all the way to fairy

Chapter 462 Negotiation

Chapter 462 Negotiation
Yunli propped her chin, and frowned: "There are Gu worm armies appearing in the east and south, it seems that Canye Pavilion really sent out Gu worm armies to all directions."

Previously, they still had a fluke mentality, hoping that the army of Gu worms would expand to the south, and that Canye Pavilion would once again change the way to relieve the danger of the Qinghe Valley. , Expanding in all directions can force the Zhengdao Alliance to return to defense.

This time she was really worried, the four directions, no matter which direction was breached by the Gu worm army, it would easily cause disaster for the entire continent.

Seeing this, Wei Lin at the side took out a map of Canglan and unfolded it, "The nearest to here is Xianyumen, and there are Conghai Villa in the north, Zhuojiabao in the east, and Lianyunguan in the west. We can call them together."

Yunli hummed softly. These forces are located on the four sides of Central Continent, and they have a close relationship with Central Continent. The army of witches and Gu coming out of Central Continent will first invade their territory. The ants are running around in a hurry.

Inviting them to cooperate at this time, there is no reason to disagree.

Seeing that the topic was about to turn a corner, Ye Chuchen was secretly anxious. Facing Yunli, the little witch who controlled his life and death, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

The shadow left by the first meeting was too great, and after a further understanding, I realized that she was not a murderous and vicious person, on the contrary, she was more just and trustworthy than many so-called righteous people, and he still respected him from the bottom of his heart. Now, he understands the horror of her strength better than others.

He had to speak again, Jindanqi was talking, how could other monks dare to interrupt, as the only Jindanqi of the Yexiao family here, he was the spokesperson.

Behind him, his little sister was about to poke a hole in his back, and if he didn't speak again, he was really worried that she would be unable to hold back and jump out by herself.

Pursing his lips, he plucked up his courage and asked, "You come from Fenshui City, do you know what the arrangement of our two family heads is, and how many people have they sent back?"

Yunli: "When the news came, the head of your Ye clan happened to be discussing matters with the head teacher and the others. Hearing this, he ran away immediately. We should have arrived in Zhongzhou City by now. We are the second batch of people to set off. How will the arrangements be made later? , it is not clear."

After a pause, she comforted again: "You have seen the strength of Wugu people. There is no threat above Jindan. The Ye Xiao family has existed for thousands of years and has a deep foundation. The head of the Ye family rushed back again. There must be a problem. Not big."

As she said that, she took out the music score of "Forgetful Love", "This is the music score for controlling the witches, you can learn it by yourself, and send a copy to the Conghai Villa, Lianyun Temple and others along the way."

"Have you developed a control method?" Mo Huai was surprised.

It's not easy for Yunli to clarify its origin, so she just said vaguely: "With this genealogy, we can clean up the Gu insects one by one."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and flicked on the map, and continued to change the topic: "You go back and take this road the shortest, so you have to pass through the Weeping Immortal Valley, can you do it?"

"You won't keep us?"

A clear female voice came in, Yunli looked over, but saw behind Ye Chuchen, a woman with eyebrows and eyes somewhat similar to his was looking at him in surprise.

"Aren't you going back to Central Continent to help your family?" She was a little confused, no matter how hospitable she was, she couldn't keep people at this point.

"I want to go back." Ye Chuchu couldn't help but slander.

Listening to his voice, she thought that the next Master Yun would use common people and the overall situation as an excuse to let them stay and block the army of witchcraft together within the range of the Zhongshan system.

Ye Chuchen turned around and stared at his little sister, then turned around and answered, "The Weeping Valley of Immortals is the exit of the ancient battlefield. The terrain inside is complicated and the air is completely forbidden. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to walk there."

It is impossible to test when the ancient battlefield was formed, but it has always existed in Canglan's historical records.

The Weeping Valley of Immortals was built to commemorate the dead heroic souls and guard against evil spirits. Like the ancient battlefield, its establishment time is unknown.

The terrain is complicated, but the key point is that from time to time, there will be evil spirits overflowing from the ancient battlefield. If it is contaminated, it will be easy to lose one's life.

Yunli nodded slightly: "Then we can only take a detour."

The Weeping Valley of Immortals runs from east to west, and the north-south span is not wide, but it almost crosses the Zhongshan system from west to east. If you take a detour, it will take ten and a half months at the fastest to get back to Zhongzhou City, let alone encounter mutations along the way Witch Gu people, if the battle is delayed, they may not be able to rush back in two months.

"You don't need to go around that far." When everyone was frowning, Wei Lin suddenly said, he pointed to the location slightly left of the center of the Weeping Fairy Valley on the map, "Here is a north-south trail that runs almost through the Weeping Fairy Valley. There is no road for hundreds of meters.”

After a pause, he said word by word: "The most important thing is that this trail has no magic energy."

"Really?" Ye Chuchen's eyes lit up. If he could go straight through the Weeping Immortal Valley, he would be able to reach Zhongzhou City in three or four days, and the distance of a few hundred meters would be negligible.

Immediately, he became suspicious again, it was the Weeping Immortal Valley, a place of great evil, everyone kept it at a distance, how could Qian Jiu know so clearly.

Yunli was equally puzzled and asked, "How do you know?"

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin said, "Accidentally strayed into it during the training."

"You went in!" Yunli's heart skipped a beat, she stood up abruptly and grabbed his sleeve, nervously said: "Is nothing wrong?"

Wei Lin shook his head, a lingering fear flashed in his eyes, "Fortunately, I found this trail and walked out smoothly."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, only to find that their backs were covered with cold sweat. There were rumors that 10 years ago, the demon who almost killed all the creatures on the mainland was infected with the evil spirit of the ancient battlefield and became a demon.

Yunli frowned, and rumored Wei Lin: "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"It's over, and nothing happened to me. Let me tell you, it makes you worry for nothing."

Yunli was dissatisfied, she didn't know such a big thing at all, if it wasn't for today's talk, she might never know.

It's just that now is not the time to talk about something, even if she is angry, she can only press it down and continue discussing things with everyone.

Mo Huai bent his knuckles, tapped on the score, and said: "Going north, you will definitely encounter witches and Gu people to stop you. Why don't you learn "Wang Qing" first before setting off."

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. This decision was unanimously agreed by the others. Yunli immediately called Caiwei and asked her to teach them how to learn the song. For the basic music theory knowledge used in this song, Yin The little girl is responsible.

She took advantage of the time when everyone was learning the song, and asked Wei Lin about entering the Fairy Weeping Valley by mistake.

Wei Lin knew he was wrong, and explained with a good attitude: "It was the time in Hengyue City, when I escaped from Master Fushu, I wanted to go south and return to Qinghe Valley, but because of my injury, my perception was severely blocked. It's..."

 Thank you Riyue Yushan for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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