all the way to fairy

Chapter 471 Transformation

Chapter 471 Transformation
Xu Linghui had a complicated look on her face. She thought she was inferior to her, but now she is unattainable.

She quickly calmed down and said respectfully: "The real person is polite, just call the little girl Linghui."

Yunli raised her eyebrows. She never thought that Xu Linghui, who was so proud in the past, would be so respectful to her. It really is different when she reaches the Golden Core Stage, and everyone looks up to her.

She smiled, "Martial Nephew Xu is so talented, he learned "Forgetful Love" so quickly."

During the break in the chase, she had asked Qu Liang to find out about the situation. Xu Linghui learned "Forgetting Love" on the way to the Zhongshan Department.

The jewel in the palm of Xuanyumen spoke, and five Jindanqi were watching. Qu Liang couldn't bear the pressure, thinking that they were already on the way to rescue, so he didn't insist, and handed "Forgetfulness" to them.

Although this move had no effect on the result, and even accelerated the speed of eliminating the army of witchcraft, it made people feel a little overwhelmed.

Xu Linghui didn't react at all to the words "Nephew Xu" that she was so kind to her, and her expression and tone were all respectful: "Musical instruments are small, and not many people know how to do them."

She raised her hand and stroked the strings: "The two real people are righteous, regardless of their own safety, and came to help the Zhongshan family. Linghui is not good at fighting skills and can't help others. Only the natal magic weapon is the Feiyuqin, which is better than others in terms of music and music. With such experience, as a Zhongshan person, how can we stay out of it.”

"People from the Zhongshan family?" Yunli raised her eyebrows. Could it be that Xu Linghui was already nervous to this extent in front of her, and she was wrong. Xuanyumen is located in the border of the Nanshan family, but it is only close to the Zhongshan family.

Xu Da, the leader of the Xuanyu Sect next to him, pinched his gray beard, and interrupted cheerfully: "Renren Yun doesn't know, our Miss Linghui has been engaged to the ninth son of the Ye family, and now she is considered half of the Zhongshan family."

"Engagement?" Yunli was taken aback, "With Ye Chuchen?"

"That's right, the wedding date has already been set, but now the elimination of Canye Pavilion is the top priority in the mainland. Mr. Yejiu is busy with logistics affairs, so he had to postpone it. The two families have already agreed that after the elimination of Canye Pavilion, they will get married."

Xu Da's face was wrinkled with a smile, Xuanyu Sect is only a medium-sized sect, and it is not certain that it can climb up to Ye Family and be promoted to a large-scale sect in the future.

Yunli looked at Wei Lin, and said via voice transmission: "Ji Ruochen is too miserable."

For Xu Linghui's safety, he did not hesitate to betray Tai Yizong, and offended Tai Yizong severely by telling the way to enter Shuying Xiaozhu.

After going through many dangers in Jiuliyuan, relying on the news of the witches, she temporarily saved her life, but at the end of the day, Xu Linghui still wanted to marry someone else.

Wei Lin was noncommittal about this, and Ji Ruochen obviously had unrequited love for Xu Linghui, not Ye Chuchen, but someone else.

Yunli looked at Xu Linghui, who was covering her eyes and smiling shyly, she couldn't hold back, and said tentatively: "I heard that Ji Ruochen, a disciple of your sect, has a very good relationship with Nephew Xu. , but now he wants to take care of Senior Brother Gu Lin's injury, and he doesn't know if he can come back by then."

During the process of speaking, she kept staring at Xu Linghui, but her expression was magnanimous, without any twitching, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she asked, "Junior Brother Ji really went to Jiuliyuan?"

Ji Ruochen was too sensitive to the fact that after they came out of Jiuliyuan, Tai Yizong only sent someone to inform Xuanyumen of Ji Ruochen's whereabouts, without saying anything else, Xuanyumen's hearts were pounding.

