all the way to fairy

Chapter 453 The Danger of Central Continent

Chapter 453 The Danger of Central Continent (1)

In the chamber, the atmosphere was stagnant.

Fuyue, Fuguang, and Suxi sat at the head of the three real monarchs, all with cold faces, which made the temperature in the hall drop by several degrees; there were five or six monks sitting on the left and right, and one of them was a contemporary monk. The Patriarch of the Ye family also had a serious expression on his face.

These people came back with Fu Yue. They were originally participating in the siege on the front line of Qinghe Valley, but they suddenly discovered that a top Yuan Empress killer in Can Ye Pavilion hadn't participated in the battle for a long time. They suspected that Can Ye Pavilion had other plans, so they came here to report to Fu Yue However, on the road, he meets Fu Yue who is chasing Bai Lu.

In addition to several Nascent Soul Masters, there was also a Jindan cultivator Zhuang Wen who was answering, and Zhang Minda who was waiting to answer. Yunli silently bowed and stepped aside to wait for the two to answer.

Seeing her coming in, Fu Yue raised his eyes and glanced at her, then looked away, and said to Zhuang Wen in a cold voice: "Search again! Focus on searching Xie Fang Yuan, and not miss a single bit!"

"Yes!" Zhuang Wen took the order and went down.

After the night attack by the killer in Canye Pavilion, Suxi Zhenjun immediately moved the woman, mother and daughter to Xiefang Courtyard in the west of the city, just to prevent Bai Lu from killing her.Because Bai Lu is a demon cultivator, he specially set up a formation against demon cultivators outside Xiefang courtyard. Whenever a demon cultivator approaches, he will give an early warning.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of calculations, he didn't survive the whole night, and was still robbed.

Zhang Minda stepped forward and seamlessly connected: "There is nothing abnormal in each city gate, the formation is complete, and no one enters or exits."

The expressions of everyone in the room collapsed visibly, and the voice of the head teacher became more and more cold: "Check again!"

Zhang Minda turned around and went out, then he looked at Yunli and asked, "Do you know what happened?"

Yunli nodded, feeling a little guilty, the head teacher didn't ask, should she take the initiative to explain a few words?But will this make her feel guilty?
Before the decision was made, Fu Yue said: "You go and lead people to patrol the city square, no one can leave the city without my warrant."

"Yes!" Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and went out, when a person hurriedly pushed the door and entered, almost bumping into her.

Before he could stabilize his figure, the man shouted into the room: "Report to Master, there are witches in Central Continent!"

Yunli was stunned, Yingyi's information was too unreliable, he just said that it was only deployed in the Nanshan system, and they had already wiped it out, and in a blink of an eye, there were witches in Central Continent!

The Patriarch of the Ye family swept over, pushed Yun Li away from the dazed mind, and stared straight at the person, "What are you talking about, what happened to Zhongzhou?"

Unexpectedly, the Patriarch of the Ye Family was there, Tong Fei was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Witch Gu people appeared in Central Continent, and a large number of monks were assimilated, especially the children of the Ye Xiao family."

Patriarch Zhong Chen's expression changed suddenly, Yunli felt a gust of wind blowing over his face, and when he regained his composure, he was no longer in front of him.

The head teacher Fu Yue was no different from ice cubes, his whole body seemed to be bubbling with cold air, and his voice was so cold that he asked, "What's going on?"

Tong Fei spoke quickly: "Ten days ago, a large number of mutated witches and Gu people appeared out of thin air outside Zhongzhou City and besieged Ye Xiao's family. In a hurry, the two families suffered heavy losses, and a large number of low-level disciples were assimilated. By the time Senior Brother Xu sent back the news , except for the Daye and Xiao families, the rest of Zhongzhou City... all fell."


Yunli took a deep breath, because Ye Xiao's two families, second only to the four major sects, are located in Zhongzhou City, which is actually the largest city in the Canglan Continent.Central Continent fell, how many people had to be assimilated!

Especially the Ye family, with the business family, half of the people in the city are related to the Ye family. If this loss is not dealt with properly, the Ye family may no longer be able to secure its position as the largest business firm, and it will decline!
"The Yexiao family." Fuguang Zhenjun's face was full of gloom, "Canye Pavilion is besieging Wei and saving Zhao!"

Yunli was silent, Canye Pavilion had to disperse the alliance's strength if it wanted to solve the danger of the Qinghe Valley, but its status as a remnant of the witchcraft sect made him a rat on the street, and everyone shouted to beat him.

The Demon Sect and the Righteous Path all put aside their previous suspicions and worked together to sow discord. They also wiped out the Wugu people of the Nanshan Department, so they could only pick a few more hard bones to set their backyard on fire.

Is there any place more suitable than Zhongzhou? After all, the overall strength of Ye Xiao's alliance is not overwhelming any of the four major factions. The return of these two factions will greatly reduce the pressure on Qinghe Valley.

It's just how did the witches do it?
Mutated witches and Gu people are different from ordinary ones, they need to be concocted, and they can't just bring Gu insects there.With such an obvious abnormality in a certain part of the body, under the propaganda of the four major sects, everyone with eyes knows that it is a mutant witch and Gu person. How could they let them pass by without noticing it?
Could it be that Remnant Ye Pavilion has a research and development site for witches in other places?
After pondering for a while, Fu Yue said to Yunli: "You have rich experience in dealing with mutant witches and Gu people, so you will represent our four major factions to Central Continent for support."

"Ah?" Yunli was stunned. The Ye Xiao family was facing life and death, so they sent her a Jindan stage to help. Wasn't it a bit disingenuous?
True Monarch Fuguang also showed hesitation: "Brother, she is still young, can she do it?"

"The juniors grow up without experience. Now that the battle is tight, Qinghe Valley is the most important thing, and there must be no loss. To deal with mutant witches, the golden core stage is enough."

After a pause, Fu Yue continued: "The Golden Core cultivator who came with you is also very handy in dealing with witches and gu people. Asking him to go with you will also help you."

"Senior brother!" True Monarch Fu Guang raised his voice, "He is not from our alliance, isn't he suitable?"

"What's inappropriate, the remnants of the Wugu Sect are related to the safety of everyone in the mainland. At this time, what is the difference between you and me?" Fu Yue made a final decision, "That's it, go and tell him what he wants Even if you mention it, we will be satisfied if it is not too much."

After finishing speaking, he exhaled lightly, and said earnestly: "You children who can come out of Jiuliyuan are all people with great opportunities and great fortune. If you blindly protect, it will only harm you."

"The Central Continent Witch Gu people are a very good opportunity. Soon Huai'er and Zheng Rui will also form alchemy, and they will go there to practice at that time. If the follow-up is difficult, we will send people there again."

Yunli was really surprised by his amiable appearance. This was always the way Mo Huai and Lin Xi were treated. How could Fu Yue have such patience for her as a registered disciple? Many times he couldn't even remember that there was such a disciple as her. Is it the influence from the gilding of Jiuliyuan?
"Disciple resigns." As a disciple, Yun Li was supposed to obey, Fu Yue could explain to her patiently, it was already a great deal of face.

Since they were going to deal with the witches, how many people would be assimilated by a minute or a quarter later. After finding Wei Lin, the two left Fenshui City immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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