all the way to fairy

Chapter 470 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 470 Reinforcement arrives
Wei Lin held Mo Li in his hands, and said in a deep voice: "You and I have different positions, so don't say too much, let's fight!"

As he said that, he was like a dragonfly on the water, holding a sword to meet Wen Ming.

Shen Yi glanced at them, the sword shadows were flying, the two figures were intertwined, the long swords collided, clanging, inseparable.

The battle of sword repairers is so intense!
But looking at the details, Qian Jiu's moves are neat and smooth, while Wen Ming is completely controlled by the opponent, and it will be a matter of time before he loses.

Looking at the side again, Yue Yi had her spiritual veins sealed at some point, turned into an octopus, and repeatedly went back and forth between the sky and the ground.

Under Qianshi's feet, he is like a scholar who has no power to bind a chicken. Every time he lands from the air and is bounced off the ground by a huge impact, a small foot in a jade-colored cloud silk embroidered shoe will briskly kick on the ground. his belly, and then he'll face down, fold in half from the waist, and fly into the sky again.

Even though his face kept slamming on the ground, the plaster mixed with blood almost covered his entire face, the pig liver color and the thick neck with bulging veins from some gaps, you can still see how angry he has become up.

Shen Yi's forehead twitched, looking at the cute little girl, why is she so cruel.

When Yue Yi flew into the air again, he flicked his fingers, and some spiritual energy landed on Yue Yi's body, unlocking his spiritual veins.

As soon as the spiritual power recovered, Yue Yi immediately condensed out the spiritual gang to protect the whole body, flipped several times in the air, and stopped falling. During the movement, the Zhaoying sword was already in hand, carrying the fury of thunder, facing the clouds like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves Pear strikes.

When the fun was interrupted, Yunli glared at Shen Yi in dissatisfaction, raised her hand, and the Huanshi Ling spread out on top of her head, blocking the attack of the Zhaoying Sword, and the side veil flew up to cover Yue Yi's face .

Yue Yi's expression changed drastically, like a frightened rabbit, she quickly retracted the Zhaoying sword, and fled far away with a whoosh.

Just now, he was touched by this thin veil, and his spiritual veins were instantly sealed, and only then did he have the previous humiliating scene.

He never wanted to experience such humiliation again.

In the distance, Yunli walked out of the orange gauze flying all over the sky, the corners of her lips curled into mocking arcs, and there was undisguised disdain between her brows and eyes, Yue Yi was so angry that she wanted to step forward and tear her apart, but thinking of her weird silk , He hesitated again.

Just at this time, the divine sense suddenly detected a spiritual boat in the south. Standing on the prow were two Golden Core Daoists and dozens of Foundation Establishment stage monks, all dressed in Taoist robes with white background and blue border. disciple.

When Yue Yi found them, the other party also noticed the situation here. The two Jindan cultivators looked at each other, their hands flew up, and the formulas flew towards the spirit boat like flowing water. , coming here through the air.

What surprised Yue Yi even more was that a dozen or so people walked out of the spirit boat, and among them were three Golden Core Stages.


Wen Ming's shout came, Yue Yi woke up like a dream, a shot like a frightening shadow came to force Cheng Ling back, jumped on the flying sword, and smashed the escape talisman while fleeing for his life.

Wen Ming's reaction was faster than him, he had already taken advantage of Wei Lin's attack and flew backwards, took advantage of the situation and flew away with his sword, Shen Yi, a bystander, also escaped smoothly.

Yunli murmured, "Reinforcements are here", then took out a sound transmission talisman, and entered the message: "Golden Core Stage is going to the east, there are three Golden Core Stage Witch Gu killers fleeing there, and they are all injured; the rest rushed to the east. Go to Shanxin Town and cooperate with the people in the town to wipe out the army of witchcraft."

After the recording was finished, she sent the sound transmission talisman to the members of the Xuanyu Sect who came from Poyun, and then she and Wei Lin went to chase Wen Ming and the others.

The cultivators of Xuanyumen soon received his and her sound transmission talisman, and they split into two groups on the way. The five Golden Core cultivators flew to the east with their swords, and the spirit boat flew to Shanxin Town.

Everyone moved very fast, but after a few breaths, the valley returned to silence.

The breeze blows, and the green grass and green leaves whisper.

Suddenly, a clear and clear female voice sounded in the empty valley, "Tsk tsk, it is rumored that Yuedian is domineering and domineering, and especially loves to be slapped. This statement is true."

A pretty little maid slowly walked out of nothingness, she looked at the place where Yunli was standing before, and patted her chest with fear on her face: "The memory has not been recovered yet, and the cloud palm can be used perfectly, how many rewards do you have to pay?" Only with a mouth can you have this proficiency!"

