all the way to fairy

Chapter 446 Mother's Love

Chapter 446 Mother's Love
The moonlight is melting, and the evening wind is rustling.

The wind blows the girl's long hair, casting a broken shadow on the stone steps, and the air is filled with loneliness and loneliness.

Wei Lin walked out of the room, seeing such a picture, he was startled, walked over and sat down beside her, "What are you thinking?"

While speaking, his eyes fell on the petal jade pendant wrapped in blood-colored crystals in her hand, his gaze paused, wasn't he burned?

Hearing his voice, Yunli pulled away from her thoughts, and when she raised her eyes, she found that he was staring at the jade pendant in her hand, and she felt guilty all of a sudden.

" addition to Zhanmengdao and Huanshiling, there is also this jade pendant...retained." Yunli stammered, her voice was so low that she could hardly hear it.

Dream Zhan Dao and Huan Shi Ling were not burned by the fire of Nirvana, because they were made of good materials and crafted, which resisted the burning of Nirvana fire, but this jade pendant from the mortal world cannot be carried, because it is wrapped in blood. Neither will cocoons.

In fact, her consciousness was sober during the transformation. She watched all the storage bags being burned, but those Nirvana fires were not hers. She couldn't control them, so she could only watch.

Until Tianhuo burned the ring and the jade pendant fell out, she broke out completely, and she would never allow Tianhuo to destroy it!

Her determination was so strong that she briefly controlled the small group of sky fire and kept the jade pendant.

It's a pity that all her mind is on this jade pendant, and she doesn't care about other items at all. The final result is that this jade pendant is intact and there are no other artifacts left.

Facing Wei Lin's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she lowered her head: "Okay, I'll explain."

After she finished telling the truth, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "So you already knew that all your utensils were burned, and you lied to me then?"

The shocked and heartbroken look, if she didn't say it, I really didn't see that it was acting.

"Yes." Yunli felt even more guilty, "I'm afraid you will blame me for prodigal."

There are so many rare treasures in the ring, and the value of any one is hundreds of times that of this jade pendant. Not to mention the ring, even a spirit stone in the storage bag, you can buy a bunch of such jade pendants .

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, raised his hand and gave her a headache, "I am that kind of person in your heart."

Yunli rubbed her forehead, blinked, and said happily, "You don't blame me?"

"I blame you for what you did. It was given to you by the eldest princess. The family's wishes are naturally important. You can earn money after losing other things. You can't spoil your wishes."

After finishing speaking, he was a little angry and asked, "Why do you think I will blame you? I am such an unreasonable person in your heart?"

Yunli was stunned, that's right, why did she think her senior brother would blame her?
Brother is not a cold hearted person, he also values ​​the wishes of his parents and elders, even as a pure ancient man, he values ​​things given by his elders more, this is actually a very normal choice for him.

A vague face flashed in her mind. In a trance, it seemed that someone was saying something in her ear. She couldn't hear the content clearly, but felt that the person was very strict.


The familiar soft voice came, dispelling those trance voices, and the ears regained clarity.

Rubbing the jade pendant gently with her fingertips, she whispered: "The day the Tianshui prison formation was opened, I don't know if my mother and the others are still there. This may be the last item they gave me."

This was not the only thing that was brought out of Liang Guo, but this jade pendant was the one that touched her heart the most, because it was given to her by her parents after she left home and became a monk.

She can still recall what her mother said when she gave her the jade pendant.No matter where she is or what status she is, in the hearts of her parents, she is still their child, and she will have brothers and sisters.

She carefully put the jade pendant into the jade box, sealed it carefully, pressed her five fingers gently on the box, and said slowly: "As long as this jade pendant is still there, I will be Yunli."

Wei Lin was stunned, speaking slowly and firmly, it seemed that she was speaking to him, but she was actually speaking to herself.

After the transformation, everything is clear, her soul is a phoenix, and Yunli is just a body she borrowed to repair her soul. Now she is already a phoenix, from soul to body.

Strictly speaking, she is no longer the Yun family, not Yunli.

He pursed his lips: "Do you like making Yunli very much?"

"of course."

She didn't hesitate at all, how nice it is to be Yunli, the gentle and doting father, the seemingly strict but gentle mother, the humble and loving brother, the strict grandmother who taught her to behave, the majestic grandfather, the big man with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. Aunts, the quarrel between the cousins...

