them before, how about you, do you know them?"

According to the information given by Shen Yi, seven days ago, the Remnant Ye Pavilion launched a strong attack, and the three major killers of the Jingzhe Bailumang shot together, dragging all the Yuanying Zhenjun and most of the Jindan monks from the four major factions, and then sent A dozen or so mutated witches and Gu people went out from the secret passage, causing disasters in the surrounding cities.

In order not to be discovered by the four major sects, after these witches went out, Qinghe Valley was closed again, that is to say, these witches temporarily lost contact with Canye Pavilion.

But how could they recognize themselves?Could it be that he looked at his own portrait when he came out?

Then Can Yege really valued herself, after all, she was still on the road at that time, Can Yege had no idea whether she would participate in the siege or not.

"I don't know." Wei Linning said in a low voice, these are enough to mention, the key is how do the witches know their whereabouts?
"Mr. Qianjiu is a lore-killing apprentice, how could we ants show up and dirty your eyes." The Baijing witch smiled respectfully and humbly, "However, you don't know us, but we know you. The first genius in Lan Continent."

For hundreds of millions of years, in every era, there have been countless geniuses. They are like stars in the night sky, each with its own brilliance, but like Qianjiu, who overwhelm other geniuses and make them dim, they are rare.

He paused, "However, this title is not objective. It will be spread because those people have not seen the strength of Miss Qianshi. Let us say that you are the first genius of Canglan."

Miss Qianshi, the corners of Yunli's mouth twitched. In the Canye Pavilion, only the master and deputy master and the disciples of the lore can be called that.

She interrupted bluntly: "Don't be wordy, say what you want to say quickly."

"The two nobles haven't returned to the pavilion for a long time. I'm afraid they don't know the situation. The destruction of the city square is the arrangement of the pavilion. I hope you two don't interfere."

Yunli was surprised, and Weilin said via sound transmission, "Do they not know that we have betrayed?"

"Whether it's true or not, only they know, but it's true that they don't want us to stop them."

Yunli groaned, what the hell, he's going to be killed anyway.

She took a step forward, stroked Ling in her hand, and said half-truthfully: "Since you know me, you probably know my current mission. I am now a member of the Taiyi sect. If you are allowed to escape under my hands, turn back It's time to arouse suspicion, for the sake of the great cause of the pavilion, why don't you kill yourself?"

Baijing Wugu's complexion was ugly: "Miss Qianshi was joking, everyone present is our own people, if you go to Fenshui City, it's up to you to say how the battle is going here."

Yunli shook her head, and said nonsense sincerely: "No, no, you haven't been in Dazongmen before, so you don't know their rules. Any action needs to be recorded with a photo stone, especially when it involves military exploits, every bit of it needs to be recorded clear."

Baijing Wugu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Do you want to betray the pavilion?"

Wei Lin walked out from behind Yunli, and lightly interjected, "Didn't you already betray me?"

The Baijing Witch Gu twitched, wondering if he should be so clear.

Knowing that he couldn't be fooled, he winked at the others and said coldly: "Since that's the case, don't blame us for being merciless."

Yunli flew towards the Wugu people, there was no one else around, so there was no need to worry about anything, Huan Shiling drew towards them with a little scarlet flame.

The witches suddenly changed color and scattered in all directions.

After taking some time off, Huan Shiling turned around, turned back immediately, and continued to chase them, catching whoever was closest, and circling around, as if he didn't know what to do.

In this way, although the scene was very chaotic, it also gave other people a chance to breathe. While moving around, they didn't meet anyone.

Yunli became angry from embarrassment, danced the Huanshi Ling, and accelerated the speed of pursuit. For a while, the orange yarn was flying around, and it was really dazzling.

A dozen or so witches, relying on their agility, while avoiding the entanglement of Huanshiling, threw Gu insects at Yunli from time to time, making her even more flustered.

Their cultivation bases are only at the foundation building stage, and they have the confidence to fight against the golden core stage monks only by relying on the presence of Gu worms.

Although close-up, Gu worms have a higher chance of succeeding in a sneak attack, but similarly, they are also more dangerous. The golden core stage is no better than the foundation building stage, with spirit gangs to protect the body, and pill fire to restrain the Gu worms.

What's even more frightening is that these two people are not novices in fighting, and Qian Jiu is not an exaggeration to say that they are fighting masters.

Wait, Qianjiu!
The leading Baijing Wugu finally realized that something was wrong, Qianjiu, who is good at fighting, didn't make a move!

He suddenly turned his head and looked over, his eyes full of orange blocked his sight. Before thinking back, Qian Jiu had been standing behind the whole time, except for showing his face when he spoke at the end, Qian Shi had been negotiating with them all the time.

A sense of crisis rose in his heart, and he immediately shouted: "Retreat!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dancing orange gauze stopped and rose vertically on the spot, like an orange steel plate, separating them in several spaces.

Baijing Wugu was even more flustered, he stood up with his sword, and wanted to fly away from the range of the orange yarn, but as he flew, the orange yarn also rose up, and when he was behind him, the orange yarn immediately flew over to cover it , before he could react, a little bit of crimson light fell, and the small cubicle suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

Most of the witches were burned before they could react, but there were more than a dozen of them after all, how could Yunli take care of everyone, some escaped before Chengsha had time to encircle them, and some decisively cut off their giant legs and hands, Use giant legs and huge hands to break away from the orange gauze siege.