Next to her, a touch of blue slowly emerged. It was also a woman, with a long skirt covering the sky and water, wrapped in an exquisite body, with picturesque eyebrows and a gentle expression. That pretty little maid was the one who poured tea when she brought Yunli in for a conversation.

Hearing this, the woman in Tsing Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, "3 years ago, you were not born with wisdom, right?"

Qiu Ye nodded and explained: "I was born with spiritual wisdom 2 years ago, and transformed into form 1 years ago. But before I came down, Aunt Qiao Yun specially told me that Yue Dian has a special grudge, so you must not offend her."

The woman in Tsing Yi raised her eyes and looked into the distance, as if thinking of something, her voice was faint, "It's quite vengeful."

After a pause, she said in a deep voice: "I'll leave it to you here, and that little monk must not lose anything."

Qiu Ye patted his chest and promised: "I will definitely keep an eye on him all the time, and if there is a certain death situation, I will definitely rescue him as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the woman's expression, and said tentatively: "My lord, are you going to Jinghu again?"

The plain face of the woman in Tsing Yi was finally stained with emotion. She looked towards the north, with bitterness in her eyes. It took a long time before she hummed softly and explained in a slow voice: "Ordinary countries should also pay attention to it. The fight between monks and ordinary people will be wiped out."

Her voice was still very weak, and when she finished speaking, she disappeared in place out of thin air.

Qiu Ye's face became serious, and she bowed to salute: "Yes!"

After sending the woman away, Qiu Ye looked around and disappeared in place.

The green grass and green leaves were still swaying gently in the wind, and the two of them were like two streams of green smoke, coming and going without a trace, leaving no trace of breath.

In the distance, the two of Yunli stopped.

Although she made the arrangement in a very short time, it was a delay. When they chased after the imperial weapon, the earth escape talisman of the three of Wen Ming had already played a role.

The three of them were the elites of the Remnant Night Pavilion, and they were not injured. Naturally, they were not comparable to the three mutant witches. After the Earth Escape Talisman was activated, they were destined to be unable to catch up.

Stepping on the plantain fan, she floated in the air, gasping for breath: "It's really not easy to release the water!"

The scope of the two of them's spiritual consciousness is wider than that of Wen Mingyue, and they have discovered the reinforcements of Xuanyu Sect before them, but Shen Yizai can't let them fall into the right way.

It's not enough to keep Wen Mingyue, just let Shen Yi go.

Wen Mingyue was personally taught by Jue Sha, and had rich experience in assassination. He also fought a bloody way out of Jiuliyuan's conspiracy and returned to Canglan alive.

It didn't make sense for them to be arrested, Shen Yi, Xiaobai, who stayed in the mission hall all year round and sent out missions, escaped from birth instead.

By doing so, wouldn't it be clear to tell Xing Ye that there is something wrong with Shen Yi?

Wei Lin looked at the billowing clouds in the distance, and said: "I'll go to the east to chase those three witch killers, and you will return to Shanxin Town to take charge of the overall situation."

"it is good."

Yunli nodded in agreement, let Wen Mingyueyi go, the others must not be lost, without the leader of the Jindan Wugu killer, the reinforcements from Xuanyumen also arrived, it was a good time to surround and kill the defeated army in one go.

When she rushed back to Shanxin Town, the monks of Xuanyu Sect had already arrived, and they were cooperating with the monks in Shanxin Town to encircle the army of witchcraft.

It's just that there are a lot of witches and Gu troops, except for the leaders of the Jindan period, there are also many mutant witches and Gu people in the foundation period. It is difficult for people from the Xuanyu sect to keep them all.

And the monks in Shanxin Town can only practice Qi at the ninth level at the highest level, relying on the formation method, and relying on the "Forgetfulness" song to control each other, they dare to fight.

Facing so many Witch Gu killers in the Foundation Establishment Stage, they dare not stay too far away from the city gate. In this way, it is difficult to seal the siege tightly, and many Witch Gu killers fled in all directions.

Holding the illusory silk in her hand, Yunli rushed into the army of witches, and with a blow of Luo Ling, a large number of witches fell, and a large vacuum appeared.

"It's Master Yun!"

Seeing the orange yarn again, the monks in Shanxin Town were in high spirits. Caiwei and the others suddenly felt shocked. Dense up.

Yunli danced the Huanshi Ling to pass through the army of witches, came to the outside of Shanxin Town, and ordered a few monks who had learned "Forgetfulness" half-learned, and assigned them to Xuanyumen to cooperate with the monks who established the foundation.

Although he only practiced half a trick and could only cause a little disturbance to the Gu worms, this time was enough for the Foundation Establishment cultivators to kill them.

After arranging them, she once again used Luo Ling Liu Fang to move back and forth among the witches and Gu army.

