all the way to fairy

Chapter 457 The Danger of Central Continent

Chapter 457 The Danger of Central Continent (5)

Yunli's heart shuddered. Compared with the foundation-building stage witches encountered in the Nanshan system, the sturdiness of this giant leg has increased exponentially, which is incomparable.

It's just that the speed is not enough, Huan Shiling circled around a few times, and easily entangled his giant legs. His evasion speed, in front of Yunli, who is connected with Huan Shiling's spiritual sense, can't keep up with it what a difference.

The spiritual light rippled past like waves, and the soft veil turned into a sharp blade in an instant, creating a deep bone-deep wound on the giant leg, and large groups of Gu worms flew out of it, surrounding Yunli in an instant.

"Be careful, Master Immortal!" The little girl's reminder and the witch's cold snort sounded at the same time, Yun Lisu raised her hand lightly, and the flames flew along the silk gauze.

Because there was a trace of Nirvana Heavenly Fire in it, the temperature was extremely high, and everyone watching below felt their flesh sizzling, and the blood in their bodies seemed to be boiling, not to mention that it was mainly aimed at witches and gu insects that exposed their bodies.

The sizzle sounded one after another, the place where the flames passed was empty, and all the Gu insects were reduced to ashes. In the blink of an eye, the flames had spread to the fantasy silk wrapped around the giant legs of the Wu Gu man.

The giant legs that had been emptied of flesh and blood by the Gu worms were quickly burned to the ground, and Huanshiling wrapped around the flames lightly, as if it had life, and continued to climb upwards.

At the critical moment, the witch killer seemed to be reborn, his speed achieved a qualitative leap, his figure flashed, he pulled out afterimages, and narrowly escaped Huanshiling's attack range.

Immediately afterwards, spiritual power surged all over his body, and a water dragon instantly condensed under his hands. With a roar, the water dragon rushed towards Huanshiling at an incredible speed.

When water and fire met, there was a bang, and the white mist exploded, covering the surrounding area.

Yunli was about to step forward to continue the attack, when suddenly a yellow light emerged from the white mist, it was a mirror!

Her eyes dimmed slightly, and she stepped on the plantain fan and moved above the crowd in an instant. Layers of phantom world silk were laid on top of her head, and the spirit gang expanded tens of meters, covering the people below.

Generally speaking, mirror instruments are mostly aimed at the divine consciousness, and they are used by Jindan stage monks, so mortals and low-level monks can't resist them naturally. In addition, Yunli can't guarantee that he can resist.

Her spiritual consciousness is too weird. In terms of the scope of her spiritual consciousness, it is far beyond that of ordinary monks, and even Wei Lin is far behind. Logically, her divine soul should be very strong, but it cannot be recovered after being overused for a long time. She also needs sleep on weekdays to keep her energetic.

After experiencing so many things, she also gradually guessed that the daily sleep may be related to spiritual consciousness.

I don’t notice anything when I work and rest regularly, but when I encounter danger or an emergency and stay awake for several months, I will fall into deep sleepiness afterwards. I need to make up for the lost sleep time one by one, or even more, in order to cultivate return.

Naturally, these Wei Lin also knew that when facing the ancient mirror, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, Mo Lijian sang softly, and endless green leaves emerged from nothingness, floating and swaying around the sword.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body turned into a blue light and shadow, howling like a gust of wind, tearing up the misty water vapor, and swept towards the killer.

A crack appeared on the bright copper-colored mirror, and the killer suddenly changed color. This mirror was obtained by him from a secret realm, and it was his natal magic weapon, which was invincible in dealing with spiritual consciousness.

What's more, the mirror surface is added with upper realm refining materials, which has amazing defense power, which can completely resist all attacks under the Nascent Soul.Now that he was crushed by a sword, Qianjiu has just formed the core, and his combat power has surpassed the late stage of golden core? !

Qingye Jianyi kept hitting the mirror surface, and at this moment, the mirror surface was cracked into spider webs, the killer was shocked, and quickly put away the ancient mirror.

Unexpectedly, a piece of orange yarn came out from below and hit his arm. The vigorous spiritual power all over his body stagnated for an instant, and the ancient mirror that flew halfway lost its spiritual traction and fell down.

Without the attack of divine consciousness, Yunli no longer had any scruples, and flew behind the man like a ghost, blocking his retreat, and at the same time a piece of silk gauze flew straight out of her hand.

The strength swept across his back, and a chill entered from his vest, straight to the bottom of his heart, and his whole body felt cold in an instant, like falling into an ice cellar.

The Witch Gu Killer looked back in astonishment, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He subconsciously looked down, and saw the Zhengran Silk Saber softened a little bit, slowly falling down his chest, and bright red blood flowed out, staining his eyes red.

The light orange veil is fluttering, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, it is gorgeous and lonely. The woman's figure is hidden behind the veil, hazy and indistinct.

"Who are you...?" Just as the last "who" uttered a vague syllable, Li Li passed by like a dragonfly, and his head flew into the sky.

After a few breaths, the head landed on the ground. Although the face was covered with blood, the unbelievable coagulation on it was very clear.

Yunli was startled, looked at Wei Lin, and asked in surprise, "He doesn't know me?"

The Mother Gu can perceive information through the Gu insects, and can also synchronize the obtained information to the Gu insects. What they did in the Nanshan Department has been sensed by the Mother Gu in the Qinghe Valley, and a team of mutant Wu Gu people was sent to intercept the negotiation , it doesn't make sense that this mutant witch doesn't know her?

Wei Lin shook his head lightly, and said, "Take care of the Gu worms first."

In addition to the Gu worms in the giant legs of this mutated witch, there is also a dense army of Gu worms. Without the control of the voodoo killer, the Gu worms instinctively stay away from danger and scatter in all directions. As long as one of these Gu worms is missed, There are endless troubles.

"Thank you Immortal Master for saving your life..." After the crisis, the little girl knelt on the ground and kowtowed on her porcelain head. Her choked voice was filled with the joy of being alive after the catastrophe, and the rest of the rescued people also expressed their thanks one after another.

Wei Lin glanced at the crowd, tapped his toes, and stood still on a treetop [-] meters away. The flute was playing, and the sound of the flute was faint, like complaints and weeping. Headless flies and Gu insects gathered again.

Yunli said to the monks who came up to thank him: "You stay here, the monks are outside, and the mortals are inside, condensing the aura."

After finishing the order, she went to burn the Gu worms.

The two cooperated and cleaned up all the Gu insects in a radius of thousands of miles until the next morning.

Not caring about taking a break, Yunli said to the crowd: "Under the Taiyi sect, Yunli is here to support Zhongzhou. What's the situation in Zhongzhou now?"

"So it's a senior from the Taiyi Sect." Everyone was obviously relieved, seeing Wei Lin using music to control Gu, some people felt uneasy, fearing that this was a trick of Can Yege.

Now hearing that he is a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, he felt relieved and at the same time couldn't help feeling hopeful, the four major sects had already mastered the tune to guide the Gu worms, could it be far from the day when they would be completely wiped out.

It's just about the matter of Zhongzhou, but the people don't know anything about it. They are almost all residents of a small town where the Zhongshan system and the Nanshan system intersect.

A few days ago, a large number of Gu insects suddenly flew from the north, and everyone hurriedly dragged their families to flee, but the army of Gu insects was too large, and there were mutant witches and Gu people controlling them. Yunli and Yunli, these people cannot escape the fate of being assimilated.

 Thanks to book friends 536***803, Plum Blossom Doll, Wisteria Siling, and Jinge for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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