all the way to fairy

Chapter 458 The Danger of Central Continent

Chapter 458 The Danger of Central Continent (6)

Speaking of assimilation, Yunli suddenly thought of something, and her mood became uncontrollably heavy. The people who were swallowed by the army of Gu worms before were not assimilated, but were eaten directly to the point where there was no scum left. The control becomes more and more handy.

Seeing her worry, Wei Lin comforted him: "The earth-level killers are used to concoct witches, and the Canye Pavilion is at the end of its rope."

He looked at the sky, and the morning sun had already jumped out of the horizon. The morning light hit the green leaves gently, casting dappled shadows, and said, "Let's go."

The witches first broke out from the vicinity of Zhongzhou City, and now even the fringe city squares have been invaded by the army of Gu insects. With their destructive power, the situation of the entire Zhongshan system may not be optimistic.

Yunli was about to nod her head, when a childish voice came in, "Master Immortal, you have to... let's go."

The little girl's voice was cautious and nervous, and when she saw Shang Yunli's gaze, she lowered her head in shame, and stammered to make amends: "Daddy said that there are witches and Gu people everywhere in the Zhongshan Department, so be careful, Immortal Master."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and stood there helplessly, looking lonely. Yunli glanced at the others. Immortals are different. Generally speaking, monks don't have much interaction with ordinary people. This group of people Not so.

Earlier, she ordered the monks to protect mortals, and they had nothing to say. Now they are also gathering in twos and threes, and every mortal is surrounded by monks. It is not difficult to see that monks and mortals are mostly relatives and friends, except for the little girl, who is alone. on the edge of the crowd.

Thinking about it, facing the army of Gu insects, mortals with insufficient physical fitness must be the first group to be devoured. The mortals who can escape here have monks at home.

"Where's your father?" As soon as the words came out, Yunli was very annoyed, there was no accident, her father should also be a monk, since he is not here now, most likely he was swallowed by Gu insects, asking like this, isn't it just adding salt to the little girl's wound.

The little girl lowered her head even lower, and with a thud, crystal tears fell to the ground, making Yunli feel even more guilty.

Someone beside him sighed: "This girl is also a miserable person. When she was four years old, her mother took her back to her mother's house. She met a robber from the Loose Cultivation Alliance, took her back to the town and died. Since then, she has been dependent on her father for life. Earlier when the Gu worms chased after her, her father only had time to take a picture of her escape talisman before being surrounded by the army of Gu worms, if you hadn't rushed over, it would have been..."

What was not said later, everyone knew that in the face of a disaster, it is not easy to take care of one's own family. It is already a great kindness to have the ability to protect unrelated people and not make trouble.

In her consciousness, the little girl's drooping face was full of fear and bewilderment, and her white teeth bit her lower lip tightly. Yunli couldn't bear it, and after thinking about it, she sent a sound transmission to Weilin: "Let's stay here Teach them the song "Forgetfulness"."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, and replied, "I've been here for a long time, what should I do with Zhongzhou?"

Shen Yi took the risk to spread the song "Forgetfulness" in the hope of restraining the witches and gu people. He has no objection to passing it on to others, but it's a bit unrealistic for them to stay and go late, how to explain it to Fu Yue later.

"The fate of the Ye Xiao family is fate, and the fate of these people is also fate. Besides, there are many monks in the two families, and the family has lasted for thousands of years. They have a deep foundation. With concerted efforts, they are fully capable of self-protection. Besides, the Ye Family Patriarch has gone back. Well, besides him, other people from the two families will rush back one after another, not bad for the two of us."

After a pause, Yunli said again: "The army of Gu worms should not be in this direction, if they are allowed to wreak havoc, sooner or later the Gu disease will spread to other mountain systems, and how many lives will be ruined. I don't expect to be promoted by the head teacher If you get a salary increase, don't worry about him."

Wei Lin was stunned, the girl frowned slightly, her almost transparent white face was full of worry, the beautiful morning light shone on her body, casting a layer of soft golden color, suddenly, she looked like a compassionate fairy.

Without waiting for Wei Lin's response, Yunli thought that he still had to worry, and continued: "Of course, with just the two of us, it's impossible to wipe out all the Gu worm army. We have to teach them to save themselves."

The number of mutated witches is limited, and ordinary witches are not a big threat to monks. They can invade Central Continent in a short period of time, and a large part of the reason is that people are not in harmony.

The family of the sect is okay, ordinary monks are used to solving it alone, one or two, or a dozen witches can still deal with it, but thousands of witches, how can an individual be wiped out, and they can only bring their own family members to deal with it. Run away.

"It's a way."

Wei Linmu expressed his approval, gathering these people together, some of them will protect relatives of mortals, while others can concentrate on dealing with witches and Gu people, and with the help of "Wangqing" song, it is possible to completely wipe out Gu insects.

In addition, if more people join in the later stage, it may be possible to stop the army of Gu insects in the Zhongshan system and prevent them from harming the creatures of other mountain systems.

If they wanted to stay, the others would naturally wish for it. After the discussion, the border town of Shanxin Town was designated as a base for mortals, the old and the weak.

Shanxin Town is located behind the mountain, in the middle of the border between China and the South. If you occupy this place, you can use it as a base to sweep the surrounding area.

After thinking for a while, Yunli said: "I'll go explore the way, senior brother, you stay and teach them "Forgetfulness". The next time you meet a witch, you can practice your skills."

"I'll go, learn the tune after I settle down." Wei Lin disagreed, monk Canglan practiced a lot, and not many knew musical instruments, so how could he learn it in a short while.

"You can go." With the senior brother's current speed, even if he meets the Nascent Soul Stage, he can escape, and Yunli is not humble.

After he left, Yunli began to understand the basic situation of this group of people. There were three people in the foundation building stage, 69 people in the Qi training stage, and 15 ordinary people. Except for the little girl in pink, all of them had relatives by their side, and most of them were this group. The best of monks.

Being suppressed by mutant witches, they dare not fly, and the benefits of high cultivation are also obvious. The three foundation-building phases brought a total of five mortals, and what surprised Yunli was the Qi training phase.

One of them was a white-haired old man, whose cultivation was only at the sixth level of Qi training, but he brought two grandchildren, the oldest was fifteen or sixteen years old, and the youngest was only four or five years old.

After questioning, I learned that the old man was a famous talisman master, and he supported his family by selling talisman seals. He relied on his backlog of wind talismans along the way, so he took his two grandchildren to escape the Gu insects.

In addition, the relatives of other mortals are at the eighth or ninth level of Qi training, Yunli sighed secretly, they must have skills at all times.

After Yunli asked about everyone's situation, the little girl in pink leaned over and said in a soft and serious voice, "Please help the immortal master to save lives."

Without the Gu worms, the others will try their best to escape from the Zhongshan system as soon as possible, and there is still hope of surviving. She is a mortal girl, and I am afraid that she will not be able to get out of this mountain. Only when the two immortal masters stay, can she survive a little hope.

 Thanks to book friends 856***766, Lai 4, JY fans, fool geniuses for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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