all the way to fairy

Chapter 444 Yu Sheng

Chapter 444 Yu Sheng (1)

"Brother Big Dog said that I was playing tricks on him, he was very angry, threw me to the ground, and even bit me." At this point, she was a little aggrieved, and said again: "I really didn't lie, I really saw it."

Yunli stared at her firmly, and said firmly, "Sister believes in you, but then, what happened?"

"Mother is here, push away Brother Big Dog and take me home." She pursed her lips, "Mother was very angry and locked me in the woodshed, and let me out the next afternoon, I was so hungry. "

In the end, she was very wronged and glanced at the woman, obviously she still had a grudge to this day.

The mood of Yunli and Yunli became heavy, the little girl was still young, she saw very little, when the woman pushed away the boy named Big Dog, she must have been corroded by Gu insects, in order not to hurt her daughter, she took her daughter Rush to the woodshed.

She sighed lowly, looked up into the little girl's eyes, and said seriously: "Your mother loves you very much, she didn't starve you on purpose."

I have to take them to Fenshui City as soon as possible. For ordinary people, a thousand years is a time of vicissitudes, but for monks, especially high-ranking monks, it is just a part of life experience.

Thousands of years ago, many Nascent Souls and even Jindan cultivators participated in the suppression of the Wugu Sect. They must know more about Wugu than Yunli and the others, and they might know what happened to the woman.

In order to rush to Fenshui City as soon as possible, they simply tied up the woman while she was not paying attention, and then went directly to Fenshui City with the sword.


Taiyizong, Wanqing Palace.

"Renren An, someone from the Lin family is here, and they want to discuss with you about Shuying Xiaozhu's compensation."

"It's quite early." An Ran murmured softly, without turning her head to order: "Go ask your Uncle Mu to entertain them, I'll be there in a while."

He Tiantian looked unhappy: "They are at Taiyi Peak."

An Ran frowned, "Didn't you tell them I was busy?"

"I said it." He Tiantian expressed his displeasure. These days, high-ranking alchemists have gone to develop antidotes for Gu poison. Commonly used pills such as Buling Pill and Rejuvenation Pill are all refined by An Zhenren.

Not only the alchemy, but also the transfer of spiritual plants and the distribution of elixir are all in charge of An Zhenren, who is not busy, but they are not happy to let the Lin family come to Taiqing Peak to discuss.

"Not only did I say it, but Zong Wufeng's uncle also persuaded him, but the manager of the Lin family has eyes that grow to the top of his head, and he is also eccentric. He said that if he is in charge for one day, the third family of the Lin family will not feel like they have set foot on Taiqing Peak, etc. .”

An Ran's hand that made the tactic paused, it had something to do with Fuyu...

Fuyu has a good relationship with Fuyue, the head teacher, and the elder Taishang is also good to him. Last time he was injured, the elders immediately went out to help him understand the sword intent.

What grievances does the third wife of the Lin family have with him?
Her eyes flickered, she quickened her hand movements, streams of pills poured out from her fingertips like flowing water, the scent of pills burst out, and the batch of pills had reached the final moment of harvesting pills.

Patiently closing the pill and turning off the fire, she turned around and straightened her dress, "Let's go and have a look."

Called Mu Yan, the two of them had just left Taiqing Peak, and the Zongwu Peak disciple who came to greet her head-on, saw her and kept talking nicely, and finally said: "I know you are busy, uncle, so I shouldn't disturb you at this time. But Shuying Xiaozhu is the place where Zhenjun Yu Sheng recuperated, and it was burnt out of nowhere, so it is okay for the Lin family to be angry..."

In An Ran's half-smiling eyes, the man was a little bit at a loss for words. This advancement was out of control, and it was an unintentional mistake to burn down the Shuying Xiaozhu.

Even after receiving the mission from the sect, he did not forget to ask his friend to help with the compensation. If it were someone else, the discussion would have to be delayed until she came back. This attitude is not insincere.

There's no way, who made them belong to the Lin family? As the person in charge of Taiqing Peak, An Ran can't be offended. It's those who are in trouble.

He sighed, and tried his best to help make peace: "Renren Yun also belongs to Tai Yifeng. Speaking of which, this matter is an internal matter of Tai Yifeng. It is reasonable to deal with it at Taiyi Peak."

An Ran glanced at him lightly, if it was anything else, she would never put down her body and go to Taiyi Peak to meet people, but they have no idea about the female soul.

As the head of Yifeng, Fuyu has a high position and authority, and there are almost no people who have conflicts with him. Even if someone is dissatisfied, they will not show it, let alone tell her about Fuyu's lover.

No one would easily gossip about him, and she and Lin Xi also broke off contact, so it was really not easy to find out.

She hummed lightly, delighted that the disciple of Fengwu flattered her a lot.

The third room of the Lin family came from a high-spirited middle-aged man with a late stage foundation cultivation, a Yuanrun steward from the early stage of foundation establishment, and Lin Zhuozhuo, a son of the Lin family of Taiyi Peak, accompanied him.

Seeing them, or An Ran to be precise, the middle-aged Lin family snorted heavily, and turned his face away, as if he didn't want to see her.

Zong Wufeng's disciple introduced in a low voice: "These two are Lin Zheng, the third housekeeper of the Lin family, and Lin Xiang, the foreign steward."

Lin Xiang, Yuanrun's steward, stepped forward and saluted with a smile, "I have admired the name of Master Anran for a long time. The little Lin Xiang has met Master An. This is the list of objects in Shuying Xiaozhu."

An Ran took the list and quickly glanced at it. The valuations were all normal, and there was no big opening. She handed the list to Mu Yan, and then said to Lin Zheng: "We will send the list to Junior Sister Yun as soon as possible. I know, right now she is in Fenshui City, and she won't be back for a while, so the compensation has to wait."

Cheng Jun, a disciple of Zongwu Peak, was a little helpless, and also a little gloating. Daoist An Ran is such a proud person, and he has never been a good tempered person.

He also went to see Immortal Yun's alchemy that day. Although she didn't make it clear at the time, what she said meant that Immortal An Ran would help to pay in advance.

When the people of the Lin family made a fuss, they directly opened their mouths. Although the final compensation would not be small, they couldn't get it directly.

The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned dark, looked at Cheng Jun, and said stiffly: "Didn't you say that she will take full responsibility?"

Cheng Jun twitched the corner of his mouth, if you didn't insist on saving her face, she wouldn't care about it.

But these words, he couldn't say them out, he could only laugh: "Renren Yun said to let Master An help to deal with it, but the specific details..."

An Ran glanced at him, and said lightly: "If you are in a hurry, you can go directly to Fenshui City to find Junior Sister Yun."

"However, Shuying Xiaozhu is the place where Zhenjun Yu Sheng recuperates. There are many precious objects. Junior sister Yun has just been promoted to the Golden Core stage, so I am afraid that there are not so many spiritual stones."

Lin Zheng held his breath, not to mention how dangerous Fenshui City is today, he really wants to go to Fenshui City to ask for debts at this time, which makes the world think of the Lin family.

Zongmen monks were out to fight the enemy, but they went to ask someone for a debt. If word spread, the Lin family might be drowned in saliva.

 Thanks to nanalyqa and silent de Moxie for their monthly tickets! ! !
  PS: Tomorrow's update will be delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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