all the way to fairy

Chapter 461 Learning Music

Chapter 461 Learning Music

Soon, a small number of monks had already learned the music theory needed for this piece of music, and after memorizing the score, they began to choose musical instruments to practice.

After a chaotic passage, you could occasionally hear a few lines of smooth music, but Yunli still hadn't made any significant progress. Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't help it, and leaned in front of her, saying, "Sister Yun, your rhythm is wrong."

Yunli was very helpless, she also knew that the rhythm was wrong, but her brain and hands were seriously inconsistent, obviously the correct tune echoed in her mind, but she changed when she played it.

"Slow down this finger a little bit... Oh, that's right, Gong Yin, press down, press down..." Finally, the little girl squatted beside her, guiding her enthusiastically.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, surprised: "You can also play the piano?"

"Well, Daddy taught me."

Hearing this, Wei Lin's eyes moved, and he said, "You teach them the basic music theory." He walked up to Yunli and corrected her fingering one by one.

Yin Xiaoxiao was very happy to be able to contribute, and seeing that under Wei Lin's guidance, Yunli suddenly became enlightened, and the first part had already taken shape, so she immediately admired, "Brother Feng is really amazing!"

Wei Lin secretly rolled his eyes, can't he be amazing, the few songs she knows are all taught by him bit by bit.

At the age of four, she began to learn the piano, and vividly explained what is the magic sound filling the ear, rotten bone and soul, Princess Zhaoren personally taught it, and corrected it countless times, but there is still no rhythm at all. The most terrifying thing is that every time The playing is completely different!
Three months later, Princess Zhaoren gave up and no longer cared about her piano, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poems and songs, tea art female celebrities, learning which one is not learning, and I don’t expect her to make a living by it in the future. It’s just for fun. If you are not good at it, change it. one.

I don’t want to, but Ali showed the greatest enthusiasm for the piano, practiced over and over again, and even took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to record every mistake and progress. The two parents once joked that if all the scholars in the world have her attitude of learning the piano, Why worry about not winning the exam!
Being tormented by the magic sound for another whole month, Princess Zhaoren finally couldn't sit still, and added painting and calligraphy to her homework, trying to restrain her energy with the new homework.

No, she is very talented in painting, it seems that God has put all the talents taken away from music into this aspect. Although calligraphy is not as amazing as painting talent, it is not bad.

However, in a few days, she resumed the daily piano practice session. Not only was the princess mansion greatly disturbed, but their Weininghou mansion was not spared because they were next to each other. The key is not to blame her. I am seriously practicing and pondering.

Being forced to do nothing, every day when it was time for her to practice the piano, the two families made an appointment to go out. They could leave, but he couldn't.

Even if he finds an excuse to leave, she will move the piano in front of him later and ask him for advice. Forced to do so, he can only act as her piano teacher.

After researching, he found that her biggest problem was that she couldn't grasp the degree, timing and strength of plucking the strings.

After finding out the reason, he took out his grandfather's method of teaching martial arts and asked her to practice sentence by sentence until the muscle memory was formed. After each sentence was proficient and correct, he played it as a whole. If any sentence got stuck, he went back to continue practicing it. One sentence, until the whole piece flows smoothly.

Relying on this clumsy method, she finally learned a few pieces of music and was able to show off in some large occasions.

At noon, Caiwei, a female cultivator with basic skills, had already played "Forgetting Love" in style. Wei Lin proposed to clean up the area around Shanxin Town while the weather was still early.

After ordering one person at the foundation building stage, nine at the ninth level of Qi training, and three of them at the late stage of Qi training, Yunli said: "You guys stay here to guard the town. In addition, take someone to count and make a list of the supplies in the town."

Back then, the townspeople fled in a hurry, and there was no time to take away many things. The easy-to-carry utensils were naturally taken away by the Witch Killer, and some of the remaining things could not be put into storage bags, or were kept because they were difficult to disassemble.

As soon as this remark came out, some people were overjoyed, while others were secretly annoyed. Yunli didn't care what they thought, and divided the remaining monks into two teams. Each team had one foundation-builder and thirty qi-training monks. He and Wei Lin each led a team and set off.

After crossing Wenxing Town to the west and flying tens of kilometers, finally found the trace of the Wugu people, and led everyone to fly to the crowd of Wugu people, Yunli nodded to Caiwei.

The first time she tried to control a witch, she seemed a little nervous. Fortunately, Yunli, a ruthless man who single-handedly killed the golden core stage mutant witch, was standing beside her, so she felt at ease.

