all the way to fairy

Chapter 464 Xu Yueqing

Chapter 464 Xu Yueqing (1)

When Yunli and Yunli rushed to Fairy Weeping Valley, the sky was already full of stars. Standing on the top of the mountain overlooking it, it seemed that there was a huge beast lurking below, like water, moonlight, and bright stars.

The howling of the gust of wind, like a mad beast, roared in the valley, bringing out a series of echoes, howling ghosts and wolves, it was creepy to hear.

It was delayed for a long time, and the ghosts and wolves kept crying in their ears. Everyone was in a bad mood, and Mo Huai was even worse. He stared at Wei Lin, and said suspiciously: "We searched thousands of miles around, but we didn't find you. Little way."

Wei Lin ignored him, and went straight to a large upside-down triangular-shaped boulder, and removed the dirt and dust on it, revealing the crescent moon mark on it.

He frowned, turned to face the valley, and murmured softly: "This is the place, where is the road?"

After thinking for a while, Yunli took out a magic weapon in the shape of a hoe, "Dig it down, it's been more than ten years, it may be covered by grass mud."

If it is any other place, one can easily detect it with one's consciousness, and it will be so troublesome, but this place is the Weeping Valley of the Immortals, where there are many formations and prohibitions, the air and the consciousness are forbidden, and even the perception has been greatly compressed.

"do not--"

Just as Wei Lin uttered a word, Yunli had already swung the hoe quickly, only to hear a light 'ding' submerged in the whining wind.

"I'm going, it's so hard!" Yunli shook her numb arm, picked it up and looked, good guy, the hoe blade almost didn't roll into an egg roll.

This hand speed is no one else, Wei Lin sighed helplessly, and said: "This place is also within the coverage of the formation, and it cannot be dug."

Yunli looked at the lush trees next to her, and then at the ankle-deep grass on the ground, and couldn't help complaining: "What a weird formation."

After muttering, she looked at the dark valley and suggested, "Go inside and have a look?"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Chuchu's face turned pale, Qi Qi Ai Ai said: "No, it's not good, this is the Weeping Valley of Immortals."

Others also showed hesitation.

Yunli said in a deep voice: "Just go in for a short distance, it's not in the way, if you check it out early, you can go on your way, what do you think?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ye Chuchen, he hesitated for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, go in and have a look!"

"What did senior brother Mo say?" Yunli looked at Mo Huai again, and they had to walk the road ahead by themselves. Although Ye Chuchen was also at the Golden Core stage, he was busy with business all the year round, and he was as good as actual combat, and Mo Huai had to rely on security issues. His opinion is of course sought.

Facing those calm eyes, Mo Huai couldn't help but think of her refusal in the secret realm. In fact, after that day, whenever he saw her or heard people mention her, he would always inadvertently think of the scene of that day, those words... It was also like a sharp knife, piercing his heart over and over again.

But she was calm, as if nothing had happened, terribly heartless, a trace of imperceptible bitterness flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "Naturally, we must investigate clearly, and lead the way."

As soon as he stepped out, his eyes were instantly plunged into darkness, as if he had come to hell, surrounded by whimpering and wind sounds, like a group of ghosts shouting in his ears.

Some people condensed out flames, some took out night pearls, and some offered lamps. Everyone used their means to illuminate the surroundings, but in an instant, the flames were all extinguished by the blowing wind. The magic weapon is slightly better.

"No, there won't be ghosts, right?" Ye Chuchu hugged her brother's arm, her voice trembling slightly.

Ye Chuchen scolded in a low voice: "What are you talking about, the monk died, and his soul flew away, where did the ghost come from?"

Yunli also felt that this scene was very similar to the scene of a ghost movie, but after going through so many things, even if a real ghost stood in front of her, she was not afraid now.

She stretched out her hand to feel the wind blowing through her fingertips and said, "This wind is weird."

No matter how basic the fire spirit technique is, it is also a fire-type technique, and ordinary wind cannot extinguish it.

Wei Lin calmly explained: "It's Yin Qi. In the ancient battlefield, countless immortals and demons died here. In order to prevent the evil Qi from escaping, a formation was set up. Over the years, this place is extremely Yin Qi."

A cultivator of the Xiao family in the early stage of foundation-building folded his arms and said, "It's a bit cold."

"You don't feel it until you say it. It's really cold when you say it."

"It's really colder than usual..."

His words were approved by most of the people present. After the foundation was established, the cold and heat will not invade, and the feeling of cold has not been experienced for a long time.

Yunli discovered that the Xiao family's child named Leng first had the lowest cultivation level, and most of the rest were in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Obviously, the attack of Leng's intentions had something to do with their cultivation base.

She immediately said, "Go outside and wait."

Naturally, everyone had no objection. It was too late to hide in such an evil place. Just as they were about to leave, a woman's shrill voice suddenly appeared in the wind.

The dim light and shadow flickered, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling in the ears, and the wind was blowing, making people feel chills down the spine. Suddenly there was such a distorted female voice, and those who were timid couldn't hold back immediately, and sat down on the ground.

Yunli listened intently, and vaguely heard the word "help" intermittently, and was immediately surprised, "There is someone!"

"Is it really human?" The man who fell to the ground was about to cry.

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, her hair was half white, and she was afraid of ghosts, which was rare.

He waved his hands to let the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage retreat, while the four Golden Core Stage cultivators walked forward looking for the sound, and the further they walked, the more pronounced the sound became.

Soon, the four of them came to a crack, the crack was three meters wide, and the stone wall was as smooth as a mirror, without any attachments.

"Is anyone there? Please help me!"

Xu Shi heard the movement above, and the female voice became excited, full of joy.

Yunli stood on the edge of the gap and shouted down: "Who are you?"

"Xu Yueqing, the daughter of the city lord of Sanhe City, please save me, my father will reward me generously."

Yunli thought to herself, it's not certain whether your father is alive or not, it's still a big reward.Sanhe City is the largest city square in the southern part of the Zhongshan system. Small towns such as Shanxin in the fringe area have been invaded, how could Canye Pavilion, the southern capital, be let go.

She looked at the three of them: "Do you know this person?"

All three of them said they didn't know each other. They didn't know who the Sanhe City Lord was, let alone the city owner's daughter.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, "Okay, I'll go and rescue her first."

The air is forbidden here, and because of the formation, the rocks are extremely hard. It is said that the Nascent Soul Stage is helpless, and it is really difficult to get up without help after falling.

Wei Lin frowned: "I'll go too."

Yunli rolled her eyes, and handed Huan Shiling's head to him. Didn't she count any luck? What if she got some kind of demonic energy.

"The situation below is unclear, so the two of you should have someone to take care of you." While speaking, he handed Huanshi Ling over to Ye Chuchen, and said, "Thank you, both of you."

Yunli thought about it for a second, if the gap was too deep, she would be far away, and it would be great for Tiandao to trick her again, and it would be nice to be together, so she agreed.

 Thank you book friend 536***803 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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