Seeing them fleeing, Yunli was not in a hurry, she concentrated on controlling Huan Shiling, surrounded the remaining five or six people, and quickly mobilized Fei Yan to burn them.

Those witches who escaped from the siege of the fantasy world ran into an invisible barrier within less than a hundred meters.

The Yihang Shaomei Witch Gu quickly performed a few tricks, and said in a cold voice: "It's a formation."

After finishing speaking, he immediately began to break the formation, and the other four monks surrounded him, staring at Yunli and Yunli vigilantly.

At the critical moment, they showed killer calmness. Although flustered, they still remained clear-headed, actively looking for a way to deal with it. If it was an ordinary formation, it might really make them escape.

Wei Lin glanced at them, but did not act immediately, but turned his gaze to the cold Yunli, he frowned, and said via voice transmission: "Take the sky fire away."

As he said that, he stepped forward to sacrifice the pill fire, replacing the Nirvana sky fire to burn the Gu worms.

Yunli endured the throbbing pain of the sea of ​​consciousness, and continued to maintain Huanshiling, feeling very strange in her heart. This time, her spiritual power cultivation has greatly increased, so logically, her spiritual consciousness will also increase.

That's why she was full of confidence, and directly burned it with Fei Yan, but when she mobilized Fei Yan just now, the limit of her consciousness was the same as before.

The pill fire was not as good as the Nirvana sky fire, it just took a little longer to burn, and until they eliminated all the witches surrounded by Huan Shiling, the five escaped by chance did not break through the formation.

Yunli rubbed her head, and persuaded: "Don't bother, if you break the formation refined by a genius formation master from the upper world, Ning Wujue will have to find a piece of tofu to crash him to death."

Wei Lin looked at them, fell silent, took out Shu Yuming and started to play the sad and hopeless tune, which made people's chest tight and breathless.

"How do you know this song!" Someone asked in surprise at first, and then became angry.

Yunli looked at the bumps on their giant legs and raised her eyebrows. "Forgetfulness" can also control the Gu worms in their bodies. It seems that except for the parts of the body being eroded by the Gu worms, the essence of the Gu worms has not changed.

Compared with the Wugu people made by the Wugu sect thousands of years ago, the Wugu people in Remnant Ye Pavilion are much cruder. In fact, there are only Gu people without witchcraft.

As long as the Gu worms are restrained, they are just ordinary foundation-building monks, nothing to be afraid of.

She giggled, "Did you say "Forgetting Love", it was naturally given by Miss Lan Shu."

She tilted her head, with some doubts: "Hey, speaking of it, I have always suspected that she is a spy of the four major sects. Look at the things she has done. First, she personally uncovered the mystery of the Remnant Night Pavilion, which made people's hearts go away." panic."

"Later, in one fell swoop, he killed the four Golden Core Stages, seriously injured the four Nascent Soul True Monarchs, disrupted the layout of the pavilion master, and gave the four major factions a reason to act."

"The last thing is to die, and I have to personally send the song "Forgetfulness" that controls Gu worms to the hands of the four major sects. Tsk tsk, each and every one of them, I worked hard for the four major sects and died. The elite disciples of the Taiyi Sect are ashamed..."


In the Canye Pavilion thousands of miles away, in a dark secret room.

Xing Ye crushed the teacup in his hand, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, he gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't I realize that she has such a sharp mouth that turns black and white!"

"Pavilion master calm down, the most urgent thing now is to send people out to remedy it." Bai Lu reminded softly, the current plan is to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and use the safety of Nanshan City Square to force Zhengdao to return to defense.

Now the mysterious-level witches who are performing the task are dead in the hands of Qianjiuqianshi. If they don't send someone to stop them, and wait for them to eliminate the rest of the yellow-level witches, not only will they not be able to solve the crisis in Qinghe Valley, but the dozen or so mysterious-level witches will be killed. People also died in vain.

After many years of research and development, the yellow-level witches are very easy to refine, but the mysterious-level not only has a very low chance of success, but also consumes a lot of resources.

Xingye took a deep breath, "Let Mingsan lead the team out."

Bai Lu agreed, turned around and walked out of the dark room.

Xingye sat quietly for a while, stood up, raised his eyes and glanced at the corner, and walked out.

With his departure, the secret room returned to darkness, and there was a painful moan from the corner, which was low and quickly dissipated into the darkness.


After cleaning up the Gu worms in the formation, Wei Lin played "Forgetfulness" while walking, drawing out the hidden voodoo people, and cleaned them up one by one.

There are a lot of ordinary witches, and all the villages, towns and squares that pass by have become places occupied by witches, and even some monsters have been assimilated.

It’s just that I haven’t met any mutant witches, and I’ve also asked other surviving monks, and I’m sure that all the mutant witches they have seen are among the dozen or so. There are only those dozen or so people.

On this day, they followed the traces of the voodoo people and came to a remote and quiet mortal village, which was also plagued by the voodoo insects.

It's just that they are too remote. After becoming witches, they didn't leave the village, but just wandered around in the village.

Yunli sighed lowly, in such a small and remote village, no one would care about other man-made disasters.

But in the face of Gu worms who only know how to bite and bite instinctively, this village was not spared.

With the faint sound of the flute, the whole village gathered, including men, women and children.

Wei Lin's flute suddenly paused, and he looked behind the crowd in astonishment.

 Thank you Momo for not being Baozi, Wisteria Siling, etc.Three cute monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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