all the way to fairy

Chapter 447 White Water

Chapter 447 White Water
"Why is it white water?" Dodo drank happily, her nose and eyes wrinkled up like a white bun.

Yunli was amused by her, and the tension in her heart dissipated without a trace. Ever since Duoduo followed Ayan, her mouth has hardly stopped, she has tasted all kinds of delicacies, and drinking water is also a variety of spiritual juices. Huo probably thought she was drinking some kind of spiritual juice.

She took out a bunch of snacks and stuffed them, "Go back and tell your sister, we will try to solve this matter as soon as possible."

Duoduo shook her head and pushed back the snack, "Sister Yun, keep it, the white water is not good."

She swallowed, took her eyes off the snacks with difficulty, and said seriously: "My sister made me a lot of sweet spirit juice. When you go back, I will share half of it with you."

Yunli: ...

"It's actually your elder brother Wei, he only drinks plain water."

She tried to explain, but Duoduo didn't believe it at all, staring at those big crystal purple pupils: "How can anyone like white water? It doesn't have any smell."

Yunli was in a hurry to find a way to deal with Ning Wujue's matter, followed her words, and said casually: "Okay, leave me more sour and sweet."

"It turns out that Sister Yun likes sweet and sour things." Duoduo suddenly realized, read it again seriously, and said, "I remember it."

With good words, she finally persuaded Dodo to leave, although she still looked at Wei Lin with a puzzled face and muttered to Wei Lin before she left, why would anyone drink white water.

With her mind blank, Yunli was unconsciously distracted by her topic, recalled involuntarily, and suddenly found that ever since she could remember, Wei Lin had loved Baishui.

It is no problem to like to drink plain water as you grow older, but it is a bit strange to think about it when children of three or four years old like to drink plain water.

She became curious: "Brother, why do you like to drink plain water?"

"We're discussing business matters." Wei Lin rolled his eyes helplessly, like Duo Duo, he couldn't decide.

"Isn't this out of ideas, let's chat and relax."

"Whoever likes to drink, I will save trouble."

"Hehe." Yunli didn't believe it at all. As a young son of the Hou Mansion who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he didn't need to do these details of life by himself, so save yourself a ghost.

"You're not afraid of people being poisoned, are you?" Ben just mentioned it casually, but it opened her mind. Thinking of the necessary poisoning link in Gongdou Zhaidou's novels, her brain opened up, "Could it be that you were born before the age of three?" Have you been poisoned? Or have you been framed in your mother's womb before you were born?"

Wei Lin's face was full of black lines, "Stop reading your scripts! What are you thinking about all day long?"

Yunli thought about the situation in the Weining Marquis Mansion, and felt that the speculation was untenable. The Wei family had a clean and upright family style, and there were no concubines. The men of the Hou Mansion guarded the border all the year round. It's just a bunch of brats, no one looks like they were poisoned...


Before the thoughts in his mind could be sorted out, Wei Lin's body suddenly softened and he slid off the chair.

Yunli: ...


She hurriedly rushed over to help him up, "Senior brother, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

He was talking well a second ago, but in the blink of an eye, he lost track of personnel and affairs, so he couldn't be really poisoned, right?
She took the teacup uncertainly and sniffed it, but there was no smell at all. After thinking about it, it couldn't be the tea.

This set of teacups is what they carry with them, and they take them out of the storage bag only when needed. The water is also condensed on-site by the water spirit technique, and it is still pure white water, so how could it be poisonous.

At this moment, Wei Lin slowly opened his eyes, and said weakly: "Shu Fangyi... Canye Pavilion... Hurry up and save the mother and daughter."

After speaking, he tilted his head and passed out again.

Hearing that it was Shufang Yiyunli, she was relieved, that thing was just a powerful drug, and had no other harm. Although she didn't know how Wei Lin guessed that the mother and daughter were in danger, she still set up a formation to drive away past.

As soon as I got out of the yard, I realized that the surroundings were eerily quiet, without any sound. At the entrance of the inn opposite, the waiter was sitting leaning against a pillar, sleeping soundly. Not far away, patrol teams were lying in disorder on the street.

Yunli's heart tightened, she had personally tested the effect of Shu Fangyi, under the Nascent Soul, the effect was immediate; for the Nascent Soul, the effect might be reduced, but if caught off guard, it would be no problem to get stuck for a while.

More importantly, there are not many Nascent Soul Stages in Fenshui City at all. The Canye Pavilion launched a fierce offensive again today. Apart from Fuyue who was in command and Fuguang who came back to report, there was only one Suxi Zhenjun who was injured two days ago exist.

In addition, ordinary isolation formations are used to isolate sound and image, consciousness and spiritual power fluctuations, etc. Only a very small number of isolation formations can do this for smells.

In Fenshui City, almost all the monks who have no missions are cultivating. If they do this, most of them will be recruited.

Shu Fangyi is a specialty of Jueying Peak, which is extremely rare. After losing the supply of Yunshu Immortal Mansion, who would have thought that Canye Pavilion would spend such a large amount of money in the whole city.

As she hurried over, she secretly prayed that the defensive formation would last longer, and found that the guards at the door had been placed far away, and the defensive formation was still intact. Yunli was relieved, and an ice condensation technique hit guard face.

"Hey, hey, wake up, don't sleep!"

The freezing technique didn't work, so she patted the guard's face again, but there was still no response. If it wasn't for the fact that they were still breathing, Yunli would have suspected that they had actually died.

Just at this time, someone from the southeast came over. Looking back, they saw a real Jindan Daoist with five or six Foundation Establishment monks rushing over, and they were stunned when they saw Yunli.

Yunli was also stunned for a moment, how could anyone be okay?

She quickly realized that she was from the Canye Pavilion!

"Why are you here?" The visitor frowned and questioned, seeing his face clearly, Yunli was a little uncertain again.

She has seen this person before, he is a member of the Sun family in Nanling City. When they arrived in the afternoon with their women, mother and daughter, they saw him from a distance handling the affairs of the city skillfully. The house they lived in was arranged by the real Sun Zhengyuan .

It was really suspicious to appear here at this time. She quickly glanced at the several Foundation Establishment cultivators behind him. She only remembered a male cultivator with a short mustache, and she didn't know all the others.

But they only arrived in Fenshui City this afternoon, and they hadn't seen many people before, so it's normal that they didn't know each other.

She was not sure about the situation, so she tentatively asked: "Sun Daoyou, why are you here at this time?"

"I should ask you this question," Sun Zhengyuan folded his arms and sneered, "There is a thief poisoning the city, we are chasing after it, but unexpectedly we met Master Yun here."

He stared fiercely and shouted, "Take it!"

Following his order, sword and sword techniques were thrown at Yunli. Naturally, Yunli in the foundation building stage was not afraid, and easily parried it.

 Thanks to Yangyang Dehui and Yiju for their monthly tickets! ! !
  PS: There are a lot of things during the Chinese New Year, this month's update...

(End of this chapter)

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