Suddenly, there was a sound of piano above his head, which was completely different from these half-baked guys, and even chased after Caiwei, who had learned the best.

She was a little surprised, and looked up, only to see a woman in white clothes Shengxue, sitting in the air, with a casual posture as if she was in her own backyard.

It turned out to be Xu Linghui!

Yunli was stunned. For a pampered young lady like Xu Linghui, the greatest effect of spells is to facilitate their lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has no power to restrain a chicken. kind of place!
Xu Linghui noticed her gaze, nodded to her from Yaoyao, and then concentrated on playing the strings.

The clear and lingering sound of the piano poured out from her hands, and the movements of the witches and Gu people below became more and more sluggish, and some even stood still, with a dazed expression on their faces.

It has to be said that under such circumstances, a monk like Xu Linghui is still very useful, but how could she sing "Forgetting Love"?

Before leaving, in order to prevent these sects from sweeping the snow before their doors and not coming to support, Yunli specially ordered Qu Zhaotao and the others not to teach them "Forgetfulness".

Looking around, she found Qu Liang's figure, Yunli pursed her lips, could it be that Qu Liang didn't fully carry out her order?

These thoughts turned around in her mind, and she suppressed them. The most important thing now is to kill the army of witches, and I will talk about these issues afterwards.

Dozens of foundation-building monks came from Xuanyumen, and Yunli, a Jindan monk who is good at group battles, was there. The base killer escaped.


A day later, Yunli stood on the gate of Shanxin Town, and said word for word: "In the south of the Weeping Immortal Valley, all the witches and Gu insects have been wiped out, and there is not one left!"

As soon as the voice fell, thunderous cheers erupted from below, and everyone smiled and hugged each other to celebrate the victory.

Suddenly weeping again, with tears in my eyes, the lost homeland has finally been taken back.

Yunli's lips curled slightly, her eyes were inexplicably sore, and the word "homeland" had an inexplicable affection for monks and ordinary people alike.

Tian Yong suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, "The two immortal masters not only rescued us, but also helped us take back our homeland. The villain can't repay us. In this life, the longevity tablets of the two immortal masters will be enshrined for generations. I hope the two immortal masters are safe It goes well, and the journey to immortality is wide."

With his leadership, other mortals also reacted, bowed their heads one after another, expressing that they would also enshrine the longevity tablets of the two for generations.

The monks made eye contact, then bowed and saluted, expressing that if the two of Yunli needed it in the future, they would be willing to go through fire and water.

The people on the tower didn't care about this, what monks practice is longevity, if the longevity tablets of mortals are useful, everyone doesn't need to practice.

And those Qi training monks have low cultivation bases and no family background. If something happens to them, what can they do to help.

But Yunli's heart moved, and she said: "Everyone get up, it's not a big deal, I'm just doing my best, if there is no "Wang Qing" song by Master Feng Jue, no amount of people can wipe out the Gu insects. "

Wei Lin looked at her in astonishment. When he came out of Fenshui City, his origin has always been vague, and the song "Wangqing" is also vague, why now he suddenly pointed out that "Wangqing" is his credit.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, and said via voice transmission: "They have always recognized my identity as a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. If they don't make it clear, everyone in the world will attribute the credit for the song "Wangqing" to Taiyi Sect. Thank you."

Wei Lin still doesn't understand, he doesn't care about those false names, it doesn't matter whose head it comes down to.If it wasn't for her wanting to help innocent people, the safety of the world would have nothing to do with him.

"Do you still remember Master Huijue's Buddha relic? The reason why the Buddha relic can help Mo worry resist the obliteration of heaven is the power of faith on it. If we can gain enough people's faith like him, Heavenly Dao's malice will not be so obvious."

Wei Lin asked indifferently: "Sooner or later, my identity will be exposed. When the truth comes out, will they still miss me?"

Yunli bit her lip. It was a question. After thinking about it, she said, "If you do more now, even if you don't miss your kindness in the future, you shouldn't blindly think that you are a big devil, and it's not worthless."

Wei Lin doesn't care, he doesn't care what others think of him.

The sound transmission between the two was lively, and the leader of the Xuanyu Sect next to him, a long-bearded elder in the late Jindan stage, asked in surprise, "Is this "Wangqing" belonged to Feng Daoyou?"

Yunli nodded with a smile, "It's the score that Master Fengjue got by chance in a secret realm."

The old man squeezed his beard and nodded, and said seriously: "Feng Daoyou is righteous, and the old Daoist is grateful."

The score that controls the witches can be freely taught to all righteous monks, they think they can't do this.

Yunli didn't care whether he was really grateful or not. She looked at Xu Linghui behind the real people and said, "Miss Xu, we meet again."

 Thank you book friend 854***766 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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