The world is full of smoke and fire, and the biggest worry is that the clothes prepared by the princess mother have too many ribbons, so they can't have fun.

Wei Lin let out a sigh of relief, "The reason for being so sentimental tonight is because of that woman."

Yunli looked at the jade box in her hand, her eyes were like water: "A mother's love is so great."

After arriving in Fenshui City, before she could bring the woman to see Fu Yue, several Yuanying Zhenjun had already come out of the house and appeared in front of them.

After only one glance at the mother and daughter, they already understood what was going on, so they ordered the mother and daughter to be taken to a room alone, and they were guarded without asking Yunli a word.

Later, Yunli still took the initiative to ask Zhenjun Fuguang, and only then did she know the answer. The witch Gu people like women have a unified name, mother Gu.

A bunch of Gu worms are fighting and devouring each other in the body, and the last one that survives will evolve into a stronger Gu worm. This is a very intuitive law of the jungle.

However, there is a condition for the evolution of Gu insects, which must be completed in a living host, and the host must remain awake throughout the process.Once the host body dies, the evolution will stop immediately, even the Gu worms that have successfully evolved will die instantly, but it is not as good as the Gu worms that have not evolved.

Little by little, I can feel the flesh and internal organs in my body being gnawed by Gu insects. This kind of pain is not something everyone can bear, only those with great perseverance can survive.

Later, people from the Wugu Sect discovered that those who were worried about them had a higher chance of surviving, and most of them were mothers.

They arrested women with children wantonly, planted Gu on them, and then used their children to control them. Therefore, the finally successfully evolved Gu insects were called mother Gu.

People who are bitten by the mother Gu, there are no Gu insects in their bodies, but Gu poison, their minds will also be slowly eroded by the Gu poison, and they will completely obey the mother Gu, and cannot make any resistance. Repression is similar, but more severe.

The mother Gu's appearance is no different from other witches, only when the people they care about are threatened, they will behave differently. They have consciousness, but it is very weak, and they can only respond to the people they care about.

This also means that if you control the people the mother Gu cares about, you will control the mother Gu, and you will control the army of witches created by the mother Gu.

Using the greatness of maternal love to fulfill their selfish desires, this move of the Wugu Sect angered all the monks in the mainland. This is why the monks worked together to eliminate the Wugu Sect thousands of years ago.

Yunli looked back at the room where the women, mothers and daughters were imprisoned. Back then, the Witch Gu Sect used their children to force the mothers to stay awake. A buffer of time.

But this woman evolved into a mother gu after undergoing a long period of gnawing alone. This perseverance, this love, makes people have to be moved.

"Hey, wait a minute, the head teacher is so clear about the mother Gu, why do you want to keep the woman?"

Yunli frowned. They brought the woman back in the hope that it would be helpful for the study of voodoo people, but the master not only knew the female voodoo like the back of their hands, but also the mother voodoo that had evolved more times.

Then what do they keep a Gu source for?
As long as someone is bitten by the mother voodoo, one can be infected every minute. Since the discovery of voodoo people, the policy towards them has always been that they would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. Check where people move.

"Could it be that they are developing an antidote to Gu poison?" After thinking about it, she stood up, "I'll try to ask directly."

Wei Lin has a dark face, how can she be confident that people will tell her the truth.

"Try it, there is nothing to lose anyway, what if it succeeds."

"I found that you are very floating." Wei Lin looked her up and down. Since she was promoted to the seventh level, her behavior has become much bolder. This time, she took him directly to the Righteous Alliance stronghold in Fenshui City after being disguised. Carelessly pull him to live in a yard.

If it weren't for Anran Mu Yan still relying on Tai Yizong, she might just walk away without going back to Tai Yizong.

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, "Because they can't threaten me anymore."

With their current strength, it is no problem to meet Nascent Soul Qi Escape.

Wei Lin frowned, why did he feel that there was some shadow of Shaohao Luo on her body, could it be that the Feng clan was so conceited?
Just as he was about to speak to persuade, a purple light flashed in front of his eyes, and Duoduo came out from the void, "Sister Yun, Brother Wei, a letter to you."

Yunli quickly took it and walked into the house.

Although there is a super-news from Dodo, they don't communicate often, especially when they have many Yuanying Zhenjun on their side, and Ayan asked Dodo to deliver the letter, there must be something big happening.


With a quick glance, Yunli gasped in shock, Wei Lin hurriedly probed to see, but was also shocked from ear to ear.

