Chapter 472
"Junior Brother Qiao, don't be rude!"

Xu Da frowned, raised his voice to stop, and apologized to Wei Lin: "Feng Zhenren is no wonder, my junior was hunted down by the enemy when he was young, and he hid near the Immortal Weeping Valley with his father for decades, until the enemy died later. , his father just brought him back to Xuanyumen, and he is very familiar with Immortal Weeping Valley."

Qiao Jie took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and said: "Poverty and my father are along the edge of the Weeping Valley, and they will change their address every few years. For decades, they have almost lived along the edge of the Valley of Weeping Immortals. , have never seen a road leading to the north."

Yunli didn't take it seriously, and asked instead: "Is it possible to understand the Fairy Weeping Valley in a few decades?"

The old man is at a loss for words, and places like the Weeping Valley of Immortals, let alone decades, even if they have lived here for generations, they dare not say they fully understand unless they go deep into the interior.

After thinking about it, he said: "I can't say I know enough about the Weeping Immortal Valley, but we have never seen a road appearing in the past few decades, not only because we haven't seen it, but there has never been a record of this in the Canglan Continent. "

Yunli shrugged, pointed at Wei Lin and said, "It is an indisputable fact that he successfully crossed the Weeping Immortal Valley through that road, and Xu Yueqing's experience shows that the road is real and not an illusion. The problem now is Yes, why did that road appear and why did it disappear?"

Qiao Jie squinted at Wei Lin, his face full of suspicion: "For tens of thousands of years, only the two of them saw it, who knows if it's true or not."

Yunli was angry: "There's no need to lie, I tricked you to go in and die."


Qiao Jie was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He had formed alchemy for many years, and he was also the elder Keqing of Xuanyu Sect.

However, Yunli is a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, he has formed alchemy at a young age, his future is limitless, he can't afford to provoke him.


Wei Lin opened his mouth, interrupted their argument, and brought the topic back to the discussion of war. The Weeping Valley of Immortals traverses east and west, stretching thousands of miles, and the battle line will be very long. In the end, it was decided that everyone in the Xuanyu Sect would divide into two groups and rush from east to west. Head north to save time.

The evening breeze was blowing, and the afterglow of the setting sun was gradually dimming. The Shanxin Town, which had been bustling all day, returned to tranquility. People were smiling and shuttled through the city in an orderly manner.

In the small courtyard next to the meeting hall, the bonfire laughed in the wind, the tongue of fire licked the fat, and the rich smell of meat wafted across the small courtyard.

Yunli Kaka gnawed the meat off the bone, threw away the bone, patted her stomach, and sighed with satisfaction: "It's comfortable! I haven't eaten so full for a long time!"

Then there will be endless battles. She has to reward herself well, eat enough, sleep well, and recharge her energy.

Wei Lin turned off the fire, took a sip of water to relieve his tiredness, and said, "Thanks to the fact that there is monster meat in their storage bag, otherwise you can only drink the northwest wind."

Where the shamans passed by, people were devastated, not only humans, but monsters were also turned into voodoo. Yunli was sent to Fenshui City just after being promoted, and many supplies would not be replenished in time, and the spiritual meals had been exhausted. The storage bags of all the mutated witches, she was afraid that she would starve to death.

Thinking of the pile of storage bags, Yunli couldn't help but be happy, getting rich!The storage bags of the nine golden core stage killers belonged to the two of them, and the storage bags of the foundation establishment stage killers were also divided among them.

Although the people of Xuanyu Sect are greedy, they can't say anything, after all, they are the main force to exterminate the witches and Gu people. With the background of Taiyi Sect, they dare not have other thoughts.

She cheerfully said: "When you have time, put things in order, and when the Zhongshan system crisis is resolved, ask Ye Chuchen to help you sell them for a good price."

"Don't worry about these things, go to bed when you're full." Wei Lin put away his tools and urged.

Yunli took out a spiritual fruit and gnawed it, said inarticulately: "There is no rush, I still have to write a letter to the head teacher to report the war."

After sorting out her thoughts, she gnawed the spirit fruit, took out a sound transmission talisman, and made a summary of the battle here.

After finishing the report, looking at Wei Lin, she suddenly remembered Fu Yue's words at the time of parting, a sly look flashed in her eyes, she sighed softly, and said, "This time, the song "Wang Qing" by Daoist Feng Jue was of great help, but the disciple watched him Words and deeds seem to have the intention of leaving."

"It's also understandable. He is a casual cultivator without the support of the sect. He has to rely on himself for everything. Naturally, it is more important to earn spirit stones and improve his cultivation. It's just that once he leaves, the manpower becomes more and more insufficient. In the name of this, I call on the nearby sects and families to send people to come to support."

Wei Lin: ...

A few days later, the sound transmission talisman was in the hands of Fuyue outside the Qinghe Valley. He was very pleased to hear the previous content. Eliminating the ten Jindan stage witchcraft killers and a large army of witchcraft, this undoubtedly destroyed Canye Pavilion's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Next, the forces of Xuanyumen, Zhuojiabao, and Lianyunguan will be combined to push the front line north. More and more monks have learned the song of "Forgetfulness", and the encirclement and suppression will only be easier.

Coupled with the strength of the Ye Xiao family, I believe that the crisis in the Zhongshan family will be resolved in a short time, and the Ye Xiao family monks will return to Qinghe Valley.

Hearing Wen Mingyueyi's news, his brows were immediately knotted, and his heart became more and more vigilant. The remnants of the Wugu sect were really difficult to deal with. Under such a siege, they even sent away three core disciples. Could it be that there are still secret passages that have not been discovered?
Hearing the end, his complexion sank, and a deep chill rose in his eyes instantly, did that kid already notice it?
No, if you have noticed it, then you should find a chance to leave.

Is it really a corner to beg for Lingshi?
He stared down at a certain place on the ground, slowly turned the white jade teacup in his hand, and reasoned his thoughts: he took out "Forgetfulness" to deal with the witches, did he betray Canye Pavilion, or was this a conspiracy of Canye Pavilion?
After thinking for a long time, he let out his breath slowly. No matter what the situation is, what they have to do now is to hold him steady.

Almost at the same time, Xing Ye in Qinghe Valley also received a message from the three of Wen Ming, and upon learning of the battle situation, the cup "Peng" in Xing Ye's hand was turned into powder.

His eyes were as cold as ice, and he roared ferociously: "It's them again! It's them again! If I had known about these two disasters, I should have strangled them to death!"

While talking, he slapped the table, and dust was everywhere again.

Feeling the storm-like anger above his head, Chun Shiqi, who sent the sound transmission talisman, lay on the ground, sighing inwardly that it was unlucky, and it was him again.

After a while, Xing Ye's anger calmed down, and he raised his voice, "Go and call the deputy pavilion master."

Hearing this, Chun Shiqi got up swiftly as if he had been pardoned, and disappeared into the house in a flash.

It was about tea time, the door of the conference hall was pushed open, and Xingye inside the room was completely restrained in anger. He stood quietly in front of the window, and the wind blew up his sleeves, drawing an elegant arc.

"Second brother, you are looking for me."

(End of this chapter)

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