Xu Da was still hesitant to ask Yunli before, but he just met, and there was a big witchcraft incident, so he couldn't speak hastily, but now Yunli took the initiative to mention it, and he quickly said: "Since he disappeared, the sect has broken off with him. We have contacted him, but we haven’t heard a single word since we came out, if your faction hadn’t specially sent someone to inform us, we still don’t know that he is still alive, and we hope Fellow Daoist Yun will let you know what happened that day.”

Yunli secretly sighed, the Xuanyu Sect really has a long history of family education, an ordinary Jindan cultivator, and his words are tight.

"Let's talk while walking, everyone please." She raised her finger and pointed in the direction of the meeting hall, "He was kidnapped by the killer of Canye Pavilion, and he got rid of the killer after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and joined us."

"Everyone, don't blame Daoyou Ji for not sending back the news. Brother Lin had an accident just after we left Jiuliyuan that day. Daoyou Ji is very skilled in medicine. The Supreme Elder ordered him to guard Senior Brother Lin every step of the way. He had no choice but to do so."

Hearing this, Xu Da breathed a sigh of relief, and said repeatedly: "Young Master Mingyue is the backbone of Canglan, his safety is of paramount importance, and it is my Xuanyu Sect's good fortune that Nephew Ji can help his injury. "

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, she was implying that Ji Ruochen's actions had nothing to do with Xuanyu Sect just now, the blink of an eye was the luck of Xuanyu Sect.

She smiled and said again: "Speaking of which, Daoist Ji is also responsible for the fact that the Witch Gu people didn't wreak havoc on Canglan. If he hadn't told Can Yege that the Witch Gu people were being developed, we had taken precautions in advance, and we don't know what's going on now. .”

The location of Qinghe Valley was found by the four factions themselves, and the news of the witches and Gu people came from Ji Ruochen, so Yunli was not sure how they planned to treat Ji Ruochen.

After all, Fu Jian's death is a huge loss to both the Taiyi Sect and the other three sects. If they don't keep their promise and take action against Ji Ruochen afterwards, she will feel guilty.

That being the case, she came to clarify the matter.

Xu Da was shocked, and asked quickly, Yunli simply told him the whole set of arguments they made up, now that there is no information gap between them and the four major sects, they have more confidence in pleading for Ji Ruochen.

I hope that the two credits of saving Lin Chen, the Light of the One, and providing information about the witches can save Ji Ruochen.


Xu Da was overjoyed, because of Ji Ruochen's reason, Shuying Xiaozhu was attacked, Xuanyu Sect had been worried all these years, and the in-laws of the Lin family had gradually become indifferent to them, and the surrounding sects and families were eager to move, and there were constant frictions.

Under such circumstances, they value the marriage with the Ye family even more. The Ye family is a family second only to the four major sects, and its strength should not be underestimated. After the young lady and Young Master Ye Jiu got engaged, the several sects of the family regrouped .

If the news about the Witch Gu people really came from Ji Ruochen, everyone in the Canglan Continent should look up at the Xuanyu Sect, even the Taiyi Sect would not be able to target the Xuanyu Sect anymore.

During the conversation, the meeting room arrived, and the next step was to discuss the follow-up war strategy. Yunli was about to enter, and Xu Yueqing's voice sounded from behind, "Really!"

She turned around, only then did she notice that Xu Yueqing was also there, her eyes were slightly red, and she said, "I want to go back to Sanhe City to pay respects to my parents, please allow me."

Yunli pursed her lips, "Don't worry, after a few days to rest, we will march north and pass by Sanhe City, and it will not be too late to go to worship at that time. These days, you should also learn the song "Forgetful Love" .”

With the addition of the Xuanyu Sect, they have no shortage of thugs, but they lack people who can control Gu with sound. It is said that Xu Yueqing's mother's natal magic weapon is a Mo Xiao, and she has been fascinated by it since she was a child. It is impossible to say that she has talent in this area.

In addition, although there are no Gu worms in the south of the Weeping Immortal Valley, Wen Mingyue and three people have come. If she is unlucky and bumps into the three of them, with Yue Yi's narrow-mindedness, she will kill her to vent her anger.

