Chapter 450 The Mother Gu Controversy (3)

"Queen of the Wuling Bee." Suxi Zhenjun took a deep breath, "No wonder we didn't find any trace of him at the beginning."

It is finer than sand grains and transparent like water. It falls randomly among the grass leaves. Even if you see it with your eyes, you will just ignore it as water mist and dewdrops. No one can realize that it is actually a monster.

"So he came in early."

A majestic voice came from the courtyard, Yunli looked up, and saw Master Fuguang slowly walking out from under the shadow of the tree. Under the pale moonlight, his complexion was tired and pale, showing a bit old. There is still a faint smell of blood, it should be injured.

He is the one who is in charge of the four factions, but does the headmaster know that Canye Pavilion will send Yuanying monks?He actually sent the skilled Fuguang Zhenjun to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit. If it were someone else, Bai Lu would have succeeded.

True Monarch Suxi frowned slightly: "What does Fellow Daoist Fu Guang mean, he first infiltrated in his original form and found out the location of the mother Gu before reappearing in human form to fight you?"

True Monarch Fuguang looked solemn: "Before Nephew Yun came, no one or anything came close to this place, and the formation was not abnormal from the beginning to the end. If it wasn't for me, I would stay by the side of the mother Gu, if it wasn't for his The goal is to live, and I am afraid that he will succeed again."

Yunli understood that the difficulty of robbing people and assassinating people is completely incomparable. The incident of Zhenjun Jinlan in Tianxin Pavilion more than ten years ago is so similar to this matter.

The four major sects also knew each other's goals, and made targeted layouts, allowing Bai Lu to sneak in under their noses. Although they discovered it in time and saved Zhenjun Jinlan's life, they are still in a coma.

Glancing at the expressions of the two, Yunli rejoiced: "Fortunately, you true monarchs have the foresight, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." After a moment's pause, she asked curiously: "Uncle, how do you know that Canye Pavilion will come to rob people?"

Suxi Zhenjun's handsome face was full of fear: "You little dolls don't know how terrible the witches and Gu sects were that were so popular back then. After the first generation of witches and Gus were successfully developed, there was almost no cost for subsequent replications."

"Unconscious and slow-moving witches are fine. Be careful, even ordinary people can avoid them, but it's different with the mother's command. Their speed will be greatly improved, even surpassing some low-cost monks. Unconditional Obedience to Mother Gu's orders is also equivalent to becoming conscious."

Yunli was silent. In this way, the disadvantages of low-level Wugu people were basically overcome. Although their combat power is low, they can be produced in large quantities at no cost, and they can also be assimilated. The world of Gu Sect.

"Not only that, the mother Gu has absolute control over the voodoo people it creates, and within a certain distance, it can monitor the situation around them through the voodoo."

"Monitor!" Yunli was dumbfounded, isn't this ability too heaven-defying?

Suxi Zhenjun sighed for a long time, "We paid a very painful price in the righteous way to wipe out the witches, but we still missed something."

True Lord Fuguang sneered: "Looking at this posture, I'm afraid the missing ones are some big fish. Most of the missing Gu kings were also taken away by them."

"Gu king?" Wei Lin thought, the current witches are actually Gu people, they control people with Gu insects, the rank of Gu insects directly determines the quality of Gu people, to be called the king of Gu, they must be the most powerful Gu people .

If there is such a powerful Gu King in Canye Pavilion, who has been lurking like a mouse for thousands of years, the strength of the four major sects cannot be underestimated.

"It is said that back then, there was a Gu worm that had evolved one hundred and one times in the Wu Gu Sect. It was known as the Gu King. All the mother Gu worms could only obey it absolutely."

"Okay, let's lock up these people first, and it's time for the master teacher to come back." Fu Guang interrupted Su Xi's explanation.

"That's right, since the thief is the Wuling Queen Bee, if you don't take it down immediately, you won't be able to catch up later."

Yunli pursed her lips secretly, the head teacher hadn't come back yet, and it wasn't too late, so she obviously didn't want to tell them this.

It's night, the silver moon hangs high, and the cold light is desolate.

The evening wind blows the leaves rustlingly, swaying and swaying, and as the shadows of the trees sway, two more shadows appear.

"Are you sure you want to go at this time?" Wei Lin glanced around vigilantly, and said through sound transmission.

Yunli nodded without hesitation, "My cards are all ready."

They had promised Yingmei to help her assassinate the deputy pavilion master, but now they are not in the pavilion, and information is inconvenient, so they had to take this opportunity to ask Yingmei for information.

In addition, the concocting of the witches is too cruel and harmful to the peace of the world. If more information can be obtained, there may be a way to completely eliminate it.

Now all the high-level officials are discussing the matter of Bailu, and the woman, mother and daughter also need a large number of people to take care of them. In a hurry, there is no one to take care of them for the time being, and only a formation is deployed.

The most important thing is that she led people to set up the defensive formation, and she deliberately delayed it for a while. When the head teacher came back, the three true monarchs began to discuss Bailu with others, and then ran to report.

As a result, she was naturally stopped outside, and she naturally kept the formation card in her hand. If she missed this opportunity and wanted to enter again, she would have to deal with guarding and breaking the formation at the same time.

As soon as they opened the door, before they explained their purpose, Yingyi said, "Yingying is missing."

Yunli was stunned for a moment before realizing that the Yingying he was talking about was Yingmei, and she couldn't help wondering, "Why did she disappear?"

Speaking of which, Yingmei also holds a high position in the cabinet, the person in charge of espionage is the core management.

"I don't know." Yingyi tugged at his hair in pain, "Not long after Jiuliyuan opened, she disappeared. At first everyone thought she was on a secret mission, but after more than ten years, I never saw her again." met her."

He looked at Yunli expectantly, like a drowned man clutching at the last straw, "You are now an elite of the Taiyi sect, can you help me find her, has she been arrested by the four major sects?"

Yunli looked him up and down, "Didn't you avoid her, when did you care about her so much?"

"I—" He sat back on the ground decadently, "I know she had difficulties in the past, and I know exactly what kind of person she is. She is definitely not a villain who will abandon her partner when she is in danger."

"Since she chooses to alienate us, the danger is far beyond our tolerance. Only when I become stronger can I pull her out of the mud."

Yun Li was stunned. Ying Yi was different from Ying San. On the surface, Ying San clearly drew a clear line from Ying Mei, but inside he was very hesitant. He had an expectation in his heart, so after getting the reminder, he hurried away. Seek Yingmei for verification.

But Yingyi is different, he has a cold attitude, allowing Yingmei to tease and get angry, he always has that tepid look, he treats Yingmei as a stranger from the bottom of his heart.

It turned out that this appearance was made by him.

Seeing that Yunli was silent, Yingyi was a little anxious, struggled for a while, and confided to Aiai: "Actually, Yingying...she has a pure yin constitution."

 Thanks to Lanye Diandian, Bai busy leftovers, and scaylett for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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