Chapter 451 The Mother Gu Controversy (4)

Yunli's eyes widened, "Pure Yin body! Isn't that..."

At the last moment, she swallowed back the words "Luding Physique" and contacted Yingmei to deal with them. The relationship between her and the Deputy Pavilion Master was self-evident.

It is impossible for Yingyi not to guess the things she can guess, looking at him with a bitter face, Yun Liwei looked at each other, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.


"No need to comfort." Yunli was interrupted by Ying Yi as soon as he opened his mouth. He pulled the corners of his lips and laughed at himself: "From the day I knew she was a pure yin body, I guessed that there would be such a day, but I just worked hard. After so long, we still didn’t protect her well, but let her protect us instead.”

Most of the people who became furnace cauldrons gave up on themselves. Once their cultivation was drained by others, they were useless. This is why Zuimenglou's medicine furnace cauldrons often need to be delivered for replenishment.

Pure yin female body is rare, if nothing unexpected happened, the deputy cabinet master forced Yingying to be his furnace with the lives of himself and Yingsan, and he did not give up his cultivation.

Wei Lin interrupted suddenly: "So, you are avoiding Ying Mei, so you have no face to see her?"

"Yes." Ying Yi closed his eyes in pain, he seemed to have returned to that day, his consciousness was damaged, and there was a sudden pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, which made him unconscious.

The sound of firecrackers hardly stopped from morning to night, and there was a lot of people outside. Qinghe Valley changed from the dull and depressed in the past, and it was extremely lively. In an instant, there was an illusion of being in a small town in my hometown.

A bunch of people poured into the room, chirping to congratulate him, and only then did he realize that his fiancée was marrying someone else.

He couldn't believe it at all, thinking they were joking, but Ying San's evasive gaze told him that it was true.

At that time, he didn't understand at all why Yingying married a deacon in the foundation period. Later, her Taoist partner Zhuo Fei died. With the relationship left by her Taoist partner, she gradually became the head of the spy with the help of the deputy pavilion master. He knew right away that the secret of her pure yin body had been leaked.

Zhuo Fei was just an ordinary deacon in the foundation-building period, and he was not bold enough to persecute them like this. The truth behind the scenes is self-evident.

The deputy cabinet master is a monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty. In front of him, they are just ants. They have no chance of winning at all. The only thing they can do is not to cause trouble for Yingying, practice hard, and maybe one day they can defeat him.

What made him desperate was that after entering the late stage of foundation establishment for many years, he was still unable to form an alchemy. He knew that his beloved was in deep trouble, but he was powerless, and he didn't even have the possibility to fight for it.

He raised his eyes and looked at Yunli Weilin who was both forming alchemy in front of him, deep envy flashed in his eyes, he first met them as little monks in the early stage of Qi training, but now he is still a foundation cultivator, and they have already formed alchemy, Some things cannot be achieved with hard work.

Yunli couldn't see his decadent appearance, so she comforted him: "Don't worry too much, Yingmei is the chief spy officer, everything will be fine... right?"

In the end, she didn't believe it herself. Since the deputy cabinet master used Yingmei as the cauldron, then the identity of the chief intelligence officer was a little watery.

Besides, the Deputy Pavilion Master is still her immediate superior, no matter her cultivation level or position, there is no comparison between Yingmei and him.

"As long as you are willing to help me find her, I can do anything." Ying Yi didn't come to ask for comfort, he raised his head, his face was full of prayers, his desperate eyes gave birth to faint hope, and he couldn't stand any rejection.

Yunli pursed her lips, not knowing what to say, Wei Lin at the side suddenly said, "Why did you tell us this?"

His face was calm and self-possessed, and his voice was also alienated and indifferent. Ying Yi clenched his fists unconsciously when he heard it. People who have stayed in Canye Pavilion for a long time are all indifferent.

Qian Jiu was not an enthusiastic person at all, but after being tricked by the court again and again, his temper became more and more cold.In these years, except for Qianshi who can touch his heart, he doesn't care about anything. He is really not sure that he will agree to help, so his goal has always been Qianshi.

This girl has been under the protection of Qianjiu before, and then she went to the Taiyi Sect. She has little contact with the darkness in the pavilion. She has a sense of justice that most monks don't have. As long as there is no conflict, she is likely to help .

To his disappointment, Yunli didn't agree. After Wei Lin asked this question, she didn't even intend to speak.

He sighed lowly, and said: "After Lan Shu's death, Yingying once went back to Qinghe Valley, and reminded me vaguely that if I need to find you, I think I trust you. I'm very relieved to tell you the secret of the pure yin body." .”

"Reminder?" Wei Lin smiled, "I will remind you in Qinghe Valley."

Ying Yi was at a loss for words at once, Qinghe Valley is the base camp of Can Ye Pavilion, the pavilion master and the three lore are in charge, and there are many sky-level killers in the Nascent Soul stage, even if the sound transmission is in the formation, there is a risk of being cut off, where? Dare to express trust in the two traitors.

In fact, after Feng Xiu's death, he went to Yingying to inquire about the news. He happened to meet the deputy cabinet master and asked her to take care of Qianshi's affairs and keep a close eye on her developments. If Qianshi had any abnormalities, he had to report to the cabinet in time.

Yingying once said sarcastically that it is rare for a place of indifference and bloodiness like Canye Pavilion to raise a righteous man.

At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong. Qian Shi, the spy, was doing too well. He was accepted as a Taoist boy by the head teacher from the very beginning, and he was able to get in touch with the core personnel of the Taiyi Sect. Once he reached the sky, doubts in the pavilion were inevitable.

After Yingying's accident, he repeatedly recalled the past, and finally realized that it was unusual. When she said this, she glanced at herself who entered the door out of the corner of her eye. Obviously, these words were meant to echo what the deputy cabinet master said, but they were actually meant for He listened.

Reminiscing that the spy agency has not been able to find anything unusual about Qianshi, he speculates that Yingying and Qianshi may have reached some kind of deal.

When Lan Shu was mentioned, Yunli was startled. Could it be that Lan Shu died at the hands of Ying Mei and was discovered by the pavilion?

No matter the deputy pavilion master or the pavilion master, they all attach great importance to Lan Shu. If they really found out that Lan Shu died in Yingmei's hands, Yingmei should be miserable right now.

"Go back to the cabinet and check it out, this matter is not necessarily done by the four major factions."

Although she reminded him very cryptically, Ying Yi quickly understood, his face paled instantly, and he slumped on the ground.

Yunli: "This matter is still uncertain. What if it is not, we will help to investigate from the four major factions. Now we are blind to the situation in Qinghe Valley. Can you tell us?"

As for the deal, they can't ignore the matter of Yingmei, just make sure that Yingyi won't harm them, and don't worry about some small thoughts, not to mention getting information from him.

Yingyi hated Canye Pavilion even more than they did. Now that Yingmei was alive or dead, he didn't care about his own life at all, so he betrayed Canye Pavilion without hesitation.

"In recent years, the four factions have been pressing hard, and the stronghold industries outside have almost been wiped out. Zuimenglou in various places is the first target of the four factions."

This is also the reason why he initially suspected that the four factions had captured Yingying.

 Thank you Riyue Yushan and Lei Siyan for your monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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