Chapter 449 The Mother Gu Controversy (2)

"Aren't you wondering why the four major sects keep women?" Wei Lin took a deep look at the small courtyard, "There is no bait, how can people be hooked."

Yunli frowned, Canye Pavilion has been developing witches for so long, there must be such a low-level mother Gu, not to mention the elementary level, there are mother Gus that have evolved many times, why come to snatch it?
What is so special about this woman?
Wei Lin glanced at Ying Yi, who was trying to reduce his sense of existence, and explained lightly through voice transmission: "The mother Gu in the Remnant Night Pavilion evolved with the help of persecution and torture, and its potential has almost been squeezed out. The probability of further evolution is extremely small. .”

Yunli suddenly realized that high-level voodoo people have absolute suppression of low-level voodoo people, and the attraction of naturally evolved voodoo people like women to Canye Pavilion is fatal.

But how did the brother know?
During this period of time, the two have hardly separated, and the people and things they have seen are the same, and no one has ever heard of it.

Seeing what she was thinking, Wei Lin said, "Guess."

Yunli: ...

It turned out that it was just speculation, and it was as if there was evidence to say it so confidently.However, she had to admit that this guess was very likely to be true.

"Wait a minute, there is another question, how did the Canye Pavilion know that there was a mother Gu?"

They just took the woman to Fenshui City today, and they have been flying in the wilderness before, and they haven't met a single ghost.

Sun Zhengyuan and the undisguised foundation-building monk should be spies planted before, but Yingyi and the others are obviously not.

Today's Fenshui City is the headquarters of the Zhengdao Alliance, and the control is extremely strict. Even if the Canye Pavilion spies detect the woman's information, it will take time to send it out, and it will also take time for the Canye Pavilion to respond.

How could it be possible that Fen Shui City appeared in the dozen or so foundation building periods such as Ying Yi?

The two analyzed several possible reasons, but they are not sure about the specific ones. The only thing that is certain is that Canye Pavilion must have obtained the information of the mother Gu in advance.

Suddenly something exploded in the small courtyard, and the formation shook violently, Yunli was stunned, there was a Canye Pavilion killer inside!
When did this happen?
This small courtyard is not far from the small courtyard where they lived, and it was within the range of her spiritual sense. After she noticed something different, her spiritual sense immediately covered the small courtyard, and she didn't see anyone approaching, and there was no formation. Damaged.

She forcibly suppressed the doubts in her heart, and without hesitation sacrificed the Huanshi Ling, surrounded the small courtyard, and soon someone bumped into it in the white smoke, and in her mind, Huan Shi Ling tightened suddenly...

In the next second, there was a whooping sound in the white smoke, as if something flew out, driving the white smoke to leave faint scratches in the air, and then dissipated quickly.

"Empress monk!"

Wei Lin blurted out, although the man only appeared for a short moment before disappearing like lightning, but the coercion he showed was indeed only possessed by the late Nascent Soul cultivators.

The breath is still very familiar, if nothing unexpected, it should be Bai Lu.

Wei Lin frowned, it turned out that Bai Lu came here in person, it seems that Can Yege doesn't attach great importance to this matter!

Huanshiling slowly fell to the ground, Yunli stared blankly at the man disappearing into the sky, her face full of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Wei Lin looked at her suspiciously.

Before Yunli could answer, Fu Yue came out of the courtyard with a livid face, and asked sharply, "Where's the person?"

He just asked these words casually, and didn't really wait for someone to answer. With a quick glance, he quickly identified the direction in which the thief was escaping, and chased after him like a lightning bolt.

It was only then that Yunli came to her senses, looked into Wei Lin's eyes, and said, "He's getting smaller?!"

Suxi Zhenjun, who was chasing after him, was also going to chase after him. Hearing this, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly stopped and asked, "What's getting smaller?"

Yunli waved Huan Shiling, "He was a human being when he bumped into it, but as soon as I tightened it, he suddenly became smaller."

She twirled a black strand from the tip of her hair, "Thinner than a strand of hair!"

"Are you sure it's not an illusion?" Suxi Zhenjun's eyes sparkled.

Not only him, Wei Lin and the dozen or so subdued killers also looked stunned. It is very common to shrink the body by illusion, but this is just to deceive the senses, not the actual body shape change.

Yunli affirmed: "I'm sure."

Leaving aside that most illusions are useless to her, Huan Shiling and her thoughts are connected, and they are the tentacles she perceives. At first, Huan Shiling caught a person. right.

But he was getting smaller, she didn't let go, but subconsciously shrunk Huanshiling, but the speed of his shrinking was too fast, and he ran away immediately after getting smaller, without giving her time to react.

After listening to Yunli's analysis, Suxi Zhenjun's eyes were frighteningly bright, after thinking about it, his face was full of sudden enlightenment.

Wei Lin tentatively asked: "Zhenjun, what did you think of?"

"There was a battle in Tianxin Pavilion back then."

After being reminded by him, Yunli and Yunli also thought of Bailu's escape against the sky at that time. This incident was a mystery to both the disciples of the four major sects and the killer of Canye Pavilion.

In the killing game jointly designed by the four major sects, more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators did not stop a single Bailu.

"What was the specific situation back then?" Yunli tried to ask. Although Suxi Zhenjun was not in the pursuit of that year, he was a monk after Yuan after all, and he must know more information than them.

Suxi Zhenjun said in a deep voice: "The two sides used water and fire spells in the fight back then, which produced a lot of water mist, which blocked the sight for a while. The water mist did not dissipate, and it was later discovered what kind of water mist it was, it was clearly a large number of fog spirit bees gathered, and later the devil lost its trace."

"Mist spirit bee." Yunli murmured, looking down at a strand of hair wrapped around her finger, is the fog spirit bee so big?

The higher the level of the Wuling bee, the smaller it is. The general Wuling bee is the size of water mist, and the Wuling bee is thinner, but it is far less than the thickness of a hair.

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she suddenly widened her eyes: "It's the Wuling bee queen! The Wuling bee queen may be this big, right?"

Wei Lin was startled, "You mean, he is a demon cultivator?"

Bai Lu is a demon cultivator? !

Wei Lin finds it unbelievable, he is the lore of Canye Pavilion, Xing Ye's confidant, wait, is it because of this that Xing Ye trusts him?
After a while, Wei Lin took a deep breath. If Bai Lu is a demon cultivator, others don't know, but his contemporary Xingye Jingzhe must know.

If he was Xingye's spiritual pet, then Xingye trusted him more than Jing Zhe, who was born as a servant. It made sense, no matter how loyal the servant was, he might still betray him; reliable.

He raised his eyes and met Shang Yunli's equally shocked pupils. They had met Bai Lu many times, and they didn't realize that he was actually a demon cultivator!

Not only them, but there was no news at all in the pavilion, which meant that other monks didn't know about it either!
He also took Yue Yi, a real person, as an apprentice, and he probably didn't know what Yue Yi was like!
 Thank you Riyue Yushan for the cute monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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