all the way to fairy

Chapter 445 Yu Sheng

Chapter 445 Yu Sheng (2)

An Ran doesn't care what he thinks, as an alchemist, it's easy to earn spirit stones. The commonly used spirit plants are supported by Fuyu's private medicine garden. In order to slow down her cultivation, she doesn't use much spirit stones in her practice. .

She earns more and spends less, and she has saved some spirit stones over the years, which is more than enough to compensate Shuying Xiaozhu for the loss, and she originally planned to pay it back.

But once the debts are settled, how can I continue to communicate with the Lin family, and how to search for clues quietly.

"Taiqing Peak really doesn't have a good thing!" After the angry Lin Zheng spat out such a sentence viciously, he turned and left, leaving behind a few people with confused faces.

An Ran narrowed her eyes slightly, it seemed that there was a lot of grievances.

Although it was different from the original plan, her words were well-founded, so why is it not a good thing? This is clearly a venting of anger.

Lin Xiang hurriedly made amends: "Realist An forgive me, Aunt Yu Sheng is the ancestor of Sanfang, her other courtyard was destroyed, Master Shiliu is in a bad mood."

Lin Zheng's appearance not only confused An Ran and the others, but also Lin Yun. Even though Lin Zheng was from the Lin family, An Ran's status as Fuyu's personal heir was not comparable to him.

Not only was he in the foundation-building period when he relied on pill resources, even Lin Yun himself couldn't match it, and his cultivation base was a big realm higher than Lin Zheng's.

Cultivation is the standard among monks, and with such a disparity, Zheng Lin still dared to put on a face. With her temperament, she didn't slap her backhand, and she was already looking at the face of the Lin family.

"Uncle An, please forgive me. There is a reason for Uncle Clan to be like this. Aunt Yu Sheng was originally the elder of the third room in my Lin family. Uncle Clan's grandfather was taught by her when he was young, and he respects her very much."

"She passed away more than ten years ago, and the other hospital where she was recuperating was burned down. Uncle Clan inevitably felt uncomfortable. Not only did he feel uncomfortable, but we Lin family members also felt uncomfortable."

An Ran's eyebrows twitched. Others don't know, but they don't know. In the Shuying Xiaozhu incident more than ten years ago, it was not Zhenjun Yu Sheng who died, but Zhenjun Fujian.

She glanced at Lin Yun who spoke sincerely, did he really not know or pretended not to?

An Ran's character and identity doomed her not to be the one to speak soft words. Although she didn't speak, she didn't leave in a huff, which made Lin Yun feel a lot easier.

They are here to make friends with Yunli, a freshly baked Jindan real person. She belongs to Tai Yifeng, and she has Shuying Xiaozhu. ruined.

Mu Yan sighed softly, took over the conversation, and passed the steps to Lin Yun: "You must have heard about the matter of Senior Sister Yun buying the Dream Slashing Knife. When the time comes, go to return the spirit stone rain or shine, even if there is an occasional delay. We will negotiate with Jinye Pavilion."

"So you can rest assured about this matter, the compensation will definitely be paid, but the time needs to be more generous."

"Yes yes yes, I understand." Lin Xiang responded again and again, and said sincerely: "Renren Yun worked hard for the sect and fought bloody battles, so we can live a peaceful life, so our Lin family means that the compensation is only half. Just make sense."

Mu Yan's eyes flickered slightly: "Then Daoist Lin is unwilling? Since we burned Shuying Xiaozhu, what Senior Sister Yun means is that it should be as much as it is, and it will never be less."

"No, no!" Lin Xiang hurriedly waved his hands. He considered his words and said, "Our Sixteenth Lord is not targeting Master Yun. Everything on this list is calculated according to the market price. If it is not Master An, it is Fuyu." True Monarch's personal disciple, Master Sixteen will not be aggressive."

Mu Yan looked puzzled: "What does this matter have to do with Zhenjun Fuyu?"

An Ran also stared at him quietly, as if she would never give up without giving a reasonable explanation.

Lin Xiang secretly complained, how much respect An Ran has for Fuyu, they have all seen it all these years, and they went to greet him every now and then, and she even watched Fuyu's medicine herself, knowing everything clearly , comparable to a daughter.

In front of her, if you say Fuyu is wrong, you won't be beaten to death, right?
I hope she is really a reasonable person, silently cheering herself up, he said: "This matter, we have to start from the eradication of witches and Gu sects thousands of years ago, when Zhenjun Fuyu and our Zhenjun Yusheng were still Taoist couples." , The suppression operation suddenly..."

