all the way to fairy

Chapter 469 Siege

Chapter 469 Siege

The current strategy is to resist hard, but the problem is that he is not good at defense and cannot bear it.

Seeing a green leaf continuously enlarged in the pupils, the turbulent sword intent pierced the face, blood dripped along the eyelids, and the eyes were covered with blood, Jing Shishi's mind went blank, and the body released the spirit gang instinctively. , but Linggang couldn't stop Mo Lijian at all.

At the critical moment, there was a roar from behind, and a strong force knocked him away.

It's Shizuhachi!
He is Ming San's registered disciple, and he has practiced body with him. Later, he saw that Ming San had been stuck in Yijin for a long time. He tried all kinds of methods but still could not break through.

They are all of the Jingzi generation. They joined the Remnant Night Pavilion in the same batch. They used to do missions together. In the early stage of cultivation, the combat power of spiritual cultivation was far inferior to that of physical cultivation. At that time, Jingba helped him a lot. The situation reversed, his combat power became stronger and stronger, and he did not forget to protect Jingpachi.

Jingba took a big step forward and stood in front of all his companions. The golden light of spiritual power enveloped his whole body. He made a formula with his hands, and nine huge golden palms appeared, grabbing a green leaf sword intent on the side.

Qingyi jumped a few times violently, and exploded, smashing the golden palm into pieces. In the next moment, another big hand condensed into...

He shouted urgently: "I will block him, you attack quickly!"

Hearing this, the other seven witch-gu assassins did not hesitate at all, and used their own means to attack Wei Lin one after another.

Jing Bajiu's big hands spread out on both sides, continuously condensing and dissipating, blocking all the sword intents that wanted to attack behind him, and more sword intents fell on him, but they couldn't pierce the golden spirit around him. force light.

Surprised, Wei Lin blocked it!

Even True Monarch Yuanying had to deal with his sword intent with care, and this Jindan stage killer was able to block it.

The long sword flickered in his hand, and another sword intent approached the center of Jingba's eyebrows, but before it touched, a little blush oozes from the center of Jingba's eyebrows, the crown on his head exploded, and the black hair stood back horizontally like a steel brush.

Feeling the threat of death, Jing Ba's face was completely drained of blood. He desperately stimulated the spiritual power in his body, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and he shouted: "Golden Bell Cover!"

The radiance of the golden spiritual power on his body flickered rapidly, and his momentum became stronger, and the Qingye Sword Intent was blocked once again.

However, this move exhausted all of Jingba's spiritual power and strength, and his breath was instantly sluggish, and he staggered a few steps and fell straight to the ground.

Facing a sword cultivator like Wei Lin who has comprehended the sword intent, it is impossible to hide. The only way is to fight hard and use spiritual power to consume the offensive of the sword intent. If one is not enough, then two, three, five copies...

As long as there is enough spiritual power, it can always be consumed.

At this time, the attacks of other killers also arrived in front of Wei Lin. He lightly raised his wrist, and Mo Li raised his sword. He picked up a silver-white long sword, twisted his body and slashed horizontally, smashing the phantom of the earth-yellow giant axe, and turned around again. The sword stabbed at the back of a gloomy monk...

After defusing the first wave of attacks from the crowd, he immediately sent a sword energy towards Jingba.

However, it was already too late. At the moment when Jing Ba was exhausted, a black whip was stretched out from behind, and he was thrown out of the battle with a twist and a swing.

He secretly regretted it, but also felt ironic that in his lifetime, he could actually see unity among the killers of the Canye Pavilion, who were scheming and scheming all of a sudden. It was extremely ridiculous.

Without giving him any chance to catch his breath, the second wave of attacks from the crowd also arrived. Mo Li's sword glowed with green light, and he slashed horizontally, forcing everyone back. For the long sword, fingers gently slid across the shiny sword body, with the movement of the finger, a little blueness appeared and disappeared around the sword body, the shape of the blade was blurred, almost non-existent.

The moment the finger slipped out of the tip of the sword, the edge of the sword was restrained, and it was no longer as shocking as before, but the witch killers below couldn't help but be shocked.

"Defend! Quickly defend!"

With a shriek in tune, the seven people's fingers flew up, and each of them sacrificed the strongest defensive magic weapon, layer by layer, blocking the top of their heads.

Wei Lin's expression remained unchanged, a cool smile condensed on the corner of his mouth, with a flick of his wrist, the tip of Mo Li's sword pointed straight down, and the light green leaf lingering on the sword suddenly weighed as much as a thousand weights, and fell off from the tip of the sword briskly Falling down, passing through Void Spirit Shield, Tortoise Shell Art, Diamond Bell...

It passed through several layers of defense in a row until a round bowl below was blocked, but it was only blocked for a few breaths, and the round bowl was covered with cracks like spider webs, and then shattered.

