Chapter 443
Yunli also felt the abnormality. Behind the sluggish crowd of witches and Gu, followed a five or six-year-old girl, her face was dirty, she couldn't see her true colors, and she was holding a rag doll that was also dirty.

There is only a pair of clear eyes in her whole body, which shows that she is different from other witches.

Her hand holding the knife also stopped, and Wei Lin looked at each other, and both saw surprise in the other's eyes. The assimilated witches will lose their minds. No matter what the relationship was before, after becoming witches, they will Just act on instinct.

Nearly a hundred people in the whole village have become witches, and this little girl has survived until now!

how can that be!

She waved out the Huanshi Ling, wrapped it around the little girl's waist, and was about to pull her out from the crowd of witches to ask questions, when the Wugu man standing in front of her suddenly grabbed Huanshi Ling and rushed towards Yunli and the two of them. Roar loudly.

After the sound of the flute stopped, the witches and Gu people were briefly dazed, and then instinctively moved towards Yunli and the two of them, but at this moment they suddenly became agitated, and rushed towards them like crazy, the speed was not the slightest bit slow look.

Both of them avoided it together, both of them were stunned by this sudden change.

These days, they have seen so many witches. The speed of ordinary witches is comparable to that of tortoises. Compared with ordinary witches, mutant witches are much more flexible, but compared to their normal state, they are also somewhat slower.

But the speed of these witches in front of them is definitely faster than their normal time!
Wei Lin hurriedly played Shu Yuming, not expecting them to stop for a moment, and then continue to rush towards them.

"I'm going, what's the situation?" Yunli exclaimed, sweeping her eyes, she found that the screaming Witch Gu didn't move, just stood there, staring at them angrily.

This is a middle-aged woman, wearing a plain coarse blue dress, and her face is fairly clean. Before she got angry, she was just an ordinary low-level woman, and she was no different from other witches.

The current situation is obviously abnormal. She has her own emotions, and her situation is different from that of the little girl. She is indeed a witch, and she didn't have any emotions before, but suddenly broke out.

Wei Lin stopped playing, and his eyes fell on the witch, surprised and clear, "They are mother and daughter."

Yunli also noticed that the little girl just hugged the doll and followed blankly. When her fantasy silk wrapped around her, she subconsciously grabbed the female witch's clothes.

I'm afraid that subconscious actions can't deceive people. Even if they are not mother and daughter related by blood, they are similar to mother and daughter.

"Separate them both from the others," she said.

Variables mean breakthroughs, and bringing them back may be helpful in cracking the Gu worms.

After making sure that the witches would not harm the little girl, she surrounded the mother and daughter with the Huanshi Ling, and Wei Lin also started to deal with the other witches.

"Grandfather of the village chief! Uncle Zhang..."

Seeing the familiar face under Wei Lin's sword, first large groups of bugs flew out, and then bright flames surrounded them, the little girl called out anxiously.

She rushed over, trying to pull the villagers out of the fire, but was stopped by Yunli's Huanshiling. She rushed again and fell to the ground. Puddles soaked.

Unexpectedly, she would have such a big reaction, Yunli was stunned for a moment, and hurried to help her, the female witch at the side roared again.

She violently brushed the little girl away, knelt down, and moaned in pain while holding her head.

The unsuspecting little girl was pushed and sat on the ground, her mouth was deflated, and she burst into tears. After hearing the moan of the female witch, she crawled over again, grabbed the sleeve of the female witch and called out: " Mother."

The female witch roughly knocked off her hand again, screaming in pain, and grabbed the mud from the ground and wiped it on the little girl. The little girl who was crying with her mouth open was almost stuffed with mud.

On the face of the female witch, a small lump protruded, moving quickly on her face and body.

"It's a Gu worm!"

Yunli quickly manipulated Huan Shiling to wrap the little girl up and pull her to her side, and quickly performed the dust removal technique on the little girl to remove the dirt from her mouth, hugged her and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay... ..."

"Mother! I want mother, woohoo, I want mother..." The little girl leaned out of her arms, stretched out her hand to the female witch, begging for a hug.

Yunli burst into tears, the current scene already explained everything, when her mother was bewitched, in order not to hurt her daughter, she tried her best to endure, and then smeared mud on her daughter's body to cover her breath.

She doesn't know how much willpower it takes to restrain the urge to bite a living person under the erosion of Gu insects, and she doesn't know how much obsession it takes to stay awake.

After she blocked the little girl's aura with spells, the female witch finally stopped and looked at the little girl for the first time.

Seeing that Yunli and the others didn't mean to hurt the little girl, she didn't yell at them as before, and she returned to her original calm and numbness.

The little girl was sobbing and crying, tired from crying, and fell asleep.

After finishing off the other witches, the two left the village with the little girl. The female witch followed them all the time, keeping a close distance.

At dusk, the little girl woke up. She just woke up with dazed eyes, and sat there for a long time before calling out: "Mother."

The voice is soft, like a kitten, which makes people feel distressed.

Soon, she found the female witch at the entrance of the cave, trotted over, but did not rush to hug her, but carefully held her by the corner of her clothes, and sat down in the open space beside her.

Yunli's frown relaxed, they had lived together for so long, and they had their own way of getting along.

The previous mud and the current spells can ensure that the little girl's vitality will not leak out, coupled with the perseverance of the female witches, as long as they don't touch, they will be a normal pair of mother and daughter.

The mother was really surprised, Yunli decided to talk to the little girl first, maybe there would be a breakthrough.

She walked forward lightly, and knelt down beside the little girl. The female witch and Gu looked at her vigilantly, but she didn't step forward to stop her.

This mentality is not as clear as at 01:30. Not only can she distinguish her daughter, but she can also distinguish the hostile and benevolent attitudes of the people around her.

She was even more curious about what happened to this woman and why there was such a big change.

She asked softly, "little sister, has anything happened in your village these days?"

The little girl subconsciously glanced at her mother, "I was playing with Brother Big Dog at the entrance of the village that day, and a red bug landed on Brother Big Dog's nose."

As if she was afraid that the two of them would not believe it, she emphasized firmly: "It's true, I really saw the worms land on Brother Big Dog's nose, but soon, the worms disappeared."

 PS: There is one more chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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