all the way to fairy

Chapter 467 Siege

Chapter 467 Siege

At this point in the inquiry, Xu Yueqing's matter was roughly understood. Wei Lin quickly waved Tian Yong back, and then hurriedly ordered people to dig a deep valley around the city two kilometers outside the city, and gave a clear time. It must be completed in an hour.

After giving the order, he got up and went out of the city to set up an air-forbidden formation. Soon, apart from ordinary people in the town, there were only Yunli, Xu Yueqing who suddenly heard the tragic death of his parents, and Tian Xiao, three monks.

"You let me tell you what's good about you, why didn't you report such important information?" Yunli shook her hand, pointed at Tian Xiao, and was so angry that she couldn't speak.

The cleverness who escaped with his two grandsons, more than a dozen Jindan stage witchcraft killers, together they can turn the south of the Immortal Weeping Valley two or three times, and when they surround them, Shanxin Town will be the next Sanhe City.

And knowing what they have done these days, the witch killers will definitely choose to besiege and kill.

If this news hadn't come from his grandson, Yunli would have suspected that he was an undercover agent of Canye Pavilion.

Tian Xiao was stunned. At the time, time was tight, so she only asked everyone what they were good at. The situation in the Zhongshan Department was described by Zhao Qutao and the three foundation-building monks. He was a Qi training period with no talent, no background. Brother, how dare you interrupt.

After thinking about it, he argued in a low voice: "Some of them are going west, some are going east, and there are only two people going south. At the speed of Jindanqi, it is very likely that they are no longer in the Zhongshan system."

Yunli resisted the urge to step forward and kick him, and said angrily: "Witches and Gu people can transmit information through Gu insects."

With the current concentration of witchcraft people, even if the golden core period witchkillers have already escaped from the Zhongshan system, they can still receive the news.Just wish they were far enough away from Shanxin to give them time to set up.

Tian Xiao was stunned, his face turned pale for a moment, and he stammered: "Then what should I do?"

It's useless to get angry now, Yunli took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said: "You stay in the town to protect the mortals, and besides, make more fire-type talismans."

Judging from the experience of Sanhe City, the witch killer is not alone, but leads an army of Gu people to besiege. The two of them have to deal with more than a dozen Jindan stage killers, and they have no spare time to take care of other things. The army of Gu people has to rely on these people Fight by yourself.

After arranging the affairs in the city, she was going to go out of the city to see where the Gu people's army had gone. As soon as she went out, she saw Xu Yueqing coming out of the small courtyard next to her and asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened?"

Her eyes were flushed, and there was great grief in her eyes, and the tears on her fair cheeks were still wet.

"Witch Gu killers are coming to besiege Shanxin Town." After leaving these words, Yunli stepped on the plantain fan and flew out anxiously, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Xu Yueqing was silent, her eyes suddenly burst into a strong light, she turned her head and grabbed Tian Xiao's skirt tightly: "Is it the killer who destroyed my Sanhe City?"

Her eyes were scarlet, her face was distorted, and her hands were getting harder and harder, strangling Tian Xiao almost to death from suffocation.

He desperately tried to break Xu Yueqing's bruised hand, "Miss Yueqing! Miss Yueqing!"

The hoarse shout brought Xu Yueqing back to her senses, she quickly let go of her hand, and asked again: "Are they here?"

Tian Xiao took a step back, rubbed his neck with lingering fear, and took a big mouthful of air. After a while, he finally recovered, and replied, "It's them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Xu Yueqing in front of him flickered, and several ups and downs disappeared into the empty street.

"Miss Yueqing—"

He patted his mouth, secretly annoyed that he was so quick to talk, that was a witch killer at the golden core stage, how could Miss Yueqing be their opponent at the foundation establishment stage.

Then she thought that there were formations everywhere outside Shanxin Town, and it was the period of martial law again, so she couldn't get out, so she felt relieved.

Xu Yueqing, who had just arrived at the gate of the city, was indeed stopped by the formation, but she didn't force her way in, but asked the guards to help convey that she also wanted to go out of the city to help.

Soon, the monk guarding the formation passed her intention to Wei Lin who was setting up the formation, and after a little thought, Wei Lin agreed.

Now apart from the two of them in the city, the highest cultivation level is the ninth level of Qi training, and it is more secure to have one more foundation-building monk.

He pointed to Caiwei, and instructed: "Don't act without authorization, listen to her orders."

Xu Yueqing glanced at Caiwei in a puzzled way, as if she didn't understand why Wei Lin appointed Caiwei, after all, she was just a weak girl who practiced Qi at the eighth level, and she was not the strongest among these people, regardless of her cultivation or strength. of.