At this time, in addition to their respective body protection spirit gangs, there are only two defensive magic weapons left.

It was the object of the two killers who sacrificed the tower and worked together to trap Yunli. Considering that the two had already used the magic weapon with the strongest defense to trap Yunli, their remaining defensive magic weapon was weak in defense, so In the innermost layer.

Even the high-grade defensive magic weapons on the outer layer couldn't withstand Wei Lin's attack, let alone these two inferior products. The expressions of the seven people suddenly changed, and they all prepared to disperse without saying goodbye.

No, before they could avoid it, there was a loud click behind them, followed by two muffled groans, and the last two defensive instruments above their heads dimmed before the green leaves fell.

Everyone's scalp exploded, desperately mobilizing their whole body's spiritual power, exerting their body skills to the extreme, and scattered to the side.

The green leaf sword intent fell to the ground, pierced into the depths of the ground lightly, and exploded like an earthquake. The surrounding ground shook and the mountains and trees collapsed. Even outside Shanxin Town, 2000 meters away, everyone who intercepted the Wugu army felt it. The power is greatly shocked.

Not to mention the Witch Gu killers at close range, even though they tried their best to escape, blood grooves were drawn on the back by the fierce sword intent, and the blood grooves deep enough to see the bones were drawn, and the exhausted Jingba was almost torn apart by the sword intent. Already out of breath.

When the escaped killers looked back, they found that there was more than one corpse, and the two monks who used the tower to trap Yunli also fell in a pool of blood.

They are dead, that Yunli...

Before they could check Yunli's condition, a flash of orange flashed in front of their eyes. Suddenly, they remembered the loud noise and two muffled groans behind them. If it is damaged, the two of them will suffer backlash, and the defensive magic weapon used to resist Qianjiu will dim ahead of time, and the orange color now, there is no doubt that Yunli must have made a move.

The five of them moved like crazy rabbits, their figures flashed, and they had already retreated far away. At this moment, their mutated giant legs and hands had no effect on their speed in the slightest.

After retreating, the five of them didn't turn their heads back, they fled in five directions while crushing the ground escape talisman.

Huanshiling stretched out the bowstring on Yunli's outstretched fingers, and she shot out a section of the silk head as a bow and arrow, and wrapped around the arm of the westernmost person at the moment when the escape talisman took effect. At the same time, Wei Lin threw With Mo Li's sword, he hit the back of the person next to him.

After succeeding, the two of them didn't check the results, their figures flickered, and they chased in the direction where the other three were fleeing.

The speed of the two has always been the best among monks of the same level. Yunli is a phoenix, her body has been transformed with phoenix blood, and her speed has improved to a higher level. Now she is a monk of Nascent Soul, so she may not be her opponent in terms of speed. .

When Wei Lin was forming the alchemy, the fire and wood spiritual roots changed, and all the spiritual power in his body turned into wind spiritual power, and his speed also increased significantly.

The three killers used the ground escape talisman, and they quickly chased after the remaining aura.

As soon as the earth escape talisman expired, the three killers realized that Yunli and Yunli were about to catch up behind them, and hurriedly took out a few earth escape talismans and crushed them again.

However, they were both injured by Wei Lin's sword intent before, and their speed was inevitably affected. While waiting for the ground escape talisman to take effect, the distance between the two sides was narrowed again by the two, and the killers on both sides felt the aura behind them, I was even more panicked.

Although they never looked back before, they knew exactly how the two companions in their spiritual consciousness were hit by Ling and the sword, and they also understood that the pursuit of the two was not blind. Form a flank and leave them all behind.

In their spiritual consciousness, Yi Ling and Yi Jian had already reached their vests, but it still took half a breath for the earth escape talisman to work. They were desperate, and within half a breath, they had already been hit.

At this moment, two long swords flew out from the side, blocking Huanshiling and Mo Lijian. Although they only blocked for a moment, they were sent flying by Huanshiling and Molijian, but they bought time for the Earth Escape Talisman to take effect. The three killers escaped smoothly.

"The two are really good means!"

A cold snort came from the air, Yunli looked up with a sullen face, and saw three male cultivators stepping on flying swords and coming through the clouds.

The first person in the red robe looks like blood, with a thin angry face, the middle person is dressed in dark ink, with no expression on his face, and the last person is a little older, with warm white clothes, it is Yue Yi, Wen Ming and Shen Yi.

"Why are they here?" Yunli was surprised. At this time, shouldn't they be in Qinghe Valley?
Wei Lin took a deep breath, it seems that those three people will not be able to catch up today, they haven't seen each other for many years, Wen Ming and the other three have also formed alchemy, as the core disciples of Canye Pavilion, they are much more difficult than those three people.