"They are Taoist companions?!" Mu Yan was so startled that she directly interrupted Lin Xiang's words. After living in Taiqing Peak for so many years, she has never heard of Fuyu having a Taoist companion!
An Ran was even more surprised. As Fuyu's personal heir, she had never met any teacher's wife, nor heard from the two senior brothers Dan Yin and Dan Yang. Where did this Taoist couple come from?
Being so secretive, a thought crossed his mind, that female soul couldn't be Yu Sheng, could it?
The Lin family claimed that she was recuperating in Shuying Xiaozhu, but Wei Xiaosan did not find her when he went to Shuying Xiaozhu. After Fu Jian died, the Lin family directly announced that it was Yu Sheng who died.

At first they thought that Yu Sheng was dead long ago, but the Lin family didn't announce it to the public. Now it seems that there may be other explanations. Yu Sheng didn't die, she took Fuyu away.

If so, as the Lin family, would the head of the church know that Fuyu was taken away?
An Ran's back was dripping with cold sweat, and he lowered his arms, letting the wide sleeves of his robe cover his sweat-stained hands.

"Yes." Lin Yun took the words and continued, "Not much is known about this matter among the younger generation. The two grew up as childhood sweethearts, one is a Dharma practitioner and the other is an alchemist, and they are also from a family. It is logical that they become Taoist couples."

"After the elimination of the Wu Gu Sect, Aunt Yu Sheng was in charge of enclosing the southeast of the Wu Gu Sect. True Monarch Fuyu also sat at the rear of the sect and was in charge of the logistical work of the pills, just like today."

"Once, he led his disciples to deliver supplies. On the way, he met a true king who was going back to the Wugu Sect to support him. He was a very ruthless person, and his moves were fatal."

"When Aunt Yu Sheng rushed to the rescue, all the guards died under his hands. Only Zhenjun Fuyu relied on his rich family background to support him. However, that person is extremely cruel, and Aunt Yu Sheng is not his opponent."

Lin Yun said angrily: "I didn't expect Zhenjun Fuyu to escape alone when the situation was not good. When the head teacher and others arrived, Aunt Yu Sheng was seriously injured and dying. She searched all over the world for spiritual doctors, but she still didn't wake up. It was only a few years ago that the devil got it easily."

After listening, An Ran's complexion was unclear, and he remained silent for a long time, but Cheng Jun weakly argued: "Zhenjun Fuyu is an alchemist, and he is not good at fighting skills at all. It is reasonable for him to go first, but it is Zhenjun Yusheng who stays burden."

"What do you know! They are a Taoist couple, a husband and wife, how can the husband abandon his wife and run away when there is no danger!" Lin Zheng came back at some time, and when he heard this, he rushed in and roared.

Cheng Jun was so frightened by his sudden utterance that his heart almost went into cardiac arrest. He stabilized his body and kept holding his heart, "Lin, Fellow Daoist Lin, didn't you go away?"

Lin Zheng's face was ugly, and he said to Lin Xiang angrily: "What are you doing, don't you hear people chasing people away!"

Cheng Jun: ...

Lin Xiang touched the tip of his nose, saluted apologetically, and followed him out. Lin Yun also said, "I'll see them off."

Walking out of the area of ​​Zong Wufeng, Lin Yun immediately said: "Uncle Sixteen, you have behaved inappropriately today. We are here to make friends, not to make enemies. Why bother to embarrass her."

Lin Zheng was lucky: "I just can't understand her attitude. She is the same as her master. She betrays morality first and is still superior. Listen to her words and go to Fenshui City to check with Yunli. It seems that we met Eyes on money."

When he was so angry, his ears changed the taste of what he said, Lin Yun had no choice but to say, "She has only been in the sect for a long time, and she doesn't know anything about Aunt Yu Sheng at all, she just discusses the facts."

Lin Zheng also knew that he had overreacted, but admitting his mistakes in front of the younger generation was more uncomfortable than killing him, so he said bluntly: "Fuyu spoiled her like that, who knows if he told her in private."

After thinking about it, he couldn't get angry, and said again: "You too, why are you being polite to Mu Yan in a small foundation building period, you don't have to make people look down on my Lin family, when do you need to speak nicely to a servant of her."

Lin Yun rolled his eyes unceremoniously, and said directly: "You go back first."

Among the people who came back from the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm this time, the most surprising thing is this Mu Yan. She is the only alchemist who has survived for tens of thousands of years. Explain that this person cannot be messed with.

If not, among other things, just because she and Fenghuang stayed in the Nether Ghost Marsh for three years, a bunch of people wanted to rob her.

For three years, I can't find any rare Lingzhi, and I can't figure out her details. Many people want to befriend her.

He just lived in the Wanqing Palace, and he really thought that he was just an insignificant little boy like before.

My family uncle is not talented, and his ears are not good. Yunli is at the Golden Core Stage, and Mu Yan is at the Foundation Establishment Stage. Just now, Mu Yan called her Senior Sister Yun.

