all the way to fairy

Chapter 463 The road is gone

Chapter 463 The road is gone

He said it lightly, but Yunli was terrified when he heard it. Regardless of the safety of all living beings, even if he was lured into a demon, he would get rid of him. The determination of heaven to erase him was so strong.

But they are powerless.

Breathing out a foul breath, she ordered in a muffled voice: "In the future, you can't hide this kind of thing from me. We have to solve everything together."

Canye Pavilion, Xingyao Mountain.


Xingye stood in front of the window, tilting his head slightly, under the silver moonlight, a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

In the middle of the room, someone knelt on the ground, and replied respectfully: "Phan Huan Zhenren Yanjun, he has a secret method, which specializes in breaking disguises. Back then, only the disguise of Thousand Faces Real Man Wen Yongyi could fool him."

Speaking of Qianmian Zhenren, Xing Ye finally had an impression, after a little thought, he realized that the Four Great Factions had doubts about Qian Jiu's identity, and immediately sneered: "Since the Four Great Factions are looking for him, let him go."

"It's a very good move. After he's dead, the people behind him will definitely not let it go. They can use the hands of the four major sects to get rid of him, and they can kill him in one fell swoop." Bai Lu's indifferent voice sounded from the shadow beside him.

At this time, the night wind came suddenly, blowing the luxuriant canopy outside the window, and a ray of light fell through the gaps in the leaves and fell on his face, interweaving flickering lights and shadows.

Xingye laughed at himself: "Unexpectedly, I will cooperate with the four major factions one day. However, it doesn't matter if we cooperate a few more times. I hope the four major factions will not disappoint me, and don't let him die easily. "

Speaking of the latter, there was a bit of gnashing of teeth unconsciously in his tone.

Hearing this, Chun Shiqi, who was kneeling on the ground, drooped his eyes, secretly slandering, isn't it true, using an insignificant pawn in his hand to exchange the life of Qianjiu and that scourge, who wouldn't agree to such a good thing, let alone give four Da Pai dug a huge pit.

It can make a person who has no celestial karma possess a spiritual root without a trace, or a spiritual root with almost full purity. Under such a powerful anger, it is only a snap of the fingers to destroy the four major sects.

Tsk tsk, I don't know what the origin of this kid is, to have such a powerful escort...

"Qian Jiu's "Wang Qing" song has been found out, what's going on?"

Xing Ye's voice brought back Chun Shiqi's thoughts of flying to the sky, and he was a little embarrassed: "Qian Jiu's whereabouts are a mystery, and Su Xi is so lonely, and Mo You, who has been following him..."

"If you don't have the ability, don't make excuses." Xingye interrupted coldly, "Could it be that you are not as good as a cauldron? You can't do this well, so what use are you for!"

"This subordinate is guilty, and the pavilion master calms down." Chun Shiqi put his head on the ground, you can do what you want, even if it doesn't matter what time it is, how can it be compared with Yingmei's time, now the door of the house is blocked by people... ...Hey, how can I think of Pavilion Master like this, sin, sin...

Now that everything is not going well, and the plans for many years have come to nothing, no wonder the pavilion master is angry, Bai Lu sighed softly, and said, "Go down, keep Yan Jun's affairs secret, so that no one can find any flaws."

"Yes." Chun Shiqi agreed, got up and went out hastily, the current pavilion master is getting more and more moody, it's really difficult to serve him!
After Xingye's anger subsided, Bai Lufang continued: "This abandoned child of Qianshi must be discarded to be valuable. My opinion is, don't touch her yet."

"Qianjiu is under siege, if she helps out, her identity will be exposed naturally, the Taiyi Sect head disciple is our spy, this slap is loud and clear; it doesn't matter if she doesn't move, let our people fan the wind and investigate carefully It will also be exposed, and it can help our people stand firm."

Another point is that without elaboration, she is directly said to be a spy in the pavilion. With the current situation and her current status, the four major factions will only think that this is their sowing dissension, which will not have much effect.

Mentioning her, the anger that had just subsided in Xing Ye's heart burned again. This is also a scourge. So much effort was spent in vain. In order for her to successfully enter the Taiyi sect, how many arrangements were made, and her identity was impeccable. She avoided all schemes that would cast doubt on her identity, and as a result...

His anger almost exhausted his reason, and he couldn't help swearing: "Which bastard brought these two evils back?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately remembered that it was Yingyi who came back, and not two, but three!
Immediately, his heart became more angry, and he almost roared: "Call Jiang Yingyi, I will tear him to pieces!"

There was no one else in the house to support the tank, so Bai Lu had no choice but to remind her that Ying Yi was still in the hands of the four major factions in Fenshui City.

Xingye couldn't find anyone to vent his anger on, and Xingye was so blocked that he almost couldn't breathe.

His eyes were red with anger, and the two culprits, Yunli and Yunli, were discussing to add further trouble to him.

Wei Lin stood with folded arms, looked at the map on the table, and nodded lightly: "It is possible, there are few creatures near the Weeping Immortal Valley, and it is difficult for Gu insects to reproduce and survive. It is a natural dividing line. First, clean up the Gu insects in the south. Then re-establish a stronghold in the north and nibble away at the witches bit by bit."

He knocked on the table, "In this way, a lot of manpower will be needed. Can they bring in so many reinforcements?"

For the senior monks, Xingye Jingzhe and other talents are the targets of their elimination. They are dead. It is only a matter of time before the army of witchcraft is eliminated. People can hide for thousands of years and come back again.

But the problem is that mortals and low-level monks will suffer.

Yunli sneered, "I asked Qu Liang and the others to convey that I don't have the habit of defending other people's territory."

Wei Lin didn't take it seriously, these words were just scaring, and they couldn't really ignore it and let the Gu worms go.

Seeing what he was thinking, Yunli brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, and said lightly: "I don't mind letting this area be named Yun."

Wei Lin: ...

He cleared his throat, "We'll wait until they come back. Before that, we have a lot to do..."

While the two were talking, Caiwei hurriedly sent a sound transmission talisman, "The sound transmission talisman of Immortal Mo Huai."

"Mohuai's?" Yunli was surprised, and she only sent them away at noon, and guessed that she had just arrived near the Weeping Immortal Valley, what news would come back?Won't encounter hard stubble, right?
After crushing the sound transmission talisman, she froze in place, suspecting that something was wrong with her ears, looked at Wei Lin, and said in a daze, "What do you mean the road is gone?"

Wei Lin also looked astonished. Could it be that other people also discovered that road, and then... blocked it?
No matter how you think about it, it's unreliable, and it doesn't make sense to not use it, so it's blocked.

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows, "Let's go and have a look."

Zhao Taoqu's three foundation-building monks were sent to Xianyumen, Zhuojiabao, and Zonghai Villa to ask for manpower. Now that the two of them leave, the safety of Shanxin Town will fall on the shoulders of a bunch of Qi training practitioners.

Yunli made a detailed arrangement before leaving in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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