He returned to the house in two or three steps, and set up a defensive formation, and then he said in disbelief: "The female soul is actually Yu Sheng!"

Fuyu and Yu Sheng, although they both appeared in their line of sight, they have no connection, but now they are told that they are not only a Taoist couple, but that Fuyu was replaced by Yu Sheng later on, this is absurd to think about very.

After digesting for a while, Yunli patted her heart, rejoicing endlessly: "Fortunately, Ning Wujue came back from the corpse, otherwise it would have been revealed."

The specific details are unclear, but one thing is basically certain, Fu Yue knew that Fu Yu had been taken away.

Before his death, Yu Sheng said that she was trying to delay the time and escaped. He also said that An Ran was different from her and no one would rescue her, which meant that she was rescued by someone.

Although the external statements cannot be completely trusted, some of the well-known information can be believed. The fact that Fuyue went to the rescue is well known in the world, so the person who rescued her was Fuyue.

Then, it is very possible that Fuyue knew about her seizure of the house, and may even have helped her to seize Fuyu.

This can also explain why Fuyu, as the master of Taiqing Peak, has been robbed for thousands of years, and even the real king has not noticed that the sects are so diverse.

It's not that they can't see it, but they pretend not to know it.

Wei Lin's eyes were heavy, and he said to Duo Duo: "Let the princess and Mu Yan check the situation of the Su family."

Others would pretend not to know, but not necessarily in the Su family. He had a hunch that no one in the Su family knew about it.

In recent years, most of the Su family's power in the Taiyi Sect was concentrated in Taiqing Peak, and Yuanying Zhenjun was the only one in charge.

If they knew that Fuyu was actually Yu Sheng from the Lin family, they would definitely not agree to this situation. It is precisely because of Fuyu, the Su family on the bright side, that the Su family would not find out that they had been squeezed out of the two great families of Taiyizong. List.

"Sister and Sister An Ran have already gone to investigate." Dodo looked at him with some surprise, and her sister specifically told them to tell them this sentence after delivering the letter. Before she said it, Brother Wei thought of it.

Yunli pursed her lips, took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone: "We have to discuss what to do next."

Because Ning Wujue borrowed the corpse to return to life, there is no danger for the time being, but this hidden danger must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Wei Lin bent his knuckles and tapped the table, "Naturally, the best way is to let Ning Wujue die as soon as possible in front of the eyes of the public, so that Fu Yue and others will regard it as an accident, and the danger on the princess' side is natural. Solved."

Yunli wrote it down on the paper with a pen and paper, and added: "But he can't appear in front of the Yuanying Zhenjun of the Taiyi Sect. It's best not to see the Yuanying Zhenjun who is familiar with him."

If Zhenjun Yuanying could recognize a person's soul, how could people who were familiar with Fuyu not realize that he was no longer the original person when they saw him.

Wei Lin: "Ning Wujue himself will pay attention to this issue. His goal now is to confirm that the person who seized the house can still enter reincarnation after death. Before the goal is achieved, he will spare his life."

"In this way, we don't need to worry. Even if someone finds out that Ning Wujue has returned from the corpse, as long as he doesn't tell, no one will know how Yu Sheng died."

Thinking of this, Yunli heaved a sigh of relief, and poured herself a glass of water to calm her shock. Seeing this, Duoduo hurriedly said, "Sister Yun, I want it too."

While pouring water for her, Yunli said, "We have an agreement with him, he can't say that Yu Sheng died at our hands."

"What if?" Wei Lin analyzed: "Yu Sheng is from the Lin family, and knowing her death, the Lin family will definitely retaliate wildly. Even though Ning Wujue used to be from the upper realm, now he is just a sick Yuanyuan." It’s just a post-cultivator, no matter how he is the opponent of Ling Su, Fu Yue and others, in the face of life and death crisis, no bullshit oath will work.”

Yunli was silent. In that case, telling the real murderer who killed Yu Sheng was the most effective way to get in touch with Ning Wujue's crisis.

She can only ensure that she will keep her promise, but she can't guarantee that others will, especially if the other party is an evil cultivator who doesn't know what he has done.

Even if she shreds the other party into tens of thousands of pieces afterwards, she can't recover the loss caused by his dishonesty.

Therefore, the best way is to let Ning Wujue die quickly.

 Thank you for coming to 4, book friends 20191021175341946, green hills and green watercolors among clouds, flying feathers lightly dancing, flawed animation and several cute monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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