all the way to fairy

Chapter 459 Familiarity

Chapter 459 Familiarity
The title of Immortal Master, Yunli always felt like a magic stick, she smiled, and she said: "My surname is Yun, at your age, you can just call me sister."

She smiled kindly, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed a little, and thanked sincerely again: "Thank you, Sister Yun."

Yunli smiled, this little girl should have been well protected by her father in the past, and she should be gracious when facing immortal cultivators.

Not long after, Wei Lin brought back the news that Shanxin Town and the nearby Chengfang had been occupied by Canye Pavilion, there were wandering Wugu people everywhere in the town and outside the town, and there was another one in the adjacent Wenxing Town The mutated witches and Gu people in the middle stage of Jindan sit in the town.

Yunli immediately said: "Witch Gu people can transmit information. At this time, the mutant Wu Gu people in Wenxing Town should already know what we are here. It is not too late to rush to Shanxin Town and kill him." Caught off guard!"

The three foundation-building monks, plus the two of them, made a total of five people who could fly with the imperial weapon. The Qi training monks and mortals were simply divided into groups, and a group of people set off immediately.

When approaching the border, the troops split into two groups, and Yunli rushed to Wenxing Town alone to deal with the mutant voodoo man. Without his command, the other voodoo men would be scattered, and low-level monks would be in great danger. Reduced, and controlled by Wei Lin playing "Wang Qing", the danger was further weakened.

The team of nearly a hundred people is mainly low-level monks, and it is difficult to hide their whereabouts. Before Yunli arrived in Wenxing Town, a large number of witches and Gu people were found. Judging from the direction of their progress, they should be going to Shanxin Town.

She swung her consciousness, and soon found the whereabouts of the mutant witch and Gu, her eyes sharpened, and spiritual power poured into the fantasy world silk like a tide, raised her hand holding silk, raised it above her head, and drew a big circle with the top of her head, Then it was thrown out with strength, and the dancing orange silk, wrapped in flames, was radiant, and it was drawn towards the crowd of witches like orange lightning.

The first batch of Witch Gu people bent into shrimp shape and flew out. When the flames touched them, they burst into laughter, and the surrounding area was immediately emptied. This was the case around every Witch Gu people who were blown away. , the army of Witch Gu people was burned to pieces, less than half of them remained.

"I'll go!" Above the city tower in the town, Jing Qi, the witch killer, was dumbfounded. Is this Ling?

In the eyes of most people, silk-like magic tools are not very lethal, even if they are of high-level quality, they are far inferior to swords and swords of the same level, and even have a weak stereotype for female monks who use silk.

Even though these are low-level witches, they are not powerful enough to fight against Jindan stage, but the power of a single blow can achieve such an effect, it is still shocking, the key opponent seems very casual, just an ordinary one formula only.

He hadn't gotten away from the shock yet, but he saw that person's figure flashed like a cloud of blue smoke, breaking through the wind, and the orange light flew across like a dragon, and he punched around the periphery of the scattered witchcraft army, Then suddenly closed.

Jing Qi felt bad, and flew down from the city wall, wanting to rescue him, but just halfway, bright flames exploded, filling his field of vision like a mushroom cloud.

Suddenly his whole body trembled, the blood all over his body froze for an instant, and he froze in the air, not even daring to move his toes.

A chilling murderous intent locked on to him, as long as he made a slight move, he might attract a fatal attack like a storm.

Years of experience as a killer made him mentally stronger than ordinary people. He slowly rolled his eyes and met a pair of sharp eyes. Jing Qi felt his hairs stand on end. In those eyes, he saw Overwhelming, if there is a real murderous intent.

It was the condensed murderous aura that could only come from the fresh blood after walking through countless corpses and seas of blood. He had never seen such a murderous aura, even in the bodies of several lore.

In the bright yellow firelight, orange yarn flew to the girl's fingers, stretching a tight section on her two white left knuckles, and then she stretched her two fingers forward, holding a section of silk in her right hand like an arrow. The yarn is pressed against the taut silk.

Is this using Aya as the archer?

Just as this idea flashed in Jing Qi's mind, there was a sound, a thick orange magnified in his eyes, and then he felt a pain in his heart, and the spiritual power around him disappeared like a deflated balloon in an instant, and he fell from the air. Fell to the ground, plunged into darkness.

The Gu worms had been burned by the fire, and the surroundings became quiet, only the sound of the fire burning, Yunli stood still for a long time.

After a long time, until the flame burned out the surrounding combustibles and went out, and the Huanshi Ling that was blown by the air waves fell to the ground, she came back to her senses, slowly raised her hand and held the Huan Shi Ling to her eyes, murmured in disbelief: "Luo Ling is fragrant."

Faced with a large number of Witch Gu people whose combat power is far inferior to hers, the wider the coverage, the better. When she raised her hand and wanted to throw out the Huanshi Ling, a few runes suddenly appeared in her mind. Trick, Luo Lingliufang.

When her mind touches the rune, the content of the formula is naturally clear in her heart. There is nothing new about Hongchen's example before. Surprisingly, when she saw the content of the Ling formula, she subconsciously used it.

It's not that she's a genius, she learned the formula after reading it once. That kind of smooth flow is a memory engraved in the depths of her soul, as if she has practiced it countless times and used it countless times.

She is so familiar with it that she clearly knows how powerful a silk will be when it is swung, where it will fly when it touches the fantasy world from which angle, how the fire spirit on the silk will burn, and where the witches will miss it, And how to wave it next time so that Huanshiling can cover the missing witches.

These cannot be explained by talent!

At this moment, she realized very clearly that she was another person, another divine beast skilled in killing, and Yunli was just an experience in her long life.

This realization made her a little sad, Yunli was just an experience, and her father and mother were not her real parents.

She remembered the time when she just crossed over, at that time she always had the feeling of stealing other people's parents, but Yunli was so happy, loving parents, doting brother, grandparents, imperial grandmother, emperor's uncle...

All she felt was deep affection, and because of her status bonus, other people were also full of kindness towards her, and the biggest trouble was learning the rules.

This kind of happiness quickly conquered her, she convinced herself that from birth, her body is hers, she is not a lone ghost returning from a dead body, she is Yunli.

But now, she is not so sure. She is not sure whether her happiness is robbed from others, or whether her arrival squeezed away the real daughter of her parents?
After a while, she took a deep breath, suppressed all the turbulent emotions in her heart, put away the Huanshi Ling, checked inside and outside the town, and after making sure that not even a single Gu worm was missed, she stepped on the plantain fan and flew to Shanxin Town.

What she has to do now is to eliminate the witches and practice hard, and one day, she will find out the truth.

 Thank you scalett for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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