all the way to fairy

Chapter 456 The Danger of Central Continent

Chapter 456 The Danger of Central Continent (4)

At the beginning of the meeting, Mang Zhong, who had been acting as an invisible man, suddenly said, "This night attack has hit the faces of the four major factions. The subsequent offensive may be more violent. Central Continent also needs manpower."

Having said that, he stopped and looked up at Bai Lu, "Your little apprentice should be forming a pill soon."

They have known each other for thousands of years, and they are very familiar with each other. Before he finished speaking, Bai Lu understood his intention. Whether the crisis in Qinghe Valley can be resolved or not is unclear. Mangzhong wanted to send his grandson to a safer place.

These are trivial matters. If the Qing River Valley is destroyed, Wen Ming is only at the Golden Core stage, and staying here is nothing more than giving his life in vain, and it will not be of much use. He is willing to sell Grain Grass as a favor, so he followed the words: "You What do you mean, let the juniors go to Central Continent?"

Mangzhong nodded, with a calm face: "Nowadays, there are a group of Nascent Soul monks gathered outside the valley. The juniors stay here, and there is no room for them to develop. It is better to let them go to Central Continent. It is also an experience for them."

He looked at Xingye and lowered his head in shame, "This is also a little selfishness of this old man, our Wen family only has such a little blood, please forgive me, Master."

Clearly spreading out his selfish intentions, and rationally analyzing the pros and cons, even if Xing Ye had a pimple in his heart at first, it disappeared now.After thinking for a moment, he said: "That's fine, if the Qinghe Valley is destroyed, it can be regarded as leaving a little fire."

After a pause, he looked at Ruoqi, "Shen Yi also go with me."

Ruo Qi was slightly taken aback, at this time, he could wish for his apprentice to leave Qinghe Valley, but when will his apprentice be compared with Wen Mingyueyi?
He subconsciously said: "He is still far from forming a pill..."

"It doesn't matter, he has been managing the mission hall for these years, and his ability is obvious to all, so it's okay if his cultivation level is lower." Before he could finish speaking, Xingye interrupted.

Mang Zhong said with a smile: "Shen Yi is a steady and meticulous kid, and he is also familiar with the affairs of the cabinet. We are relieved to have him to remind Ming'er and the others together."


Yunli and Yunli flew all the way, and soon arrived at the junction of the Nanshan System and the Zhongshan System. Under the vast clouds, there was a cry for help, and when they listened intently, there was wild laughter.

A group of people quickly appeared in the consciousness, including monks and mortals, and they were running towards the south. Behind them, a black line quickly pressed over, like a dark tide, running in the last row of people. Submerged by the Kuroshio.

Fortunately, the Kuroshio stopped, and the people in front took advantage of this to distance themselves, but they did not dare to stop for a moment and ran away with all their strength.

After a few breaths, the stagnant Kuroshio gathered enough strength to set off another turbulent wave, spreading rapidly forward, and soon passed the crowd behind; after a few more breaths, these people were also submerged in the Kuroshio without a trace, and the Kuroshio disappeared. The tide is getting stronger...

As they got closer, Yunli discovered that the so-called Kuroshio was actually large clusters of dense Gu worms. As soon as the people submerged by them were assimilated, their bodies would explode, and the newly multiplied Gu worms flowed into the black tide. Tide, strengthen the army of Gu worms.

In fear, a foundation-builder monk flew up with his sword, and just as he flew into the air, a huge foot fell from the sky, covered his head, and stepped on it hard.

With a bang, the earth shook.

When the smoke and dust diffused away, a gray thigh as thick as a stone pillar stood in front of everyone, the soles of the feet were deeply sunken in the mud, and the muscles on the legs were bulging, like small hills.

Looking up, there is a blue-gray cloth wrapped around the top of the "stone pillar". There is a strong man with a bare upper body. He has cultivated at the early stage of Jindan.

"It's a mutated witch, everyone, run away!" Someone screamed that Yu Jian flew up, flying madly.

With a bend of the giant leg, it flew into the air with ease, and when it reappeared, it was already above the monk's head, and there was another loud bang, and the monk only uttered a short scream, and then died.

A few people who couldn't dodge in time were also affected, and a white and tender arm flew out with blood, smashing a seven or eight-year-old girl behind to the ground.

The panicked little girl subconsciously raised her hand to touch her face. One hand was bloody, and she rubbed it on her clothes in a panic, while the other hand touched something soft. From the corner of her eye, she saw that her tender white arm was bleeding.

"Ah—" the little girl couldn't bear it any longer, holding her head and screaming in horror.

There are quite a few people who were thrown by the broken limbs, and the monks are okay. This kind of scene has been seen many times. They get up and continue to escape with a white face, while those mortals and some children who have just drawn their breath into their bodies are full of tears. Panic.

After the army of Gu worms in the rear devoured a group of people, they caught up again. The helpless crowd was quickly overwhelmed by the Gu worms, crying loudly, and despair spread in this small valley.

The crying little girl didn't feel pain for a long time, she raised her head slightly, and looked out from the gap between her arms, there were no dark Gu worms, all she could see was a light orange light.

She suppressed the fear in her heart, and suddenly lowered her arms, only to see a light orange light covering her, and all the ferocious Gu worms were blocked outside, looking around, some people had orange or cyan light masks all over their bodies.

"The immortal master has come to save us." A middle-aged man stood up in surprise and looked towards the southern sky.

At this time, there is a glow of sunlight behind the dense clouds, and the glow is getting stronger and stronger, and the dazzling light scorches the thick clouds, making them more translucent and thinner.

Immediately, two figures, one green and one orange, rushed out of the clouds like shells, and the gorgeous orange light poured down from the hands of the orange shadow, spreading down from the sky like a sunset glow. Embedded in the edge of the sun, flying towards people together.

The little girl burst into tears, and finally someone came to save them.

When the Huanshi Ling flew to the top of the crowd, it turned abruptly and entangled the giant-legged Witch Gu. In order to prevent him from dodging, the remaining silk quickly spread out to surround the Witch Gu. Wei Lin's Green Leaf Sword Intent Covered by orange gauze all over the sky, it pierced towards the witch gu people like lightning.

The shaman was obviously experienced in many battles, and when he saw the dancing orange yarn, he knew that there was another way. The body protection spirit flashed to protect the whole body, and he stamped his giant legs on the ground, spinning up into the air.

Naturally, Yunli would not let him fly out of Huanshiling's coverage area, and with a flick of Huanshiling entangled his giant legs.

The sorcerer sneered, and chanted the formula in his mouth. Taos of golden energy flowed out from his body, and slowly condensed into a huge round of simple mirror in front of him. When the mirror was completely formed, it suddenly turned over, and the dazzling mirror light made people unable to open their eyes. .

Not only the eyes, but also the sea of ​​consciousness is white, obviously this mirror has the effect of isolating the consciousness.

Under the mirror light, the Green Leaf Sword Intent became more and more fierce, and there was nowhere to hide. The Witch Gu Killer turned his body flexibly like a tumbler, his upper body perfectly avoided all the Green Leaf Sword Intent, only a few sword intentions pierced the giant leg .

Hearing only a few crisp ding ding sounds, his giant legs were completely intact, and he forcibly resisted Wei Lin's sharp sword intent.

 Thank you Plum Blossom Doll, why don't I travel through the two cute monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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