This shows that the rumors are true, and the relationship between the two is very good. If you offend one, you will also offend the other. Besides, she has a good relationship with An Ran, which is to offend a bunch of people.

In Zongwu Peak, An Ran and Mu Yan couldn't be calm for a long time. This news is really shocking. Fuyu actually has a Taoist partner, and it's still from the Lin family!

Because of Lin Xi's relationship, they went to the Lin family quite often. They never knew that the Lin and Su families still had this grudge, and no one mentioned it.

If it weren't for Zheng Lin's attitude today, they don't know when they will know.

"Master An?"

Seeing An Ran's silence for a long time, Cheng Jun's heart beat. To outsiders, this matter was just a joke, but to real An Ran, it was suspected of resisting her master face to face.

An Ran exhaled, and said, "Let's go find Senior Brother!"

She had a premonition that the female soul was Yu Sheng!

According to what Lin Yun said, Fuyu failed Yu Sheng first and even killed her. Even if the Lin and Su families were not at odds, they shouldn't be as harmonious as they are now.

After all, Yu Sheng is not an ordinary member of the Lin family, she is a genius who has cultivated to Nascent Soul, and each of them plays a vital role in the family.

But in the current situation, apart from the third house of the Lin family who has a grudge against Fuyu because of this grievance, no one else cares about it. Even Fuyue, the head of the Lin family, takes good care of Fuyu.

If he knew that Fuyu was Yu Sheng, everything would make sense.

If the head teacher knew about this, he most likely also knew that the fake Fuyu wanted his own life. In this way, Fuyu died and he was alive, and he was the first to doubt himself.

No, this matter must be confirmed as soon as possible!

The two rushed to Yuanmu Peak with their swords in a hurry, regardless of whether Daoist Dan Yin was practicing or not, An Ran went in directly and asked, "Eldest brother, are Master and Zhenjun Yu Sheng a Taoist couple?"

Daoist Dan Yin was looking through the account books, when two people suddenly appeared in the room, he was almost startled.

Seeing the two of them clearly, he rubbed between his brows helplessly: "Aren't you two making alchemy?"

An Ran took a deep breath, patiently told Lin Zheng and others about the compensation, and asked again: "Master and Zhenjun Yu Sheng are really Taoist couples? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Speaking of this matter, Daoist Dan Yin's face flashed a look of embarrassment, this matter was indeed done by Fuyu unethically, but they are apprentices, and there is no apprentice who would argue about the right and wrong of the master.

It was difficult to say in the past, but now that the younger junior sister asks, she can't say nothing, she has to know what's in her heart, so that she can deal with the difficulties of the Lin family in the future.

After thinking for a while, he said awkwardly: "There is such a thing, after Zhenjun Yu Sheng's accident thousands of years ago, the Lin family wanted to end this marriage and divorced no matter what."

"Master also feels sorry for Zhenjun Yu Sheng. Since then, he has practiced his spells hard, and he also wants to encounter such a situation again, so that he will not be helpless and can only wait for someone to rescue him."

"For this reason, he even neglected alchemy, and later completely handed over the alchemy of the sect to his junior brother."

An Ran and Mu Yan glanced at each other quickly. It seemed that Yu Sheng took away Fuyu after the accident. Yu Sheng is a Dharma practitioner and doesn't know how to make alchemy at all.

Thinking about it carefully, Fuyu was able to become the master of Taiqing Peak because his alchemy ability was the best in that generation, but they had never seen him alchemy.

He didn't doubt it before, so he didn't pay attention to it, and he even found a reasonable excuse for him. Cultivator Nascent Soul, and Danyang, an alchemy madman, is there. If there is something for the disciple to do his work, it is also an experience to entrust the alchemy to Daoist Danyang.

Thinking about it now, it is full of flaws!

An Ranmei's long eyes suddenly lit up, revealing some understanding: "The other day I saw Master fascinated by a portrait of a woman, could it be Aunt Yu Sheng?"

Dan Yin was startled, "Master, is he obsessed with the woman's portrait?"

After that incident back then, Master's temperament changed drastically, and he kept secrets about Zhenjun Yu Sheng, not only he didn't want to mention it, but also he didn't want others to mention it, because the younger junior sister came in, none of them mentioned it.

An Ran nodded, walked to the front of the case, picked up a pen and sketched a heroic figure on the paper, "I probably glanced at it, and it looks like this."

Back then, as Princess Liang, she also studied painting seriously. Regardless of the artistic conception, it was easy for her to just draw a portrait. With just a few strokes, she could outline the general appearance of the female soul.

Master Dan Yin's eyes froze, and he murmured: "It's really Master Yu Sheng. After all these years, Master still hasn't let go?"

He was a little unbelievable, but at the same time faintly relieved, the master was not the cold-blooded heartbreaker as others said, he just couldn't accept the death of his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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