"Recover your spiritual power first."

He took out the Replenishment Pill and the Rejuvenation Pill and took them. The battle just now seemed easy, but the actual consumption was not small. The twelve Golden Core monks were transformed mutant monks, and their strength far exceeded that of ordinary Golden Core stage. Joining forces is not easy, especially the last move by Ye Luo, which almost exhausted half of his spiritual power.

Yunli nodded, thinking inwardly that it was a pity, the three of them were already injured, and after being chased and consumed, as long as they were chased, they could be killed in one blow, and it would take a lot of work for them to heal their injuries and recover.

While the two were talking, the three of them had already fallen down. Seeing Wei Lin, Wen Ming felt complicated. If Qianjiu hadn't rescued him in the Yanming Pagoda, he would have died on the spot. Qianjiu was his savior. grateful.

The great-grandfather said that if it wasn't for forcing out the people behind Qianjiu, he wouldn't have assigned them a few foundation-building monks for this task. Qianjiu was the chief culprit that caused him to almost die and almost stop the foundation-building period.

He disagrees with this statement in his heart. In this matter, Qianjiu is also a victim. In his opinion, the culprit should be the pavilion master who issued the mission, but that is the pavilion master. As a subordinate, he can only Accepted.

In fact, he does not agree with many of the practices in the pavilion, and he does not want to see the witches wreaking havoc, but that is Qinghe Valley, the home where he was born and raised, if the Canye Pavilion is gone, the home will be gone.

Today, Qian Jiuqian killed the Wugu people, the crisis of the Zhongshan system was resolved, and the crisis of the Qinghe Valley could not be resolved. For the sake of his homeland, he must stop them.

Yue Yi repeated the previous words in a cold voice: "The two of you are really good at killing fellow disciples without mercy."

Hearing this, Yunli rolled her eyes, "Who the hell is in the same class as you?" She squinted at Yueyi, "Just you? Are you worthy?"

"You—" Facing her, the high-ranking cultivator Yue Yi had no demeanor. Thinking of all the previous festivals, he was furious, and said in a strange way: "Oh, I have been a disciple of the Taiyi Sect for a few days, and I really think I am a disciple. A decent disciple."

Speaking of this, he suddenly lost his temper, folded his arms around his chest, raised his head, looked at Yunli up and down in a 45-degree gaze, and said slowly: "Tell me, if Tai Yizong knows You are a spy of our Remnant Ye Pavilion, will you spare your life for the sake of your efforts to encircle and suppress witches and Gu people today?"

Yunli's face darkened suddenly, and with a wave of her voice, there was a 'pop', and a clear five-fingerprint appeared on Yueyi's face.

Yue Yi stood there blankly, until he heard Shen Yi's gasp next to his ear, he just realized it, and then felt the burning pain on his face.

He raised his hands to cover his face, startled and angry, so angry that Yunli dared to slap him in the face, and so shocked that Yunli didn't move at all, the slap was slapped on his face from the air.

That slap was too fast, not only did he not see the movement clearly, he didn't even feel the fluctuation of spiritual power, as if it was just an ordinary slap.

But ordinary slaps also have palm style, how could he not notice it.

Not to mention him, Yunli was stunned after the fight. She just heard that Gou Ming was very angry and felt offended, so she subconsciously swung it out. She never expected that it would have such a magical effect.

She stared at Yue Yi's frightened and angry gaze, and pointed at Yue Yi's nose: "What are you looking at, keep your mouth clean for me, and if you dare to spray dung, I will slap you and send you to Tianwu Forest! "

She is petite and wears a pretty and lively yellow shirt. She has a clear face and clear eyes. Such a little girl has an arrogant tone and talks like an old man. Wen Ming doesn't have much contact with her, but he doesn't feel much, but Shen Yi can hear it straight Lengshen, is this still the little girl who laughed so hard that she couldn't eat the sufferings of the world?

The corners of Wei Lin's eyes twitched. Although it was not the first time he had seen her gangster-like behavior, he was still not used to it.

She is obviously a smug and hypocritical person who wants to be a delicate little fairy, so how can she get angry and have such a wrong style of painting.

"you you--"

Being scolded by someone pointing at his nose, Yue Yi, who was relieved by God, fell on his back angrily, and the Zhaoying sword in his hand slashed at Yunli indiscriminately.

Yunli turned around to avoid the sword edge, kicked Yueyi's abdomen, and kicked him away, taunting: "What are you, you are at the golden core stage, and your sword skills are still so bad, so you have the nerve to call yourself a sword cultivator. it's so funny."

The two transitioned from scolding to fighting, and the others looked at each other and started fighting too.

Wen Ming let out a long sigh, and said to Wei Lin, "I'm sorry, I must protect the witches of the Zhongshan family."

(End of this chapter)

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