all the way to fairy

Chapter 465 Xu Yueqing

Chapter 465 Xu Yueqing (2)

The two pulled Huan Shiling and jumped down from the gap. After a cup of tea, the landing stopped. Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

The feet are still hanging in the air, not yet in the end.

Yunli replied in a muffled voice, "It's reached the limit."

This is the first time Wei Lin has seen the limit of Huanshiling's length, silently estimated the distance, and was surprised, it was almost tens of thousands of feet!
The further you go, the darkness seems to be extraordinarily intense, the periphery of the lamp is full of water vapor, the light is hazy, and even the face of the person in front of you can't be seen clearly.

He waved his hand to wipe off the water droplets on it, and lowered the lamp, but it was still pitch black underneath, unable to illuminate the bottom.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said: "Her call for help can be passed on, including the bonus of the echo, it should be almost too low. Try using the vine technique."

Yunli nodded, and didn't know whether to say Xu Yueqing was lucky or not. At such a deep distance, if the rock wall was not as smooth as a mirror, the echo would not be so strong. They listened to it when their consciousness was disabled and their perception was greatly reduced. On the other hand, if the rock wall is not too smooth and there is no point of support, for monks, they can go up if they think of a way, and they don't need their help at all.

Connected to Huanshi Ling with the vine technique, stepped on the rock wall and slid again, and finally landed after a few breaths.


The sound of joy was accompanied by a faint light approaching quickly, and a young woman in the early stage of foundation establishment with old clothes trotted past.

As she ran, the sounds of chanting came one after another, like the sound of dead branches being crushed, but it was slightly different, a little more dull, and a little less crisp.

Yunli subconsciously looked at the ground, Wei Lin also lowered the lamp, and saw that the ground was covered with black corpses, which were Gu worms.

If she didn't see that they were dead soon, Yunli would have jumped up, but the densely packed place made her scalp tense.

Immediately she understood what was going on, the Immortal Weeping Valley was forbidden, and the Gu worms were naturally unable to fly. The crack was tens of thousands of feet deep, and the Gu worms were thrown to death.

She didn't expect that the extremely arrogant Gu worms outside would end up in such a miserable place here, she was a little amused, and her eyes lit up immediately: "Go back and dig a deep ditch outside Shanxin Town!"

Wei Lin understood, the voodoo worms have obvious goals, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky if they want to sneak into the city. The trouble is that these voodoo insects, a small one, let them slip in without paying attention, and they only need one , can destroy a city.

In the previous defense with the fire array, insects are instinctively afraid of fire, and when they sense danger, they will avoid it, which also achieves the purpose of defense, but it is not as good as deep trenches and air barriers, which can not only prevent, but also directly kill.

At this time, Xu Yueqing had already come in front of them. When she saw the two of them, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately bowed down: "Little girl Xu Yueqing, I have seen two real people. Thank you for saving my life."

During the movement, a part of the cuff was turned inside out, and several holes of different sizes came into the eyes of the two of them. Yunli's eyes flashed slightly. Is the daughter of the Sanhe City lord so poor?

She quickly glanced at her dress, and found that her dress was damaged in many places, especially the hem, which was almost torn into strips. If it was not clean and tidy, it would be no different from a beggar's outfit.

Before the two of them could speak, Xu Yueqing raised her eyes and soon found that Yunli was staring at her skirt. I have been here for seven or eight years, and I only have two sets of clothes, so please forgive me for being rude."

Wei Lin pulled Yunli back a few steps, his expression became more cautious, and his voice was also murderous: "Seven or eight years?"

"I'm not contaminated with devilish energy." Xu Yueqing quickly explained, "You can check, I'm really not contaminated by devilish energy."

"excuse me."

Naturally, one must be extremely cautious about such matters, Yunli did not refuse, and immediately cast a spell to search her whole body, not even a strand of hair was spared, and found no abnormalities, she was relieved, and nodded to Wei Lin.

Wei Lin squinted at Xu Yueqing, and said coldly: "Open the storage bag, everything has to be checked."

The storage bag contained almost all of a monk's net worth. Checking the storage bag was no different from searching someone's home. Embarrassment flashed across Xu Yueqing's fair face. In an open space, he opened the storage bag silently, placed the items inside one by one on the ground, and took off the sachet accessories that he carried with him, and arranged them one by one.

She cooperated like this, but Wei Lin's expression didn't relax at all, until everything was fine, and then asked Yunli to check Xu Yueqing's clothes again to make sure there was nothing wrong, so he eased up.

Yunli saw that the woman who was still generous before now also had tears in her eyes, her face was full of shame and anger, she couldn't bear it, and explained: "We didn't deliberately humiliate you. The matter of demons is of great importance, and we can't be careless in the slightest."

"I know." Xu Yueqing blinked, crushing the mist that filled her eyes, "Yueqing is extremely grateful that the two real people came down to save me, but it's just that when encountering such a thing suddenly, you have to take it easy. "

Yunli smiled, "Go up first."

A quarter of an hour later, Yunli was so startled that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "You mean the road disappeared under your nose?"

After leaving the Weeping Immortal Valley, they were asking casually, but Xu Yueqing's answer gave them a big surprise.

According to her, eight years ago, she was still on the ninth level of Qi training. When she was training, she passed by this place and found a bluestone path leading directly to the Weeping Immortal Valley.

As the daughter of the lord of Sanhe City, this place is also under the jurisdiction of Sanhe City. Although she has never been here, she knows a lot about Fairy Weeping Valley. They are available for sale, and almost every monk in the Sanhe City area has a copy.

Naturally, she also has them. She took out a map and compared them. She remembered correctly, there are more trails.

Also a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, out of curiosity, she immediately decided to go in and check, the path stretched straight to the distance, with the posture of crossing the Immortal Weeping Valley, she was overjoyed, if this was true, it would be easy to go from Shanhe City to Zhongzhou City Yes, Three Rivers City may reach another level.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the middle of the crack, the bluestone path suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and she was caught off guard and fell into the canyon.

When she relied on a piece of defensive magic weapon to counteract the momentum of the descent, she had already lost half her life. After recovering from her injuries, she tried various methods, but failed to go up.

In desperation, she could only practice while passers-by passed by. This waited for eight years and nine months, and she had already established her foundation before waiting for them.

Wei Lin asked some more about the trail, and confirmed that it was the same road that he passed through back then.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Have Xiaodao appeared in the past eight years you have been here?"

Xu Yueqing shook her head. The stone walls on both sides of the crack were very straight. Although it was tens of thousands of feet deep, she could still see the sky above when she raised her head during the day, but that road never appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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