Chapter 448 The Mother Gu Controversy (1)

Sun Zhengyuan also knew that he would definitely not be able to take Yunli down in a few foundation building periods, and time was running out, so he directly used the strongest blow, trying to take Yunli down as quickly as possible.

A faint golden light floated on the gloomy abacus, and in the next moment endless beads flew out of it, raining down on Yunli.

At the beginning, the shape of the beads was vague, just a faint phantom. With the input of Sun Zhengyuan's spiritual power, they gradually solidified. When they rushed to Yunli's eyes like lightning, they were already extremely compact, no different from real beads.

Yunli's face was expressionless, and it was certain that the other party was the killer of Canye Pavilion.

The woman, mother and daughter were brought to Fenshui City by them, and no one would doubt them if they doubted them. Sun Zhengyuan yelled at her as soon as he came up, whether he had a ghost in his heart or something!
"Thiefs? I think you are!" She snorted coldly, clenched her fists, stomped her feet, and disappeared from the spot.

Sun Zhengyuan only felt his surroundings swaying, and the next moment a fist that was continuously enlarged was reflected in his pupils, and the oncoming surge of spiritual power crackled, causing his face to deform.His heart almost stopped beating, and there was only one thought in his mind for a moment, "So fast!"

After all, he is a person who has lived for hundreds of years, and is a killer who came out of Canye Pavilion, so he still has some real skills. He quickly regained his senses and poured all his spiritual power into the natal magic weapon.

It was also at this moment that Yunli's fist touched the abacus, and the high-speed spinning abacus stopped instantly, and then exploded.

In less than a blink of an eye, Yunli's fist smashed the phantom of the abacus without any pause, and hit the body, with a click, cracks appeared in the abacus.

Sun Zhengyuan suddenly changed his color, crossed his arms to protect his head and chest, and with the slight sound of bone cracking, his feet left the ground...

Sun Zhengyuan felt his eyes darken, and there was a sharp humming in his ears, and his mind went blank. Little lights flickered in front of his eyes, and he vaguely saw several figures running towards him.

"Sun Zhenren—Sun Zhenren—"

Echoes kept coming from my ears, very close yet seemed far away, as if they were coming through a thick membrane.

Sun Zhengyuan shook his head, wanting to get rid of the diaphragm, and get away from the swaying world, suddenly he felt the blood surging all over his body, a fishy sweetness appeared in his throat, he opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of bright blood.

After spitting out this blood, Sun Zhengyuan finally recovered a bit of clarity, he raised his head in shock: ""

No, it's impossible, it's impossible!
When that punch fell, it was as if the whole mountain was smashed down on the head. How could the thick spiritual power, powerful explosion, and sharp offensive be issued by a monk who had just advanced to the Golden Core, and he was the one who had already touched the Golden Core? In the later period of Dan's threshold, it can't be done.

Moreover, the opponent just punched him!
After being astonished, he couldn't help but rejoice that years of fighting instincts allowed him to switch from offense to defense, otherwise the opponent's fist would directly hit his heart, and with that violent offensive, he might be crushed directly.

Yunli's body was like lightning, and she sealed the spirit vein acupoints of more than a dozen foundation-building killers, and then she sighed: "What a good way!"

The Sun family is a big family with a long history in Nanling City. If Sun Zhengyuan can manage affairs in the Righteous Alliance in Fenshui City, his status in the Sun family will not be low. Such a person is also the killer of Canye Pavilion!
She looked at Sun Zhengyuan, the surname Sun is from the Sun family, could it be replaced by disguise?
He used all kinds of spells to dispel the disguise on Sun Zhengyuan, but the face did not change.

Impossible, how could the Remnant Ye Pavilion let a son of a family of Jindan stage become a killer?

She didn't give up and touched Sun Zhengyuan's face, and she didn't find the human skin mask, but Sun Zhengyuan blushed from holding back, "The Sun family will not let you go!"

Yunli rolled her eyes, and she came out to do such a thing in Sun Zhengyuan's face, and the Sun family was in danger, so they still wouldn't let her go, ha ha!
After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Sun Zhengyuan's face, she turned her attention to the rest of the Foundation Establishment killers. After a tactic, 15 of the [-] people had changed faces. A man with a mustache mustache.

What is even more shocking is that there are acquaintances among these people!

Looking at Yingyi who lowered her head and dared not look directly at her, Yunli was stunned for a moment, those dusty and faded memories gradually came alive, her ears seemed to be full of Yingsan's nagging, and the bloody pit……

She exhaled secretly, and was about to ask about the situation of Yingyi Canye Pavilion through voice transmission, when the figures of Fu Yue and Su Xi appeared in the range of her consciousness, and then the small courtyard where they lived opened up, and Wei Lin held the door Staggered out the door.

In his spiritual consciousness, Master Suxi raised his eyebrows, not concealing his surprise, Fu Yue also paused, apparently also found her sober and Wei Lin just sober.

Yunli supported her forehead, could it be such a coincidence.

The courtyard where they lived was not far from the woman, mother and daughter, and Wei Lin rushed to Yunli's side with the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

"Teacher, Zhenjun." Yunli gave a brief salute to the two Zhenjuns, and then took the initiative to explain the situation, "This Sun Zhenren wanted to force someone to break in, but I stopped him!"

Sun Zhengyuan bit the bullet and defended: "What is the forced intrusion? It is clear that you are acting sneakily. We are here to catch you!"

Yunli chuckled, her gaze flicked across a row of disguised assassins, "Explain, explain."

Sun Zhengyuan was dumbfounded, the mission was sudden this time, he and Wang Feng were the only spies in Fenshui City, and the others arrived in the evening.

Time was running out, and there was no time to make arrangements. After finding out where the mother Gu was being held, they acted immediately.

With such a direct and rude method, if the pavilion had not generously brought out Shu Fangyi, the other fourteen people might not even be able to enter the city gate at this moment.

Fu Yue glanced at Sun Zhengyuan sharply, and said coldly, "Stay here!"

Yunli: "Yes!"

After giving the order, Fuyue opened the formation and stepped in. Master Suxi smiled at Yunli in a vague way, and followed him in.

Yunli's heart hangs, could it be that he discovered something?
Looking back on my own words and deeds, except that it was a little abnormal to appear here when the whole city was in a coma, everything else was normal.

As for not being affected by Shu Fangyi, they are all monks, who hasn't resorted to special methods.

She put her heart back into her stomach, and looked at Yingyi again, under the eyes of Zhenjun Yuanying, it is better not to transmit the sound transmission, not to mention that they cut off the content of the sound transmission, as long as Fuyue and the others find out that she is talking to the suspect She couldn't even explain the sound transmission.

But it has nothing to do with the senior brother. First of all, there is no problem with his identity now, even if he is found through sound transmission, it doesn't matter;
Secondly, there was a sense of coolness, the sound transmission between them was much more secretive than other sound transmissions, and it was not uncommon to do sound transmissions under Yuanying Zhenjun's nose.

"Why are you here? The effect of the medicine has not yet worn off, it is safe to hide in the formation..."

Wei Lin interrupted her, "It seems that they have set up a plan inside, and it's not unprepared."

Yunli blinked, what game?

 Thank you for insisting on making a big monthly ticket for salted fish every day! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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