But she didn't say anything, she nodded and said with grief: "It was the Canye Pavilion that destroyed my Three Rivers City. These killers are just executioners. Yueqing still wants to save this life to see the Canye Pavilion collapse. , the culprit will receive retribution, the real person can rest assured that Yueqing will not be impulsive."

More than sixty qi-training monks dug the soil, and their efficiency was extremely fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, a deep valley around the city was completed with a depth of one thousand meters and a width of one hundred feet. Yunli also brought back news of the witchcraft army.

There are armies of witchcraft approaching from the east, west and north. Among them, there are five Jindan stage witch killers from the east, three from the west, and four from the north. With their speed, they can reach Shanxin Town in about an hour. .

Although Wei Lin had told them before when he was working, it was just a guess at that time, and there was inevitably a fluke in everyone's hearts. Now when they heard the exact news brought back by Yunli, their faces changed drastically, and the two fought.

The war is approaching, how can this morale work!
Yun Li raised her voice and said: "Since we chose to go back to the Zhongshan Department to eliminate the witches, we will meet them sooner or later. Now they come to our door by themselves, which saves us a lot of effort. With the formation, we can rely on the golden core period , also want to break through, wishful thinking!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand and shouted: "Start the array!"

Everyone didn't know that the formation that Wei Lin had temporarily set up along the city wall was refined by a genius in the upper realm, without her heroic spirit, his face was green and pale, and it took a while to respond to her sparsely.

Seeing this depressed look, Yunli frowned, moved her lips, and was about to give a few words of admonition, but was interrupted by Wei Lin.

"Okay, what do you say to them, you will control them with all your strength for a while, and I will attack."

As long as they get rid of the Golden Core Stage killers, the other witches and Gu people are nothing to be afraid of. If they don't stop them, no matter how high their morale is, it's useless.

Yunli nodded, and with a solemn face, she said sternly to everyone: "We will stop Jindanqi, but you can't just stay in the formation and not come out. After practicing "Wangqing" for so long, it's time to practice your hands gone."

Among them, except for Caiwei who has experience in controlling Gu with music, the few people who learned later have never actually fought. If they can cooperate properly in such a big situation where the pressure surges, they can be relieved to let them go out to kill Gu insects alone later.

Although everyone was unwilling in their hearts, it was hard to refute Yunli, the real person of the Taiyi sect. Besides, the Zhongshan system was their homeland. Yunli and Yunli could stay here and help them take back their homeland. The reason why people should deal with the enemy alone.

In less than an hour, a black tide line appeared on the distant horizon, slowly but firmly coming. When it was still a few kilometers away from Shanxin Town, the army of witches and Gu from the east and west began to extend southward. The only gap to the south is plugged.

Looking at the two Yunli and Yunli standing in the air and waiting quietly outside Shanxin Town, Ming 24 couldn't help beating in his heart. Needless to say, Qianjiu, a peerless genius, once assisted in building a foundation, he was invincible below Jindan, and now he is forming a pill , if you want to come to Yuanying or below, there are few people who are his opponents.

In addition, Yunli, the registered disciple of the Taiyi Sect, was also terrifyingly strong. Jing Qi was wiped out by her in a single encounter, without even the slightest resistance. In the past, she was only known to be recognized by the magic sword, which is extraordinary. Now Only then did I know how extraordinary this extraordinary is.

Such a strong combination of two people...

He blinked quickly, glanced at the few people walking side by side, and felt at ease, no matter how powerful, two fists are hard to beat four hands, they have twelve Jindan stage, of which there are as many as five in the late Jindan stage. People, are you still afraid of the two Jindan early-stage monks?

What's more, in addition to the golden core stage, they also have a lot of helpers in the foundation stage.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and when there are about 2000 meters left, the twelve golden core stage witch-gu killers no longer follow the speed of the witch-gu army, and shoot towards Shanxin Town from all directions like twelve black lightning bolts. Surround Shanxin Town.

The coercion of the golden core period came overwhelming, covering the small city, and a faint light curtain appeared around it, which was the activation of the formation.Although the pressure did not fall on them, just seeing so many Golden Core Stages coveting, everyone's legs couldn't help but go weak.

Suddenly, an orange light flashed in front of his eyes, like a streak of horses, approaching a giant-handed killer with a mustache in the southwest direction.The orange silk spread over like a colorful cloud, seemingly slowly but quickly, in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of the man, covering him.

The radiant orange gauze filled everyone's field of vision, only a short exclamation was heard, and then a smear of bright red flew into the air from the gap of the flying orange gauze, a human head rolled down, his eyes widened, full of disbelief .

