all the way to fairy

Chapter 468 Siege

Chapter 468 Siege

Under the continuous attack, the defensive light curtain finally couldn't support it, and it shattered into pieces with a click.

Ming Shisan let out a long howl, and the spiritual power mixed with the sound waves spread out, meeting the sound waves of the pipa. The fair complexion of the female cultivator on the tree turned pale, and a bright red oozes from the corner of her mouth. The sound of the pipa paused for a while before it sounded again.

But this time, the sound of the piano is obviously not as smooth and melodious as before, and the range of control is also greatly reduced.

Many witches suppressed the stagnation of the Gu insects in their bodies and regained control of their bodies.

Ming Shisan sneered in his heart, a group of small Qi training ants are also worthy of attacking them!He held up the huge orb magic weapon and shouted loudly: "Come on!"

Those who were able to come to the defensive formation first were almost all the mutated witches and gu people in the foundation building period. After hearing the order, they either used their weapons or used their body skills to pounce on the little monks under the city wall.

The first line of defense was breached, and many people in Shanxin Town showed panic. This made the witch killers even more excited.

Ming Shisan was satisfied. The Canye Pavilion killer had nothing to say in terms of adaptability. His tiger eyes were like swords, and he looked at the nun who was holding a pipa on the big tree beside the city gate, and solved her. No love songs interfered.

His giant legs were bent, and he kicked the ground and jumped up. Now he is only two kilometers away from the city tower. The jumping ability of the modified giant legs is amazing. As long as he passes by him, he will pass the foundation-building period witches and Gu people, and walk to the top of the deep valley. At this moment, his strength is still not exhausted, with his current leg strength, it is more than enough to cross the deep valley.

Out of the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of the soil below, which was newly dug. Why dig such a small ditch?
Just as a trace of doubt slipped through his heart, an invisible suction suddenly came from below. He quickly used his body skills, but he only flopped a few times like a duck before falling straight down.

Immediately after him, a group of Foundation Establishment Witch Gu people fell down like dumplings, whether they were running with body skills or driving flying objects, they all fell down.

"Forbidden air?" Ming Shisan was stunned, bent his legs and tried to jump up, but found that the giant legs were sinking continuously, it was a heavy earth technique!

Nima, Ming Shisan couldn't help swearing, forbidding the air and strengthening the earth technique, some insidious villain came up with a bad move, this is specially aimed at them mutant witches.

Under these two formations, the part of the Witch Gu who had strengthened his combat power after transformation became a burden instead. He raised his head and shouted: "Jing Ba, there is a formation, send a few people down to break the formation."

He is at the golden core stage, and his cultivation power far exceeds that of the foundation-building stage. These two formations can't trap him. It is indeed a disaster for the mutant witches and Gu people in the foundation-building stage. Climbing up, but with the heavy soil technique, with their current body weight, it is difficult!

Receiving Jing Ba's answer, Ming Shisan used his spiritual power, shouted violently, broke free from the shackles of the heavy earth technique, and threw himself on the stone wall in front, then clung to the stone wall with his limbs alternately, as nimbly as a gecko, and climbed up.

The person who came up with this method to isolate the Gu worms with the air-forbidden formation has a flexible mind, but a wise man is bound to make a mistake. This formation is very lethal to the Gu worms outside the human body, but it is not suitable for transformed witches like them. Gu people can only play a temporary restrictive role...

When his thoughts came to this point, Ming Shisan suddenly felt that the sand and sand under his palm did not feel right. Before he could figure out what kind of object it was, the hot feeling came from the palm of his hand. It exploded, one after another, and there was a buzzing in my ears...

Before the sound of the explosion subsided, the fire from above poured down like rain. The injured person had no time to react, and was surrounded by spiritual fire. The Gu worms that flew out of the wound were directly burned to death. Cries of anger, or pain, spread.

Jingba's eyelids twitched, and he quickly cast the water coagulation technique to extinguish the flames. Other killers above also helped, and the monks who were able to move at the bottom of the valley also began to perform spells.

The people in Shanxin Town are just qi-training monks, and the power of the fire spells they cast is limited. Only when they are caught off guard by using the Explosion Talisman to blow up the Witch Gu Killer, can they achieve some results, but when the Witch Gu Killer reacts, The effect is greatly reduced.

Soon, the fire and rain were extinguished, and the deep valley was almost flattened to the ground, completely scorched, and the people on it were even more horrific. They were either missing arms or broken legs, or had a few bloody holes, and only a handful of them could stand up.

The deep valley was only a few hundred feet wide, and two full circles of top-ranked Explosion Talismans were buried at the waistline. After detonating, they covered the bottom of the valley in all directions, and the people inside were like popcorn in a frying pan. Except for some who reacted quickly, all of them were hit.