As the revolving shaft plucked the strings, the faint sound of the pipa spread out under the urging of spiritual power, and the witches who were walking towards them stagnated, and no longer opened their teeth and claws when they took another step. This gave Caiwei confidence, and the score became more smooth and melodious .

It's just that her cultivation level is far from that of Wei Lin's, and the number of witches that can be controlled at one time is limited. Yunli immediately ordered the others to greet her with fire spells. Seeing that they cooperated well, she rushed to the center of the densely packed witches, With a combination of Luo Ling Liu Fang and Fire Spirit Art, a large blank area immediately appeared in the center area of ​​the densely populated Wu Gu people.

The others were stunned. Is this the power of Jindan Daoist? Just one move is greater than the combined results of all of them!
Soon, the witches here were wiped out, Yunli waved her hand, "Clean the battlefield!"

Afterwards, they continued west...

At the appointed time, Yunli returned with the crowd. A few days later, Shanxin Town had changed drastically. The buildings destroyed by the witches were either demolished or repaired, and the scattered utensils were also picked up and organized. Patrol.

"Reverend Yun." Seeing Yunli, the remaining Foundation Establishment cultivator hurried forward to salute and report the matter.

After finishing the work, I respectfully handed over the booklet: "This is the register of artifacts, real people, please have a look."

Yunli took it and roughly flipped through it. There was not much difference from the items in the town swept by the divine sense, and returned the booklet to him, praising: "Good job, we brought back some spoils, Qu Liang, you and Zhao Xin handover."

Zhao Xin was taken aback. This means that he won't be the one who manages the affairs of the town in the future, right?
At first, I heard that he was happy to stay in the town. All the utensils were in his hands, and they were not easy to move, and the spirit stones and some inconspicuous small objects were not easy to keep.

After the two teams set off, he suddenly thought that the other city squares were also empty cities, and after they were taken down, they would have more loot.

Shanxin Town can only get the benefits this time, but the spoils of going out will always be there. If he stays in Shanxin Town in the future, he will lose a lot!

With a sad face, he was about to inquire to find out, when Yunli asked again: "Is there any news from Master Feng Jue?"


As soon as the words fell, Yun Li had drifted away, and disappeared from his sight in less than a blink of an eye, and Zhao Xin had no chance to speak.

Holding his breath in his chest, he caught a glimpse of Qu Liang beside him with a half-smile, looking like he was watching a good show, and his heart was even more blocked.

Yunli randomly chose a room as a temporary resting place, secretly slandering Wei Linlai and not using his real name since he came to Canglan, Yin Xiaoxiao came.

"Sister Yun," she leaned closer to Yunli and lowered her voice, "Master Zhao Xian lied to you, I saw him hide two storage bags, not only him, but Immortal Master Qi and Fairy Wang..."

Yunli smiled and interrupted her, "I know."

"You know?" Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, recalling the way Yunli and Zhao Xin talked before, not only did she not get angry, but there was a hint of admiration inside and outside the words.

People are always more patient when facing soft and cute little girls, Yunli explained softly: "When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If you want a horse to run, how can you not let the horse eat grass? As long as they If you don't overdo it, just open one eye and close one eye..."

She won't take them with her all the time, it's a loose group gathered for the common goal of eliminating the witches, is it possible that they still expect them to be banned and disciplined like an army?

Moreover, given the material conditions of this era, it would be difficult for the army to hand over all the spoils, so why should she be harsh.

When Yin Xiaoxiao walked out of the room, she was still puzzled. There are so many things that can be stored in the two storage bags. Does Sister Yun really care?
What responded to her was the intermittent sound of the piano.

a long distance away.

"Really, they are all here!" Tao Ziqian, a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, walked up to Wei Lin and replied respectfully.

Wei Lin glanced at the utensils piled up in front of him, nodded to Tao Ziqian to put them away, and said, "Get ready to go back."

As he spoke, he took out the flying sword, tapped his toes, and jumped halfway, his body froze, and he fell back to the ground, frowning and looking at the east.

"What, what's the matter?" Tao Ziqian and the others immediately became nervous. Judging from the experience of the past few days, this Fengjue real person is not only very alert, but also has a range of spiritual consciousness far beyond that of ordinary Jindan real people.

"Someone is here." Wei Lin rubbed his eyebrows, and there were two old acquaintances, Mo Huai and Ye Chuchen.

The other party has not found them yet, and there is still time to avoid them; it's just that this group of people is obviously going to support the Ye Xiao family, and it will be a matter of time before they pass through Shanxin Town. .

Thinking of this, Wei Lin stood where he was and waited for the other party to come over.