There was no sound in the surrounding area, as if time had stopped flowing. As the bulging orange veil fell, people discovered that besides the slowly falling headless corpse inside the orange veil, there was also a light blue figure that was slowly disintegrating.

It's Fengjue real person!
Everyone in Shanxin Town subconsciously looked up at the place where he was standing, only to find that there was no one there.

In their shock, the afterimage beside the headless corpse completely dissipated, and the surroundings were full of dancing orange yarn, and his figure could no longer be found.

Suddenly, the orange yarn in the southern direction trembled violently, a little bit of greenness poured out, and a loud shout exploded in the ear, and immediately saw a giant leg breaking through the restraint of the silk yarn, and jumped to the open space outside the formation.

The big man above his giant legs turned his back to them, his back slightly arched, holding a knife in one hand, and covering his abdomen with the other. Bright red blood rolled down from his body, and his heavy breathing was like a bellows in a hole.

As he exhaled in one breath, Mingshi felt his frozen blood boil instantly, and his clothes were instantly soaked in sweat like rain, and a few drops of thick sweat rolled down his eyelids, blurring his vision.

He didn't care to wipe it, he raised his head and widened his eyes, staring at the front. The young man in light blue clothes held a long sword in his hand, and slowly walked out from the flying orange gauze, as if the sunset glow had dissipated, and the light blue light reappeared. Tian Qiong's face was full of careless indifference.

Suddenly, a very light and very faint smile appeared on the young man's lips, and Ming 24's heart skipped a beat, before he had time to think about the reason, his heart felt cold, and the numbness spread all over his body, as if the blood that had just warmed up had been poured into ice water , Slowly cool down.

He lowered his head in a daze, only to see a thin orange blade gradually softened into a veil, and the power in his body seemed to be swallowed by an invisible black hole, disappearing in an instant.

Losing support, his huge body fell to the ground with a bang, and was rebounded by the huge anti-shock force. His consciousness gradually became blurred. Through the orange veil floating above his head, he saw his companion's face full of shock, his mouth opening and closing, and sporadic words came into his ears. , as if coming from the distant sky.

His eyes fell on the fluttering light orange gauze, and the last thought in his mind was that the sunset is really cool.

After a brief silence, Shanxin Town erupted into enthusiastic cheers, and the previous downturn was swept away. At this moment, people finally had hope in their hearts. What about the twelve golden core killers? Two people died.

Contrary to their joy, the faces of the ten Witch Gu killers were pale. The two joined hands. They expected to be very strong, but they didn't expect it to be this strong!

However, they were not ordinary people. Although they were overwhelmed by the tacit cooperation of the two, their years of assassination experience allowed them to react quickly.

The eight people either advanced or retreated, ascended or descended, and sealed the two of them from all directions. With the previous blood lesson, as soon as Huan Shiling was beside them, they quickly moved away, not daring to let Huan Shiling get any closer. a cent.

The two people in the north were the furthest away from Yunli Weilin, and immediately rushed towards the formation without hesitation. Their two huge legs were like stone pillars, hitting the outer formation one after another, arousing bursts of aura.

The hit failed, and the killer on the right bounced off with his bent legs, leaped in the air, and kicked hard on the defensive light curtain again, while the thick-backed male cultivator on the left sacrificed a huge shiny metal ball, and there were purple lightning bolts on it from time to time. Crackle.

It turned out to be a magic weapon of thunder attribute!

The power of thunder and lightning is inherently more destructive than other forces. This person is obviously taking a violent route. The combination of lightning and spiritual power produces an astonishing destructive power. Cobweb-like cracks soon appeared on the defensive light curtain.

During the confrontation between the two sides, the army of witches and Gu in the rear had already rushed to the vicinity, rushing towards the shattered formation like a tide.

Caiwei held the phoenix neck of the pipa tightly, her palms were sticky, she hid her body in the dense tree canopy beside her, bowed her head and plucked the strings, the faint sound of the pipa sounded, and the army of witches who roared in front of the defensive light screen stagnated, Even the movements of the two Jindan Stage Witch Gu killers became sluggish.


She collected herself, raised her voice and said to the others: "According to the plan."

The five monks holding musical instruments reacted and took some of their hands to the east and west directions.

As the music of "Wang Qing" played by various magical instruments spread, the offensive of the witchcraft army dropped sharply, and chaos appeared in some areas.

The two Witch Gu killers at the golden core stage looked at each other, and they jumped up one after another, hitting the light curtain hard with huge metal balls one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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