Chapter 452 The Mother Gu Controversy (5)

Yunli and Yunli knew about the situation outside Qinghe Valley. Since the four major sects wanted to completely eliminate the power of Canye Pavilion, they naturally had to pull out their strongholds outside before enclosing Qinghe Valley.

The key is the affairs in the valley, especially the matters related to the Wugu people. I only listened to Yingying: "The current Wugu people are all defective products. The pavilion didn't plan to release them so early. It's just that the four major factions don't know where to come from." Knowing the existence of the Wugu people, we played the banner of eliminating the remnants of the Wugu sect."

"The Loose Cultivator Alliance, who originally had some kind of friendship with Remnant Night Pavilion and did not participate in this matter, also joined in; the Hehuan Valley, the Corpse Control Gate and other magic sects that have always followed our lead have also rebelled and joined the right path to crusade against us. "

"In desperation, Canye Pavilion had no choice but to release the semi-finished products, firstly to reduce the consumption of personnel, and secondly to confuse the four major factions and let them relax their vigilance."

"However, I heard that the pavilion has recently developed a new voodoo man, which basically completely overcomes the previous shortcomings."

"Overcame it? How did you overcome it?" Yunli was serious. From an unconscious witch to a mutant witch who retained consciousness, she has evolved a lot, and she has made progress so quickly!

Ying Yi shook his head, "I don't know, the Wugu people's affairs are kept very secret, and a friend revealed this information to me."

He paused, glanced around subconsciously, and lowered his voice: "I heard that you killed all the witches scattered in the Nanshan Clan, disrupting the layout of the pavilion, and the pavilion initiated the wrath of thunder. There is revenge."

"Did they only vote for those witches?" Yunli was surprised. They just attracted the witches they found and disposed of them. It's not clear whether they cleaned them up or not.

"That's right, the Witch Gu people haven't been completed yet, and they were released in the Nanshan Department hastily, and you gave them..."

Yunli was also speechless, who would have thought that a mistaken hit would ruin the situation of Canye Pavilion.

In the current situation where Qinghe Valley is surrounded, if there is no accident, these witches and Gu people should be the Wei they used to surround Wei and save Zhao.

As soon as the chess pieces were placed on the front of the Canye Pavilion, they were dismantled on the back. Now Xingye and the others must hate them so much, I don’t know if they will give up on her in a fit of anger, and expose her identity as a spy of the Canye Pavilion .

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin asked: "Are you sure that Hehuan Valley and other demon sects rebelled because Canye Pavilion is a remnant of the Wugu sect?"

"It should be like this. Hehuan Valley is responsible for training and providing smoking exercises, and Canye Pavilion is operating. The two factions have cooperated for many years, and they have been living in peace. That's why Yege hasn't completely become a trapped beast."

"Three years ago, when the news came out that the Canye Pavilion was the remnant of the Wugu Sect, the attitude of the Demon Sect became hesitant, and they stopped providing intelligence materials to the Canye Pavilion. After the Wugu people were released from the pavilion, they even directly joined the crusade Queue, and based on his previous understanding of Canye Pavilion, he has made many suggestions."

Yunli was shocked: "Would the four major sects believe the information provided by the Demon Sect?" The Demon Sect turned against the water and joined the Righteous Way.

"Although it's unbelievable, judging from the results, they really believed it." Ying Yi couldn't believe it when he thought about it now, and he decided to cooperate with the long-time enemy after saying no to the benefits of many years.

What's weird is that if one party dares to do it, the other party also behaves without any grievances!
Wei Lin frowned: "It seems that the Wugu Sect has other terrifying methods besides the Wugu people."

Yunli also realized that the sorcerers relied on Gu worms to put it bluntly. Needless to say, junior voodoo people are defective products, and ordinary people can avoid them if they are careful; mutated voodoo people are only a threat to low-level monks. This is not the case for monks above Jindan.

With the body protected by the spirit gang, and the pill fire that restrains the Gu insects, for them, the mutant witch Gu people are just ordinary monks who carry viruses and need to be handled carefully.

If it wasn't for the frenzied process of concocting and refining with unarmed mortals, Yunli wouldn't take much care of it, let alone other monks from Canglan Continent who intervene in mortal affairs at will and don't threaten themselves. They will only pursue such methods. .

To temporarily twist the righteous path of the Demon Sect into a single thread, the Witch Gu Sect must have a means to make all the monks in Canglan terrified.

She murmured softly: "Witch Gu Sect, Witch Gu Sect, Canye Pavilion is using Gu now, could the other method be witch?"

"Curse?" Wei Lin mused, "The curse technique is silent, there is no response when it is hit, and there is no way to solve it after being hit. It is indeed possible."

What people fear most is the unknown.

He is also afraid of such means, no matter how advanced his cultivation base and superb swordsmanship are, he is helpless against the curse.

Yunli clicked her tongue, and said, "If the Witchcraft Sect is wiped out because of witchcraft, then the four major sects really have double standards. To put it more seriously, now the divination warlocks of each sect and sect are also a kind of witchcraft."

"This kind of taboo method often requires a huge price. Most of them are mysterious things such as lifespan and luck. They also need to consume countless resources. Warlocks will not easily use them. Besides, all things are mutually generated and restrained. There is no solution."

"Can you undo the curse?" Ying Yi raised his voice unconsciously. It is said that when the witches and Gu sect were rampant back then, the real kings after many yuan had been hit by the trick, but no one could undo it, so they had to die with hatred.

"Mysterious things need to use mysterious means..." Yun Li had just said something, but suddenly felt a change in the formation, she stopped, and said to Wei Lin: "This voice seems to be searching for something?"

Wei Lin: "Go out first."

Because they came in secret, and there were three Nascent Soul cultivators in Fenshui City, they didn't dare to release their consciousness to check now, and after explaining a few words to Ying, the two of them immediately hid themselves, held their breath, and quietly came out of the formation.

The lights outside were like daylight, and teams of monks on the ground went from house to house in groups, searching for something inch by inch; from time to time, there were monks flying over the sky.

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes. The white dew wanted to steal the mother just happened, and the night has not passed yet, why are they so motivating?

Avoiding the searchers, they quickly returned to the small courtyard. They quickly showed up and pulled a Taiyi sect monk outside the courtyard to ask, "What happened?"

"Uncle Yun, you are in the courtyard!" Seeing her, the disciple was a little surprised, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and go to the meeting hall, the mother and daughter are gone, and the head teacher is summoning disciples from the four sects."


Yunli's jaw almost dropped from shock, "Didn't the Canye Pavilion killer escape, why is he missing?"

"I don't know, everyone is looking for clues now."

Wei Lin put away the surprise in his eyes, and urged: "Go quickly."

Yunli didn't care about anything else, and rushed to the conference hall. Such a big thing happened, and it was time to order people to do things. Now she is also a serious elite of the Taiyi Sect. At this time, the head teacher will definitely think of her. Going late inevitably arouses suspicion.

After she left, Wei Lin patiently explained: "I was practicing before, so I couldn't quit. If it's useful, just call me."

The first sentence of this person's mouth indicated that they had come to look for Ali before, probably Fuyue sent someone to look for Ali as soon as something happened, these small details still had to be smoothed out.

The man's eyes lit up, "I really have to bother the real person. The teacher has an order, and I can't let go of any place in Fenshui City. It's just that the manpower is limited now. If the real person can search with us, that would be great!"

"It's about witches and Gu people, and it's an incumbent duty."

Wei Lin said some polite words, looked in the direction of the conference hall worriedly, and joined the whole search team.

(End of this chapter)

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