Although Ming Shisan was a Jindan cultivator, because he was in the center of the explosion, he was also seriously injured. His right hand that touched the Explosion Talisman lost his entire arm, and there were countless other large and small wounds.

The sound of the pipa sounded again, and the Gu worms rioted in the body of the surviving witches, and the restraints in the injured mutated shamans loosened, and the worms broke through the restraints and wreaked havoc within the body, turning them into ordinary shamans in the blink of an eye.

The successive changes made Ming Shisan furious, especially because it was only a small eighth-level Qi training monk who caused the trouble, which made him feel deeply humiliated while being angry.

She must be dealt with as soon as possible!
He circulated his spiritual power, suppressed the Gu worms that were about to move in his body, took a few steps with his giant legs, left the forbidden area, and then flew up to the city wall.

Seeing him, Caiwei fiddled with the pipa to control the Gu worms in his legs, interfering with his speed, and hurriedly shouted: "Go into the city!"

The monks in this direction immediately stopped the spells in their hands, turned around and ran into the city. Before the battle, the two real people ordered that the Jindanqi witch killers be handed over to them. If there is an Jindanqi attack, they should enter the city immediately.

The sound of the defensive formation in the city cannot be revealed, and Caiwei can only enter after everyone else has entered the city. Although everyone did not delay, the distance of 2000 meters is only a breath for the Jindan cultivator.

When she put away her pipa, jumped down from the tree, and turned around to run towards the city, Ming Shisan had already arrived nearby, and her whole body was full of momentum. The coercion of Jindanqi made Caiwei's soles of her feet go soft, and she fell to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Caiwei!"

Someone exclaimed loudly, this fall, not to mention that there was not enough time to get up and run into the city, under the pressure of Jin Dan, she couldn't get up at all.

The cultivator in charge of opening and closing the formation was also stunned. Seeing the strong Jindan male cultivator zooming in on his field of vision a little bit, he subconsciously sacrificed the formation card and played the hand formula, and the formation slowly closed.

Caiwei raised her head and looked at the city gate that was close at hand. The magic circle fell from top to bottom, and it would be completely closed in just one breath. She was desperate, just a little bit.

The air flow surged behind her, causing pain in her back. If such an attack landed on her body, she would definitely die on the spot.

At the very moment, Xu Yueqing in the city flew out a white silk from her hand, tied it around her waist, and dragged her into the city gate at the last moment when the magic circle was completely closed.

Under the formation, all coercive attacks were isolated, and the mountain on her back disappeared without a trace. She sat up like an electric shock, turned her head and looked out of the city, with a giant leg stretching across the city gate, occupying the entire field of vision.

Moving his gaze to the top of his legs, there was a blue long sword stuck in the chest of the menacing Jindan killer, and the sunlight fell on the Lingling blade, which was cut off instantly.

After confirming that the danger was lifted, Caiwei collapsed on the ground, panting heavily, as if she was fished out of the water.

"Fellow Taoist Caiwei, are you alright?" The crowd surrounded her, helped her up, and asked with concern.

She waved her hand and bowed to Xu Yueqing, "Thank you Miss Yueqing for your rescue."

Xu Yueqing helped her up: "It should be, Can Ye Pavilion destroyed our home, it is our common enemy, now everyone works together to eradicate Can Ye Pavilion is the most important thing."

After a pause, she continued: "Besides, if Master Feng Jue hadn't killed him with a sword, it would be useless for me to attack."

The evil deeds of Canye Pavilion resonated with everyone, everyone nodded, and Caiwei stopped being polite, saying: "The two real people will solve the Jindanqi killer, and we will act accordingly."

Everyone's eyes fell on the blue long sword outside, and there was endless hope in their hearts. Under the siege of eight people, they could still draw their swords in time to intercept the Jindan killer who was chasing and killing Caiwei. The Jindan period is comparable.

There is also the famous Daoist Yun Liyun, the master of the Taiyi Sect, who holds the Dream Slayer Sword in his hand, and can break through the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm. How can these people be her opponents!

Wei Lin's move really suppressed the witch killers. In the previous fight, although they tried their best to avoid being bound and restrained by the fantasy silk, but they had to hide Yunli's silk and Wei Lin's sword at the same time. More than enough but not enough.

Like them, Wei Lin is also an experienced killer. Having grown up under high pressure, he has more experience in combat and assassination than them. As long as they show a little weakness, he will quickly catch them and strike head-on.

Yunli is also good at controlling the timing of the battle. Although he is usually hypocritical and occasionally confused, once a fight starts, he seems to be a different person. His eyes are cold and his aura is fierce, like a murderous god.

The two teamed up, with one controlling and the other attacking, occasionally changing roles, and they cooperated seamlessly. Under the joint efforts, almost all of them were injured. If it weren't for their large numbers, mutual support, and great caution, there would be more people on the ground now. corpse.

