all the way to fairy

Chapter 455 The Danger of Central Continent

Chapter 455 The Danger of Central Continent (3)

Wei Lin racked his brains to study Huanshiling until the evening, when the sky was filled with sunset clouds, and Yunli woke up leisurely without researching why, Huanshiling was still the same as before.

"Are you still sleepy?" He was full of worry and stayed awake for several months. Looking at yesterday's posture, he thought she would sleep for ten days and a half months to make up for the missed sleep time.

Yunli's eyes were sleepy, she stared blankly at the gorgeous sunset in the sky for a while, and finally came back to her senses after a while, rubbed her stomach, raised her eyes and said, "I'm hungry."

Wei Lin...

It turned out that he woke up from hunger, he was a little relieved, adhering to the usual principle, put down the things that he didn't understand, and do the things in front of him well.

After eating and drinking enough, sleepiness surged up again, Yunli shook her head and pulled herself together: "Who do you think the woman, mother and daughter were robbed of? Are you stunned?"

Wei Lin didn't pay much attention to this matter, seeing that her upper and lower eyelids were almost glued together, he suggested: "You should go to sleep, this matter is not in a hurry."

"No, sleep better when it's dark."

Wei Lin thought about it, the sun was going to set soon, and it was not too late, so he said, "It's possible, you can learn a lot of wisdom, Bailu stumbled in the assassination of Tianxin Pavilion, this time knowing the four sects Will ambush, it's normal to have a second hand."

"However, it doesn't have to be Jingzhe. This matter needs to be taken by surprise. Low-level monks who know some special secret methods may be more effective." After a pause, he changed the topic, "Of course, it may not be the Canye Pavilion. Yes, the temptation of mother Gu is not small, or someone with ulterior motives guards against it."

"That makes sense." Yunli nodded thoughtfully. In a sense, righteous people are more likely to be caught by surprise and have a greater chance of success.

She sighed: "I hope that someone from Canye Pavilion won't succeed."

With the research ability of Remnant Ye Pavilion, if they get a woman, mother and daughter, the witches behind will wreak havoc.

Wei Lin's eyes showed coldness, "Whoever steals a woman's mother and daughter is coveting her ability to create voodoo people. It is also a disaster for the world, and it doesn't matter who succeeds. It doesn't matter if all the voodoo insects are completely destroyed, or After destroying the Remnant Ye Pavilion, after a few years, there will be witches and Gu people appearing again."

"But what can I do to destroy all the Gu worms? It's okay for such a small one to hide and have a certain range. Turn them over little by little, and you can also turn them out." She propped her chin, Tilting his head slightly, "But the continent is so big, it's completely unfeasible to turn over the entire continent."

After thinking for a long time, still having no idea, Yunli said bitterly: "Xingye is also true, there is a wrong and a debt, and the conflict with the four major factions, why involve other innocent people."

Wei Lin shrugged: "Back then, monks from all over the continent participated in the extermination of the Witch Gu Sect. Seriously speaking, there is nothing wrong with them taking revenge on the whole continent."

"What about mortals? How can monks' fights harm mortals..."

At this time in Qinghe Valley, Xingye, who was accused by Yunli, was furious and gritted his teeth: "It's that damn girl again! She's fighting against me! It's always her fault!"

Seeing Xingye get angry, all the subordinates in the hall knelt down one after another, shouting in unison: "Pavilion Master calm down!"

These words not only did not appease Xing Ye's anger, but the anger in his chest was even more intense. After exhausting all efforts, he finally sent the Witch and Gu out, but was wiped out by these two people. Didn't work.

He almost gritted his back molars, and then he suppressed the anger that was bursting from the bottom of his heart, and asked coldly: "It's true that Shu Fangyi didn't work on her?"

Bai Lu shook her head, "She arrived one step earlier than our people, Shu Fangyi should have no influence on her."

Thinking of this, Bai Lu was also startled and stunned. She was so shocked that Shu Fangyi was completely useless to her. Shu Fangyi was colorless and odorless, and she was no better than them. She knew in advance that Shu Fangyi was going to be used, and she had to wait for Shu Fangyi to use it. You can only feel it after it works.

Even if she has the elixir to detoxify Shu Fangyi, detoxification also takes time, she arrived before the person they arranged, there is only one explanation, Shu Fangyi has no effect on her at all.

What's surprising is that it's only one step away, as long as Sun Zhengyuan and his party enter the small courtyard, no matter what the layout is inside, with them attracting attention, he can fish in troubled waters and take away the mother Gu.

It was only a little bit late, and Qian Shi blocked him outside, not only did he lose his helper, but their disputes and fights made Fu Guang break away from the effect of Shu Fangyi's medicine faster, and with just one move, he lost everything.

"We must get that mother Gu." Jing Zhe turned his eyes away from the teacup and looked at Xing Ye: "I'll go in person."

Xing Ye was silent, and said after a long while: "That's fine, the news from Zhongzhou should have come, the Ye Xiao family will definitely withdraw, and the pressure here will be less."

Speaking of this matter, his face still did not soften in the slightest, but his anger became even worse, and he said with a sullen face: "If I find out who leaked the news about the witches to the four major sects, I will definitely make this person eat something inside and out." Destroyed souls!"

The room was silent, and a needle could be heard. Except for those who had participated in the research and development of the Wugu people, many of them were not aware of the existence of the Wugu people.

To be honest, many disciples of the Witch Gu Sect and the pavilion resisted, but unfortunately they had to obey Devil May Cry, they had no other choice but to obey.

For the Canye Pavilion, the leak of the witches was an important turning point. The identities of the remnants of the Wugu sect were exposed, and the people in the Canye Pavilion rebelled against their relatives, and they became enemies of everyone; Chess pieces become waste chess.

It's a pity that the people who knew about the existence of the witches, except the pavilion master's lore, had checked everything, but they still had no clue.

Jing Zhe said in a deep voice: "Check again, any clues must not be let go, if this ghost is not found, don't feel at ease."

Xing Ye snorted coldly, "The inner ghost wants to find him, and he can't stay here anymore."

Hearing this, Ruoqi, who had been silent all this time, raised her head, looked at everyone's expressions calmly, and said hesitantly: "It was so hard to insert chess pieces into the four major factions, did you really give up like this?"

A gray-haired old man next to him shook his head, "Brother is confused, the pawns were placed to make things easier for us, but now the pawns are holding us back, they are already enemies, so naturally we have to get rid of them!"

"Now that they are only at the early stage of Jindan, they dare to openly oppose Geli. Can Donglu still count on her?"

Jing Zhe's sharp eyes swept across the people in the hall, and said coldly: "Don't stop, let's be rebellious, those who rebel against the cabinet will be killed!"

These words were full of warning, Ruoqi didn't dare to say anything more, he wasn't worried about Qianjiuqianshi at all, for more than ten years, Ge Li had targeted Qianjiu both openly and secretly, but he was still alive and well, and he had advanced to the Golden Core.

It couldn't be killed before, let alone now.

If you stay in a high position for too long, you will inevitably be arrogant, forgetting that there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

 Thanks to book friends 20171115152131628 and Man Man for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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