Tao Ziqian and the others were vigilant at first, and then they thought that the monks all over the continent were working together to fight against the remnants of the Wugu Sect. Someone coming meant reinforcements, and they immediately looked forward to it.

There are a lot of people and strength is great, and with less than a hundred of them alone, it is difficult to wipe out the Wugu people.

Soon, Mo Huai and others discovered their existence, and the fleet of flying swords hurriedly stopped in the air.

"How come there are so many living people here?" Ye Chuchen was amazed. As soon as they arrived at the junction of the two mountain systems in the Middle East, they found a large number of Gu insects. The two Golden Core stage witch killers fought. After a hard fight, although the witch killers were killed, the route deviated.

This time, the Wugu people broke out from Zhongzhou City, and all the borders were occupied by Wugu people. It makes no sense that the places within the border were not occupied.

Mo Huai narrowed his eyes and said, "Go and have a look."

Flying a certain distance towards the other party, Ye Chuchen saw Wei Lin's face clearly, and his heart skipped a beat, why is Qian Jiu here?

A few months ago, this face still appeared in Jinye Pavilion of Tianyun City, and sold him a bunch of artifacts, huh?Has he formed a pill?

He was puzzled for a second, and then he was relieved. Both Yunli and Mo Huai had formed alchemy. With Qianjiu's talent, it would be abnormal if they didn't form alchemy.

When his thoughts were flying, he suddenly heard Mo Huai say coldly: "It seems that they are waiting for us to pass!"

Wei Lin glanced behind Mo Huai, and saw a few familiar faces, the children of the Xiao family who were chasing and killing them back then, and looking behind Ye Chuchen, there were also some children of the Ye family that he had seen, obviously these people were chasing The children of the Ye Xiao family who went to Zhongzhou to help.

However, Mohuai Ye Chuchen should have started from Tianyun City, the shortest way to Zhongzhou is towards Xili Mansion, and it is through Fengyinyuan, how did you come here?

As soon as he landed, Mo Huai immediately asked coldly: "Who are you?"

Before Wei Lin could reply, Tao Ziqian, who was standing next to him, saw Mo Huai wearing white robes and gold decorations, and immediately stepped forward, "You are a real person from the Taiyi Sect, right? We are from Xidong Town, and we were hunted down by witches. Fortunately, the noble Yunli Master Yun and this Fengjue Master Yun were rescued, and they established a stronghold in Shanxin Town to wipe out the witches."

"Yunli? She's here?" Mo Huai's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, and then he looked at Wei Lin, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Reverend Feng Jue...the name sounds very familiar."

Wei Lin didn't ignore the suspicion that flickered in his eyes, and said indifferently: "In the next casual cultivator, I am ordered by the head teacher of the Gui Sect to support the Zhongshan Department with Fairy Yun."

Hearing that it was sent by Fu Yue, Mo Huai looked slightly relieved, "So that's it, I don't know where my little junior sister is now?"

The corners of Wei Lin's lips curled up just right, "We agreed to go back to Shanxin Town today. If there is no accident, she should be in Shanxin Town at this time."

Nima, when did it become your family!

The hanging heart of Ye Chuchen next to him finally fell. If Mo Huai found out Qian Jiu's identity at this time, he really didn't know what to do.

A few hours later, Yunli looked at Mo Huai, and the corners of her mouth twitched. The head teacher must have a good grasp of Mo Huai's cultivation situation!

Counting the time on the way, when the head teacher told her that Mo Huai and Zheng Rui were about to form a pill, he must have already been forming a pill!
She thought this 'soon' would have to wait at least a few months.

"Didn't Master tell you to support Zhongzhou City? What are you doing here?"

Mo Huai's words brought back Yunli's thoughts, she gathered herself together, recalling Fu Yue's words back then, he actually said to support Zhongzhou, there is no word game to play, so she can only talk about righteousness.

"The army of Gu worms has spread to the Nanshan system. I don't know if it is clean. The Nanshan system is the next Central Continent." How about it, is there one in the Dongshan Department?"

She looked solemn, as if she was concerned about the country and the people, Mo Huai could not make it clear that saving the Ye Xiao family was the most important thing, and the children of the Ye Xiao family could not say anything.

They are righteous, how can they speak clearly if they don't care about sentient beings.

Without giving them time, Yunli tilted her head and hummed lightly, expressing her doubts.

Mo Huai coughed lightly, and said: "The border of the Middle East has also appeared, and we have cleared it. I will also send a letter back to the Zongmen, and the Zongmen will make arrangements."

 Thank you book friend 536***803 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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