Looking at the long sword obliquely inserted into Ming Shisan's chest under the sun, the witches and Gu killers felt a chill rise from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads. There is still energy to help intercept Ming Shisan who is heading in the other direction.

As for whether the containment was a deliberate illusion of the two, or the result of a sudden outbreak, it is frightening.

At this time, a killer was the first to react, Qian Jiu didn't have a sword in his hand now!

A sword cultivator has no sword, and the danger plummets!
His hands fluttered, and immediately countless bloody palm shadows flew out, heading straight for Wei Lin's vital point.

Wei Lin turned around to dodge the first round of palm shadows calmly, raised his hand, and the Mo Li sword flew into his hand, the blade trembled slightly, and pieces of green leaves flew out from it, crushing the palm shadow that flew in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the killer showed anxiety, and the other companions also reacted, and were about to step forward to help, when suddenly his movements froze, and the condensed palm shadows under his hands slowly disintegrated.

The killer was stunned, and looked down. There was a blood line around his right wrist at some point, and the palm was separating from his arm. The incision was as smooth as a mirror, without a trace of blood spattering.

Not only the right hand, but also the left hand and the upper body were being separated, until a piece of tulle fluttered and covered his face, and he felt pain, and he understood what happened.

After a terrifying scream, he fell into a pool of blood, struggled a few times, and died.

The witch killers gasped, stopped their movements unconsciously, and looked at the girl holding the orange silk in the air. She was suspended in the air with her eyes slightly lowered, staring coldly at the bloody scene below. There was no expression on her face. A trace of fluctuation.

The killers couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, they were all prefecture-level killers, and they were the best at seizing opportunities. Naturally, they saw Qian Jiu's obvious flaws, but they were a little farther away, and their reactions were slower.

Thanks to the slow reaction, if not, they would be the ones who died.

After a short period of silence, the qi cultivators in Shanxin Town burst into cheers, which made the complexions of the witch killers even paler.

Soon, they made a decision, seven of them surged with spiritual power, five of them rushed towards Wei Lin, and the two male cultivators with similar faces stood side by side, standing between Yunli and Wei Lin, offering sacrifices to each other. He took out a triangular magic weapon, made a formula, stomped it heavily on the ground, the two things grew wildly, and turned into a tall tower within a short breath, covering Yunli inside.

Then the two turned around without stopping, and rushed towards Wei Lin. After Jingba in the north said "you break the formation", he also flew towards Wei Lin to encircle him.

After Yunli Qianjiu and the two Golden Core Stages were dealt with, the other qi cultivators were just fish on the chopping board, otherwise, even if they were all slaughtered, it would not have the slightest effect.

Judging from the confrontation just now, it is impossible to divide the troops to complete the kill in a short period of time. The current plan is to try eight people working together and kill one person first with the momentum of thunder.

As for why they chose the famous Qianjiu instead of the insignificant Yunli, they couldn't explain clearly, they just made the decision instinctively.

Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked at the white pagoda, which was agitated by spiritual light. It was only a defensive magic weapon, so he felt relieved.

His eyes sharpened, the true spirit flowed, and the green spirit lingered on Mo Li's sword.The green leaves stretched out one after another, fluttering leisurely like fallen leaves in the wind. The speed seemed very slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, and they were in front of the killers in an instant.

Ling Ran's sword intent pierced the faces of all the killers with tingling pain and hair numbness, especially Jing Shishi, who felt the most deeply. Under the suppression of this shocking sword intent, he almost couldn't hold the sword.

Jing Shishi has always been good at attack and speed. Few people can get close to him alive. Over time, he will slack off defense.But now, he is facing Qian Jiu, a sword repairer with faster speed and sharper attack than him.

Qian Jiu is a peerless genius, the best among sword repairers, he is not unaware of this, he once ridiculed those heavenly favored ones of the four major sects, who were overshadowed by him.

But in the late stage of cultivation, the role of talent is not so great. In the stage of Qi training and foundation building, it is often heard which genius leaps and defeats who, but when it comes to Jindan Yuanying, the fighting experience tends to mature, and the understanding of martial arts Everyone has their own ideas, and there is no shortage of magic weapons of various colors, and the gap in cultivation between different ranks is like a natural moat.

In this case, there are very few who can jump up the steps, which is why some famous genius monks will gradually fade out of the public's sight after they form alchemy and babies.

On the one hand, it takes a long time to advance, and on the other hand, there is no leap to win the attention of people.

Therefore, he thought that even though Qian Jiu Jing was brilliant, with his cultivation in the later stage of Golden Core, it was still possible to make one or two tricks.I don't want to, Qianjiu is so powerful, he doesn't even have time to dodge when he comes into close contact with his sword intent.

 Thanks to the two cute monthly tickets of the busy leftover and the foolish genius! ! !

  Thanks to Xichuang Jianzhu and book friend 160531133349116, two cuties for their rewards! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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