Seeing tears swirling in her eyes, Yunli sighed softly, and said softly, "Your enemy is Canye Pavilion, and these witches are just weapons for execution."

"Yes!" Xu Yueqing answered with choked sobs, and turned to leave.

Looking at her back, Xu Da shook his long gray beard and asked, "Who is this?"

"The daughter of the city lord of Sanhe City is also miserable..." After talking about Xu Yueqing's experience in a few words, Yunli immediately turned the topic to the real thing.

Now, she is not worried about the strike at Xuan Yu Sect at all, and she can see that Xu Linghui is here to win the favor of the Ye family.

There was an accident in the Zhongshan Department, and the Xuanyu Sect at the border should have gotten the news one step earlier than them, but until they arrived, the Xuanyu Sect did not respond, presumably they were not sure about the strength of the Wugu people, and they were waiting and watching.

Now, they came with "Forgetfulness" to control Gu insects, the children of Ye Xiao's family returned to help one after another, and the Taiyi Sect also sent elite disciples to help, the Ye family will not perish for a while.

In this case, even if she didn't send Qu Liang to invite her, Xuan Yu Sect would come to support her if she wanted to. When she was sure it was safe, she asked Xu Linghui, the prospective daughter-in-law of the Ye family, to come in person.

Wei Lin looked up at the map floating in the sky, tapped his fingertips on the table, pondered for a while, and said to everyone: "In this situation, the people from Zhuojiabao Lianyun Temple don't need to come, they just come from the east and west sides. Go around to the north of the Weeping Immortal Valley. Fellow Daoist Xu, please ask your people to run errands."

At the beginning, it was not expected that the Wugu people would launch a siege to Shanxin Town. The plan they made was to join forces with Zhuojiabao, Lianyun Temple, and Xuanyu Gate to first clear the Wugu people in the south of the Weeping Valley of Immortals, and then attack Head north.

Now the situation has changed, the Wugu people in the south of the Weeping Valley of Immortals have been wiped out, naturally there is no need to come to meet up, and then turn back, wasting time.

"It should be." Xu Da had no objection. Except for Qu Liang and Xu Yueqing, the monks in Shanxin Town were all qi-training monks and could not fly with imperial weapons.

"Two musicians have to be sent." Looking back on the performance of the musicians, Yunli couldn't help but frown. Except for Caiwei who performed well and was able to stand on her own, the others still need to improve, but now they can only catch ducks on the shelves, " Caiwei went to the east to teach Zhuojiabao, and Lianyunguan will pick two."

Wei Lin nodded, looked at the map, and said: "West Mountains comes from the wilderness, there are several mountains, hidden in the forest, it is very convenient to set up formations or tune music, the trouble is in the east, Wanli Fengyinyuan, a map of flat rivers. Easy."

"Then I'll go to the east." Yunli said immediately, the plain of Fengyinyuan is troublesome for others, but it is an advantage for her.

Luo Ling Liu Fang is a group battle move, and it can be used in a flat place, and its power can be fully displayed.

After pondering for a while, Wei Lin said, "That's fine."

The two of them definitely couldn't stay together, and Ali went to the east, and she was in the middle to support her, and she could provide timely support in case of danger.

Looking at the map, Yunli couldn't help but glance at the location of the trail, and regretfully said: "If that road is still there, we can go directly through the Weeping Immortal Valley and resist the middle."

Zhuojiabao and Lianyun Temple guarded the east and west sides respectively, and Xuanyu Gate was naturally the middle line of defense. The Immortal Weeping Valley existed, and everyone had to detour.

"Road?" Xu Da was surprised, "Isn't the Weeping Immortal Valley forbidden to pass through? When will there be a road?"

Wei Lin's heart moved, the Xuanyu Sect is considered a big school in the south-central border, with many disciples, it is unlikely that anyone will know about Xiaolu.

"About sixteen years ago, I accidentally passed through the Weeping Immortal Valley, and found a small road that leads directly to the north and south of the Weeping Immortal Valley..."

Before he finished speaking, an old man with a stooped figure yelled, "Impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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