all the way to fairy

Chapter 460 Learning Music

Chapter 460 Learning Music

When Yunli arrived at Shanxin Town, Wei Lin had already led the crowd to take down the town, and was leading three foundation-builder cultivators to set up formations outside the city. The formation is equipped with various fire formations, which are specially aimed at the army of witches.

Hearing that Yunli had eliminated the mutated witches, the crowd cheered. In the face of danger, they had no choice but to agree to the proposal of the two of Yunli and fight against the enemy together. It was only in the face of the rampant chaos a thousand years ago that they managed to wipe it out with all the strength of the whole continent. The remnants of the witchcraft sect still have no idea.

Now without the command of the mutated witches, ordinary witches are no longer a threat to monks like them who can escape.

The confident people were full of enthusiasm, and quickly set up the formation, and swept the city with their spiritual sense. Yunli came to a magic weapon shop and picked out all the musical instruments and magic weapons in the store.

However, musical instruments and magical instruments are a small crowd. I searched the only two instrument stores in the town, but I didn't find many. When I returned to the central square of the town, she said helplessly: "There are only these seven pieces."

"It's okay, not everyone can learn it all at once." Wei Lin looked up at the crowd, "Those who know how to play musical instruments, come out!"

Low-level monks are on the survival line. It costs a huge sum of money to buy magic weapons, and it also needs to be accompanied by special magic moves. Swords and utensils are usually mass-produced, and there are various kinds of swords and swords. In comparison, it is natural to use There are many monks with swords.

As for the niche utensils such as musical instruments, apart from the leisure and leisure of the noble family, monks who have manipulation techniques will buy and use them.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, only a woman with a lingering charm stood up, took out a lute with a curved neck, and said: "I have a musical instrument."

Yunli frowned, this is too little, musical instruments are so difficult to learn, by the time they learn it, the army of Gu worms will have already spread to other mountains.

Wei Lin saw through her thoughts at a glance, the phrase they are not you came to his lips, and he swallowed it back, and he said in silence, "In a team of nearly a hundred people, there will always be one or two talented people, and the others will slowly Come."

As he spoke, he unfolded the music score of "Wangqing", so that those who could understand it could quickly copy it from memory, while he first taught the basic music theory without any foundation.

Seeing Yunli looking at the score, her lips moving, and memorizing the score, Wei Lin frowned, "You want to learn too?"

"Of course." Yunli said as it should, "There are so many witches and gu people, we will have to act alone in the future, what trouble it will be if we use our spiritual senses one by one."

Wei Lin pursed his lips, hesitated to speak, and said after a while, "Don't use spiritual power."

Yunli rolled her eyes, spiritual power doesn't just come out of thin air, if you can save it, you can save it, and whoever practices the song will be equipped with spiritual power.

After learning the piano for nearly two years, she quickly memorized the music score completely. She took out Ziyunqing, stroked the strings, and was about to play, when suddenly there was a weeping sound of pipa beside her.

Looking sideways, I saw the woman in purple shirt with crescent eyebrows, her head slightly lowered, revealing her fair neck, her slender fingers tapping on the strings, and looking up at the music score from time to time, the notes of resentment flowed from her hands.

"Awesome!" Yunli was so envious when she saw it, she really didn't have any talent in music, and it was too difficult for her to play the score. live.

The woman was overwhelmed by flattery, and said embarrassedly: "It's just that practice makes perfect."

After being humble, her eyes fell on Ziyun Qing, and she said enviously: "The real person's piano is so beautiful."

"That's right, I think so too!" Yunli smiled brightly, raised her hand to caressingly brush the lavender body of the piano, and looked at the smooth and smooth body, the exquisite and natural cloud vines, it made her feel good.

The elegant and elegant Zhao surnamed Jian Jiqi interjected, "The grade is not low, the craftsmanship is exquisite, and the material is not simple to look at. I can't tell what material it is made of..."

As for the sacred weapon, isn’t it not cheap? Yunli’s eyebrows are beaming. Such a beautiful piano can be used all the way to Qingxuan Continent. If there is a way to recast it in the future, it can continue to be used. I’m happy to think about it.

The little girl Yin Xiaoxiao tilted her head and thought for a while, then said softly: "Brother Feng's flute looks like a pair."

"Sight!" Yunli patted her on the shoulder appreciatively, her brows and eyes were full of joy.

Seeing that they were talking to no end, Wei Lin hurriedly interrupted: "It's getting late, hurry up and learn."

Yunli collected her expression, "Yes, yes, learn quickly, and go out to work after you have rested."

As she spoke, she carefully went through the music score in her mind, and after making sure that she had memorized everything clearly, she touched the strings and flicked them.

During the light and slow twisting, the clear and lingering sound of the piano flowed out. When everyone was feeling that the piano was really good, they suddenly heard a clang, like a tight bowstring being fully drawn, and then suddenly released, hitting hard on the ground. On a hard object, it hurts the eardrum.

Facing the scrutinizing eyes of the crowd, Yunli explained seriously: "The force is too great."

After she finished speaking, she continued to play without changing her face, but there was no problem with her strength anymore. After listening to a passage, everyone discovered the problem.

The piano is really good, the tone is clean, but she played it, the tune is out of tune, and I didn't recognize that it was the song "Forgetting Love".

The crowd had just solved the army of witchcraft under the playing of 'Fengjue Zhenren', and listened to the song "Forgetful Love" several times, and the monk's memory was excellent, and he thought he did not remember the song wrongly, but there was a pause in his ears. The sudden sound of the piano made them confused.

Is this really Tai Yizong's head teacher Gaotu Yunli?Is that Daoist Yun Liyun, who was the Taoist boy who passed on his disciples from the head teacher, counterattacked and became the master's younger sister, and who obtained the ancient treasured sword Zhanmengdao and recognized the master, is this the person in front of him?

A teenager raised his elbow and lightly poked the person next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with my ears, or something wrong with my memory, how can I listen..."

Although his voice was low, it was very loud at the moment when it was so quiet that a needle could be heard. Yunli looked at him, and the young man realized that he was actually mocking Jindan Daoist in person, and that he was also a senior student of the Canglan Giant Taiyi Sect, so he immediately frightened His face turned pale.

However, he remembered that there was a senior in the Foundation Establishment period who was absent-minded and was slapped to death by the real person like a fly when he saw that Jindan Daoist did not avoid it.

In the panic, I heard the female voice soft and serious: "It's different now, my talent is not good, I have to practice slowly."

Being questioned face to face, Yunli was not angry at all. She admitted that she did not have any talent in music, but hard work can make up for it, just practice more. Didn't she know several pieces of music with her hard work in the past?

Besides, I haven't played the piano for more than [-] years, and my hand skills are normal.

After explaining, she lowered her eyes and continued to practice with a serious and devoted expression. The sunshine in May shone on her fair little face, which was slightly pink, like a ripe peach.

The young man quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, fortunately, Master Yun is open-minded and doesn't care about his faux pas.

 Thank you for the cute monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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